
# Build a simple cross compiler for the specified target.

# This simple compiler has no thread support, no libgcc_s.so, doesn't include
# uClibc++, and is dynamically linked against the host's shared libraries.

# Its stripped down nature makes it easy to build on an arbitrary host, and
# provides just enough capability to build a root filesystem, and to be used
# as a distcc accelerator from within that system.

# Get lots of predefined environment variables and shell functions.

source sources/include.sh || exit 1

# Parse sources/targets/$1

load_target $1

# If this target has a base architecture that's already been built, use that.

check_for_base_arch || exit 0


# Build binutils, gcc, and ccwrap

build_section binutils
test ! -z $ELF2FLT && build_section elf2flt
build_section gcc
build_section ccwrap

if test ! -z $KARCH

  # Build C Library

  build_section linux-headers

  if test -z $UCLIBC_CONFIG || test ! -z $MUSL
    build_section musl
  } else {
    build_section uClibc

test ! -z $KARCH && cat > "${STAGE_DIR}"/README <<< """
Cross compiler for $ARCH from http://landley.net/aboriginal

To use: Add the "bin" subdirectory to your '$'PATH, and use "$ARCH-cc" as
your compiler.

The syntax used to build the Linux kernel is:



# Strip the binaries

if test -z $SKIP_STRIP
  for i in `find bin -type f` `find "$CROSS_TARGET" -type f`
    strip $i 2> /dev/null

if test ! -z $KARCH
  # A quick hello world program to test the cross compiler out.
  # Build hello.c dynamic, then static, to verify header/library paths.

  echo "Sanity test: building Hello World."

  "${ARCH}-gcc" -Os "${SOURCES}/root-filesystem/src/hello.c" -o "$WORK"/hello &&
  "${ARCH}-gcc" -Os -static "${SOURCES}/root-filesystem/src/hello.c" \
  	-o "$WORK"/hello || dienow

  # Does the hello world we just built actually run?

  if test ! -z $CROSS_SMOKE_TEST
    more/cross-smoke-test.sh $ARCH || exit 1

# Tar it up


echo -e "\e[32mCross compiler toolchain build complete.\e[0m"