1 | #!/usr/bin/env bash
2 | #
3 | # Called from the end of html-summary in test/spec-runner.sh.
4 | #
5 | # Usage:
6 | # test/spec-version.sh <function name>
7 |
8 | : ${LIB_OSH=stdlib/osh}
9 | source $LIB_OSH/bash-strict.sh
10 | source $LIB_OSH/task-five.sh
11 |
12 | REPO_ROOT=$(cd "$(dirname $0)/.."; pwd)
13 | source test/common.sh # date-and-git-info
14 | source test/spec-common.sh # OSH_LIST
15 |
16 | maybe-show() {
17 | local path=$1
18 | if test -f $path; then
19 | echo "--- $path ---"
20 | cat $path
21 | echo
22 | fi
23 | }
24 |
25 | ysh-version-text() {
26 | date-and-git-info
27 |
28 | for bin in $YSH_LIST; do
29 | echo ---
30 | echo "\$ $bin --version"
31 | $bin --version
32 | echo
33 | done
34 |
35 | maybe-show /etc/alpine-release
36 | maybe-show /etc/debian_version
37 | maybe-show /etc/lsb-release
38 | }
39 |
40 | # TODO: Refactor this so you get the shells
41 | # test/sh_spec.py --shells
42 | # And then do 'bash dash mksh zsh ash' IF they exist?
43 | # That should be fine because we do check-survey-shells BEFORE running
44 |
45 | osh-version-text() {
46 |
47 | local -a osh_list
48 | if test $# -eq 0; then
49 | osh_list=( $OSH_LIST ) # word splitting
50 | else
51 | osh_list=( "$@" ) # explicit arguments
52 | fi
53 |
54 | date-and-git-info
55 |
56 | for bin in "${osh_list[@]}"; do
57 | echo ---
58 | echo "\$ $bin --version"
59 | $bin --version
60 | echo
61 | done
62 |
63 | # $BASH and $ZSH should exist
64 |
65 | echo ---
66 | bash --version | head -n 1
67 | ls -l $(type -p bash)
68 | echo
69 |
70 | echo ---
71 | zsh --version | head -n 1
72 | ls -l $(type -p zsh)
73 | echo
74 |
75 | echo ---
76 | yash --version | head -n 1
77 | ls -l $(type -p yash)
78 | echo
79 |
80 | # No -v or -V or --version. TODO: Only use hermetic version on release.
81 |
82 | echo ---
83 | local my_dash
84 | my_dash=$(type -p dash)
85 | if test -f $my_dash; then
86 | ls -l $my_dash
87 | else
88 | dpkg -s dash | grep -E '^Package|Version'
89 | fi
90 | echo
91 |
92 | echo ---
93 | local my_mksh
94 | my_mksh=$(type -p mksh)
95 | if test -f $my_mksh; then
96 | ls -l $my_mksh
97 | else
98 | dpkg -s mksh | grep -E '^Package|Version'
99 | fi
100 | echo
101 |
102 | echo ---
103 | local my_busybox
104 | my_busybox=$(type -p busybox)
105 | if test -f $my_busybox; then
106 | { $my_busybox || true; } | head -n 1
107 | ls -l $my_busybox
108 | else
109 | # Need || true because of pipefail
110 | { busybox || true; } | head -n 1
111 | fi
112 | echo
113 |
114 | maybe-show /etc/debian_version
115 | maybe-show /etc/lsb-release
116 | maybe-show /etc/alpine-release
117 | }
118 |
119 | osh-minimal-version-text() {
120 | osh-version-text
121 | }
122 |
123 | interactive-version-text() {
124 | osh-version-text
125 | }
126 |
127 | task-five "$@"