1 | #!/usr/bin/env python2
2 | # Copyright 2016 Andy Chu. All rights reserved.
3 | # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
4 | # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
5 | # You may obtain a copy of the License at
6 | #
7 | # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
8 | """
9 | consts_gen.py - Code generation for consts.py, id_kind_def.py, etc.
10 | """
11 | from __future__ import print_function
12 |
13 | import collections
14 | import os
15 | import sys
16 |
17 | from asdl import gen_cpp
18 | from mycpp.mylib import log
19 | from frontend import id_kind_def
20 | from frontend import builtin_def
21 | from frontend import option_def
22 |
23 |
24 | def _CreateModule(id_spec, ids):
25 | """Create a SYNTHETIC ASDL module to generate code from."""
26 | from asdl import ast
27 |
28 | id_variants = [ast.Constructor(name) for name, _ in ids]
29 | # Pack it in 16 bits
30 | id_sum = ast.SimpleSum(id_variants,
31 | generate=['uint16', 'no_namespace_suffix'])
32 |
33 | kind_variants = [ast.Constructor(name) for name in id_spec.kind_name_list]
34 | kind_sum = ast.SimpleSum(kind_variants, generate=['no_namespace_suffix'])
35 |
36 | # Id = Word_Compound | Arith_Semi | Arith_Comma | ...
37 | id_ = ast.TypeDecl('Id', id_sum)
38 | kind_ = ast.TypeDecl('Kind', kind_sum)
39 |
40 | schema_ast = ast.Module('id_kind', [], [], [id_, kind_])
41 | return schema_ast
42 |
43 |
44 | _BUILTINS = builtin_def.All()
45 |
46 |
47 | def GenBuiltinLookup(func_name, kind, f):
48 | #log('%r %r', func_name, kind)
49 |
50 | pairs = [(b.name, b.index) for b in _BUILTINS if b.kind == kind]
51 |
52 | GenStringLookup('builtin_t', func_name, pairs, f)
53 |
54 |
55 | def GenStringLookup(type_name, func_name, pairs, f):
56 | #log('%s', pairs)
57 |
58 | groups = collections.defaultdict(list)
59 | for name, index in pairs:
60 | first_char = name[0]
61 | groups[first_char].append((name, index))
62 |
63 | if 0:
64 | for first_char, pairs in groups.iteritems():
65 | log('%s %d', first_char, len(pairs))
66 | log('%s', pairs)
67 |
68 | # Note: we could optimize the length check, e.g. have a second level
69 | # switch. But we would need to measure the difference. Caching the id on
70 | # AST nodes is probably a bigger win, e.g. for loops.
71 | #
72 | # Size optimization: don't repeat constants literally?
73 |
74 | f.write("""\
75 | %s %s(BigStr* s) {
76 | int length = len(s);
77 | if (length == 0) return 0; // consts.NO_INDEX
78 |
79 | const char* data = s->data_;
80 | switch (data[0]) {
81 | """ % (type_name, func_name))
82 |
83 | for first_char in sorted(groups):
84 | pairs = groups[first_char]
85 | f.write(" case '%s':\n" % first_char)
86 | for name, index in pairs:
87 | # NOTE: we have to check the length because they're not NUL-terminated
88 | f.write('''\
89 | if (length == %d && memcmp("%s", data, %d) == 0) return %d;
90 | ''' % (len(name), name, len(name), index))
91 | f.write(' break;\n')
92 |
93 | f.write("""\
94 | }
95 |
96 | return 0; // consts.NO_INDEX
97 | }
98 |
99 | """)
100 |
101 |
102 | def GenIntStrLookup(func_name, int2str, f):
103 | # NOTE: quoting doesn't work, strings must be Identifier Names here
104 |
105 | for i in sorted(int2str):
106 | s = int2str[i]
107 | f.write('GLOBAL_STR(k%s_%d, "%s");\n' % (func_name, i, s))
108 |
109 | f.write("""\
110 |
111 | BigStr* %s(int i) {
112 | switch (i) {
113 | """ % func_name)
114 |
115 | for i in sorted(int2str):
116 | s = int2str[i]
117 | f.write(' case %d:\n' % i)
118 | f.write(' return k%s_%d;\n' % (func_name, i))
119 | f.write(' break;\n')
120 | f.write("""\
121 | default:
122 | FAIL(kShouldNotGetHere);
123 | }
124 | }
125 |
126 | """)
127 |
128 |
129 | def GenStringMembership(func_name, strs, f):
130 | groups = collections.defaultdict(list)
131 | for s in strs:
132 | first_char = s[0]
133 | groups[first_char].append(s)
134 |
135 | f.write("""\
136 | bool %s(BigStr* s) {
137 | int length = len(s);
138 | if (length == 0) return false;
139 |
140 | const char* data = s->data_;
141 | switch (data[0]) {
142 | """ % func_name)
143 |
144 | for first_char in sorted(groups):
145 | strs = groups[first_char]
146 | f.write(" case '%s':\n" % first_char)
147 | for s in strs:
148 | # NOTE: we have to check the length because they're not NUL-terminated
149 | f.write('''\
150 | if (length == %d && memcmp("%s", data, %d) == 0) return true;
151 | ''' % (len(s), s, len(s)))
152 | f.write(' break;\n')
153 |
154 | f.write("""\
155 | }
156 |
157 | return false;
158 | }
159 |
160 | """)
161 |
162 |
163 | C_CHAR = {
164 | # '\'' is a single quote in C
165 | "'": "\\'",
166 | '"': '\\"',
167 | '\\': "\\\\",
168 | '\t': '\\t',
169 | '\r': '\\r',
170 | '\n': '\\n',
171 | '\v': '\\v',
172 | '\0': '\\0',
173 | '\a': '\\a',
174 | '\b': '\\b',
175 | '\f': '\\f',
176 | '\x1b': '\\x1b',
177 | }
178 |
179 |
180 | def CChar(c):
181 | return C_CHAR.get(c, c)
182 |
183 |
184 | def GenCharLookup(func_name, lookup, f, required=False):
185 | f.write("""\
186 | BigStr* %s(BigStr* c) {
187 | assert(len(c) == 1);
188 |
189 | char ch = c->data_[0];
190 |
191 | // TODO-intern: return value
192 | switch (ch) {
193 | """ % func_name)
194 |
195 | for char_code in sorted(lookup):
196 | f.write(" case '%s':\n" % CChar(char_code))
197 | f.write(' return StrFromC("%s", 1);\n' % CChar(lookup[char_code]))
198 | f.write(" break;\n")
199 |
200 | f.write(" default:\n")
201 | if required:
202 | f.write(" assert(0);\n")
203 | else:
204 | f.write(" return nullptr;\n")
205 |
206 | f.write("""
207 | }
208 | }
209 | """)
210 |
211 |
212 | def GenStrList(l, name, out):
213 | element_globals = []
214 | for i, elem in enumerate(l):
215 | global_name = "k%s_%d" % (name, i)
216 | out('GLOBAL_STR(%s, "%s");', global_name, elem)
217 | element_globals.append(global_name)
218 |
219 | lit = ' COMMA '.join(element_globals)
220 | out('GLOBAL_LIST(%s, BigStr*, %d, {%s});\n', name, len(l), lit)
221 |
222 |
223 | def main(argv):
224 | try:
225 | action = argv[1]
226 | except IndexError:
227 | raise RuntimeError('Action required')
228 |
229 | # TODO: Remove duplication in core/meta.py
230 | ID_TO_KIND = {}
231 | BOOL_ARG_TYPES = {}
235 |
236 | ID_SPEC = id_kind_def.IdSpec(ID_TO_KIND, BOOL_ARG_TYPES)
237 |
238 | id_kind_def.AddKinds(ID_SPEC)
239 | id_kind_def.AddBoolKinds(ID_SPEC) # must come second
240 |
241 | id_kind_def.SetupTestBuiltin(ID_SPEC, TEST_UNARY_LOOKUP,
243 |
244 | ids = ID_SPEC.id_str2int.items()
245 | ids.sort(key=lambda pair: pair[1]) # Sort by ID
246 |
247 | if action == 'c':
248 | for name, id_int in ids:
249 | print('#define id__%s %s' % (name, id_int))
250 |
251 | elif action == 'cpp':
252 | schema_ast = _CreateModule(ID_SPEC, ids)
253 |
254 | out_prefix = argv[2]
255 |
256 | with open(out_prefix + '.h', 'w') as f:
257 | f.write("""\
258 | #ifndef ID_KIND_ASDL_H
259 | #define ID_KIND_ASDL_H
260 |
261 | #include <stdint.h> // uint16_t
262 |
263 | class BigStr;
264 |
265 | namespace id_kind_asdl {
266 |
267 | #define ASDL_NAMES struct
268 | """)
269 |
270 | v = gen_cpp.ClassDefVisitor(f)
271 | v.VisitModule(schema_ast)
272 |
273 | f.write("""
274 | } // namespace id_kind_asdl
275 |
276 | #endif // ID_KIND_ASDL_H
277 | """)
278 |
279 | with open(out_prefix + '.cc', 'w') as f:
280 | f.write("""\
281 | #include <assert.h>
282 | #include "_gen/frontend/id_kind.asdl.h"
283 | #include "mycpp/gc_alloc.h" // StrFromC()
284 |
285 | namespace id_kind_asdl {
286 |
287 | """)
288 |
289 | v = gen_cpp.MethodDefVisitor(f)
290 |
291 | v.VisitModule(schema_ast)
292 |
293 | f.write('} // namespace id_kind_asdl\n')
294 |
295 | elif action == 'mypy':
296 | from asdl import gen_python
297 |
298 | schema_ast = _CreateModule(ID_SPEC, ids)
299 | #print(schema_ast)
300 |
301 | f = sys.stdout
302 |
303 | f.write("""\
304 | from asdl import pybase
305 |
306 | """)
307 | # Minor style issue: we want Id and Kind, not Id_e and Kind_e
308 | v = gen_python.GenMyPyVisitor(f)
309 | v.VisitModule(schema_ast)
310 |
311 | elif action == 'cpp-consts':
312 |
313 | # Break circular deps
314 |
315 | from core import pyutil
316 | from frontend import consts
317 | from _devbuild.gen.id_kind_asdl import Id_str, Kind_str
318 | from _devbuild.gen.types_asdl import redir_arg_type_str, bool_arg_type_str
319 |
320 | LIST_INT = [
321 | 'STRICT_ALL',
322 | 'YSH_UPGRADE',
323 | 'YSH_ALL',
329 | ]
330 |
331 | prefix = argv[2]
332 |
333 | with open(prefix + '.h', 'w') as f:
334 |
335 | def out(fmt, *args):
336 | print(fmt % args, file=f)
337 |
338 | out("""\
339 | #ifndef CONSTS_H
340 | #define CONSTS_H
341 |
342 | #include "mycpp/runtime.h"
343 |
344 | #include "_gen/frontend/id_kind.asdl.h"
345 | #include "_gen/frontend/option.asdl.h"
346 | #include "_gen/core/runtime.asdl.h"
347 | #include "_gen/frontend/types.asdl.h"
348 |
349 | namespace consts {
350 | """)
351 |
352 | for name in LIST_INT:
353 | out('extern List<int>* %s;', name)
354 |
355 | out('extern List<BigStr*>* BUILTIN_NAMES;')
356 | out('extern List<BigStr*>* OSH_KEYWORD_NAMES;')
357 | out('extern List<BigStr*>* SET_OPTION_NAMES;')
358 | out('extern List<BigStr*>* SHOPT_OPTION_NAMES;')
359 |
360 | out("""\
361 |
362 | extern int NO_INDEX;
363 |
364 | extern BigStr* gVersion;
365 |
366 | int RedirDefaultFd(id_kind_asdl::Id_t id);
367 | types_asdl::redir_arg_type_t RedirArgType(id_kind_asdl::Id_t id);
368 | types_asdl::bool_arg_type_t BoolArgType(id_kind_asdl::Id_t id);
369 | id_kind_asdl::Kind GetKind(id_kind_asdl::Id_t id);
370 |
371 | types_asdl::opt_group_t OptionGroupNum(BigStr* s);
372 | option_asdl::option_t OptionNum(BigStr* s);
373 | option_asdl::option_t UnimplOptionNum(BigStr* s);
374 | option_asdl::builtin_t LookupNormalBuiltin(BigStr* s);
375 | option_asdl::builtin_t LookupAssignBuiltin(BigStr* s);
376 | option_asdl::builtin_t LookupSpecialBuiltin(BigStr* s);
377 | bool IsControlFlow(BigStr* s);
378 | BigStr* ControlFlowName(int i);
379 | bool IsKeyword(BigStr* s);
380 | BigStr* LookupCharC(BigStr* c);
381 | BigStr* LookupCharPrompt(BigStr* c);
382 |
383 | BigStr* OptionName(option_asdl::option_t opt_num);
384 |
385 | Tuple2<runtime_asdl::state_t, runtime_asdl::emit_t> IfsEdge(runtime_asdl::state_t state, runtime_asdl::char_kind_t ch);
386 |
387 | extern BigStr* ASSIGN_ARG_RE;
388 | extern BigStr* TEST_V_RE;
389 |
390 | } // namespace consts
391 |
392 | #endif // CONSTS_H
393 | """)
394 | with open(prefix + '.cc', 'w') as f:
395 |
396 | def out(fmt, *args):
397 | print(fmt % args, file=f)
398 |
399 | out("""\
400 | #include "_gen/frontend/consts.h"
401 |
402 | using id_kind_asdl::Id;
403 | using id_kind_asdl::Kind;
404 | using types_asdl::redir_arg_type_e;
405 | using types_asdl::bool_arg_type_e;
406 | using option_asdl::builtin_t;
407 |
408 | namespace consts {
409 |
410 | int NO_INDEX = 0; // duplicated from frontend/consts.py
411 | """)
412 |
413 | # Generate gVersion, which is read by pyutil::GetVersion()
414 | this_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(sys.argv[0]))
415 | root_dir = os.path.join(this_dir, '..') # ~/git/oilshell/oil
416 | loader = pyutil._FileResourceLoader(root_dir)
417 |
418 | version_str = pyutil.GetVersion(loader)
419 | out('GLOBAL_STR(gVersion, "%s");' % version_str)
420 | out('')
421 |
422 | # Note: could use opt_num:: instead of raw ints
423 | for name in LIST_INT:
424 | val = getattr(consts, name)
425 | val_str = ' COMMA '.join(str(i) for i in val)
426 | out('GLOBAL_LIST(%s, int, %d, {%s});', name, len(val), val_str)
427 |
428 | out("""\
429 |
430 | int RedirDefaultFd(id_kind_asdl::Id_t id) {
431 | // relies on "switch lowering"
432 | switch (id) {
433 | """)
434 | for id_ in sorted(consts.REDIR_DEFAULT_FD):
435 | a = Id_str(id_).replace('.', '::')
436 | b = consts.REDIR_DEFAULT_FD[id_]
437 | out(' case %s: return %s;' % (a, b))
438 | out("""\
439 | }
440 | FAIL(kShouldNotGetHere);
441 | }
442 | """)
443 |
444 | out("""\
445 | types_asdl::redir_arg_type_t RedirArgType(id_kind_asdl::Id_t id) {
446 | // relies on "switch lowering"
447 | switch (id) {
448 | """)
449 | for id_ in sorted(consts.REDIR_ARG_TYPES):
450 | a = Id_str(id_).replace('.', '::')
451 | # redir_arg_type_e::Path, etc.
452 | b = redir_arg_type_str(consts.REDIR_ARG_TYPES[id_]).replace(
453 | '.', '_e::')
454 | out(' case %s: return %s;' % (a, b))
455 | out("""\
456 | }
457 | FAIL(kShouldNotGetHere);
458 | }
459 | """)
460 |
461 | out("""\
462 | types_asdl::bool_arg_type_t BoolArgType(id_kind_asdl::Id_t id) {
463 | // relies on "switch lowering"
464 | switch (id) {
465 | """)
466 | for id_ in sorted(BOOL_ARG_TYPES):
467 | a = Id_str(id_).replace('.', '::')
468 | # bool_arg_type_e::BigStr, etc.
469 | b = bool_arg_type_str(BOOL_ARG_TYPES[id_]).replace('.', '_e::')
470 | out(' case %s: return %s;' % (a, b))
471 | out("""\
472 | }
473 | FAIL(kShouldNotGetHere);
474 | }
475 | """)
476 |
477 | out("""\
478 | Kind GetKind(id_kind_asdl::Id_t id) {
479 | // relies on "switch lowering"
480 | switch (id) {
481 | """)
482 | for id_ in sorted(ID_TO_KIND):
483 | a = Id_str(id_).replace('.', '::')
484 | b = Kind_str(ID_TO_KIND[id_]).replace('.', '::')
485 | out(' case %s: return %s;' % (a, b))
486 | out("""\
487 | }
488 | FAIL(kShouldNotGetHere);
489 | }
490 | """)
491 |
492 | pairs = consts.OPTION_GROUPS.items()
493 | GenStringLookup('types_asdl::opt_group_t', 'OptionGroupNum', pairs,
494 | f)
495 |
496 | pairs = [(opt.name, opt.index) for opt in option_def.All()
497 | if opt.implemented]
498 | #pairs = [(opt.name, opt.index) for opt in option_def.All()]
499 | GenStringLookup('option_asdl::option_t', 'OptionNum', pairs, f)
500 | pairs2 = [(opt.name, opt.index) for opt in option_def.All()
501 | if not opt.implemented]
502 | GenStringLookup('option_asdl::option_t', 'UnimplOptionNum', pairs2,
503 | f)
504 |
505 | GenBuiltinLookup('LookupNormalBuiltin', 'normal', f)
506 | GenBuiltinLookup('LookupAssignBuiltin', 'assign', f)
507 | GenBuiltinLookup('LookupSpecialBuiltin', 'special', f)
508 |
509 | GenStringMembership('IsControlFlow', consts._CONTROL_FLOW_NAMES, f)
510 | GenIntStrLookup('ControlFlowName', consts._CONTROL_FLOW_LOOKUP, f)
511 |
512 | GenStringMembership('IsKeyword', consts.OSH_KEYWORD_NAMES, f)
513 |
514 | GenCharLookup('LookupCharC', consts._ONE_CHAR_C, f, required=True)
515 | GenCharLookup('LookupCharPrompt', consts._ONE_CHAR_PROMPT, f)
516 |
517 | opt_int2str = {}
518 | for opt in option_def.All():
519 | opt_int2str[opt.index] = opt.name
520 | GenIntStrLookup('OptionName', opt_int2str, f)
521 |
522 | #
523 | # Generate a tightly packed 2D array for C, from a Python dict.
524 | #
525 |
526 | edges = consts._IFS_EDGES
527 | max_state = max(edge[0] for edge in edges)
528 | max_char_kind = max(edge[1] for edge in edges)
529 |
530 | edge_array = []
531 | for i in xrange(max_state + 1):
532 | # unused cells get -1
533 | edge_array.append(['-1'] * (max_char_kind + 1))
534 |
535 | for i in xrange(max_state + 1):
536 | for j in xrange(max_char_kind + 1):
537 | entry = edges.get((i, j))
538 | if entry is not None:
539 | # pack (new_state, action) into 32 bits
540 | edge_array[i][j] = '(%d<<16)|%d' % entry
541 |
542 | parts = []
543 | for i in xrange(max_state + 1):
544 | parts.append(' {')
545 | parts.append(', '.join('%10s' % cell
546 | for cell in edge_array[i]))
547 | parts.append(' },\n')
548 |
549 | out("""\
550 | int _IFS_EDGE[%d][%d] = {
551 | %s
552 | };
553 | """ % (max_state + 1, max_char_kind + 1, ''.join(parts)))
554 |
555 | out("""\
556 | // Note: all of these are integers, e.g. state_i, emit_i, char_kind_i
557 | using runtime_asdl::state_t;
558 | using runtime_asdl::emit_t;
559 | using runtime_asdl::char_kind_t;
560 |
561 | Tuple2<state_t, emit_t> IfsEdge(state_t state, runtime_asdl::char_kind_t ch) {
562 | int cell = _IFS_EDGE[state][ch];
563 | state_t new_state = cell >> 16;
564 | emit_t emit = cell & 0xFFFF;
565 | return Tuple2<state_t, emit_t>(new_state, emit);
566 | }
567 | """)
568 |
569 | GenStrList(consts.BUILTIN_NAMES, 'BUILTIN_NAMES', out)
570 | GenStrList(consts.OSH_KEYWORD_NAMES, 'OSH_KEYWORD_NAMES', out)
571 | GenStrList(consts.SET_OPTION_NAMES, 'SET_OPTION_NAMES', out)
572 | GenStrList(consts.SHOPT_OPTION_NAMES, 'SHOPT_OPTION_NAMES', out)
573 |
574 | def _CString(s):
575 | # Hack that does backslash escaping, e.g. \\
576 | # We could also use C++ strings
577 | import json
578 | return json.dumps(s)
579 |
581 | 'ASSIGN_ARG_RE',
582 | 'TEST_V_RE',
583 | ]
584 | for var_name in GLOBAL_STRINGS:
585 | out('GLOBAL_STR(%s, %s);', var_name,
586 | _CString(getattr(consts, var_name)))
587 |
588 | out("""\
589 | } // namespace consts
590 | """)
591 |
592 | elif action == 'py-consts':
593 | # It's kind of weird to use the generated code to generate more code.
594 | # Can we do this instead with the parsed module for "id" and "types.asdl"?
595 |
596 | from frontend import consts
597 | from _devbuild.gen.id_kind_asdl import Id_str, Kind_str
598 | from _devbuild.gen.types_asdl import redir_arg_type_str, bool_arg_type_str
599 |
600 | print("""
601 | from _devbuild.gen.id_kind_asdl import Id, Kind
602 | from _devbuild.gen.types_asdl import redir_arg_type_e, bool_arg_type_e
603 | """)
604 |
605 | print('')
606 | print('BOOL_ARG_TYPES = {')
607 | for id_ in sorted(BOOL_ARG_TYPES):
608 | v = BOOL_ARG_TYPES[id_]
609 | # HACK
610 | v = bool_arg_type_str(v).replace('.', '_e.')
611 | print(' %s: %s,' % (Id_str(id_), v))
612 | print('}')
613 |
614 | print('')
615 | print('TEST_UNARY_LOOKUP = {')
616 | for op_str in sorted(TEST_UNARY_LOOKUP):
617 | v = Id_str(TEST_UNARY_LOOKUP[op_str])
618 | print(' %r: %s,' % (op_str, v))
619 | print('}')
620 |
621 | print('')
622 | print('TEST_BINARY_LOOKUP = {')
623 | for op_str in sorted(TEST_BINARY_LOOKUP):
624 | v = Id_str(TEST_BINARY_LOOKUP[op_str])
625 | print(' %r: %s,' % (op_str, v))
626 | print('}')
627 |
628 | print('')
629 | print('TEST_OTHER_LOOKUP = {')
630 | for op_str in sorted(TEST_OTHER_LOOKUP):
631 | v = Id_str(TEST_OTHER_LOOKUP[op_str])
632 | print(' %r: %s,' % (op_str, v))
633 | print('}')
634 |
635 | print('')
636 | print('ID_TO_KIND = {')
637 | for id_ in sorted(ID_TO_KIND):
638 | v = Kind_str(ID_TO_KIND[id_])
639 | print(' %s: %s,' % (Id_str(id_), v))
640 | print('}')
641 |
642 | else:
643 | raise RuntimeError('Invalid action %r' % action)
644 |
645 |
646 | if __name__ == '__main__':
647 | try:
648 | main(sys.argv)
649 | except RuntimeError as e:
650 | print('FATAL: %s' % e, file=sys.stderr)
651 | sys.exit(1)