1 | #!/usr/bin/env python2
2 | # Copyright 2016 Andy Chu. All rights reserved.
3 | # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
4 | # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
5 | # You may obtain a copy of the License at
6 | #
7 | # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
8 | """completion_test.py: Tests for completion.py."""
9 | from __future__ import print_function
10 |
11 | import os
12 | import unittest
13 | import sys
14 |
15 | from _devbuild.gen.option_asdl import option_i
16 | from _devbuild.gen.runtime_asdl import comp_action_e
17 | from _devbuild.gen.syntax_asdl import proc_sig
18 | from _devbuild.gen.value_asdl import (value, value_e)
19 | from core import completion # module under test
20 | from core import comp_ui
21 | from core import sh_init
22 | from core import state
23 | from core import test_lib
24 | from core import util
25 | from mycpp.mylib import log
26 | from frontend import flag_def # side effect: flags are defined!
27 |
28 | _ = flag_def
29 | from frontend import parse_lib
30 | from testdata.completion import bash_oracle
31 |
32 | # guard some tests that fail on Darwin
33 | IS_DARWIN = sys.platform == 'darwin'
34 |
35 | A1 = completion.TestAction(['foo.py', 'foo', 'bar.py'])
36 | U1 = completion.UserSpec([A1], [], [], completion.DefaultPredicate(), '', '')
37 |
38 | BASE_OPTS = {}
39 |
40 | FIRST = completion.TestAction(['grep', 'sed', 'test'])
41 | U2 = completion.UserSpec([FIRST], [], [], completion.DefaultPredicate(), '',
42 | '')
43 |
44 | OPT_ARRAY = [False] * option_i.ARRAY_SIZE
45 |
46 |
47 | def MockApi(line):
48 | """Match readline's get_begidx() / get_endidx()."""
49 | return completion.Api(line=line, begin=0, end=len(line))
50 |
51 |
52 | def _MakeRootCompleter(parse_ctx=None, comp_lookup=None):
53 | compopt_state = completion.OptionState()
54 | comp_ui_state = comp_ui.State()
55 | comp_lookup = comp_lookup or completion.Lookup()
56 |
57 | mem = state.Mem('', [], None, [], {})
58 | parse_opts, exec_opts, mutable_opts = state.MakeOpts(mem, {}, None)
59 | mem.exec_opts = exec_opts
60 |
61 | sh_init.InitDefaultVars(mem)
62 | mutable_opts.Init()
63 |
64 | if not parse_ctx:
65 | parse_ctx = test_lib.InitParseContext(parse_opts=parse_opts,
66 | do_lossless=True)
67 | parse_ctx.Init_Trail(parse_lib.Trail())
68 |
69 | if 1: # enable for details
70 | debug_f = util.DebugFile(sys.stdout)
71 | else:
72 | debug_f = util.NullDebugFile()
73 |
74 | ev = test_lib.InitWordEvaluator(exec_opts=exec_opts)
75 | return completion.RootCompleter(ev, mem, comp_lookup, compopt_state,
76 | comp_ui_state, parse_ctx, debug_f)
77 |
78 |
79 | class FunctionsTest(unittest.TestCase):
80 |
81 | def testAdjustArg(self):
82 | AdjustArg = completion.AdjustArg
83 | out = []
84 | AdjustArg(':foo:=bar:', [':', '='], out)
85 | self.assertEqual(out, [':', 'foo', ':=', 'bar', ':'])
86 |
87 | out = []
88 | AdjustArg('==::==', [':', '='], out)
89 | self.assertEqual(out, ['==::=='])
90 |
91 | out = []
92 | AdjustArg('==::==', [':'], out)
93 | self.assertEqual(out, ['==', '::', '=='])
94 |
95 | # This is like if you get [""] somehow, it should be [""].
96 | out = []
97 | AdjustArg('', [':', '='], out)
98 | self.assertEqual(out, [''])
99 |
100 |
101 | class CompletionTest(unittest.TestCase):
102 |
103 | def _CompApi(self, partial_argv, index, to_complete):
104 | comp = completion.Api('', 0, 0)
105 | comp.Update('', to_complete, '', index, partial_argv)
106 | return comp
107 |
108 | def testLookup(self):
109 | c = completion.Lookup()
110 | c.RegisterName('grep', BASE_OPTS, U1)
111 |
112 | _, user_spec = c.GetSpecForName('grep')
113 | self.assertEqual(1, len(user_spec.actions))
114 |
115 | _, user_spec = c.GetSpecForName('/usr/bin/grep')
116 | self.assertEqual(1, len(user_spec.actions))
117 |
118 | c.RegisterGlob('*.py', BASE_OPTS, U1)
119 | base_opts, comp = c.GetSpecForName('/usr/bin/foo.py')
120 | print('py', comp)
121 | # NOTE: This is an implementation detail
122 | self.assertEqual(1, len(comp.actions))
123 |
124 | comp_rb = c.GetSpecForName('foo.rb')
125 | print('rb', comp_rb)
126 |
127 | def testExternalCommandAction(self):
128 | mem = state.Mem('dummy', [], None, [], {})
129 | parse_opts, exec_opts, mutable_opts = state.MakeOpts(mem, {}, None)
130 | mem.exec_opts = exec_opts
131 |
132 | a = completion.ExternalCommandAction(mem)
133 | comp = self._CompApi([], 0, 'f')
134 | print(list(a.Matches(comp)))
135 |
136 | # TODO: This should set up the file system and $PATH and assert that only
137 | # executable files are accessed!
138 |
139 | def testFileSystemAction(self):
140 | CASES = [
141 | # Dirs and files
142 | ('m', ['metrics', 'mycpp']),
143 | ('opy/doc', ['opy/doc']),
144 | ]
145 |
146 | a = completion.FileSystemAction(False, False, False)
147 | for prefix, expected in CASES:
148 | log('')
149 | log('-- PREFIX %r', prefix)
150 | comp = self._CompApi([], 0, prefix)
151 | self.assertEqual(expected, sorted(a.Matches(comp)))
152 |
153 | os.system('mkdir -p /tmp/oil_comp_test')
154 | os.system('bash -c "touch /tmp/oil_comp_test/{one,two,three}"')
155 |
156 | # This test depends on actual file system content. But we choose things
157 | # that shouldn't go away.
159 | # Dirs and files
160 | ('o', ['oils-version.txt', 'opy/', 'osh/']),
161 | ('nonexistent/', []),
162 | ('README.', ['README.md']),
163 | # Directory should be completed to core/ ?
164 | ('core', ['core/']),
165 | ('asdl/R', ['asdl/README.md']),
166 | ('opy/doc', ['opy/doc/']),
167 | ('opy/doc/', ['opy/doc/opcodes.md']),
168 | ('/bi', ['/bin/']),
169 | ('/tmp/oil_comp_test/', [
170 | '/tmp/oil_comp_test/one',
171 | '/tmp/oil_comp_test/three',
172 | '/tmp/oil_comp_test/two',
173 | ]),
174 | ('./o', ['./oils-version.txt', './opy/', './osh/']),
175 | ]
176 |
177 | a = completion.FileSystemAction(False, False, True)
178 | for prefix, expected in ADD_SLASH_CASES:
179 | log('')
180 | log('-- PREFIX %s', prefix)
181 | comp = self._CompApi([], 0, prefix)
182 | self.assertEqual(expected, sorted(a.Matches(comp)))
183 |
184 | # A bunch of repos in oilshell
185 | comp = completion.Api('', 0, 0)
186 | comp.Update('', '../o', '', 0, None)
187 | print(list(a.Matches(comp)))
188 |
189 | EXEC_ONLY_CASES = [('i', ['install'])]
190 |
191 | a = completion.FileSystemAction(False, True, False)
192 | for prefix, expected in EXEC_ONLY_CASES:
193 | log('')
194 | log('-- PREFIX %s', prefix)
195 | comp = self._CompApi([], 0, prefix)
196 | self.assertEqual(expected, sorted(a.Matches(comp)))
197 |
198 | def testShellFuncExecution(self):
199 | arena = test_lib.MakeArena('testShellFuncExecution')
200 | c_parser = test_lib.InitCommandParser("""\
201 | f() {
202 | COMPREPLY=(f1 f2)
203 | }
204 | """,
205 | arena=arena)
206 | node = c_parser.ParseLogicalLine()
207 |
208 | cmd_ev = test_lib.InitCommandEvaluator(arena=arena)
209 |
210 | frame = cmd_ev.mem.var_stack[0]
211 | assert frame is not None
212 | proc = value.Proc(node.name, node.name_tok, proc_sig.Open, node.body,
213 | [], True, frame)
214 |
215 | comp_lookup = completion.Lookup()
216 | a = completion.ShellFuncAction(cmd_ev, proc, comp_lookup)
217 | comp = self._CompApi(['f'], 0, 'f')
218 | matches = list(a.Matches(comp))
219 | self.assertEqual(['f1', 'f2'], matches)
220 |
221 | def testUserSpec(self):
222 | comp = self._CompApi(['f'], 0, 'f')
223 | matches = list(U1.AllMatches(comp))
224 | self.assertEqual([('foo.py', comp_action_e.Other),
225 | ('foo', comp_action_e.Other)], matches)
226 |
227 | predicate = completion.GlobPredicate(False, '*.py')
228 | c2 = completion.UserSpec([A1], [], [], predicate, '', '')
229 | comp = self._CompApi(['f'], 0, 'f')
230 | matches = list(c2.AllMatches(comp))
231 | self.assertEqual([('foo.py', comp_action_e.Other)], matches)
232 |
233 |
234 | class RootCompleterTest(unittest.TestCase):
235 |
236 | def testCompletesWords(self):
237 | comp_lookup = completion.Lookup()
238 |
239 | comp_lookup.RegisterName('grep', BASE_OPTS, U1)
240 | comp_lookup.RegisterName('__first', BASE_OPTS, U2)
241 | r = _MakeRootCompleter(comp_lookup=comp_lookup)
242 |
243 | comp = MockApi('grep f')
244 | m = list(r.Matches(comp))
245 | self.assertEqual(['grep foo.py ', 'grep foo '], m)
246 |
247 | comp = MockApi('grep g')
248 | m = list(r.Matches(comp))
249 | self.assertEqual([], m)
250 |
251 | # Complete first word
252 | m = list(r.Matches(MockApi('g')))
253 | self.assertEqual(['grep '], m)
254 |
255 | # Empty completer
256 | m = list(r.Matches(MockApi('')))
257 | self.assertEqual(['grep ', 'sed ', 'test '], m)
258 |
259 | # Test compound commands. These PARSE
260 | m = list(r.Matches(MockApi('echo hi || grep f')))
261 | m = list(r.Matches(MockApi('echo hi; grep f')))
262 |
263 | # Brace -- does NOT parse
264 | m = list(r.Matches(MockApi('{ echo hi; grep f')))
265 | # TODO: Test if/for/while/case/etc.
266 |
267 | m = list(r.Matches(MockApi('var=$v')))
268 | m = list(r.Matches(MockApi('local var=$v')))
269 |
270 | def testCompletesHomeDirs(self):
271 | r = _MakeRootCompleter()
272 |
273 | comp = MockApi(line='echo ~r')
274 | print(comp)
275 | m = list(r.Matches(comp))
276 |
277 | # This test isn't hermetic, but I think root should be on all systems.
278 | self.assert_('echo ~root/' in m, 'Got %s' % m)
279 |
280 | comp = MockApi(line='echo ~')
281 | print(comp)
282 | m = list(r.Matches(comp))
283 | self.assert_('echo ~root/' in m, 'Got %s' % m)
284 |
285 | # Don't be overly aggressive!
286 | comp = MockApi(line='echo a~')
287 | m = list(r.Matches(comp))
288 | self.assertEqual(0, len(m))
289 |
290 | def testCompletesVarNames(self):
291 | r = _MakeRootCompleter()
292 |
293 | # Complete ALL variables
294 | comp = MockApi('echo $')
295 | self.assertEqual(0, comp.begin) # what readline does
296 | self.assertEqual(6, comp.end)
297 | print(comp)
298 | m = list(r.Matches(comp))
299 |
300 | # Just test for a subset
301 | self.assert_('echo $HOSTNAME' in m, m)
302 | self.assert_('echo $IFS' in m, m)
303 |
304 | # Now it has a prefix
305 | comp = MockApi(line='echo $P')
306 | self.assertEqual(0, comp.begin) # what readline does
307 | self.assertEqual(7, comp.end)
308 | print(comp)
309 | m = list(r.Matches(comp))
310 | self.assert_('echo $PPID' in m, 'Got %s' % m)
311 | self.assert_('echo $PS4' in m, 'Got %s' % m)
312 |
313 | #
314 | # BracedVarSub
315 | #
316 |
317 | # Complete ALL variables
318 | comp = MockApi(line='echo _${')
319 | print(comp)
320 | m = list(r.Matches(comp))
321 | # Just test for a subset
322 | self.assert_('echo _${HOSTNAME' in m, 'Got %s' % m)
323 | self.assert_('echo _${IFS' in m, 'Got %s' % m)
324 |
325 | # Now it has a prefix
326 | comp = MockApi(line='echo ${P')
327 | print(comp)
328 | m = list(r.Matches(comp))
329 | self.assert_('echo ${PPID' in m, 'Got %s' % m)
330 | self.assert_('echo ${PS4' in m, 'Got %s' % m)
331 |
332 | # Odd word break
333 | # NOTE: We use VSub_Name both for $FOO and ${FOO. Might be bad?
334 | comp = MockApi(line='echo ${undef:-$P')
335 | print(comp)
336 | m = list(r.Matches(comp))
337 | self.assert_('echo ${undef:-$PPID' in m, 'Got %s' % m)
338 | self.assert_('echo ${undef:-$PS4' in m, 'Got %s' % m)
339 |
340 | comp = MockApi(line='echo ${undef:-$')
341 | print(comp)
342 | m = list(r.Matches(comp))
343 | self.assert_('echo ${undef:-$HOSTNAME' in m, 'Got %s' % m)
344 | self.assert_('echo ${undef:-$IFS' in m, 'Got %s' % m)
345 |
346 | #
347 | # Double Quoted
348 | #
349 | # NOTE: GNU readline seems to complete closing quotes? We don't want that.
350 |
351 | comp = MockApi(line='echo "$')
352 | print(comp)
353 | m = list(r.Matches(comp))
354 | self.assert_('echo "$HOSTNAME' in m, 'Got %s' % m)
355 | self.assert_('echo "$IFS' in m, 'Got %s' % m)
356 |
357 | comp = MockApi(line='echo "$P')
358 | print(comp)
359 | m = list(r.Matches(comp))
360 | self.assert_('echo "$PPID' in m, 'Got %s' % m)
361 | self.assert_('echo "$PS4' in m, 'Got %s' % m)
362 |
363 | #
364 | # Prefix operator
365 | #
366 |
367 | if 0: # Here you need to handle VSub_Pound
368 | comp = MockApi(line='echo ${#')
369 | print(comp)
370 | m = list(r.Matches(comp))
371 | self.assert_('${#HOSTNAME' in m, 'Got %s' % m)
372 | self.assert_('${#IFS' in m, 'Got %s' % m)
373 |
374 | comp = MockApi(line='echo "${#P')
375 | print(comp)
376 | m = list(r.Matches(comp))
377 | self.assert_('echo "${#PPID' in m, 'Got %s' % m)
378 | self.assert_('echo "${#PS4' in m, 'Got %s' % m)
379 |
380 | #
381 | # Arithmetic Context
382 | #
383 |
384 | comp = MockApi(line='echo "$((PWD +P') # bare word
385 | print(comp)
386 | m = list(r.Matches(comp))
387 | self.assert_('echo "$((PWD +PPID' in m, 'Got %s' % m)
388 | self.assert_('echo "$((PWD +PS4' in m, 'Got %s' % m)
389 |
390 | comp = MockApi(line='echo "$(( $P')
391 | print(comp)
392 | m = list(r.Matches(comp))
393 | self.assert_('echo "$(( $PPID' in m, 'Got %s' % m) # word with $
394 | self.assert_('echo "$(( $PS4' in m, 'Got %s' % m)
395 |
396 | def testCompletesCommandSubs(self):
397 | comp_lookup = completion.Lookup()
398 | comp_lookup.RegisterName('grep', BASE_OPTS, U1)
399 | comp_lookup.RegisterName('__first', BASE_OPTS, U2)
400 | r = _MakeRootCompleter(comp_lookup=comp_lookup)
401 |
402 | # Normal completion
403 | comp = MockApi('gre')
404 | m = list(r.Matches(comp))
405 | self.assertEqual(['grep '], m)
406 |
407 | # $(command sub)
408 | comp = MockApi('echo $(gre')
409 | m = list(r.Matches(comp))
410 | self.assertEqual(['echo $(grep '], m)
411 |
412 | # `backticks`
413 | comp = MockApi('echo `gre')
414 | m = list(r.Matches(comp))
415 | self.assertEqual(['echo `grep '], m)
416 |
417 | # Args inside `backticks
418 | comp = MockApi('echo `grep f')
419 | m = list(r.Matches(comp))
420 | self.assertEqual(['echo `grep foo.py ', 'echo `grep foo '], m)
421 |
422 | def testCompletesRedirectArguments(self):
423 | r = _MakeRootCompleter()
424 |
425 | comp = MockApi('cat < b')
426 | m = list(r.Matches(comp))
427 | # Some B subdirs of the repo!
428 | self.assert_('cat < bin/' in m, 'Got %s' % m)
429 | self.assert_('cat < build/' in m, 'Got %s' % m)
430 | self.assert_('cat < benchmarks/' in m, 'Got %s' % m)
431 |
432 | # This redirect does NOT take a path argument!
433 | comp = MockApi('echo >&')
434 | m = list(r.Matches(comp))
435 | self.assertEqual(0, len(m))
436 |
437 | def testRunsUserDefinedFunctions(self):
438 | # This is here because it's hard to test readline with the spec tests.
439 | with open('testdata/completion/osh-unit.bash') as f:
440 | code_str = f.read()
441 |
442 | parse_ctx = test_lib.InitParseContext()
443 | parse_ctx.Init_Trail(parse_lib.Trail())
444 |
445 | comp_lookup = completion.Lookup()
446 | cmd_ev = test_lib.EvalCode(code_str,
447 | parse_ctx,
448 | comp_lookup=comp_lookup)
449 |
450 | r = _MakeRootCompleter(comp_lookup=comp_lookup)
451 |
452 | # By default, we get a space on the end.
453 | m = list(r.Matches(MockApi('mywords t')))
454 | self.assertEqual(['mywords three ', 'mywords two '], sorted(m))
455 |
456 | # No space
457 | m = list(r.Matches(MockApi('mywords_nospace t')))
458 | self.assertEqual(['mywords_nospace three', 'mywords_nospace two'],
459 | sorted(m))
460 |
461 | # next 3 fail on darwin
462 | if not IS_DARWIN:
463 | # Filtered out two and bin
464 | m = list(r.Matches(MockApi('flagX ')))
465 | self.assertEqual(['flagX one ', 'flagX three '], sorted(m))
466 |
467 | # Filter out everything EXCEPT two and bin
468 | m = list(r.Matches(MockApi('flagX_bang ')))
469 | self.assertEqual(['flagX_bang bin ', 'flagX_bang two '], sorted(m))
470 |
471 | # -X with -P
472 | m = list(r.Matches(MockApi('flagX_prefix ')))
473 | self.assertEqual(['flagX_prefix __one ', 'flagX_prefix __three '],
474 | sorted(m))
475 |
476 | # -P with plusdirs
477 | m = list(r.Matches(MockApi('prefix_plusdirs b')))
478 | self.assertEqual([
479 | 'prefix_plusdirs __bin ',
480 | 'prefix_plusdirs benchmarks/',
481 | 'prefix_plusdirs bin/',
482 | 'prefix_plusdirs build/',
483 | 'prefix_plusdirs builtin/',
484 | ], sorted(m))
485 |
486 | if not IS_DARWIN:
487 | # -X with plusdirs. We're filtering out bin/, and then it's added back by
488 | # plusdirs. The filter doesn't kill it.
489 | m = list(r.Matches(MockApi('flagX_plusdirs b')))
490 | self.assertEqual([
491 | 'flagX_plusdirs benchmarks/',
492 | 'flagX_plusdirs bin/',
493 | 'flagX_plusdirs build/',
494 | 'flagX_plusdirs builtin/',
495 | ], sorted(m))
496 |
497 | # -P with dirnames. -P is NOT respected.
498 | m = list(r.Matches(MockApi('prefix_dirnames b')))
499 | self.assertEqual([
500 | 'prefix_dirnames benchmarks/',
501 | 'prefix_dirnames bin/',
502 | 'prefix_dirnames build/',
503 | 'prefix_dirnames builtin/',
504 | ], sorted(m))
505 |
506 | def testCompletesAliases(self):
507 | # I put some aliases in this file.
508 | with open('testdata/completion/osh-unit.bash') as f:
509 | code_str = f.read()
510 | aliases = {}
511 | parse_ctx = test_lib.InitParseContext(aliases=aliases)
512 | parse_ctx.Init_Trail(parse_lib.Trail())
513 | comp_lookup = completion.Lookup()
514 |
515 | cmd_ev = test_lib.EvalCode(code_str,
516 | parse_ctx,
517 | comp_lookup=comp_lookup,
518 | aliases=aliases)
519 |
520 | r = _MakeRootCompleter(parse_ctx=parse_ctx, comp_lookup=comp_lookup)
521 |
522 | # The original command
523 | m = list(r.Matches(MockApi('ls ')))
524 | self.assertEqual(['ls one ', 'ls two '], sorted(m))
525 |
526 | # Alias for the command
527 | m = list(r.Matches(MockApi('ll ')))
528 | self.assertEqual(['ll one ', 'll two '], sorted(m))
529 |
530 | # DOUBLE alias expansion goes back to original
531 | m = list(r.Matches(MockApi('ll_classify ')))
532 | self.assertEqual(['ll_classify one ', 'll_classify two '], sorted(m))
533 |
534 | # Trailing space
535 | m = list(r.Matches(MockApi('ll_trailing ')))
536 | self.assertEqual(['ll_trailing one ', 'll_trailing two '], sorted(m))
537 |
538 | # It should NOT clobber completio registered for aliases
539 | m = list(r.Matches(MockApi('ll_own_completion ')))
540 | self.assertEqual(
541 | ['ll_own_completion own ', 'll_own_completion words '], sorted(m))
542 |
543 | def testNoInfiniteLoop(self):
544 | # This was ONE place where we got an infinite loop.
545 |
546 | with open('testdata/completion/return-124.bash') as f:
547 | code_str = f.read()
548 | parse_ctx = test_lib.InitParseContext()
549 | parse_ctx.Init_Trail(parse_lib.Trail())
550 |
551 | comp_lookup = completion.Lookup()
552 | cmd_ev = test_lib.EvalCode(code_str,
553 | parse_ctx,
554 | comp_lookup=comp_lookup)
555 |
556 | r = _MakeRootCompleter(parse_ctx=parse_ctx, comp_lookup=comp_lookup)
557 |
558 | m = list(r.Matches(MockApi('bad ')))
559 | self.assertEqual([], sorted(m))
560 |
561 | # Error: spec not changed
562 | m = list(r.Matches(MockApi('both ')))
563 | self.assertEqual([], sorted(m))
564 |
565 | # Redefines completions
566 | m = list(r.Matches(MockApi('both2 ')))
567 | self.assertEqual(['both2 b1 ', 'both2 b2 '], sorted(m))
568 |
569 | def testCompletesShAssignment(self):
570 | # OSH doesn't do this. Here is noticed about bash --norc (which is
571 | # undoubtedly different from bash_completion):
572 | #
573 | # foo=/ho<TAB> completes directory
574 | # foo=/home/:/ho<TAB> completes directory
575 | #
576 | # foo='/ho<TAB> completes directory
577 | # foo='/home/:/ho<TAB> does NOT complete
578 | #
579 | # Ditto for ". The first path is completed, but nothing after :.
580 | #
581 | # Ditto for echo foo=/ho
582 | # echo foo='/ho
583 | # echo foo="/ho
584 | #
585 | # It doesn't distinguish by position.
586 | #
587 | # TODO:
588 | # - test with an image created with debootstrap
589 | # - test with an Alpine image
590 | return
591 |
592 |
593 | _INIT_TEMPLATE = """
594 | argv() {
595 | python -c 'import sys; print(sys.argv[1:])' "$@"
596 | }
597 |
598 | fail() {
599 | echo "Non-fatal assertion failed: $@" >&2
600 | }
601 |
602 | arrays_equal() {
603 | local n=$1
604 | shift
605 |
606 | # Copy to avoid silly ${@ : : } semantics
607 | local argv=("$@")
608 |
609 | local left=( "${argv[@]: 0 : n}" )
610 | local right=( "${argv[@]: n : 2*n - 1}" )
611 |
612 | for (( i = 0; i < n; i++ )); do
613 | if [[ ${left[i]} != ${right[i]} ]]; then
614 | echo -n 'left : '; argv "${left[@]}"
615 | echo -n 'right: '; argv "${right[@]}"
616 | fail "Word $i differed: ${left[i]} != ${right[i]}"
617 | return 1
618 | fi
619 | done
620 | return 0
621 | }
622 |
623 | _init_completion() {
624 | compadjust "$@" cur prev words cword
625 | }
626 |
627 | my_complete() {
628 | local cur prev words cword split
629 |
630 | # Test this function
631 | if arrays_equal 2 a b a b; then
632 | echo ok
633 | else
634 | echo failed
635 | return
636 | fi
637 |
638 | PASSED=()
639 |
640 | # no quotes with [[
641 | if [[ $COMP_LINE == $ORACLE_COMP_LINE ]]; then
643 | fi
644 | if [[ $COMP_POINT == $ORACLE_COMP_POINT ]]; then
646 | fi
647 |
648 | if [[ ${#COMP_WORDS[@]} == ${#ORACLE_COMP_WORDS[@]} ]]; then
649 | local n=${#COMP_WORDS[@]}
650 | if arrays_equal "$n" "${COMP_WORDS[@]}" "${ORACLE_COMP_WORDS[@]}"; then
652 | fi
653 | else
654 | fail "COMP_WORDS: Expected ${ORACLE_COMP_WORDS[@]}, got ${COMP_WORDS[@]}"
655 | fi
656 |
657 | # This doesn't pass because COMP_WORDS and COMP_CWORD are different.
658 | if [[ $COMP_CWORD == $ORACLE_COMP_CWORD ]]; then
659 | #echo "passed: COMP_CWORD = $COMP_CWORD"
661 | else
662 | fail "COMP_CWORD: Expected $ORACLE_COMP_CWORD, got $COMP_CWORD"
663 | fi
664 |
665 | #
666 | # Now run _init_completion
667 | #
668 | _init_completion %(flags)s
669 |
670 | if [[ ${#words[@]} == ${#ORACLE_words[@]} ]]; then
671 | local n=${#words[@]}
672 | if arrays_equal "$n" "${words[@]}" "${ORACLE_words[@]}"; then
673 | PASSED+=(words)
674 | fi
675 | else
676 | fail "COMP_WORDS: Expected ${ORACLE_words[@]}, got ${words[@]}"
677 | fi
678 |
679 | if [[ $cur == $ORACLE_cur ]]; then
680 | PASSED+=(cur)
681 | else
682 | fail "cur: Expected $ORACLE_cur, got $cur"
683 | fi
684 | if [[ $prev == $ORACLE_prev ]]; then
685 | PASSED+=(prev)
686 | else
687 | fail "prev: Expected $ORACLE_prev, got $prev"
688 | fi
689 | if [[ $cword == $ORACLE_cword ]]; then
690 | PASSED+=(cword)
691 | else
692 | fail "cword: Expected $ORACLE_cword, got $cword"
693 | fi
694 | if [[ $split == $ORACLE_split ]]; then
695 | PASSED+=(split)
696 | else
697 | fail "split: Expected $ORACLE_split, got $split"
698 | fi
699 |
700 | COMPREPLY=(dummy)
701 | }
702 | complete -F my_complete %(command)s
703 | """
704 |
705 |
706 | class InitCompletionTest(unittest.TestCase):
707 |
708 | def testMatchesOracle(self):
709 | for i, case in enumerate(bash_oracle.CASES): # generated data
710 | flags = case.get('_init_completion_flags')
711 | if flags is None:
712 | continue
713 |
714 | # This was input
715 | code_str = case['code']
716 | assert code_str.endswith('\t')
717 |
718 | log('')
719 | log('--- Case %d: %r with flags %s', i, code_str, flags)
720 | log('')
721 | #print(case)
722 |
723 | oracle_comp_words = case['COMP_WORDS']
724 | oracle_comp_cword = case['COMP_CWORD']
725 | oracle_comp_line = case['COMP_LINE']
726 | oracle_comp_point = case['COMP_POINT']
727 |
728 | # Init completion data
729 | oracle_words = case['words']
730 | oracle_cur = case['cur']
731 | oracle_prev = case['prev']
732 | oracle_cword = case['cword']
733 | oracle_split = case['split']
734 |
735 | #
736 | # First test some invariants on the oracle's data.
737 | #
738 |
739 | self.assertEqual(code_str[:-1], oracle_comp_line)
740 | # weird invariant that always holds. So isn't COMP_CWORD useless?
741 | self.assertEqual(int(oracle_comp_cword),
742 | len(oracle_comp_words) - 1)
743 | # Another weird invariant. Note this is from the bash ORACLE, not from
744 | # our mocks.
745 | self.assertEqual(int(oracle_comp_point), len(code_str) - 1)
746 |
747 | #
748 | # Now run a piece of code that compares OSH's actual data against the
749 | # oracle.
750 | #
751 |
752 | init_code = _INIT_TEMPLATE % {
753 | 'flags': ' '.join(flags),
754 | 'command': oracle_comp_words[0]
755 | }
756 |
757 | arena = test_lib.MakeArena('<InitCompletionTest>')
758 | parse_ctx = test_lib.InitParseContext(arena=arena)
759 | mem = state.Mem('', [], arena, [], {})
760 | parse_opts, exec_opts, mutable_opts = state.MakeOpts(mem, {}, None)
761 | mem.exec_opts = exec_opts
762 |
763 | mutable_opts.Init()
764 |
765 | #
766 | # Allow our code to access oracle data
767 | #
768 | state.SetGlobalArray(mem, 'ORACLE_COMP_WORDS', oracle_comp_words)
769 | state.SetGlobalString(mem, 'ORACLE_COMP_CWORD', oracle_comp_cword)
770 | state.SetGlobalString(mem, 'ORACLE_COMP_LINE', oracle_comp_line)
771 | state.SetGlobalString(mem, 'ORACLE_COMP_POINT', oracle_comp_point)
772 |
773 | state.SetGlobalArray(mem, 'ORACLE_words', oracle_words)
774 | state.SetGlobalString(mem, 'ORACLE_cur', oracle_cur)
775 | state.SetGlobalString(mem, 'ORACLE_prev', oracle_prev)
776 | state.SetGlobalString(mem, 'ORACLE_cword', oracle_cword)
777 | state.SetGlobalString(mem, 'ORACLE_split', oracle_split)
778 |
779 | comp_lookup = completion.Lookup()
780 | cmd_ev = test_lib.EvalCode(init_code,
781 | parse_ctx,
782 | comp_lookup=comp_lookup,
783 | mem=mem)
784 |
785 | r = _MakeRootCompleter(comp_lookup=comp_lookup)
786 | comp = MockApi(code_str[:-1])
787 | m = list(r.Matches(comp))
788 | log('matches = %s', m)
789 |
790 | # Unterminated quote in case 5. Nothing to complete.
791 | # TODO: use a label
792 | if i == 5:
793 | continue
794 |
795 | # Our test shell script records what passed in an array.
796 | val = mem.GetValue('PASSED')
797 | self.assertEqual(value_e.BashArray, val.tag(),
798 | "[case %d] Expected array, got %s" % (i, val))
799 | actually_passed = val.strs
800 |
801 | should_pass = [
802 | 'COMP_WORDS',
803 | 'COMP_CWORD',
804 | 'COMP_LINE',
805 | 'COMP_POINT', # old API
806 | 'words',
807 | 'cur',
808 | 'prev',
809 | 'cword',
810 | 'split' # new API
811 | ]
812 |
813 | if i == 4:
814 | should_pass.remove('COMP_WORDS')
815 | should_pass.remove('COMP_CWORD')
816 | should_pass.remove('cword')
817 | should_pass.remove('words') # double quotes aren't the same
818 |
819 | for t in should_pass:
820 | self.assert_(t in actually_passed,
821 | "%r was expected to pass (case %d)" % (t, i))
822 |
823 | log('Ran %d cases', len(bash_oracle.CASES))
824 |
825 |
826 | if __name__ == '__main__':
827 | unittest.main()