1 | #!/usr/bin/env bash
2 | #
3 | # Do a quick test of virtual memory.
4 | #
5 | # Note: This is probably very similar to max RSS of
6 | # testdata/osh-runtime/hello-world.sh, so it could be retired.
7 | #
8 | # Usage:
9 | # benchmarks/vm-baseline.sh <function name>
10 |
11 | set -o nounset
12 | set -o pipefail
13 | set -o errexit
14 |
15 | REPO_ROOT=$(cd "$(dirname $0)/.."; pwd)
16 |
17 | source test/common.sh # log
18 | source benchmarks/common.sh
19 | source test/tsv-lib.sh # tsv2html
20 |
21 | readonly BASE_DIR=_tmp/vm-baseline
22 |
23 | measure() {
24 | local provenance=$1
25 | local host_job_id=$2
26 | local base_dir=${3:-_tmp/vm-baseline}
27 |
28 | local out_dir="$base_dir/$host_job_id"
29 | mkdir -p $out_dir
30 |
31 | # TODO:
32 | # print-tasks should:
33 | # - use the whole shell path like _bin/osh
34 | # - the host name should be a column
35 | # - the join ID can be a file, and construct the task name from that
36 | # - Then maybe use tsv_columns_from_files.py like we do with cachegrind
37 |
38 | # - should not
39 | # - get shell name from the filename
40 | # - get host name from the filename
41 | # - should use TSV files
42 |
43 | # Fourth column is the shell.
44 | cat $provenance | filter-provenance "${SHELLS[@]}" "$OSH_CPP_REGEX" |
45 | while read _ _ _ sh_path shell_hash; do
46 |
47 | local sh_name
48 | sh_name=$(basename $sh_path)
49 |
50 | local out="$out_dir/${sh_name}-${shell_hash}.txt"
51 |
52 | # There is a race condition on the status but sleep helps.
53 | # Bug fix: ALIVE to prevent exec optimization in OSH and zsh.
54 | $sh_path -c 'sleep 0.001; cat /proc/$$/status; echo ALIVE' > $out
55 | done
56 |
57 | echo
58 | echo "$out_dir:"
59 | ls -l $out_dir
60 | }
61 |
62 | # Run a single file through stage 1 and report.
63 | demo() {
64 | local -a job_dirs=($BASE_DIR/lisa.2017-*)
65 | local dir1=$BASE_DIR/stage1
66 | local dir2=$BASE_DIR/stage2
67 |
68 | mkdir -p $dir1 $dir2
69 |
70 | benchmarks/virtual_memory.py baseline ${job_dirs[-1]} \
71 | > $dir1/vm-baseline.tsv
72 |
73 | benchmarks/report.R vm-baseline $dir1 $dir2
74 | }
75 |
76 | # Combine CSV files.
77 | stage1() {
78 | local raw_dir=${1:-$BASE_DIR/raw}
79 | local single_machine=${2:-}
80 |
81 | local out=$BASE_DIR/stage1
82 | mkdir -p $out
83 |
84 | local base_dir=
85 |
86 | local -a raw=()
87 |
88 | if test -n "$single_machine"; then
89 | base_dir=_tmp/vm-baseline
90 | local -a m1=( $base_dir/$single_machine.* )
91 | raw+=( ${m1[-1]} )
92 | else
93 | base_dir=../benchmark-data/vm-baseline
94 | # Globs are in lexicographical order, which works for our dates.
95 | local -a m1=( $base_dir/$MACHINE1.* )
96 | local -a m2=( $base_dir/$MACHINE2.* )
97 |
98 | raw+=( ${m1[-1]} ${m2[-1]} )
99 | fi
100 |
101 | benchmarks/virtual_memory.py baseline "${raw[@]}" \
102 | | tee $out/vm-baseline.tsv
103 | }
104 |
105 | print-report() {
106 | local in_dir=$1
107 |
108 | benchmark-html-head 'Virtual Memory Baseline'
109 |
110 | cat <<EOF
111 | <body class="width60">
112 | <p id="home-link">
113 | <a href="/">oils.pub</a>
114 | </p>
115 | EOF
116 |
117 | cmark << 'EOF'
118 | ## Virtual Memory Baseline
119 |
120 | Source code: [oil/benchmarks/vm-baseline.sh](https://github.com/oilshell/oil/tree/master/benchmarks/vm-baseline.sh)
121 |
122 | ### Memory Used at Startup (MB)
123 |
124 | Memory usage is measured in MB (powers of 10), not MiB (powers of 2).
125 |
126 | EOF
127 | # highlight OSH lines
128 | tsv2html --css-class-pattern 'special ^osh' $in_dir/vm-baseline.tsv
129 |
130 | # R code doesn't generate this
131 | if false; then
132 | cmark <<< '### Shell and Host Details'
133 |
134 | tsv2html $in_dir/shells.tsv
135 | tsv2html $in_dir/hosts.tsv
136 | fi
137 |
138 | cat <<EOF
139 | </body>
140 | </html>
141 | EOF
142 | }
143 |
144 |
145 | #
146 | # Other
147 | #
148 |
149 | soil-run() {
150 | ### Run it on just this machine, and make a report
151 |
152 | rm -r -f $BASE_DIR
153 | mkdir -p $BASE_DIR
154 |
155 | local -a osh_bin=( $OSH_CPP_NINJA_BUILD )
156 | ninja "${osh_bin[@]}"
157 |
158 | local single_machine='no-host'
159 |
160 | local job_id
161 | job_id=$(benchmarks/id.sh print-job-id)
162 |
163 | benchmarks/id.sh shell-provenance-2 \
164 | $single_machine $job_id _tmp \
165 | bash dash bin/osh "${osh_bin[@]}"
166 |
167 | # TODO: measure* should use print-tasks | run-tasks
168 | local provenance=_tmp/provenance.txt
169 | local host_job_id="$single_machine.$job_id"
170 |
171 | measure $provenance $host_job_id
172 |
173 | # Make it run on one machine
174 | stage1 '' $single_machine
175 |
176 | benchmarks/report.sh stage2 $BASE_DIR
177 | benchmarks/report.sh stage3 $BASE_DIR
178 | }
179 |
180 | "$@"