1 | """front_end.py: Lexer and parser for the ASDL schema language."""
2 | from __future__ import print_function
3 |
4 | import re
5 |
6 | from asdl import ast
7 | from asdl.ast import (AST, Use, Module, TypeDecl, SubTypeDecl, Constructor,
8 | Field, Sum, SimpleSum, Product, Extern)
9 | from asdl.util import log
10 |
11 | # type checking not turned on yet
12 | from typing import Dict, Any
13 |
14 | _ = log
15 |
16 | _KEYWORDS = ['use', 'module', 'generate', 'extern']
17 |
18 | _TOKENS = [
19 | ('Keyword', ''),
20 | ('Name', ''),
21 |
22 | # For operators, the string matters
23 | ('Equals', '='),
24 | ('Comma', ','),
25 | ('Question', '?'),
26 | ('Pipe', '|'),
27 | ('Asterisk', '*'),
28 | ('LParen', '('),
29 | ('RParen', ')'),
30 | ('LBrace', '{'),
31 | ('RBrace', '}'),
32 | ('Percent', '%'),
33 | ('LessThan', '<'), # for subtyping CompoundWord < List[word_part]
34 |
35 | # Oils addition for parameterized types.
36 | ('LBracket', '['),
37 | ('RBracket', ']'),
38 |
39 | # - Start with Dict[string, bool].
40 | # - List[string] is an alias for string*
41 | #
42 | # statically typed: Dict and List
43 | # dynamically typed: dict and list
44 | ]
45 |
46 | _TOKEN_STR = [name for name, _ in _TOKENS] # integer -> string like LParen
47 | _TOKEN_INT = {} # string like '(' -> integer
48 |
49 |
50 | class TokenKind(object):
51 | """ASDL tokens.
52 |
53 | TokenKind.LBrace = 5, etc.
54 | """
55 | pass
56 |
57 |
58 | for i, (name, val) in enumerate(_TOKENS):
59 | setattr(TokenKind, name, i)
60 | _TOKEN_INT[val] = i
61 |
62 |
63 | class Token(object):
64 |
65 | def __init__(self, kind, value, lineno):
66 | self.kind = kind
67 | self.value = value
68 | self.lineno = lineno
69 |
70 |
71 | class ASDLSyntaxError(Exception):
72 |
73 | def __init__(self, msg, lineno=None):
74 | self.msg = msg
75 | self.lineno = lineno or '<unknown>'
76 |
77 | def __str__(self):
78 | return 'Syntax error on line {0.lineno}: {0.msg}'.format(self)
79 |
80 |
81 | TOKEN_RE = r'\s*(\w+|--.*|#.*|.)'
82 |
83 |
84 | def _Tokenize(f):
85 | """Tokenize the given buffer.
86 |
87 | Yield Token objects.
88 | """
89 | for lineno, line in enumerate(f, 1):
90 | for m in re.finditer(TOKEN_RE, line.strip()):
91 | c = m.group(1)
92 | if c in _KEYWORDS:
93 | yield Token(TokenKind.Keyword, c, lineno)
94 |
95 | elif c[0].isalpha() or c[0] == '_':
96 | yield Token(TokenKind.Name, c, lineno)
97 |
98 | elif c.startswith('--') or c.startswith('#'):
99 | # ASDL comments start with --
100 | # Added # comments like Python and shell
101 | break
102 |
103 | else:
104 | # Operators
105 | try:
106 | op_kind = _TOKEN_INT[c]
107 | except KeyError:
108 | raise ASDLSyntaxError('Invalid operator %s' % c, lineno)
109 | yield Token(op_kind, c, lineno)
110 |
111 |
112 | def _SumIsSimple(variant_list):
113 | """Return True if a sum is a simple.
114 |
115 | A sum is simple if its types have no fields, e.g. unaryop = Invert |
116 | Not | UAdd | USub
117 | """
118 | for t in variant_list:
119 | if t.fields or t.shared_type:
120 | return False
121 | return True
122 |
123 |
125 | 'no_namespace_suffix', # Id.Foo instead of Id_e.Foo
126 | 'integers', # integer builtin_i instead of strongly typed builtin_e
127 | 'uint16', # like integers, but use uint16_t instead
128 | 'bit_set', # not implemented: 1 << n instead of n
129 |
130 | # probably don't need this
131 | # 'common_synthetic_field:left_tok',
132 |
133 | # Put this type, and transitive closure of types it references, in the
134 | # unique "first class variant" namespace, and generate type reflection.
135 | 'reflect_all_types',
136 |
137 | # Squeeze and Freeze, with the number of bits as a option Hm the headers
138 | # here still need type reflection. Probably OK.
139 | 'mirror_all_types:16',
140 | ]
141 |
142 |
143 | class ASDLParser(object):
144 | """Parser for ASDL files.
145 |
146 | Create, then call the parse method on a buffer containing ASDL. This
147 | is a simple recursive descent parser that uses _Tokenize for the
148 | lexing.
149 | """
150 |
151 | def __init__(self):
152 | self._tokenizer = None
153 | self.cur_token = None
154 |
155 | def parse(self, f):
156 | """Parse the ASDL in the file and return an AST with a Module root."""
157 | self._tokenizer = _Tokenize(f)
158 | self._advance()
159 | return self._parse_module()
160 |
161 | def _parse_module(self):
162 | """
163 | type_decl : NAME '=' compound_type
164 | module : 'module' NAME '{'
165 | use*
166 | extern*
167 | type_decl*
168 | '}'
169 |
170 | We added:
171 | - use for imports
172 | - generate on sum types
173 | """
174 | if not self._at_keyword('module'):
175 | raise ASDLSyntaxError(
176 | 'Expected "module" (found {})'.format(self.cur_token.value),
177 | self.cur_token.lineno)
178 | self._advance()
179 | name = self._match(TokenKind.Name)
180 | self._match(TokenKind.LBrace)
181 |
182 | uses = []
183 | while self._at_keyword('use'):
184 | uses.append(self._parse_use())
185 |
186 | externs = []
187 | while self._at_keyword('extern'):
188 | externs.append(self._parse_extern())
189 |
190 | defs = []
191 | while self.cur_token.kind == TokenKind.Name:
192 | typename = self._advance()
193 | if self.cur_token.kind == TokenKind.Equals:
194 | self._advance()
195 | type_ = self._parse_compound_type()
196 | defs.append(TypeDecl(typename, type_))
197 | elif self.cur_token.kind == TokenKind.LessThan:
198 | self._advance()
199 | type_ = self._parse_type_expr()
200 | defs.append(SubTypeDecl(typename, type_))
201 | else:
202 | raise ASDLSyntaxError(
203 | 'Expected = or < after type name (found {})'.format(
204 | self.cur_token.value), self.cur_token.lineno)
205 |
206 | self._match(TokenKind.RBrace)
207 | return Module(name, uses, externs, defs)
208 |
209 | def _parse_use(self):
210 | """
211 | use: 'use' NAME+ '{' NAME+ '}'
212 |
213 | example: use frontend syntax { Token }
214 |
215 | This means frontend/syntax.asdl.h :: Token
216 | """
217 | self._advance() # past 'use'
218 | module_parts = []
219 | while self.cur_token.kind == TokenKind.Name:
220 | part = self._advance()
221 | module_parts.append(part)
222 |
223 | self._match(TokenKind.LBrace)
224 |
225 | type_names = []
226 | while self.cur_token.kind == TokenKind.Name:
227 | t = self._advance()
228 | type_names.append(t)
229 | if self.cur_token.kind == TokenKind.RParen:
230 | break
231 | elif self.cur_token.kind == TokenKind.Comma:
232 | self._advance()
233 |
234 | self._match(TokenKind.RBrace)
235 | #print('MOD %s' % module_parts)
236 | return Use(module_parts, type_names)
237 |
238 | def _parse_extern(self):
239 | """
240 | extern: 'extern' NAME+
241 |
242 | Examples:
243 | extern _Builtin
244 | extern _Callable
245 | """
246 | self._advance() # past 'extern'
247 |
248 | self._match(TokenKind.LBracket)
249 |
250 | # At least one name
251 | names = [self._match(TokenKind.Name)]
252 |
253 | while self.cur_token.kind == TokenKind.Name:
254 | names.append(self._advance())
255 |
256 | self._match(TokenKind.RBracket)
257 |
258 | return Extern(names)
259 |
260 | def _parse_compound_type(self):
261 | """
262 | constructor : NAME fields?
263 | | NAME '%' NAME # shared variant
264 |
265 | sum : constructor ('|' constructor)* generate?
266 |
267 | compound_type : product
268 | | sum
269 |
270 | Examples:
271 | alloc_members =
272 | List
273 | | Dict
274 | | Struct
275 | generate [bit_set]
276 |
277 | -- color::Red, not color_e::Red or color_i::Red
278 | color = Red | Green
279 | generate [integers, no_sum_suffix]
280 | """
281 | if self.cur_token.kind == TokenKind.LParen:
282 | # If we see a (, it's a product
283 | return self._parse_product()
284 | else:
285 | # Otherwise it's a sum. Look for ConstructorId
286 | sumlist = []
287 | while True:
288 | cons_name = self._match(TokenKind.Name)
289 |
290 | shared_type = None
291 | fields = None
292 | if self.cur_token.kind == TokenKind.LParen:
293 | fields = self._parse_fields()
294 | elif self.cur_token.kind == TokenKind.Percent:
295 | self._advance()
296 | shared_type = self._match(TokenKind.Name)
297 | else:
298 | pass
299 |
300 | cons = Constructor(cons_name, shared_type, fields)
301 | sumlist.append(cons)
302 |
303 | if self.cur_token.kind != TokenKind.Pipe:
304 | break
305 | self._advance()
306 | generate = self._parse_optional_generate()
307 |
308 | # Additional validation
309 | if generate is not None:
310 | for g in generate:
311 | if g not in _CODE_GEN_OPTIONS:
312 | raise ASDLSyntaxError('Invalid code gen option %r' % g,
313 | self.cur_token.lineno)
314 |
315 | if _SumIsSimple(sumlist):
316 | return SimpleSum(sumlist, generate)
317 | else:
318 | return Sum(sumlist, generate)
319 |
320 | def _parse_type_expr(self):
321 | """One or two params:
322 |
323 | type_params : '[' type_expr ( ',' type_expr )* ']'
324 |
325 | type_expr : NAME type_params? (''?' | '*')? # allow one suffix
326 |
327 | NAME is validated against Optional, List, Dict afterward
328 | """
329 | type_name = self._match(TokenKind.Name)
330 |
331 | # Accept Python-like naming!
332 | if type_name == 'str':
333 | type_name = 'string'
334 |
335 | children = []
336 | if self.cur_token.kind == TokenKind.LBracket:
337 | self._advance()
338 | children.append(self._parse_type_expr())
339 | if self.cur_token.kind == TokenKind.Comma:
340 | self._advance()
341 | children.append(self._parse_type_expr())
342 |
343 | self._match(TokenKind.RBracket)
344 |
345 | if type_name in ('List', 'Optional'):
346 | if len(children) != 1:
347 | raise ASDLSyntaxError(
348 | 'Expected 1 type param to {}'.format(type_name),
349 | self.cur_token.lineno)
350 | elif type_name == 'Dict':
351 | if len(children) != 2:
352 | raise ASDLSyntaxError(
353 | 'Expected 2 type params to {}'.format(type_name),
354 | self.cur_token.lineno)
355 | else:
356 | if len(children) != 0:
357 | raise ASDLSyntaxError(
358 | 'Expected zero type params to {}'.format(type_name),
359 | self.cur_token.lineno)
360 |
361 | if len(children):
362 | typ = ast.ParameterizedType(type_name, children)
363 | else:
364 | typ = ast.NamedType(type_name)
365 |
366 | if self.cur_token.kind == TokenKind.Asterisk:
367 | # string* is equivalent to List[string]
368 | typ = ast.ParameterizedType('List', [typ])
369 | self._advance()
370 |
371 | elif self.cur_token.kind == TokenKind.Question:
372 | # string* is equivalent to Optional[string]
373 | typ = ast.ParameterizedType('Optional', [typ])
374 | self._advance()
375 |
376 | return typ
377 |
378 | def _parse_fields(self):
379 | """
380 | fields_inner: type_expr NAME ( ',' type_expr NAME )* ','?
381 |
382 | fields : '(' fields_inner? ')'
383 |
384 | Name Quantifier? should be changed to typename.
385 | """
386 | fields = []
387 | self._match(TokenKind.LParen)
388 | while self.cur_token.kind == TokenKind.Name:
389 | typ = self._parse_type_expr()
390 | field_name = self._match(TokenKind.Name)
391 |
392 | fields.append(Field(typ, field_name))
393 |
394 | if self.cur_token.kind == TokenKind.RParen:
395 | break
396 | elif self.cur_token.kind == TokenKind.Comma:
397 | self._advance()
398 |
399 | self._match(TokenKind.RParen)
400 | return fields
401 |
402 | def _parse_list(self):
403 | """
404 | list_inner: NAME ( ',' NAME )* ','?
405 |
406 | list : '[' list_inner? ']'
407 | """
408 | generate = []
409 | self._match(TokenKind.LBracket)
410 | while self.cur_token.kind == TokenKind.Name:
411 | name = self._match(TokenKind.Name)
412 |
413 | generate.append(name)
414 |
415 | if self.cur_token.kind == TokenKind.RBracket:
416 | break
417 | elif self.cur_token.kind == TokenKind.Comma:
418 | self._advance()
419 |
420 | self._match(TokenKind.RBracket)
421 | return generate
422 |
423 | def _parse_optional_generate(self):
424 | """
425 | generate : 'generate' list
426 | """
427 | if self._at_keyword('generate'):
428 | self._advance()
429 | return self._parse_list()
430 | else:
431 | return None
432 |
433 | def _parse_product(self):
434 | """Product: fields attributes?"""
435 | return Product(self._parse_fields())
436 |
437 | def _advance(self):
438 | """Return current token; read next token into self.cur_token."""
439 | cur_val = None if self.cur_token is None else self.cur_token.value
440 | try:
441 | self.cur_token = next(self._tokenizer)
442 | except StopIteration:
443 | self.cur_token = None
444 | return cur_val
445 |
446 | def _match(self, kind):
447 | """The 'match' primitive of RD parsers.
448 |
449 | * Verifies that the current token is of the given kind (kind can
450 | be a tuple, in which the kind must match one of its members).
451 | * Returns the value of the current token
452 | * Reads in the next token
453 |
454 | Args:
455 | kind: A TokenKind, or a tuple of TokenKind
456 | """
457 | if self.cur_token.kind == kind:
458 | value = self.cur_token.value
459 | self._advance()
460 | return value
461 | else:
462 | raise ASDLSyntaxError(
463 | 'Expected token {}, got {}'.format(_TOKEN_STR[kind],
464 | self.cur_token.value),
465 | self.cur_token.lineno)
466 |
467 | def _at_keyword(self, keyword):
468 | return (self.cur_token.kind == TokenKind.Keyword and
469 | self.cur_token.value == keyword)
470 |
471 |
473 | 'string',
474 | 'int',
475 | 'uint16', # used for Token length - should we generalize this?
476 | 'BigInt',
477 | 'float',
478 | 'bool',
479 |
480 | # 'any' is used for value.{BuiltinProc,BuiltinFunc}, to cast from class
481 | # type
482 | 'any',
483 | ]
484 |
485 |
486 | def _ResolveType(typ, type_lookup):
487 | # type: (AST, Dict[str, Any]) -> None
488 | """Recursively attach a 'resolved' field to AST nodes."""
489 | if isinstance(typ, ast.NamedType):
490 | if typ.name not in _PRIMITIVE_TYPES:
491 | ast_node = type_lookup.get(typ.name)
492 | if ast_node is None:
493 | raise ASDLSyntaxError("Couldn't find type %r" % typ.name)
494 | typ.resolved = ast_node
495 |
496 | elif isinstance(typ, ast.ParameterizedType):
497 | for child in typ.children:
498 | _ResolveType(child, type_lookup)
499 |
500 | if typ.type_name == 'Optional':
501 | child = typ.children[0]
502 | if isinstance(child, ast.NamedType):
503 | if child.name in _PRIMITIVE_TYPES and child.name != 'string':
504 | raise ASDLSyntaxError(
505 | 'Optional primitive type {} not allowed'.format(
506 | child.name))
507 |
508 | if child.resolved and isinstance(child.resolved,
509 | ast.SimpleSum):
510 | raise ASDLSyntaxError(
511 | 'Optional simple sum type {} not allowed'.format(
512 | child.name))
513 |
514 | else:
515 | raise AssertionError()
516 |
517 |
518 | def _ResolveFields(field_ast_nodes, type_lookup):
519 | """
520 | Args:
521 | type_lookup: Populated by name resolution
522 | """
523 | for field in field_ast_nodes:
524 | _ResolveType(field.typ, type_lookup)
525 |
526 |
527 | def _ResolveModule(module, app_types):
528 | """Name resolution for NamedType."""
529 | # Types that fields are declared with: int, id, word_part, etc.
530 | # Fields are NOT declared with Constructor names.
531 | type_lookup = dict(app_types)
532 |
533 | # Note: we don't actually load the type, and instead leave that to MyPy /
534 | # C++. A consequence of this is TypeNameHeuristic().
535 | for u in module.uses:
536 | for type_name in u.type_names:
537 | type_lookup[type_name] = u # type: ast.Use()
538 |
539 | # NOTE: We need two passes because types can be mutually recursive, e.g.
540 | # asdl/arith.asdl.
541 |
542 | # First pass: collect declared types and make entries for them.
543 | for ex in module.externs:
544 | last = ex.names[-1] # e.g. _Callable
545 | if last in type_lookup:
546 | raise ASDLSyntaxError('Type %r was already defined' % last)
547 | type_lookup[last] = ex
548 |
549 | for d in module.dfns:
550 | if d.name in type_lookup:
551 | raise ASDLSyntaxError('Type %r was already defined' % d.name)
552 |
553 | if isinstance(d, SubTypeDecl):
554 | # e.g. CompoundWord < List[str]
555 | type_lookup[d.name] = d.base_class
556 | else:
557 | # e.g. Token = (str a)
558 | type_lookup[d.name] = d.value
559 |
560 | # Second pass: add NamedType.resolved field
561 | for d in module.dfns:
562 | if isinstance(d, SubTypeDecl): # no fields
563 | _ResolveType(d.base_class, type_lookup)
564 | continue
565 |
566 | ast_node = d.value
567 | if isinstance(ast_node, ast.Product):
568 | #log('fields %s', ast_node.fields)
569 | _ResolveFields(ast_node.fields, type_lookup)
570 | continue
571 |
572 | if isinstance(ast_node, ast.Sum):
573 | for cons in ast_node.types:
574 | _ResolveFields(cons.fields, type_lookup)
575 | continue
576 |
577 | raise AssertionError(ast_node)
578 |
579 |
580 | def LoadSchema(f, app_types, verbose=False):
581 | """Returns an AST for the schema."""
582 | p = ASDLParser()
583 | schema_ast = p.parse(f)
584 | if verbose:
585 | import sys
586 | schema_ast.Print(sys.stdout, 0)
587 |
588 | # Make sure all the names are valid
589 | _ResolveModule(schema_ast, app_types)
590 | return schema_ast