1 | ---
2 | default_highlighter: oils-sh
3 | ---
4 |
5 | Oils Error Catalog, With Hints
6 | ==================
7 |
8 | This doc lists errors from Oils (both [OSH]($xref) and [YSH]($xref)), with
9 | hints to help you fix them.
10 |
11 | Each error is associated with a code like `OILS-ERR-42`, a string that search
12 | engines should find.
13 |
14 | <!--
15 | Later, we could have a URL shortener, like https://oils.err/42
16 | -->
17 |
18 | <div id="toc">
19 | </div>
20 |
21 | ## How to Contribute
22 |
23 | If you see an error that you don't understand:
24 |
25 | 1. Ask a question on `#oil-help` on [Zulip]($xref:zulip). What's the problem,
26 | and what's the solution?
27 | 1. Then `grep` the source code for the confusing error message. Tag it with a
28 | string like `OILS-ERR-43`, picking a new number according to the conventions
29 | below.
30 | 1. Add a tagged section below, with hints and explanations.
31 | - Quote the error message. You may want copy and paste from the output of
32 | `doc/error-catalog.sh`, or
33 | `test/{parse,runtime,ysh-parse,ysh-runtime}-errors.sh`. Add an HTML
34 | comment `<!-- -->` about that.
35 | - Link to relevant sections in the [**Oils Reference**](ref/index.html).
36 | 1. Optionally, add your name to the acknowledgements list at the end of this
37 | doc.
38 |
39 | Note that error messages are **hard** to write, because a single error could
40 | result from many different user **intentions**!
41 |
42 | ### To Preview this Doc
43 |
44 | Right now I use this command:
45 |
46 | build/doc.sh split-and-render doc/error-catalog.md
47 |
48 | Then paste this into your browser:
49 |
50 | file:///home/andy/git/oilshell/oil/_release/VERSION/doc/error-catalog.html
51 |
52 | (Replace with your home dir)
53 |
54 | ## Parse Errors - Rejected Input
55 |
56 | Roughly speaking, a parse error means that text input was **rejected**, so the
57 | shell didn't try to do anything.
58 |
59 | Examples:
60 |
61 | echo ) # Shell syntax error
62 |
63 | type -z # -z flag not accepted
64 |
65 | These error codes start at `10`.
66 |
67 | ### OILS-ERR-10
68 |
69 | <!--
70 | Generated with:
71 | test/ysh-parse-errors.sh test-func-var-checker
72 | -->
73 |
74 | ```
75 | setvar x = true
76 | ^
77 | [ -c flag ]:3: setvar couldn't find matching 'var x' (OILS-ERR-10)
78 | ```
79 |
80 | - Did you forget to declare the name with the [var](ref/chap-ysh-cmd.html#var)
81 | keyword?
82 | - Did you mean to use the [setglobal](ref/chap-ysh-cmd.html#setglobal)
83 | keyword?
84 |
85 | Related help topics:
86 |
87 | - [setvar](ref/chap-ysh-cmd.html#setvar)
88 |
89 | ### OILS-ERR-11
90 |
91 | <!--
92 | Generated with:
93 | test/ysh-parse-errors.sh ysh_c_strings (this may move)
94 | -->
95 |
96 | ```
97 | echo $'\z'
98 | ^
99 | [ -c flag ]:1: Invalid char escape in C-style string literal (OILS-ERR-11)
100 | ```
101 |
102 | - Did you mean `$'\\z'`? Backslashes must be escaped in `$''` and `u''` and
103 | `b''` strings.
104 | - Did you mean something like `$'\n'`? Only valid escapes are accepted in YSH.
105 |
106 | Related help topics:
107 |
108 | - [osh-string](ref/chap-word-lang.html#osh-string) (word language)
109 | - [ysh-string](ref/chap-expr-lang.html#ysh-string) (expression language)
110 |
111 | ### OILS-ERR-12
112 |
113 | <!--
114 | Generated with:
115 | test/ysh-parse-errors.sh ysh_dq_strings (this may move)
116 | -->
117 |
118 | ```
119 | echo "\z"
120 | ^
121 | [ -c flag ]:1: Invalid char escape in double quoted string (OILS-ERR-12)
122 | ```
123 |
124 | - Did you mean `"\\z"`? Backslashes must be escaped in double-quoted strings.
125 | - Did you mean something like `"\$"`? Only valid escapes are accepted in YSH.
126 | - Did you to use single quotes, like `u'\n'` rather than `u"\n"`?
127 |
128 | Related help topics:
129 |
130 | - [osh-string](ref/chap-word-lang.html#osh-string) (word language)
131 | - [ysh-string](ref/chap-expr-lang.html#ysh-string) (expression language)
132 |
133 | ### OILS-ERR-13
134 |
135 | <!--
136 | Generated with:
137 | test/ysh-parse-errors.sh ysh_bare_words (this may move)
138 | -->
139 |
140 | ```
141 | echo \z
142 | ^~
143 | [ -c flag ]:1: Invalid char escape in unquoted word (OILS-ERR-13)
144 | ```
145 |
146 | - Did you mean `\\z`? Backslashes must be escaped in unquoted words.
147 | - Did you mean something like `\$`? Only valid escapes are accepted in YSH.
148 |
149 | ### OILS-ERR-14
150 |
151 | <!--
152 | Generated with:
153 | test/ysh-parse-errors.sh test-parse-dparen
154 | -->
155 |
156 | ```
157 | if ((1 > 0 && 43 > 42)); then echo yes; fi
158 | ^~
159 | [ -c flag ]:1: Bash (( not allowed in YSH (parse_dparen, see OILS-ERR-14 for wart)
160 | ```
161 |
162 | Two likely causes:
163 |
164 | - Do you need to rewrite bash arithmetic as YSH arithmetic (which is
165 | Python-like)?
166 | - Do you need to work around an [unfortunate wart](warts.html#two-left-parens-should-be-separated-by-space) in YSH?
167 |
168 | Examples:
169 |
170 | if (1 > 0 and 43 > 42) { # YSH-style
171 | echo yes
172 | }
173 |
174 | if ( (x + 1) < n) { # space between ( ( avoids ((
175 | echo yes
176 | }
177 |
178 | ### OILS-ERR-15
179 |
180 | ```
181 | if (a || b && c) {
182 | ^~
183 | [ -c flag ]:2: Use 'or' in expression mode (OILS-ERR-15)
184 | ```
185 |
186 | Expression mode uses `not or and`, rather than `! || &&`. See [Command vs.
187 | Expression Mode](command-vs-expression-mode.html) for details.
188 |
189 |
190 | No:
191 |
192 | if (!a || b && c) {
193 | echo no
194 | }
195 |
196 | Yes:
197 |
198 | if (not a or b and c) {
199 | echo yes
200 | }
201 |
202 |
203 | Command mode is the opposite; it uses `! || &&`, rather than `not or and`:
204 |
205 | No:
206 |
207 | # Command mode
208 | if not test --dir a or test --dir b and test --dir c {
209 | echo no
210 | }
211 |
212 | Yes:
213 |
214 | # Command mode
215 | if ! test --dir a || test --dir b && test --dir c {
216 | echo yes
217 | }
218 |
219 | ### OILS-ERR-16
220 |
221 | ```
222 | for x in (1 .. 5) {
223 | ^~
224 | [ -c flag ]:1: Use ..< for half-open range, or ..= for closed range (OILS-ERR-16)
225 | ```
226 |
227 | <!--
228 | Similar to
229 | test/ysh-parse-errors.sh test-expr-range
230 | -->
231 |
232 | There are two ways to construct a [Range](ref/chap-expr-lang#range). The `..<`
233 | operator is for half-open ranges and the `..=` operator is for closed ranges:
234 |
235 | for i in (0 ..< 3) {
236 | echo $i
237 | }
238 | => 0
239 | => 1
240 | => 2
241 |
242 | for i in (0 ..= 3) {
243 | echo $i
244 | }
245 | => 0
246 | => 1
247 | => 2
248 | => 3
249 |
250 | ## Runtime Errors - Traditional Shell
251 |
252 | These errors may occur in shells like [bash]($xref) and [zsh]($xref).
253 |
254 | They're numbered starting from `100`. (If we have more than 90 parse errors,
255 | we can start a new section, like `300`.)
256 |
257 | ### OILS-ERR-100
258 |
259 | <!--
260 | Generated with:
261 | test/runtime-errors.sh test-command-not-found
262 | -->
263 |
264 | ```
265 | findz
266 | ^~~~~
267 | [ -c flag ]:1: 'findz' not found (OILS-ERR-100)
268 | ```
269 |
270 | - Did you misspell a command name?
271 | - Did you misspell a shell function or a YSH `proc`?
272 | - Is the file in your `$PATH`? The `PATH` variable is a colon-separated list
273 | of directories, where executable files may live.
274 | - Is `findz` file executable bit set? (`chmod +x`)
275 |
276 | ### OILS-ERR-101
277 |
278 | <!--
279 | Generated with:
280 | test/runtime-errors.sh test-assoc-array
281 | -->
282 |
283 | Let's look at **three** instances of this error.
284 |
285 | ```
286 | declare -A assoc; assoc[x]=1
287 | ^~~~~~
288 | [ -c flag ]:1: fatal: Assoc array keys must be strings: $x 'x' "$x" etc. (OILS-ERR-101)
289 | ```
290 |
291 | - Is `x` a string? Then add quotes: `assoc['x']=1`
292 | - Is `x` a variable? Then write: `assoc[$x]=1`
293 |
294 | ---
295 |
296 | Same idea here:
297 |
298 | ```
299 | declare -A assoc; echo ${assoc[x]}
300 | ^
301 | [ -c flag ]:1: fatal: Assoc array keys must be strings: $x 'x' "$x" etc. (OILS-ERR-101)
302 | ```
303 |
304 | - Is `x` a string? Then add quotes: `${assoc['x']}`
305 | - Is `x` a variable? Then write: `${assoc[$x]}`
306 |
307 | ---
308 |
309 | The third example is **tricky** because `unset` takes a **string**. There's an
310 | extra level of parsing, which:
311 |
312 | - Implies an extra level of quoting
313 | - Causes OSH to display the following **nested** error message
314 |
315 | ```
316 | assoc[k]
317 | ^
318 | [ dynamic LHS word at line 1 of [ -c flag ] ]:1
319 |
320 | declare -A assoc; key=k; unset "assoc[$key]"
321 | ^
322 | [ -c flag ]:1: fatal: Assoc array keys must be strings: $x 'x' "$x" etc. (OILS-ERR-101)
323 | ```
324 |
325 | To fix it, consider using **single quotes**:
326 |
327 | unset 'assoc[$key]'
328 |
329 | ---
330 |
331 | - This is the error in [Parsing Bash is
332 | Undecidable](https://www.oilshell.org/blog/2016/10/20.html) (2016)
333 | - Also mentioned in [Known Differences](known-differences.html)
334 |
335 |
336 | ## Runtime Errors - Oils and YSH
337 |
338 | These errors don't occur in shells like [bash]($xref) and [zsh]($xref).
339 |
340 | They may involve Python-like **expressions** and **typed data**.
341 |
342 | They're numbered starting from `200`.
343 |
344 | ### OILS-ERR-200
345 |
346 | <!--
347 | Generated with:
348 | test/runtime-errors.sh test-external_cmd_typed_args
349 | -->
350 |
351 | ```
352 | cat ("myfile")
353 | ^
354 | [ -c flag ]:1: fatal: 'cat' appears to be external. External commands don't accept typed args (OILS-ERR-200)
355 | ```
356 |
357 | - Builtin commands and user-defined procs may accept [typed
358 | args](ref/chap-cmd-lang.html#typed-arg), but external commands never do.
359 | - Did you misspell a [YSH proc](ref/chap-cmd-lang.html#proc-def)? If a name is
360 | not found, YSH assumes it's an external command.
361 | - Did you forget to source a file that contains the proc or shell function you
362 | wanted to run?
363 |
364 | ### OILS-ERR-201
365 |
366 | <!--
367 | Generated with:
368 | test/runtime-errors.sh test-arith_ops_str
369 | -->
370 |
371 | ```
372 | = "age: " + "100"
373 | ^
374 | [ -c flag ]:1: fatal: Binary operator expected numbers, got Str and Str (OILS-ERR-201)
375 |
376 | = 100 + myvar
377 | ^
378 | [ -c flag ]:2: fatal: Binary operator expected numbers, got Int and Str (OILS-ERR-201)
379 | ```
380 |
381 | - Did you mean to use `++` to concatenate strings/lists?
382 | - The arithmetic operators [can coerce string operands to
383 | numbers](ref/chap-expr-lang.html#ysh-arith). However, if you are operating on
384 | user provided input, it may be a better idea to first parse that input with
385 | [`int()`](ref/chap-builtin-func.html#int) or
386 | [`float()`](ref/chap-builtin-func.html#float).
387 |
388 | ### OILS-ERR-202
389 |
390 | <!--
391 | Generated with:
392 | test/ysh-runtime-errors.sh test-float-equality
393 | -->
394 |
395 | ```
396 | pp (42.0 === x)
397 | ^~~
398 | [ -c flag ]:3: fatal: Equality isn't defined on Float values (OILS-ERR-202)
399 | ```
400 |
401 | Floating point numbers shouldn't be tested for equality. Alternatives:
402 |
403 | = abs(42.0 - x) < 0.1
404 | = floatEquals(42.0, x)
405 |
406 | ### OILS-ERR-203
407 |
408 | <!--
409 | Generated with:
410 | test/ysh-runtime-errors.sh test-cannot-stringify-list
411 | -->
412 |
413 | ```
414 | var mylist = [1,2,3]; write $[mylist]
415 | ^~
416 | [ -c flag ]:1: fatal: Expr sub got a List, which can't be stringified (OILS-ERR-203)
417 | ```
418 |
419 | - Did you mean to use `@mylist` instead of `$mylist`?
420 | - Did you mean to use `@[myfunc()]` instead of `$[myfunc()]`?
421 | - Did you mean `$[join(mylist)]`?
422 |
423 | Or:
424 |
425 | - Do you have an element that can't be stringified in a list, like `['good',
426 | {bad: true}]`?
427 |
428 |
429 | <!-- TODO -->
430 |
431 | ## Runtime Errors: `strict:all`
432 |
433 | ### OILS-ERR-300
434 |
435 | ```
436 | if ! ls | wc -l; then echo failed; fi
437 | ^
438 | [ -c flag ]:1: fatal: Command conditionals should only have one status, not Pipeline (strict_errexit, OILS-ERR-300)
439 | ```
440 |
441 | Compound commands can't be used as conditionals because it's ambiguous.
442 |
443 | It confuses true/false with pass/fail. What if part of the pipeline fails?
444 | What if `ls` doesn't exist?
445 |
446 | This YSH idiom is more explicit:
447 |
448 | try {
449 | ls | wc -l
450 | }
451 | if failed {
452 | echo failed
453 | }
454 |
455 | ## Appendix
456 |
457 | ### Kinds of Errors from Oils
458 |
459 | - Runtime errors (status 1) - the shell tried to do something, but failed.
460 | - Example: `echo hi > /does/not/exist`
461 | - Parse errors and builtin usage errors (status 2) - input rejected, so the
462 | shell didn't try to do anything.
463 | - Uncaught I/O errors (status 2)
464 | - Expression errors (status 3)
465 | - User errors from the `error` builtin (status 10 is default)
466 |
467 | ### Contributors
468 |
469 | (If you updated this doc, feel free to add your name to the end of this list.)
470 |