1 | """pyutil.py: Code that's only needed in Python.
2 |
3 | C++ will use other mechanisms.
4 | """
5 | from __future__ import print_function
6 |
7 | import sys
8 | import zipimport # NOT the zipfile module.
9 |
10 | from mycpp import mylib
11 | from pgen2 import grammar
12 | from pylib import os_path
13 |
14 | import posix_ as posix
15 |
16 | from typing import List, Union
17 |
18 | # Copied from 'string' module
19 | _PUNCT = """!"#$%&'()*+,-./:;<=>?@[\]^_`{|}~"""
20 |
21 |
22 | def nan():
23 | # type: () -> float
24 |
25 | # note: Python 3 has math.nan
26 | return float('nan')
27 |
28 |
29 | def infinity():
30 | # type: () -> float
31 |
32 | # note: Python 3 has math.inf
33 | return float('inf')
34 |
35 |
36 | def IsValidCharEscape(ch):
37 | # type: (str) -> bool
38 | """Is this a valid character escape when unquoted?"""
39 | # These punctuation chars never needs to be escaped. (Note that _ is a
40 | # keyword sometimes.)
41 | if ch == '/' or ch == '.' or ch == '-':
42 | return False
43 |
44 | if ch == ' ': # foo\ bar is idiomatic
45 | return True
46 |
47 | # Borderline: ^ and %. But ^ is used for history?
48 | # ! is an operator. And used for history.
49 |
50 | # What about ^(...) or %(...) or /(...) .(1+2), etc.?
51 |
52 | return ch in _PUNCT # like ispunct() in C
53 |
54 |
55 | def ChArrayToString(ch_array):
56 | # type: (List[int]) -> str
57 | """We avoid allocating 1 byte string objects in the C++ implementation.
58 |
59 | 'ch' is short for an integer that represents a character.
60 | """
61 | return ''.join(chr(ch) for ch in ch_array)
62 |
63 |
64 | def BackslashEscape(s, meta_chars):
65 | # type: (str, str) -> str
66 | """Escaped certain characters with backslashes.
67 |
68 | Used for shell syntax (i.e. quoting completed filenames), globs, and
69 | EREs.
70 | """
71 | escaped = []
72 | for c in s:
73 | if c in meta_chars:
74 | escaped.append('\\')
75 | escaped.append(c)
76 | return ''.join(escaped)
77 |
78 |
79 | def strerror(e):
80 | # type: (Union[IOError, OSError]) -> str
81 | return posix.strerror(e.errno)
82 |
83 |
84 | def LoadYshGrammar(loader):
85 | # type: (_ResourceLoader) -> grammar.Grammar
86 | g = grammar.Grammar()
87 | contents = loader.Get('_devbuild/gen/grammar.marshal')
88 | g.loads(contents)
89 | return g
90 |
91 |
92 | class _ResourceLoader(object):
93 |
94 | def Get(self, rel_path):
95 | # type: (str) -> str
96 | raise NotImplementedError()
97 |
98 |
99 | class _FileResourceLoader(_ResourceLoader):
100 | """Open resources relative to argv[0]."""
101 |
102 | def __init__(self, root_dir):
103 | # type: (str) -> None
104 | self.root_dir = root_dir
105 |
106 | def Get(self, rel_path):
107 | # type: (str) -> str
108 | with open(os_path.join(self.root_dir, rel_path)) as f:
109 | contents = f.read()
110 | return contents
111 |
112 |
113 | class _ZipResourceLoader(_ResourceLoader):
114 | """Open resources INSIDE argv[0] as a zip file."""
115 |
116 | def __init__(self, argv0):
117 | # type: (str) -> None
118 | self.z = zipimport.zipimporter(argv0)
119 |
120 | def Get(self, rel_path):
121 | # type: (str) -> str
122 | return self.z.get_data(rel_path)
123 |
124 |
125 | def IsAppBundle():
126 | # type: () -> bool
127 | """Are we running inside the patched version of CPython?
128 |
129 | As opposed to a "stock" Python interpreter.
130 | """
131 | # Ovm_Main in main.c sets this.
132 | return posix.environ.get('_OVM_IS_BUNDLE') == '1'
133 |
134 |
135 | _loader = None # type: _ResourceLoader
136 |
137 |
138 | def GetResourceLoader():
139 | # type: () -> _ResourceLoader
140 | global _loader
141 | if _loader:
142 | return _loader
143 |
144 | if IsAppBundle():
145 | ovm_path = posix.environ.get('_OVM_PATH')
146 | _loader = _ZipResourceLoader(ovm_path)
147 |
148 | # Now clear them so we don't pollute the environment. In Python, this
149 | # calls unsetenv().
150 | del posix.environ['_OVM_IS_BUNDLE']
151 | del posix.environ['_OVM_PATH']
152 |
153 | elif posix.environ.get('_OVM_RESOURCE_ROOT'): # Unit tests set this
154 | root_dir = posix.environ.get('_OVM_RESOURCE_ROOT')
155 | _loader = _FileResourceLoader(root_dir)
156 |
157 | else:
158 | # Find resources relative to the binary, e.g.
159 | # ~/git/oilshell/oil/bin/oil.py. But it also assumes that all unit tests
160 | # that use resources are are one directory deep, e.g. core/util_test.py.
161 | bin_dir = os_path.dirname(os_path.abspath(sys.argv[0]))
162 | root_dir = os_path.join(bin_dir, '..') # ~/git/oilshell/oil
163 | _loader = _FileResourceLoader(root_dir)
164 |
165 | return _loader
166 |
167 |
168 | def GetVersion(loader):
169 | # type: (_ResourceLoader) -> str
170 | contents = loader.Get('oils-version.txt')
171 | version_str, _ = mylib.split_once(contents, '\n')
172 | return version_str
173 |
174 |
175 | def PrintVersionDetails(loader):
176 | # type: (_ResourceLoader) -> None
177 | """Show version and platform information."""
178 | try:
179 | contents = loader.Get('release-date.txt')
180 | release_date, _ = mylib.split_once(contents, '\n')
181 | except IOError:
182 | release_date = '-' # in dev tree
183 |
184 | try:
185 | contents = loader.Get('pyc-version.txt')
186 | pyc_version, _ = mylib.split_once(contents, '\n')
187 | except IOError:
188 | pyc_version = '-' # in dev tree
189 |
190 | # node is like 'hostname'
191 | # release is the kernel version
192 | system, unused_node, unused_release, platform_version, machine = posix.uname(
193 | )
194 |
195 | # The platform.py module has a big regex that parses sys.version, but we
196 | # don't want to depend on regular expressions. So we will do our own parsing
197 | # here.
198 | version_line, py_compiler = sys.version.splitlines()
199 |
200 | # Pick off the first part of '2.7.12 (default, ...)'
201 | py_version = version_line.split()[0]
202 |
203 | assert py_compiler.startswith('['), py_compiler
204 | assert py_compiler.endswith(']'), py_compiler
205 | py_compiler = py_compiler[1:-1]
206 |
207 | # We removed sys.executable from sysmodule.c.
208 | py_impl = 'CPython' if hasattr(sys, 'executable') else 'OVM'
209 |
210 | print('Release Date: %s' % release_date)
211 | print('Arch: %s' % machine)
212 | print('OS: %s' % system)
213 | print('Platform: %s' % platform_version)
214 | print('Compiler: %s' % py_compiler)
215 | print('Interpreter: %s' % py_impl)
216 | print('Interpreter version: %s' % py_version)
217 | print('Bytecode: %s' % pyc_version)
218 |
219 |
220 | # This was useful for debugging.
221 | def ShowFdState():
222 | # type: () -> None
223 | import subprocess
224 | import posix_ as posix
225 | subprocess.call(['ls', '-l', '/proc/%d/fd' % posix.getpid()])