1 | """
2 | prompt.py: A LIBRARY for prompt evaluation.
3 |
4 | User interface details should go in core/ui.py.
5 | """
6 | from __future__ import print_function
7 |
8 | import time as time_
9 |
10 | from _devbuild.gen.id_kind_asdl import Id, Id_t
11 | from _devbuild.gen.syntax_asdl import (loc, command_t, source, CompoundWord)
12 | from _devbuild.gen.value_asdl import (value, value_e, value_t, Obj)
13 | from core import alloc
14 | from core import main_loop
15 | from core import error
16 | from core import pyos
17 | from core import state
18 | from display import ui
19 | from frontend import consts
20 | from frontend import match
21 | from frontend import reader
22 | from mycpp import mylib
23 | from mycpp.mylib import log, tagswitch
24 | from osh import word_
25 | from pylib import os_path
26 |
27 | import libc # gethostname()
28 | import posix_ as posix
29 |
30 | from typing import Dict, List, Tuple, Optional, cast, TYPE_CHECKING
32 | from core.state import Mem
33 | from frontend.parse_lib import ParseContext
34 | from osh import cmd_eval
35 | from osh import word_eval
36 | from ysh import expr_eval
37 |
38 | _ = log
39 |
40 | #
41 | # Prompt Evaluation
42 | #
43 |
44 | _ERROR_FMT = '<Error: %s> '
45 | _UNBALANCED_ERROR = r'Unbalanced \[ and \]'
46 |
47 |
48 | class _PromptEvaluatorCache(object):
49 | """Cache some values we don't expect to change for the life of a
50 | process."""
51 |
52 | def __init__(self):
53 | # type: () -> None
54 | self.cache = {} # type: Dict[str, str]
55 | self.euid = -1 # invalid value
56 |
57 | def _GetEuid(self):
58 | # type: () -> int
59 | """Cached lookup."""
60 | if self.euid == -1:
61 | self.euid = posix.geteuid()
62 | return self.euid
63 |
64 | def Get(self, name):
65 | # type: (str) -> str
66 | if name in self.cache:
67 | return self.cache[name]
68 |
69 | if name == '$': # \$
70 | value = '#' if self._GetEuid() == 0 else '$'
71 |
72 | elif name == 'hostname': # for \h and \H
73 | value = libc.gethostname()
74 |
75 | elif name == 'user': # for \u
76 | # recursive call for caching
77 | value = pyos.GetUserName(self._GetEuid())
78 |
79 | else:
80 | raise AssertionError(name)
81 |
82 | self.cache[name] = value
83 | return value
84 |
85 |
86 | class Evaluator(object):
87 | """Evaluate the prompt mini-language.
88 |
89 | bash has a very silly algorithm:
90 | 1. replace backslash codes, except any $ in those values get quoted into \$.
91 | 2. Parse the word as if it's in a double quoted context, and then evaluate
92 | the word.
93 |
94 | Haven't done this from POSIX: POSIX:
95 | http://pubs.opengroup.org/onlinepubs/9699919799/utilities/V3_chap02.html
96 |
97 | The shell shall replace each instance of the character '!' in PS1 with the
98 | history file number of the next command to be typed. Escaping the '!' with
99 | another '!' (that is, "!!" ) shall place the literal character '!' in the
100 | prompt.
101 | """
102 |
103 | def __init__(self, lang, version_str, parse_ctx, mem):
104 | # type: (str, str, ParseContext, Mem) -> None
105 | self.word_ev = None # type: word_eval.AbstractWordEvaluator
106 | self.expr_ev = None # type: expr_eval.ExprEvaluator
107 | self.global_io = None # type: Obj
108 |
109 | assert lang in ('osh', 'ysh'), lang
110 | self.lang = lang
111 | self.version_str = version_str
112 | self.parse_ctx = parse_ctx
113 | self.mem = mem
114 | # Cache to save syscalls / libc calls.
115 | self.cache = _PromptEvaluatorCache()
116 |
117 | # These caches should reduce memory pressure a bit. We don't want to
118 | # reparse the prompt twice every time you hit enter.
119 | self.tokens_cache = {} # type: Dict[str, List[Tuple[Id_t, str]]]
120 | self.parse_cache = {} # type: Dict[str, CompoundWord]
121 |
122 | def CheckCircularDeps(self):
123 | # type: () -> None
124 | assert self.word_ev is not None
125 |
126 | def PromptVal(self, what):
127 | # type: (str) -> str
128 | """
129 | _io->promptVal('$')
130 | """
131 | if what == 'D':
132 | # TODO: wrap strftime(), time(), localtime(), etc. so users can do
133 | # it themselves
134 | return _ERROR_FMT % '\D{} not in promptVal()'
135 | else:
136 | # Could make hostname -> h alias, etc.
137 | return self.PromptSubst(what)
138 |
139 | def PromptSubst(self, ch, arg=None):
140 | # type: (str, Optional[str]) -> str
141 |
142 | if ch == '$': # So the user can tell if they're root or not.
143 | r = self.cache.Get('$')
144 |
145 | elif ch == 'u':
146 | r = self.cache.Get('user')
147 |
148 | elif ch == 'h':
149 | hostname = self.cache.Get('hostname')
150 | # foo.com -> foo
151 | r, _ = mylib.split_once(hostname, '.')
152 |
153 | elif ch == 'H':
154 | r = self.cache.Get('hostname')
155 |
156 | elif ch == 's':
157 | r = self.lang
158 |
159 | elif ch == 'v':
160 | r = self.version_str
161 |
162 | elif ch == 'A':
163 | now = time_.time()
164 | r = time_.strftime('%H:%M', time_.localtime(now))
165 |
166 | elif ch == 'D': # \D{%H:%M} is the only one with a suffix
167 | now = time_.time()
168 | assert arg is not None
169 | if len(arg) == 0:
170 | # In bash y.tab.c uses %X when string is empty
171 | # This doesn't seem to match exactly, but meh for now.
172 | fmt = '%X'
173 | else:
174 | fmt = arg
175 | r = time_.strftime(fmt, time_.localtime(now))
176 |
177 | elif ch == 'w':
178 | # HOME doesn't have to exist
179 | home = state.MaybeString(self.mem, 'HOME')
180 |
181 | # Shorten /home/andy/mydir -> ~/mydir
182 | # Note: could also call sh_init.GetWorkingDir()?
183 | r = ui.PrettyDir(self.mem.pwd, home)
184 |
185 | elif ch == 'W':
186 | # Note: could also call sh_init.GetWorkingDir()?
187 | r = os_path.basename(self.mem.pwd)
188 |
189 | else:
190 | # e.g. \e \r \n \\
191 | r = consts.LookupCharPrompt(ch)
192 |
193 | # TODO: Handle more codes
194 | # R(r'\\[adehHjlnrstT@AuvVwW!#$\\]', Id.PS_Subst),
195 | if r is None:
196 | r = _ERROR_FMT % (r'\%s is invalid or unimplemented in $PS1' %
197 | ch)
198 |
199 | return r
200 |
201 | def _ReplaceBackslashCodes(self, tokens):
202 | # type: (List[Tuple[Id_t, str]]) -> str
203 | ret = [] # type: List[str]
204 | non_printing = 0
205 | for id_, s in tokens:
206 | # BadBacklash means they should have escaped with \\. TODO: Make it an error.
207 | # 'echo -e' has a similar issue.
208 | if id_ in (Id.PS_Literals, Id.PS_BadBackslash):
209 | ret.append(s)
210 |
211 | elif id_ == Id.PS_Octal3:
212 | i = int(s[1:], 8)
213 | ret.append(chr(i % 256))
214 |
215 | elif id_ == Id.PS_LBrace:
216 | non_printing += 1
217 | ret.append('\x01')
218 |
219 | elif id_ == Id.PS_RBrace:
220 | non_printing -= 1
221 | if non_printing < 0: # e.g. \]\[
223 |
224 | ret.append('\x02')
225 |
226 | elif id_ == Id.PS_Subst: # \u \h \w etc.
227 | ch = s[1]
228 | arg = None # type: Optional[str]
229 | if ch == 'D':
230 | arg = s[3:-1] # \D{%H:%M}
231 | r = self.PromptSubst(ch, arg=arg)
232 |
233 | # See comment above on bash hack for $.
234 | ret.append(r.replace('$', '\\$'))
235 |
236 | else:
237 | raise AssertionError('Invalid token %r %r' % (id_, s))
238 |
239 | # mismatched brackets, see https://github.com/oilshell/oil/pull/256
240 | if non_printing != 0:
242 |
243 | return ''.join(ret)
244 |
245 | def EvalPrompt(self, s):
246 | # type: (value_t) -> str
247 | """Perform the two evaluations that bash does.
248 |
249 | Used by $PS1 and ${x@P}.
250 | """
251 |
252 | # Parse backslash escapes (cached)
253 | tokens = self.tokens_cache.get(s)
254 | if tokens is None:
255 | tokens = match.Ps1Tokens(s)
256 | self.tokens_cache[s] = tokens
257 |
258 | # Replace values.
259 | ps1_str = self._ReplaceBackslashCodes(tokens)
260 |
261 | # Parse it like a double-quoted word (cached). TODO: This could be done on
262 | # mem.SetValue(), so we get the error earlier.
263 | # NOTE: This is copied from the PS4 logic in Tracer.
264 | ps1_word = self.parse_cache.get(ps1_str)
265 | if ps1_word is None:
266 | w_parser = self.parse_ctx.MakeWordParserForPlugin(ps1_str)
267 | try:
268 | ps1_word = w_parser.ReadForPlugin()
269 | except error.Parse as e:
270 | ps1_word = word_.ErrorWord("<ERROR: Can't parse PS1: %s>" %
271 | e.UserErrorString())
272 | self.parse_cache[ps1_str] = ps1_word
273 |
274 | # Evaluate, e.g. "${debian_chroot}\u" -> '\u'
275 | val2 = self.word_ev.EvalForPlugin(ps1_word)
276 | return val2.s
277 |
278 | def EvalFirstPrompt(self):
279 | # type: () -> str
280 |
281 | # First try calling renderPrompt()
282 | UP_func_val = self.mem.GetValue('renderPrompt')
283 | if UP_func_val.tag() == value_e.Func:
284 | func_val = cast(value.Func, UP_func_val)
285 |
286 | assert self.global_io is not None
287 | pos_args = [self.global_io] # type: List[value_t]
288 | val = self.expr_ev.PluginCall(func_val, pos_args)
289 |
290 | UP_val = val
291 | with tagswitch(val) as case:
292 | if case(value_e.Str):
293 | val = cast(value.Str, UP_val)
294 | return val.s
295 | else:
296 | msg = 'renderPrompt() should return Str, got %s' % ui.ValType(
297 | val)
298 | return _ERROR_FMT % msg
299 |
300 | # Now try evaluating $PS1
301 | ps1_val = self.mem.env_config.GetVal('PS1')
302 | #log('ps1_val %s', ps1_val)
303 | if ps1_val.tag() == value_e.Str:
304 | val = cast(value.Str, ps1_val)
305 | return self.EvalPrompt(val.s)
306 | else:
307 | return '' # e.g. if the user does 'unset PS1'
308 |
309 |
311 |
312 |
313 | class UserPlugin(object):
314 | """For executing PROMPT_COMMAND and caching its parse tree.
315 |
316 | Similar to core/dev.py:Tracer, which caches $PS4.
317 | """
318 |
319 | def __init__(self, mem, parse_ctx, cmd_ev, errfmt):
320 | # type: (Mem, ParseContext, cmd_eval.CommandEvaluator, ui.ErrorFormatter) -> None
321 | self.mem = mem
322 | self.parse_ctx = parse_ctx
323 | self.cmd_ev = cmd_ev
324 | self.errfmt = errfmt
325 |
326 | self.arena = parse_ctx.arena
327 | self.parse_cache = {} # type: Dict[str, command_t]
328 |
329 | def Run(self):
330 | # type: () -> None
331 | val = self.mem.GetValue(PROMPT_COMMAND)
332 | if val.tag() != value_e.Str:
333 | return
334 |
335 | # PROMPT_COMMAND almost never changes, so we try to cache its parsing.
336 | # This avoids memory allocations.
337 | prompt_cmd = cast(value.Str, val).s
338 | node = self.parse_cache.get(prompt_cmd)
339 | if node is None:
340 | line_reader = reader.StringLineReader(prompt_cmd, self.arena)
341 | c_parser = self.parse_ctx.MakeOshParser(line_reader)
342 |
343 | # NOTE: This is similar to CommandEvaluator.ParseTrapCode().
344 | src = source.Variable(PROMPT_COMMAND, loc.Missing)
345 | with alloc.ctx_SourceCode(self.arena, src):
346 | try:
347 | node = main_loop.ParseWholeFile(c_parser)
348 | except error.Parse as e:
349 | self.errfmt.PrettyPrintError(e)
350 | return # don't execute
351 |
352 | self.parse_cache[prompt_cmd] = node
353 |
354 | # Save this so PROMPT_COMMAND can't set $?
355 | with state.ctx_Registers(self.mem):
356 | # Catches fatal execution error
357 | self.cmd_ev.ExecuteAndCatch(node, 0)