1 | """
2 | cppgen_pass.py - AST pass that prints C++ code
3 | """
4 | import itertools
5 | import json # for "C escaping"
6 |
7 | from typing import Union, Optional, Dict
8 |
9 | import mypy
10 | from mycpp import visitor
11 | from mypy.types import (Type, AnyType, NoneTyp, TupleType, Instance,
12 | Overloaded, CallableType, UnionType, UninhabitedType,
13 | PartialType, TypeAliasType)
14 | from mypy.nodes import (Expression, Statement, NameExpr, IndexExpr, MemberExpr,
15 | TupleExpr, ExpressionStmt, IfStmt, StrExpr, SliceExpr,
16 | FuncDef, UnaryExpr, OpExpr, CallExpr, ListExpr,
17 | DictExpr, ClassDef, ForStmt, AssignmentStmt)
18 |
19 | from mycpp import format_strings
20 | from mycpp import pass_state
21 | from mycpp import util
22 | from mycpp.util import log, SymbolToString, SplitPyName
23 |
24 | from typing import Tuple, List, Any, TYPE_CHECKING
26 | from mycpp import const_pass
27 | from mycpp import conversion_pass
28 |
29 |
30 | def _IsContextManager(class_name: util.SymbolPath) -> bool:
31 | return class_name[-1].startswith('ctx_')
32 |
33 |
34 | def _GetCTypeForCast(type_expr: Expression) -> str:
35 | """ MyPy cast() """
36 |
37 | if isinstance(type_expr, MemberExpr):
38 | left = type_expr.expr
39 | assert isinstance(left, NameExpr), left # assume it's module.Type
40 | subtype_name = '%s::%s' % (left.name, type_expr.name)
41 | elif isinstance(type_expr, IndexExpr):
42 | # List[word_t] would be a problem.
43 | # But worked around it in osh/word_parse.py
44 | #subtype_name = 'List<word_t>'
45 | raise AssertionError()
46 | elif isinstance(type_expr, StrExpr):
47 | parts = type_expr.value.split('.')
48 | subtype_name = '::'.join(parts)
49 | elif isinstance(type_expr, NameExpr):
50 | subtype_name = type_expr.name
51 | else:
52 | raise AssertionError()
53 |
54 | # Hack for now
55 | if subtype_name != 'int' and subtype_name != 'mops::BigInt':
56 | subtype_name += '*'
57 | return subtype_name
58 |
59 |
60 | def _GetCastKind(module_path: str, cast_to_type: str) -> str:
61 | """Translate MyPy cast to C++ cast.
62 |
63 | Prefer static_cast, but sometimes we need reinterpret_cast.
64 | """
65 | cast_kind = 'static_cast'
66 |
67 | # Hack for Id.Expr_CastedDummy in expr_to_ast.py
68 | if 'expr_to_ast.py' in module_path:
69 | for name in (
70 | 'ShArrayLiteral',
71 | 'CommandSub',
72 | 'BracedVarSub',
73 | 'DoubleQuoted',
74 | 'SingleQuoted',
75 | # Another kind of hack, not because of CastDummy
76 | 'y_lhs_t',
77 | ):
78 | if name in cast_to_type:
79 | cast_kind = 'reinterpret_cast'
80 | break
81 |
82 | # The other side of Id.Expr_CastedDummy
83 | if 'expr_parse.py' in module_path:
84 | for name in ('Token', ):
85 | if name in cast_to_type:
86 | cast_kind = 'reinterpret_cast'
87 | break
88 |
89 | if 'process.py' in module_path and 'mylib::Writer' in cast_to_type:
90 | cast_kind = 'reinterpret_cast'
91 |
92 | return cast_kind
93 |
94 |
95 | def _ContainsFunc(t: Type) -> Optional[str]:
96 | """ x in y """
97 | contains_func = None
98 |
99 | if isinstance(t, Instance):
100 | type_name = t.type.fullname
101 |
102 | if type_name == 'builtins.list':
103 | contains_func = 'list_contains'
104 |
105 | elif type_name == 'builtins.str':
106 | contains_func = 'str_contains'
107 |
108 | elif type_name == 'builtins.dict':
109 | contains_func = 'dict_contains'
110 |
111 | elif isinstance(t, UnionType):
112 | # Special case for Optional[T] == Union[T, None]
113 | if len(t.items) != 2:
114 | raise NotImplementedError('Expected Optional, got %s' % t)
115 |
116 | if not isinstance(t.items[1], NoneTyp):
117 | raise NotImplementedError('Expected Optional, got %s' % t)
118 |
119 | contains_func = _ContainsFunc(t.items[0])
120 |
121 | return contains_func # None checked later
122 |
123 |
124 | def _EqualsFunc(left_type: Type) -> Optional[str]:
125 | if util.IsStr(left_type):
126 | return 'str_equals'
127 |
128 | if (isinstance(left_type, UnionType) and len(left_type.items) == 2 and
129 | util.IsStr(left_type.items[0]) and
130 | isinstance(left_type.items[1], NoneTyp)):
131 | return 'maybe_str_equals'
132 |
133 | return None
134 |
135 |
136 | _EXPLICIT = ('builtins.str', 'builtins.list', 'builtins.dict')
137 |
138 |
139 | def _CheckCondition(node: Expression, types: Dict[Expression, Type]) -> bool:
140 | """
141 | Ban
142 | if (mystr)
143 | if (mylist)
144 | if (mydict)
145 |
146 | They mean non-empty in Python.
147 | """
148 | #log('NODE %s', node)
149 |
150 | if isinstance(node, UnaryExpr) and node.op == 'not':
151 | return _CheckCondition(node.expr, types)
152 |
153 | if isinstance(node, OpExpr):
154 | #log('OpExpr node %s %s', node, dir(node))
155 |
156 | # if x > 0 and not mylist, etc.
157 | return (_CheckCondition(node.left, types) and
158 | _CheckCondition(node.right, types))
159 |
160 | t = types[node]
161 |
162 | if isinstance(t, Instance):
163 | type_name = t.type.fullname
164 | if type_name in _EXPLICIT:
165 | return False
166 |
167 | elif isinstance(t, UnionType):
168 | if len(t.items) == 2 and isinstance(t.items[1], NoneTyp):
169 | t2 = t.items[0]
170 | assert isinstance(t2, Instance), t2
171 | if t2.type.fullname in _EXPLICIT:
172 | return False
173 |
174 | return True
175 |
176 |
177 | def CTypeIsManaged(c_type: str) -> bool:
178 | """For rooting and field masks."""
179 | assert c_type != 'void'
180 |
181 | if util.SMALL_STR:
182 | if c_type == 'Str':
183 | return True
184 |
185 | # int, double, bool, scope_t enums, etc. are not managed
186 | return c_type.endswith('*')
187 |
188 |
189 | def GetCType(t: Type) -> str:
190 | """Recursively translate MyPy type to C++ type."""
191 | is_pointer = False
192 |
193 | if isinstance(t, UninhabitedType):
194 | # UninhabitedType is used by def e_usage() -> NoReturn
195 | # TODO: we could add [[noreturn]] here!
196 | c_type = 'void'
197 |
198 | elif isinstance(t, PartialType):
199 | # I removed the last instance of this! It was dead code in comp_ui.py.
200 | raise AssertionError()
201 | #c_type = 'void'
202 | #is_pointer = True
203 |
204 | elif isinstance(t,
205 | NoneTyp): # e.g. a function that doesn't return anything
206 | return 'void'
207 |
208 | elif isinstance(t, AnyType):
209 | # 'any' in ASDL becomes void*
210 | # It's useful for value::BuiltinFunc(void* f) which is a vm::_Callable*
211 | c_type = 'void'
212 | is_pointer = True
213 |
214 | elif isinstance(t, CallableType):
215 | # Function types are expanded
216 | # Callable[[Parser, Token, int], arith_expr_t]
217 | # -> arith_expr_t* (*f)(Parser*, Token*, int) nud;
218 |
219 | ret_type = GetCType(t.ret_type)
220 | arg_types = [GetCType(typ) for typ in t.arg_types]
221 | c_type = '%s (*f)(%s)' % (ret_type, ', '.join(arg_types))
222 |
223 | elif isinstance(t, TypeAliasType):
224 | if 0:
225 | log('***')
226 | log('%s', t)
227 | log('%s', dir(t))
228 | log('%s', t.alias)
229 | log('%s', dir(t.alias))
230 | log('%s', t.alias.target)
231 | log('***')
232 | return GetCType(t.alias.target)
233 |
234 | elif isinstance(t, Instance):
235 | type_name = t.type.fullname
236 | #log('** TYPE NAME %s', type_name)
237 |
238 | if type_name == 'builtins.int':
239 | c_type = 'int'
240 |
241 | elif type_name == 'builtins.float':
242 | c_type = 'double'
243 |
244 | elif type_name == 'builtins.bool':
245 | c_type = 'bool'
246 |
247 | elif type_name == 'builtins.str':
248 | if util.SMALL_STR:
249 | c_type = 'Str'
250 | is_pointer = False
251 | else:
252 | c_type = 'BigStr'
253 | is_pointer = True
254 |
255 | elif 'BigInt' in type_name:
256 | # also spelled mycpp.mylib.BigInt
257 |
258 | c_type = 'mops::BigInt'
259 | # Not a pointer!
260 |
261 | elif type_name == 'typing.IO':
262 | c_type = 'mylib::File'
263 | is_pointer = True
264 |
265 | # Parameterized types: List, Dict, Iterator
266 | elif type_name == 'builtins.list':
267 | assert len(t.args) == 1, t.args
268 | type_param = t.args[0]
269 | inner_c_type = GetCType(type_param)
270 | c_type = 'List<%s>' % inner_c_type
271 | is_pointer = True
272 |
273 | elif type_name == 'builtins.dict':
274 | params = []
275 | for type_param in t.args:
276 | params.append(GetCType(type_param))
277 | c_type = 'Dict<%s>' % ', '.join(params)
278 | is_pointer = True
279 |
280 | elif type_name == 'typing.Iterator':
281 | assert len(t.args) == 1, t.args
282 | type_param = t.args[0]
283 | inner_c_type = GetCType(type_param)
284 | c_type = 'ListIter<%s>' % inner_c_type
285 |
286 | else:
287 | parts = t.type.fullname.split('.')
288 | c_type = '%s::%s' % (parts[-2], parts[-1])
289 |
290 | # note: fullname => 'parse.Lexer'; name => 'Lexer'
291 | base_class_names = [b.type.fullname for b in t.type.bases]
292 |
293 | # Check base class for pybase.SimpleObj so we can output
294 | # expr_asdl::tok_t instead of expr_asdl::tok_t*. That is a enum, while
295 | # expr_t is a "regular base class".
296 | # NOTE: Could we avoid the typedef? If it's SimpleObj, just generate
297 | # tok_e instead?
298 |
299 | if 'asdl.pybase.SimpleObj' not in base_class_names:
300 | is_pointer = True
301 |
302 | elif isinstance(t, TupleType):
303 | inner_c_types = [GetCType(inner) for inner in t.items]
304 | c_type = 'Tuple%d<%s>' % (len(t.items), ', '.join(inner_c_types))
305 | is_pointer = True
306 |
307 | elif isinstance(t, UnionType): # Optional[T]
308 |
309 | num_items = len(t.items)
310 |
311 | if num_items == 3:
312 | # Special case for Optional[IOError_OSError] ==
313 | # Union[IOError, # OSError, None]
314 | t0 = t.items[0]
315 | t1 = t.items[1]
316 | t2 = t.items[2]
317 |
318 | assert isinstance(t0, Instance), t0
319 | assert isinstance(t1, Instance), t1
320 | t0_name = t0.type.fullname
321 | t1_name = t1.type.fullname
322 |
323 | if t0_name != 'builtins.IOError':
324 | raise NotImplementedError(
325 | 'Expected Union[IOError, OSError, None]: t0 = %s' %
326 | t0_name)
327 |
328 | if t1_name != 'builtins.OSError':
329 | raise NotImplementedError(
330 | 'Expected Union[IOError, OSError, None]: t1 = %s' %
331 | t1_name)
332 |
333 | if not isinstance(t2, NoneTyp):
334 | raise NotImplementedError(
335 | 'Expected Union[IOError, OSError, None]')
336 |
337 | c_type = 'IOError_OSError'
338 | is_pointer = True
339 |
340 | elif num_items == 2:
341 | # Optional[T]
342 |
343 | t0 = t.items[0]
344 | t1 = t.items[1]
345 |
346 | c_type = None
347 | if isinstance(t1, NoneTyp):
348 | c_type = GetCType(t.items[0])
349 | else:
350 | assert isinstance(t0, Instance), t0
351 | assert isinstance(t1, Instance), t1
352 |
353 | # Detect type alias defined in core/error.py
354 | # IOError_OSError = Union[IOError, OSError]
355 | t0_name = t0.type.fullname
356 | t1_name = t1.type.fullname
357 | if (t0_name == 'builtins.IOError' and
358 | t1_name == 'builtins.OSError'):
359 | c_type = 'IOError_OSError'
360 | is_pointer = True
361 |
362 | if c_type is None:
363 | raise NotImplementedError('Unexpected Union type %s' % t)
364 |
365 | else:
366 | raise NotImplementedError(
367 | 'Expected 2 or 3 items in Union, got %s' % num_items)
368 |
369 | else:
370 | raise NotImplementedError('MyPy type: %s %s' % (type(t), t))
371 |
372 | if is_pointer:
373 | c_type += '*'
374 |
375 | return c_type
376 |
377 |
378 | def GetCReturnType(t: Type) -> Tuple[str, bool, Optional[str]]:
379 | """
380 | Returns a C string, whether the tuple-by-value optimization was applied,
381 | and the C type of an extra output param if the function is a generator.
382 | """
383 |
384 | c_ret_type = GetCType(t)
385 |
386 | # Optimization: Return tuples BY VALUE
387 | if isinstance(t, TupleType):
388 | assert c_ret_type.endswith('*')
389 | return c_ret_type[:-1], True, None
390 | elif c_ret_type.startswith('ListIter<'):
391 | assert len(t.args) == 1, t.args
392 | inner_c_type = GetCType(t.args[0])
393 | return 'void', False, 'List<%s>*' % inner_c_type
394 | else:
395 | return c_ret_type, False, None
396 |
397 |
398 | def PythonStringLiteral(s: str) -> str:
399 | """
400 | Returns a properly quoted string.
401 | """
402 | # MyPy does bad escaping. Decode and push through json to get something
403 | # workable in C++.
404 | return json.dumps(format_strings.DecodeMyPyString(s))
405 |
406 |
407 | def _GetNoReturn(func_name: str) -> str:
408 | # Avoid C++ warnings by prepending [[noreturn]]
409 | if func_name in ('e_die', 'e_die_status', 'e_strict', 'e_usage', 'p_die'):
410 | return '[[noreturn]] '
411 | else:
412 | return ''
413 |
414 |
415 | # name, type, is_param
416 | LocalVar = Tuple[str, Type, bool]
417 |
418 | # lval_type, c_type, is_managed
419 | MemberVar = Tuple[Type, str, bool]
420 |
421 | AllMemberVars = Dict[ClassDef, Dict[str, MemberVar]]
422 |
423 | AllLocalVars = Dict[FuncDef, List[Tuple[str, Type]]]
424 |
425 |
426 | class _Shared(visitor.TypedVisitor):
427 |
428 | def __init__(
429 | self,
430 | types: Dict[Expression, Type],
431 | global_strings: 'const_pass.GlobalStrings',
432 | yield_out_params: Dict[FuncDef, Tuple[str, str]], # input
433 | # all_member_vars:
434 | # - Decl for declaring members in class { }
435 | # - Impl for rooting context managers
436 | all_member_vars: Optional[AllMemberVars] = None,
437 | ) -> None:
438 | visitor.TypedVisitor.__init__(self, types)
439 | self.global_strings = global_strings
440 | self.yield_out_params = yield_out_params
441 | self.all_member_vars = all_member_vars # for class def, and rooting
442 |
443 | # Primitives shared for default values
444 |
445 | def visit_int_expr(self, o: 'mypy.nodes.IntExpr') -> None:
446 | self.write(str(o.value))
447 |
448 | def visit_float_expr(self, o: 'mypy.nodes.FloatExpr') -> None:
449 | # e.g. for arg.t > 0.0
450 | self.write(str(o.value))
451 |
452 | def visit_str_expr(self, o: 'mypy.nodes.StrExpr') -> None:
453 | self.write(self.global_strings.GetVarName(o))
454 |
455 | def oils_visit_name_expr(self, o: 'mypy.nodes.NameExpr') -> None:
456 | if o.name == 'None':
457 | self.write('nullptr')
458 | return
459 | if o.name == 'True':
460 | self.write('true')
461 | return
462 | if o.name == 'False':
463 | self.write('false')
464 | return
465 | if o.name == 'self':
466 | self.write('this')
467 | return
468 |
469 | self.write(o.name)
470 |
471 | def visit_unary_expr(self, o: 'mypy.nodes.UnaryExpr') -> None:
472 | # e.g. a[-1] or 'not x'
473 | if o.op == 'not':
474 | op_str = '!'
475 | else:
476 | op_str = o.op
477 | self.write(op_str)
478 | self.accept(o.expr)
479 |
480 | def _NamespaceComment(self) -> str:
481 | # abstract method
482 | raise NotImplementedError()
483 |
484 | def oils_visit_mypy_file(self, o: 'mypy.nodes.MypyFile') -> None:
485 | mod_parts = o.fullname.split('.')
486 | comment = self._NamespaceComment()
487 |
488 | self.write_ind('namespace %s { // %s\n', mod_parts[-1], comment)
489 | self.write('\n')
490 |
491 | #self.log('defs %s', o.defs)
492 | for node in o.defs:
493 | self.accept(node)
494 |
495 | self.write('\n')
496 | self.write_ind('} // %s namespace %s\n', comment, mod_parts[-1])
497 | self.write('\n')
498 |
499 | def _WriteFuncParams(self,
500 | func_def: FuncDef,
501 | write_defaults: bool = False) -> None:
502 | """Write params for function/method signatures."""
503 | arg_types = func_def.type.arg_types
504 | arguments = func_def.arguments
505 |
506 | is_first = True # EXCLUDING 'self'
507 | for arg_type, arg in zip(arg_types, arguments):
508 | if not is_first:
509 | self.write(', ')
510 |
511 | c_type = GetCType(arg_type)
512 |
513 | arg_name = arg.variable.name
514 |
515 | # C++ has implicit 'this'
516 | if arg_name == 'self':
517 | continue
518 |
519 | # int foo
520 | self.write('%s %s', c_type, arg_name)
521 |
522 | if write_defaults and arg.initializer: # int foo = 42
523 | self.write(' = ')
524 | self.accept(arg.initializer)
525 |
526 | is_first = False
527 |
528 | if 0:
529 | self.log('Argument %s', arg.variable)
530 | self.log(' type_annotation %s', arg.type_annotation)
531 | # I think these are for default values
532 | self.log(' initializer %s', arg.initializer)
533 | self.log(' kind %s', arg.kind)
534 |
535 | # Is the function we're writing params for an iterator?
536 | if func_def in self.yield_out_params:
537 | self.write(', ')
538 |
539 | arg_name, c_type = self.yield_out_params[func_def]
540 | self.write('%s %s', c_type, arg_name)
541 |
542 |
543 | class Decl(_Shared):
544 |
545 | def __init__(
546 | self,
547 | types: Dict[Expression, Type],
548 | global_strings: 'const_pass.GlobalStrings',
549 | yield_out_params: Dict[FuncDef, Tuple[str, str]], # input
550 | virtual: pass_state.Virtual = None,
551 | all_member_vars: Optional[AllMemberVars] = None,
552 | ) -> None:
553 | _Shared.__init__(
554 | self,
555 | types,
556 | global_strings,
557 | yield_out_params,
558 | all_member_vars=all_member_vars,
559 | )
560 | self.virtual = virtual
561 |
562 | def _NamespaceComment(self) -> str:
563 | # abstract method
564 | return 'declare'
565 |
566 | def oils_visit_func_def(self, o: 'mypy.nodes.FuncDef') -> None:
567 | # Avoid C++ warnings by prepending [[noreturn]]
568 | noreturn = _GetNoReturn(o.name)
569 |
570 | virtual = ''
571 | if self.virtual.IsVirtual(self.current_class_name, o.name):
572 | virtual = 'virtual '
573 |
574 | # declaration inside class { }
575 | func_name = o.name
576 |
577 | # Why can't we get this Type object with self.types[o]?
578 | c_ret_type, _, _ = GetCReturnType(o.type.ret_type)
579 |
580 | self.write_ind('%s%s%s %s(', noreturn, virtual, c_ret_type, func_name)
581 |
582 | self._WriteFuncParams(o, write_defaults=True)
583 | self.write(');\n')
584 |
585 | def oils_visit_member_expr(self, o: 'mypy.nodes.MemberExpr') -> None:
586 | # In declarations, 'a.b' is only used for default argument
587 | # values 'a::b'
588 | self.accept(o.expr)
589 | # TODO: remove write() in Decl pass
590 | self.write('::')
591 | self.write(o.name)
592 |
593 | def oils_visit_assignment_stmt(self, o: 'mypy.nodes.AssignmentStmt',
594 | lval: Expression, rval: Expression) -> None:
595 | # Declare constant strings. They have to be at the top level.
596 |
597 | # TODO: self.at_global_scope doesn't work for context managers and so forth
598 | if self.indent == 0:
599 | # Top level can't have foo.bar = baz
600 | assert isinstance(lval, NameExpr), lval
601 | if not util.SkipAssignment(lval.name):
602 | c_type = GetCType(self.types[lval])
603 | self.write('extern %s %s;\n', c_type, lval.name)
604 |
605 | # TODO: we don't traverse here, so _CheckCondition() isn't called
606 | # e.g. x = 'a' if mylist else 'b'
607 |
608 | def oils_visit_constructor(self, o: ClassDef, stmt: FuncDef,
609 | base_class_sym: util.SymbolPath) -> None:
610 | self.indent += 1
611 | self.write_ind('%s(', o.name)
612 | self._WriteFuncParams(stmt, write_defaults=True)
613 | self.write(');\n')
614 | self.indent -= 1
615 |
616 | def oils_visit_dunder_exit(self, o: ClassDef, stmt: FuncDef,
617 | base_class_sym: util.SymbolPath) -> None:
618 | self.indent += 1
619 | # Turn it into a destructor with NO ARGS
620 | self.write_ind('~%s();\n', o.name)
621 | self.indent -= 1
622 |
623 | def oils_visit_method(self, o: ClassDef, stmt: FuncDef,
624 | base_class_sym: util.SymbolPath) -> None:
625 | self.indent += 1
626 | self.accept(stmt)
627 | self.indent -= 1
628 |
629 | def oils_visit_class_members(self, o: ClassDef,
630 | base_class_sym: util.SymbolPath) -> None:
631 | # Write member variables
632 | self.indent += 1
633 | self._MemberDecl(o, base_class_sym)
634 | self.indent -= 1
635 |
636 | def oils_visit_class_def(
637 | self, o: 'mypy.nodes.ClassDef',
638 | base_class_sym: Optional[util.SymbolPath]) -> None:
639 | self.write_ind('class %s', o.name) # block after this
640 |
641 | # e.g. class TextOutput : public ColorOutput
642 | if base_class_sym:
643 | self.write(' : public %s',
644 | SymbolToString(base_class_sym, strip_package=True))
645 |
646 | self.write(' {\n')
647 | self.write_ind(' public:\n')
648 |
649 | # This visits all the methods, with self.indent += 1, param
650 | # base_class_sym, self.current_method_name
651 |
652 | super().oils_visit_class_def(o, base_class_sym)
653 |
654 | self.write_ind('};\n')
655 | self.write('\n')
656 |
657 | def _GcHeaderDecl(self, o: 'mypy.nodes.ClassDef',
658 | field_gc: Tuple[str, str], mask_bits: List[str]) -> None:
659 | if mask_bits:
660 | self.write_ind('\n')
661 | self.write_ind('static constexpr uint32_t field_mask() {\n')
662 | self.write_ind(' return ')
663 | for i, b in enumerate(mask_bits):
664 | if i != 0:
665 | self.write('\n')
666 | self.write_ind(' | ')
667 | self.write(b)
668 | self.write(';\n')
669 | self.write_ind('}\n')
670 |
671 | obj_tag, obj_arg = field_gc
672 | if obj_tag == 'HeapTag::FixedSize':
673 | obj_mask = obj_arg
674 | obj_header = 'ObjHeader::ClassFixed(%s, sizeof(%s))' % (obj_mask,
675 | o.name)
676 | elif obj_tag == 'HeapTag::Scanned':
677 | num_pointers = obj_arg
678 | obj_header = 'ObjHeader::ClassScanned(%s, sizeof(%s))' % (
679 | num_pointers, o.name)
680 | else:
681 | raise AssertionError(o.name)
682 |
683 | self.write('\n')
684 | self.write_ind('static constexpr ObjHeader obj_header() {\n')
685 | self.write_ind(' return %s;\n' % obj_header)
686 | self.write_ind('}\n')
687 |
688 | def _MemberDecl(self, o: 'mypy.nodes.ClassDef',
689 | base_class_sym: util.SymbolPath) -> None:
690 | member_vars = self.all_member_vars[o]
691 |
692 | # List of field mask expressions
693 | mask_bits = []
694 | if self.virtual.CanReorderFields(SplitPyName(o.fullname)):
695 | # No inheritance, so we are free to REORDER member vars, putting
696 | # pointers at the front.
697 |
698 | pointer_members = []
699 | non_pointer_members = []
700 |
701 | for name in member_vars:
702 | _, c_type, is_managed = member_vars[name]
703 | if is_managed:
704 | pointer_members.append(name)
705 | else:
706 | non_pointer_members.append(name)
707 |
708 | # So we declare them in the right order
709 | sorted_member_names = pointer_members + non_pointer_members
710 |
711 | field_gc = ('HeapTag::Scanned', str(len(pointer_members)))
712 | else:
713 | # Has inheritance
714 |
715 | # The field mask of a derived class is unioned with its base's
716 | # field mask.
717 | if base_class_sym:
718 | mask_bits.append(
719 | '%s::field_mask()' %
720 | SymbolToString(base_class_sym, strip_package=True))
721 |
722 | for name in sorted(member_vars):
723 | _, c_type, is_managed = member_vars[name]
724 | if is_managed:
725 | mask_bits.append('maskbit(offsetof(%s, %s))' %
726 | (o.name, name))
727 |
728 | # A base class with no fields has kZeroMask.
729 | if not base_class_sym and not mask_bits:
730 | mask_bits.append('kZeroMask')
731 |
732 | sorted_member_names = sorted(member_vars)
733 |
734 | field_gc = ('HeapTag::FixedSize', 'field_mask()')
735 |
736 | # Write member variables
737 |
738 | #log('MEMBERS for %s: %s', o.name, list(self.member_vars.keys()))
739 | if len(member_vars):
740 | if base_class_sym:
741 | self.write('\n') # separate from functions
742 |
743 | for name in sorted_member_names:
744 | _, c_type, _ = member_vars[name]
745 | # use default zero initialization for all members
746 | # (context managers may be on the stack)
747 | self.write_ind('%s %s{};\n', c_type, name)
748 |
749 | # Context managers aren't GC objects
750 | if not _IsContextManager(self.current_class_name):
751 | self._GcHeaderDecl(o, field_gc, mask_bits)
752 |
753 | self.write('\n')
754 | self.write_ind('DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(%s)\n', o.name)
755 |
756 |
757 | class Impl(_Shared):
758 |
759 | def __init__(
760 | self,
761 | types: Dict[Expression, Type],
762 | global_strings: 'const_pass.GlobalStrings',
763 | yield_out_params: Dict[FuncDef, Tuple[str, str]], # input
764 | all_member_vars: Optional[AllMemberVars] = None,
765 | local_vars: Optional[AllLocalVars] = None,
766 | dot_exprs: Optional['conversion_pass.DotExprs'] = None,
767 | stack_roots_warn: Optional[int] = None,
768 | stack_roots: Optional[pass_state.StackRoots] = None) -> None:
769 | _Shared.__init__(self,
770 | types,
771 | global_strings,
772 | yield_out_params,
773 | all_member_vars=all_member_vars)
774 | self.local_vars = local_vars
775 |
776 | # Computed in previous passes
777 | self.dot_exprs = dot_exprs
778 | self.stack_roots_warn = stack_roots_warn
779 | self.stack_roots = stack_roots
780 |
781 | # Traversal state used to to create an EAGER List<T>
782 | self.yield_eager_assign: Dict[AssignmentStmt, Tuple[str, str]] = {}
783 | self.yield_eager_for: Dict[ForStmt, Tuple[str, str]] = {}
784 |
785 | self.yield_assign_node: Optional[AssignmentStmt] = None
786 | self.yield_for_node: Optional[ForStmt] = None
787 |
788 | # More Traversal state
789 | self.current_func_node: Optional[FuncDef] = None
790 |
791 | self.unique_id = 0
792 |
793 | def _NamespaceComment(self) -> str:
794 | # abstract method
795 | return 'define'
796 |
797 | def oils_visit_func_def(self, o: 'mypy.nodes.FuncDef') -> None:
798 | if self.current_class_name:
799 | # definition looks like
800 | # void Class::method(...);
801 | func_name = SymbolToString((self.current_class_name[-1], o.name))
802 | noreturn = ''
803 | else:
804 | func_name = o.name
805 | noreturn = _GetNoReturn(o.name)
806 |
807 | self.write('\n')
808 |
809 | # Why can't we get this Type object with self.types[o]?
810 | c_ret_type, _, _ = GetCReturnType(o.type.ret_type)
811 |
812 | self.write_ind('%s%s %s(', noreturn, c_ret_type, func_name)
813 |
814 | self.current_func_node = o
815 | self._WriteFuncParams(o, write_defaults=False)
816 |
817 | self.write(') ')
818 | arg_names = [arg.variable.name for arg in o.arguments]
819 | #log('arg_names %s', arg_names)
820 | #log('local_vars %s', self.local_vars[o])
821 | local_var_list: List[LocalVar] = []
822 | for (lval_name, lval_type) in self.local_vars[o]:
823 | local_var_list.append((lval_name, lval_type, lval_name
824 | in arg_names))
825 |
826 | self.write('{\n')
827 |
828 | self.indent += 1
829 | self._WriteLocals(local_var_list)
830 | self._WriteBody(o.body.body)
831 | self.indent -= 1
832 |
833 | self.write('}\n')
834 |
835 | self.current_func_node = None
836 |
837 | def visit_yield_expr(self, o: 'mypy.nodes.YieldExpr') -> None:
838 | assert self.current_func_node in self.yield_out_params
839 | self.write('%s->append(',
840 | self.yield_out_params[self.current_func_node][0])
841 | self.accept(o.expr)
842 | self.write(')')
843 |
844 | def _WriteArgList(self, args: List[Expression]) -> None:
845 | self.write('(')
846 | for i, arg in enumerate(args):
847 | if i != 0:
848 | self.write(', ')
849 | self.accept(arg)
850 |
851 | # Pass an extra arg like my_generator(42, &accum)
852 | #
853 | # Two cases:
854 | # ForStmt: for y in generator(42): =>
855 | # generator(42, &y)
856 | # AssignmentStmt: it = generator(42) =>
857 | # List<int> _iter_buf_it;
858 | # generator(42, &iter_buf_it); # eagerly append
859 |
860 | eager_pair = (self.yield_eager_assign.get(self.yield_assign_node) or
861 | self.yield_eager_for.get(self.yield_for_node))
862 |
863 | if eager_pair:
864 | if len(args) > 0:
865 | self.write(', ')
866 |
867 | eager_list_name, _ = eager_pair
868 | self.write('&%s', eager_list_name)
869 |
870 | self.write(')')
871 |
872 | def oils_visit_member_expr(self, o: 'mypy.nodes.MemberExpr') -> None:
873 | dot_expr = self.dot_exprs[o]
874 |
875 | if isinstance(dot_expr, pass_state.StackObjectMember):
876 | op = '.'
877 |
878 | elif (isinstance(dot_expr, pass_state.StaticClassMember) or
879 | isinstance(dot_expr, pass_state.ModuleMember)):
880 | op = '::'
881 |
882 | elif isinstance(dot_expr, pass_state.HeapObjectMember):
883 | op = '->'
884 |
885 | else:
886 | raise AssertionError()
887 |
888 | self.accept(o.expr)
889 | self.write(op)
890 |
891 | if o.name == 'errno':
892 | # e->errno -> e->errno_ to avoid conflict with C macro
893 | self.write('errno_')
894 | else:
895 | self.write('%s', o.name)
896 |
897 | def _IsInstantiation(self, o: 'mypy.nodes.CallExpr') -> bool:
898 | callee_name = o.callee.name
899 | callee_type = self.types[o.callee]
900 |
901 | # e.g. int() takes str, float, etc. It doesn't matter for translation.
902 | if isinstance(callee_type, Overloaded):
903 | if 0:
904 | for item in callee_type.items():
905 | self.log('item: %s', item)
906 |
907 | if isinstance(callee_type, CallableType):
908 | # If the function name is the same as the return type, then add
909 | # 'Alloc<>'. f = Foo() => f = Alloc<Foo>().
910 | ret_type = callee_type.ret_type
911 |
912 | # e.g. str(i) is a free function
913 | if (callee_name not in ('str', 'bool', 'float') and
914 | 'BigInt' not in callee_name and
915 | isinstance(ret_type, Instance)):
916 |
917 | ret_type_name = ret_type.type.name
918 |
919 | # HACK: Const is the callee; expr__Const is the return type
920 | if (ret_type_name == callee_name or
921 | ret_type_name.endswith('__' + callee_name)):
922 | return True
923 |
924 | return False
925 |
926 | def oils_visit_probe_call(self, o: 'mypy.nodes.CallExpr') -> None:
927 | assert len(o.args) >= 2 and len(o.args) < 13, o.args
928 | assert isinstance(o.args[0], mypy.nodes.StrExpr), o.args[0]
929 | assert isinstance(o.args[1], mypy.nodes.StrExpr), o.args[1]
930 | arity = len(o.args) - 2
931 | macro = 'DTRACE_PROBE'
932 | if arity > 0:
933 | macro = 'DTRACE_PROBE%d' % arity
934 |
935 | self.write('%s(%s, %s', macro, o.args[0].value, o.args[1].value)
936 |
937 | for arg in o.args[2:]:
938 | arg_type = self.types[arg]
939 | self.write(', ')
940 | if util.IsStr(arg_type): # TODO: doesn't know it's an Instance
941 | self.write('%s->data()' % arg.name)
942 | else:
943 | self.accept(arg)
944 |
945 | self.write(')')
946 |
947 | def oils_visit_log_call(self, fmt: StrExpr,
948 | args: List[Expression]) -> None:
949 | if len(args) == 0: # log('const') -> print_stderr(S_xyz)
950 | # This is a GC string
951 | self.write('mylib::print_stderr(')
952 | self.accept(fmt)
953 | self.write(')')
954 | return
955 |
956 | # log('const %s', a) -> print_stderr(StrFormat("const %s", a))
957 | quoted_fmt = PythonStringLiteral(fmt.value)
958 | self.write('mylib::print_stderr(StrFormat(%s, ' % quoted_fmt)
959 |
960 | for i, arg in enumerate(args):
961 | if i != 0:
962 | self.write(', ')
963 | self.accept(arg)
964 | self.write('))')
965 |
966 | def oils_visit_call_expr(self, o: 'mypy.nodes.CallExpr') -> None:
967 | callee_name = o.callee.name
968 |
969 | # return cast(ShArrayLiteral, tok)
970 | # -> return static_cast<ShArrayLiteral*>(tok)
971 |
972 | # TODO: Consolidate this with AssignmentExpr logic.
973 | if callee_name == 'cast':
974 | call = o
975 | type_expr = call.args[0]
976 |
977 | subtype_name = _GetCTypeForCast(type_expr)
978 | cast_kind = _GetCastKind(self.module_path, subtype_name)
979 | self.write('%s<%s>(', cast_kind, subtype_name)
980 | self.accept(call.args[1]) # variable being casted
981 | self.write(')')
982 | return
983 |
984 | if isinstance(o.callee, MemberExpr) and callee_name == 'next':
985 | self.accept(o.callee.expr)
986 | self.write('.iterNext')
987 | self._WriteArgList(o.args)
988 | return
989 |
990 | if self._IsInstantiation(o):
991 | self.write('Alloc<')
992 | self.accept(o.callee)
993 | self.write('>')
994 | self._WriteArgList(o.args)
995 | return
996 |
997 | # Namespace.
998 | if callee_name == 'int': # int('foo') in Python conflicts with keyword
999 | self.write('to_int')
1000 | elif callee_name == 'float':
1001 | self.write('to_float')
1002 | elif callee_name == 'bool':
1003 | self.write('to_bool')
1004 | else:
1005 | self.accept(o.callee) # could be f() or obj.method()
1006 |
1007 | self._WriteArgList(o.args)
1008 |
1009 | # TODO: we could check that keyword arguments are passed as named args?
1010 | #self.log(' arg_kinds %s', o.arg_kinds)
1011 | #self.log(' arg_names %s', o.arg_names)
1012 |
1013 | def oils_visit_format_expr(self, left: Expression,
1014 | right: Expression) -> None:
1015 | self.write('StrFormat(')
1016 | if isinstance(left, StrExpr):
1017 | self.write(PythonStringLiteral(left.value))
1018 | else:
1019 | self.accept(left)
1020 | #log('right_type %s', right_type)
1021 |
1022 | right_type = self.types[right]
1023 |
1024 | # TODO: Can we restore some type checking?
1025 | if 0:
1026 | if isinstance(right_type, Instance):
1027 | fmt_types: List[Type] = [right_type]
1028 | elif isinstance(right_type, TupleType):
1029 | fmt_types = right_type.items
1030 | # Handle Optional[str]
1031 | elif (isinstance(right_type, UnionType) and
1032 | len(right_type.items) == 2 and
1033 | isinstance(right_type.items[1], NoneTyp)):
1034 | fmt_types = [right_type.items[0]]
1035 | else:
1036 | raise AssertionError(right_type)
1037 |
1038 | # In the definition pass, write the call site.
1039 | if isinstance(right_type, TupleType):
1040 | assert isinstance(right, TupleExpr), right
1041 | for i, item in enumerate(right.items):
1042 | self.write(', ')
1043 | self.accept(item)
1044 |
1045 | else: # '[%s]' % x
1046 | self.write(', ')
1047 | self.accept(right)
1048 |
1049 | self.write(')')
1050 |
1051 | def oils_visit_op_expr(self, o: 'mypy.nodes.OpExpr') -> None:
1052 | # a + b when a and b are strings. (Can't use operator overloading
1053 | # because they're pointers.)
1054 | left_type = self.types[o.left]
1055 | right_type = self.types[o.right]
1056 |
1057 | # NOTE: Need GetCType to handle Optional[BigStr*] in ASDL schemas.
1058 | # Could tighten it up later.
1059 | left_ctype = GetCType(left_type)
1060 | right_ctype = GetCType(right_type)
1061 |
1062 | c_op = o.op
1063 | if left_ctype == right_ctype == 'int' and c_op == '//':
1064 | # integer division // -> /
1065 | c_op = '/'
1066 |
1067 | # 'abc' + 'def'
1068 | if left_ctype == right_ctype == 'BigStr*' and c_op == '+':
1069 | self.write('str_concat(')
1070 | self.accept(o.left)
1071 | self.write(', ')
1072 | self.accept(o.right)
1073 | self.write(')')
1074 | return
1075 |
1076 | # 'abc' * 3
1077 | if left_ctype == 'BigStr*' and right_ctype == 'int' and c_op == '*':
1078 | self.write('str_repeat(')
1079 | self.accept(o.left)
1080 | self.write(', ')
1081 | self.accept(o.right)
1082 | self.write(')')
1083 | return
1084 |
1085 | # [None] * 3 => list_repeat(None, 3)
1086 | if (left_ctype.startswith('List<') and right_ctype == 'int' and
1087 | c_op == '*'):
1088 | self.write('list_repeat(')
1089 | self.accept(o.left.items[0])
1090 | self.write(', ')
1091 | self.accept(o.right)
1092 | self.write(')')
1093 | return
1094 |
1095 | # These parens are sometimes extra, but sometimes required. Example:
1096 | #
1097 | # if ((a and (false or true))) { # right
1098 | # vs.
1099 | # if (a and false or true)) { # wrong
1100 | self.write('(')
1101 | self.accept(o.left)
1102 | self.write(' %s ', c_op)
1103 | self.accept(o.right)
1104 | self.write(')')
1105 |
1106 | def visit_comparison_expr(self, o: 'mypy.nodes.ComparisonExpr') -> None:
1107 | # Make sure it's binary
1108 | assert len(o.operators) == 1, o.operators
1109 | assert len(o.operands) == 2, o.operands
1110 |
1111 | operator = o.operators[0]
1112 | left = o.operands[0]
1113 | right = o.operands[1]
1114 |
1115 | # Assume is and is not are for None / nullptr comparison.
1116 | if operator == 'is': # foo is None => foo == nullptr
1117 | self.accept(o.operands[0])
1118 | self.write(' == ')
1119 | self.accept(o.operands[1])
1120 | return
1121 |
1122 | if operator == 'is not': # foo is not None => foo != nullptr
1123 | self.accept(o.operands[0])
1124 | self.write(' != ')
1125 | self.accept(o.operands[1])
1126 | return
1127 |
1128 | t0 = self.types[left]
1129 | t1 = self.types[right]
1130 |
1131 | # 0: not a special case
1132 | # 1: str
1133 | # 2: Optional[str] which is Union[str, None]
1134 | left_type_i = 0 # not a special case
1135 | right_type_i = 0 # not a special case
1136 |
1137 | if util.IsStr(t0):
1138 | left_type_i = 1
1139 | elif (isinstance(t0, UnionType) and len(t0.items) == 2 and
1140 | util.IsStr(t0.items[0]) and isinstance(t0.items[1], NoneTyp)):
1141 | left_type_i = 2
1142 |
1143 | if util.IsStr(t1):
1144 | right_type_i = 1
1145 | elif (isinstance(t1, UnionType) and len(t1.items) == 2 and
1146 | util.IsStr(t1.items[0]) and isinstance(t1.items[1], NoneTyp)):
1147 | right_type_i = 2
1148 |
1149 | #self.log('left_type_i %s right_type_i %s', left_type, right_type)
1150 |
1151 | if left_type_i > 0 and right_type_i > 0 and operator in ('==', '!='):
1152 | if operator == '!=':
1153 | self.write('!(')
1154 |
1155 | # NOTE: This could also be str_equals(left, right)? Does it make a
1156 | # difference?
1157 | if left_type_i > 1 or right_type_i > 1:
1158 | self.write('maybe_str_equals(')
1159 | else:
1160 | self.write('str_equals(')
1161 | self.accept(left)
1162 | self.write(', ')
1163 | self.accept(right)
1164 | self.write(')')
1165 |
1166 | if operator == '!=':
1167 | self.write(')')
1168 | return
1169 |
1170 | # Note: we could get rid of this altogether and rely on C++ function
1171 | # overloading. But somehow I like it more explicit, closer to C (even
1172 | # though we use templates).
1173 | contains_func = _ContainsFunc(t1)
1174 |
1175 | if operator == 'in':
1176 | if isinstance(right, TupleExpr):
1177 | left_type = self.types[left]
1178 |
1179 | equals_func = _EqualsFunc(left_type)
1180 |
1181 | # x in (1, 2, 3) => (x == 1 || x == 2 || x == 3)
1182 | self.write('(')
1183 |
1184 | for i, item in enumerate(right.items):
1185 | if i != 0:
1186 | self.write(' || ')
1187 |
1188 | if equals_func:
1189 | self.write('%s(' % equals_func)
1190 | self.accept(left)
1191 | self.write(', ')
1192 | self.accept(item)
1193 | self.write(')')
1194 | else:
1195 | self.accept(left)
1196 | self.write(' == ')
1197 | self.accept(item)
1198 |
1199 | self.write(')')
1200 | return
1201 |
1202 | assert contains_func, "RHS of 'in' has type %r" % t1
1203 | # x in mylist => list_contains(mylist, x)
1204 | self.write('%s(', contains_func)
1205 | self.accept(right)
1206 | self.write(', ')
1207 | self.accept(left)
1208 | self.write(')')
1209 | return
1210 |
1211 | if operator == 'not in':
1212 | if isinstance(right, TupleExpr):
1213 | left_type = self.types[left]
1214 | equals_func = _EqualsFunc(left_type)
1215 |
1216 | # x not in (1, 2, 3) => (x != 1 && x != 2 && x != 3)
1217 | self.write('(')
1218 |
1219 | for i, item in enumerate(right.items):
1220 | if i != 0:
1221 | self.write(' && ')
1222 |
1223 | if equals_func:
1224 | self.write('!%s(' % equals_func)
1225 | self.accept(left)
1226 | self.write(', ')
1227 | self.accept(item)
1228 | self.write(')')
1229 | else:
1230 | self.accept(left)
1231 | self.write(' != ')
1232 | self.accept(item)
1233 |
1234 | self.write(')')
1235 | return
1236 |
1237 | assert contains_func, t1
1238 |
1239 | # x not in mylist => !list_contains(mylist, x)
1240 | self.write('!%s(', contains_func)
1241 | self.accept(right)
1242 | self.write(', ')
1243 | self.accept(left)
1244 | self.write(')')
1245 | return
1246 |
1247 | # Default case
1248 | self.accept(o.operands[0])
1249 | self.write(' %s ', o.operators[0])
1250 | self.accept(o.operands[1])
1251 |
1252 | def _WriteListElements(self,
1253 | items: List[Expression],
1254 | sep: str = ', ') -> None:
1255 | # sep may be 'COMMA' for a macro
1256 | self.write('{')
1257 | for i, item in enumerate(items):
1258 | if i != 0:
1259 | self.write(sep)
1260 | self.accept(item)
1261 | self.write('}')
1262 |
1263 | def visit_list_expr(self, o: 'mypy.nodes.ListExpr') -> None:
1264 | list_type = self.types[o]
1265 | # Note: need a lookup function that understands ListExpr -> Instance
1266 | assert isinstance(list_type, Instance), list_type
1267 |
1268 | #self.log('**** list_type = %s', list_type)
1269 | c_type = GetCType(list_type)
1270 |
1271 | item_type = list_type.args[0] # int for List[int]
1272 | item_c_type = GetCType(item_type)
1273 |
1274 | assert c_type.endswith('*'), c_type
1275 | c_type = c_type[:-1] # HACK TO CLEAN UP
1276 |
1277 | if len(o.items) == 0:
1278 | self.write('Alloc<%s>()' % c_type)
1279 | else:
1280 | self.write('NewList<%s>(std::initializer_list<%s>' %
1281 | (item_c_type, item_c_type))
1282 | self._WriteListElements(o.items)
1283 | self.write(')')
1284 |
1285 | def visit_dict_expr(self, o: 'mypy.nodes.DictExpr') -> None:
1286 | dict_type = self.types[o]
1287 | # Note: need a lookup function that understands DictExpr -> Instance
1288 | assert isinstance(dict_type, Instance), dict_type
1289 |
1290 | c_type = GetCType(dict_type)
1291 | assert c_type.endswith('*'), c_type
1292 | c_type = c_type[:-1] # HACK TO CLEAN UP
1293 |
1294 | key_type, val_type = dict_type.args
1295 | key_c_type = GetCType(key_type)
1296 | val_c_type = GetCType(val_type)
1297 |
1298 | self.write('Alloc<%s>(' % c_type)
1299 | #self.write('NewDict<%s, %s>(' % (key_c_type, val_c_type))
1300 | if o.items:
1301 | keys = [k for k, _ in o.items]
1302 | values = [v for _, v in o.items]
1303 |
1304 | self.write('std::initializer_list<%s>' % key_c_type)
1305 | self._WriteListElements(keys)
1306 | self.write(', ')
1307 |
1308 | self.write('std::initializer_list<%s>' % val_c_type)
1309 | self._WriteListElements(values)
1310 |
1311 | self.write(')')
1312 |
1313 | def visit_tuple_expr(self, o: 'mypy.nodes.TupleExpr') -> None:
1314 | tuple_type = self.types[o]
1315 | c_type = GetCType(tuple_type)
1316 | assert c_type.endswith('*'), c_type
1317 | c_type = c_type[:-1] # HACK TO CLEAN UP
1318 |
1319 | self.write('(Alloc<%s>(' % c_type)
1320 | for i, item in enumerate(o.items):
1321 | if i != 0:
1322 | self.write(', ')
1323 | self.accept(item)
1324 | self.write('))')
1325 |
1326 | def visit_index_expr(self, o: 'mypy.nodes.IndexExpr') -> None:
1327 | self.accept(o.base)
1328 |
1329 | #base_type = self.types[o.base]
1330 | #self.log('*** BASE TYPE %s', base_type)
1331 |
1332 | if isinstance(o.index, SliceExpr):
1333 | self.accept(o.index) # method call
1334 | else:
1335 | # it's hard syntactically to do (*a)[0], so do it this way.
1336 | if util.SMALL_STR:
1337 | self.write('.at(')
1338 | else:
1339 | self.write('->at(')
1340 |
1341 | self.accept(o.index)
1342 | self.write(')')
1343 |
1344 | def visit_slice_expr(self, o: 'mypy.nodes.SliceExpr') -> None:
1345 | self.write('->slice(')
1346 | if o.begin_index:
1347 | self.accept(o.begin_index)
1348 | else:
1349 | self.write('0') # implicit beginning
1350 |
1351 | if o.end_index:
1352 | self.write(', ')
1353 | self.accept(o.end_index)
1354 |
1355 | if o.stride:
1356 | if not o.begin_index or not o.end_index:
1357 | raise AssertionError(
1358 | 'Stride only supported with beginning and ending index')
1359 |
1360 | self.write(', ')
1361 | self.accept(o.stride)
1362 |
1363 | self.write(')')
1364 |
1365 | def visit_conditional_expr(self, o: 'mypy.nodes.ConditionalExpr') -> None:
1366 | if not _CheckCondition(o.cond, self.types):
1367 | self.report_error(
1368 | o,
1369 | "Use explicit len(obj) or 'obj is not None' for mystr, mylist, mydict"
1370 | )
1371 | return
1372 |
1373 | # 0 if b else 1 -> b ? 0 : 1
1374 | self.accept(o.cond)
1375 | self.write(' ? ')
1376 | self.accept(o.if_expr)
1377 | self.write(' : ')
1378 | self.accept(o.else_expr)
1379 |
1380 | def _WriteTupleUnpacking(self,
1381 | temp_name: str,
1382 | lval_items: List[Expression],
1383 | item_types: List[Type],
1384 | is_return: bool = False) -> None:
1385 | """Used by assignment and for loops.
1386 |
1387 | is_return is a special case for:
1388 |
1389 | # return Tuple2<A, B> by VALUE, not Tuple2<A, B>* pointer
1390 | a, b = myfunc()
1391 | """
1392 | for i, (lval_item, item_type) in enumerate(zip(lval_items,
1393 | item_types)):
1394 | if isinstance(lval_item, NameExpr):
1395 | if util.SkipAssignment(lval_item.name):
1396 | continue
1397 | self.write_ind('%s', lval_item.name)
1398 | else:
1399 | # Could be MemberExpr like self.foo, self.bar = baz
1400 | self.write_ind('')
1401 | self.accept(lval_item)
1402 |
1403 | # Tuples that are return values aren't pointers
1404 | op = '.' if is_return else '->'
1405 | self.write(' = %s%sat%d();\n', temp_name, op, i) # RHS
1406 |
1407 | def _WriteTupleUnpackingInLoop(self, temp_name: str,
1408 | lval_items: List[Expression],
1409 | item_types: List[Type]) -> None:
1410 | for i, (lval_item, item_type) in enumerate(zip(lval_items,
1411 | item_types)):
1412 | c_item_type = GetCType(item_type)
1413 |
1414 | if isinstance(lval_item, NameExpr):
1415 | if util.SkipAssignment(lval_item.name):
1416 | continue
1417 |
1418 | self.write_ind('%s %s', c_item_type, lval_item.name)
1419 | else:
1420 | # Could be MemberExpr like self.foo, self.bar = baz
1421 | self.write_ind('')
1422 | self.accept(lval_item)
1423 |
1424 | op = '->'
1425 | self.write(' = %s%sat%d();\n', temp_name, op, i) # RHS
1426 |
1427 | # Note: it would be nice to eliminate these roots, just like
1428 | # StackRoots _for() below
1429 | if isinstance(lval_item, NameExpr):
1430 | if CTypeIsManaged(c_item_type) and not self.stack_roots:
1431 | self.write_ind('StackRoot _unpack_%d(&%s);\n' %
1432 | (i, lval_item.name))
1433 |
1434 | def _AssignNewDictImpl(self, lval: Expression, prefix: str = '') -> None:
1435 | """Translate NewDict() -> Alloc<Dict<K, V>>
1436 |
1437 | This function is a specal case because the RHS need TYPES from the LHS.
1438 |
1439 | e.g. here is how we make ORDERED dictionaries, which can't be done with {}:
1440 |
1441 | d = NewDict() # type: Dict[int, int]
1442 |
1443 | -> one of
1444 |
1445 | auto* d = Alloc<Dict<int, int>>(); # declare
1446 | d = Alloc<Dict<int, int>>(); # mutate
1447 |
1448 | We also have:
1449 |
1450 | self.d = NewDict()
1451 | ->
1452 | this->d = Alloc<Dict<int, int>)();
1453 | """
1454 | lval_type = self.types[lval]
1455 | #self.log('lval type %s', lval_type)
1456 |
1457 | # Fix for Dict[str, value]? in ASDL
1458 | if (isinstance(lval_type, UnionType) and len(lval_type.items) == 2 and
1459 | isinstance(lval_type.items[1], NoneTyp)):
1460 | lval_type = lval_type.items[0]
1461 |
1462 | c_type = GetCType(lval_type)
1463 | assert c_type.endswith('*')
1464 | self.write('Alloc<%s>()', c_type[:-1])
1465 |
1466 | def _AssignCastImpl(self, lval: Expression, rval: CallExpr) -> None:
1467 | """
1468 | is_downcast_and_shadow idiom:
1469 |
1470 | src = cast(source__SourcedFile, UP_src)
1471 | -> source__SourcedFile* src = static_cast<source__SourcedFile>(UP_src)
1472 | """
1473 | assert isinstance(lval, NameExpr)
1474 | type_expr = rval.args[0]
1475 | subtype_name = _GetCTypeForCast(type_expr)
1476 |
1477 | cast_kind = _GetCastKind(self.module_path, subtype_name)
1478 |
1479 | is_downcast_and_shadow = False
1480 | to_cast = rval.args[1]
1481 | if isinstance(to_cast, NameExpr):
1482 | if to_cast.name.startswith('UP_'):
1483 | is_downcast_and_shadow = True
1484 |
1485 | if is_downcast_and_shadow:
1486 | # Declare NEW local variable inside case, which shadows it
1487 | self.write_ind('%s %s = %s<%s>(', subtype_name, lval.name,
1488 | cast_kind, subtype_name)
1489 | else:
1490 | # Normal variable
1491 | self.write_ind('%s = %s<%s>(', lval.name, cast_kind, subtype_name)
1492 |
1493 | self.accept(rval.args[1]) # variable being casted
1494 | self.write(');\n')
1495 |
1496 | def _AssignToGenerator(self, o: 'mypy.nodes.AssignmentStmt',
1497 | lval: Expression, rval_type: Instance) -> None:
1498 | """
1499 | it_f = f(42)
1500 |
1501 | translates to
1502 |
1503 | List<int> _iter_buf_it;
1504 | f(42, &_iter_buf_it);
1505 | """
1506 | # We're calling a generator. Create a temporary List<T> on the stack
1507 | # to accumulate the results in one big batch, then wrap it in
1508 | # ListIter<T>.
1509 | assert len(rval_type.args) == 1, rval_type.args
1510 | c_type = GetCType(rval_type)
1511 |
1512 | type_param = rval_type.args[0]
1513 | inner_c_type = GetCType(type_param)
1514 |
1515 | assert isinstance(lval, NameExpr), lval
1516 | eager_list_name = 'YIELD_%s' % lval.name
1517 | eager_list_type = 'List<%s>*' % inner_c_type
1518 |
1519 | # write the variable to accumulate into
1520 | self.write_ind('List<%s> %s;\n', inner_c_type, eager_list_name)
1521 |
1522 | # AssignmentStmt key, like:
1523 | # it_f = f()
1524 | # maybe call them self.generator_func, generator_assign
1525 | # In MyPy, the type is Iterator though
1526 | self.yield_eager_assign[o] = (eager_list_name, eager_list_type)
1527 | self.write_ind('')
1528 |
1529 | self.yield_assign_node = o # AssignmentStmt
1530 | self.accept(o.rvalue)
1531 | self.yield_assign_node = None
1532 |
1533 | self.write(';\n')
1534 |
1535 | self.write_ind('%s %s(&%s);\n', c_type, lval.name, eager_list_name)
1536 |
1537 | def oils_visit_assign_to_listcomp(self, lval: NameExpr,
1538 | left_expr: Expression,
1539 | index_expr: Expression, seq: Expression,
1540 | cond: Expression) -> None:
1541 | """
1542 | Special case for list comprehensions. Note that the LHS MUST be on the
1543 | LHS, so we can append to it.
1544 |
1545 | y = [i+1 for i in x[1:] if i]
1546 | =>
1547 | y = []
1548 | for i in x[1:]:
1549 | if i:
1550 | y.append(i+1)
1551 | (but in C++)
1552 | """
1553 | self.write_ind('%s = ', lval.name)
1554 |
1555 | # BUG: can't use this to filter
1556 | # results = [x for x in results]
1557 | if isinstance(seq, NameExpr) and seq.name == lval.name:
1558 | raise AssertionError(
1559 | "Can't use var %r in list comprehension because it would "
1560 | "be overwritten" % lval.name)
1561 |
1562 | c_type = GetCType(self.types[lval])
1563 | # Write empty container as initialization.
1564 | assert c_type.endswith('*'), c_type # Hack
1565 | self.write('Alloc<%s>();\n' % c_type[:-1])
1566 |
1567 | over_type = self.types[seq]
1568 | assert isinstance(over_type, Instance), over_type
1569 |
1570 | if over_type.type.fullname == 'builtins.list':
1571 | c_type = GetCType(over_type)
1572 | # remove *
1573 | assert c_type.endswith('*'), c_type
1574 | c_iter_type = c_type.replace('List', 'ListIter', 1)[:-1]
1575 | else:
1576 | # List comprehension over dictionary not implemented
1577 | c_iter_type = 'TODO_DICT'
1578 |
1579 | self.write_ind('for (%s it(', c_iter_type)
1580 | self.accept(seq)
1581 | self.write('); !it.Done(); it.Next()) {\n')
1582 |
1583 | item_type = over_type.args[0] # get 'int' from 'List<int>'
1584 |
1585 | if isinstance(item_type, Instance):
1586 | self.write_ind(' %s ', GetCType(item_type))
1587 | # TODO(StackRoots): for ch in 'abc'
1588 | self.accept(index_expr)
1589 | self.write(' = it.Value();\n')
1590 |
1591 | elif isinstance(item_type, TupleType): # [x for x, y in pairs]
1592 | c_item_type = GetCType(item_type)
1593 |
1594 | if isinstance(index_expr, TupleExpr):
1595 | temp_name = 'tup%d' % self.unique_id
1596 | self.unique_id += 1
1597 | self.write_ind(' %s %s = it.Value();\n', c_item_type,
1598 | temp_name)
1599 |
1600 | self.indent += 1
1601 |
1602 | # list comp
1603 | self._WriteTupleUnpackingInLoop(temp_name, index_expr.items,
1604 | item_type.items)
1605 |
1606 | self.indent -= 1
1607 | else:
1608 | raise AssertionError()
1609 |
1610 | else:
1611 | raise AssertionError('Unexpected type %s' % item_type)
1612 |
1613 | if cond is not None:
1614 | self.indent += 1
1615 | self.write_ind('if (')
1616 | self.accept(cond)
1617 | self.write(') {\n')
1618 |
1619 | self.write_ind(' %s->append(', lval.name)
1620 | self.accept(left_expr)
1621 | self.write(');\n')
1622 |
1623 | if cond:
1624 | self.write_ind('}\n')
1625 | self.indent -= 1
1626 |
1627 | self.write_ind('}\n')
1628 |
1629 | def oils_visit_assignment_stmt(self, o: 'mypy.nodes.AssignmentStmt',
1630 | lval: Expression, rval: Expression) -> None:
1631 |
1632 | # GLOBAL CONSTANTS - Avoid Alloc<T>, since that can't be done until main().
1633 | if self.indent == 0:
1634 | assert isinstance(lval, NameExpr), lval
1635 | if util.SkipAssignment(lval.name):
1636 | return
1637 | #self.log(' GLOBAL: %s', lval.name)
1638 |
1639 | lval_type = self.types[lval]
1640 |
1641 | # Global
1642 | # L = [1, 2] # type: List[int]
1643 | if isinstance(rval, ListExpr):
1644 | assert isinstance(lval_type, Instance), lval_type
1645 |
1646 | item_type = lval_type.args[0]
1647 | item_c_type = GetCType(item_type)
1648 |
1649 | # Any constant strings will have already been written
1650 | # TODO: Assert that every item is a constant?
1651 | self.write('GLOBAL_LIST(%s, %s, %d, ', lval.name, item_c_type,
1652 | len(rval.items))
1653 |
1654 | self._WriteListElements(rval.items, sep=' COMMA ')
1655 |
1656 | self.write(');\n')
1657 | return
1658 |
1659 | # Global
1660 | # D = {"foo": "bar"} # type: Dict[str, str]
1661 | if isinstance(rval, DictExpr):
1662 | assert isinstance(lval_type, Instance), lval_type
1663 |
1664 | key_type, val_type = lval_type.args
1665 |
1666 | key_c_type = GetCType(key_type)
1667 | val_c_type = GetCType(val_type)
1668 |
1669 | dict_expr = rval
1670 | self.write('GLOBAL_DICT(%s, %s, %s, %d, ', lval.name,
1671 | key_c_type, val_c_type, len(dict_expr.items))
1672 |
1673 | keys = [k for k, _ in dict_expr.items]
1674 | values = [v for _, v in dict_expr.items]
1675 |
1676 | self._WriteListElements(keys, sep=' COMMA ')
1677 | self.write(', ')
1678 | self._WriteListElements(values, sep=' COMMA ')
1679 |
1680 | self.write(');\n')
1681 | return
1682 |
1683 | # We could do GcGlobal<> for ASDL classes, but Oils doesn't use them
1684 | if isinstance(rval, CallExpr):
1685 | self.report_error(
1686 | o,
1687 | "Can't initialize objects at the top level, only BigStr List Dict"
1688 | )
1689 | return
1690 |
1691 | # myconst = 1 << 3 => myconst = 1 << 3 is currently allowed
1692 |
1693 | #
1694 | # Non-top-level
1695 | #
1696 |
1697 | if isinstance(rval, CallExpr):
1698 | callee = rval.callee
1699 | callee_name = callee.name
1700 |
1701 | if callee_name == 'NewDict':
1702 | self.write_ind('')
1703 |
1704 | # Hack for non-members - why does this work?
1705 | # Tests cases in mycpp/examples/containers.py
1706 | if (not isinstance(lval, MemberExpr) and
1707 | self.current_func_node is None):
1708 | self.write('auto* ')
1709 |
1710 | self.accept(lval)
1711 | self.write(' = ')
1712 | self._AssignNewDictImpl(lval) # uses lval, not rval
1713 | self.write(';\n')
1714 | return
1715 |
1716 | if callee_name == 'cast':
1717 | self._AssignCastImpl(lval, rval)
1718 | return
1719 |
1720 | rval_type = self.types[rval]
1721 | if (isinstance(rval_type, Instance) and
1722 | rval_type.type.fullname == 'typing.Iterator'):
1723 | self._AssignToGenerator(o, lval, rval_type)
1724 | return
1725 |
1726 | if isinstance(lval, NameExpr):
1727 | lval_type = self.types[lval]
1728 | #c_type = GetCType(lval_type, local=self.indent != 0)
1729 | c_type = GetCType(lval_type)
1730 |
1731 | if self.at_global_scope:
1732 | # globals always get a type -- they're not mutated
1733 | self.write_ind('%s %s = ', c_type, lval.name)
1734 | else:
1735 | # local declarations are "hoisted" to the top of the function
1736 | self.write_ind('%s = ', lval.name)
1737 |
1738 | self.accept(rval)
1739 | self.write(';\n')
1740 | return
1741 |
1742 | if isinstance(lval, MemberExpr): # self.x = foo
1743 | self.write_ind('')
1744 | self.accept(lval)
1745 | self.write(' = ')
1746 | self.accept(rval)
1747 | self.write(';\n')
1748 | return
1749 |
1750 | if isinstance(lval, IndexExpr): # a[x] = 1
1751 | # d->set(x, 1) for both List and Dict
1752 | self.write_ind('')
1753 | self.accept(lval.base)
1754 | self.write('->set(')
1755 | self.accept(lval.index)
1756 | self.write(', ')
1757 | self.accept(rval)
1758 | self.write(');\n')
1759 | return
1760 |
1761 | if isinstance(lval, TupleExpr):
1762 | # An assignment to an n-tuple turns into n+1 statements. Example:
1763 | #
1764 | # x, y = mytuple
1765 | #
1766 | # Tuple2<int, BigStr*> tup1 = mytuple
1767 | # int x = tup1->at0()
1768 | # BigStr* y = tup1->at1()
1769 |
1770 | rvalue_type = self.types[rval]
1771 |
1772 | # type alias upgrade for MyPy 0.780
1773 | if isinstance(rvalue_type, TypeAliasType):
1774 | rvalue_type = rvalue_type.alias.target
1775 |
1776 | assert isinstance(rvalue_type, TupleType), rvalue_type
1777 |
1778 | c_type = GetCType(rvalue_type)
1779 |
1780 | is_return = (isinstance(rval, CallExpr) and
1781 | rval.callee.name != "next")
1782 | if is_return:
1783 | assert c_type.endswith('*')
1784 | c_type = c_type[:-1]
1785 |
1786 | temp_name = 'tup%d' % self.unique_id
1787 | self.unique_id += 1
1788 | self.write_ind('%s %s = ', c_type, temp_name)
1789 |
1790 | self.accept(rval)
1791 | self.write(';\n')
1792 |
1793 | # assignment
1794 | self._WriteTupleUnpacking(temp_name,
1795 | lval.items,
1796 | rvalue_type.items,
1797 | is_return=is_return)
1798 | return
1799 |
1800 | raise AssertionError(lval)
1801 |
1802 | def _WriteBody(self, body: List[Statement]) -> None:
1803 | """Write a block without the { }."""
1804 | for stmt in body:
1805 | self.accept(stmt)
1806 |
1807 | def oils_visit_for_stmt(self, o: 'mypy.nodes.ForStmt',
1808 | func_name: Optional[str]) -> None:
1809 | if 0:
1810 | self.log('ForStmt')
1811 | self.log(' index_type %s', o.index_type)
1812 | self.log(' inferred_item_type %s', o.inferred_item_type)
1813 | self.log(' inferred_iterator_type %s', o.inferred_iterator_type)
1814 |
1815 | if func_name:
1816 | assert isinstance(o.expr, CallExpr), o.expr # caller ensured it
1817 | args = o.expr.args
1818 |
1819 | # special case: 'for i in xrange(3)'
1820 | if func_name == 'xrange':
1821 | assert isinstance(o.index, NameExpr), o.index
1822 | index_name = o.index.name
1823 |
1824 | assert isinstance(o.expr, CallExpr), o.expr # caller ensured it
1825 | num_args = len(args)
1826 |
1827 | if num_args == 1: # xrange(end)
1828 | self.write_ind('for (int %s = 0; %s < ', index_name,
1829 | index_name)
1830 | self.accept(args[0])
1831 | self.write('; ++%s) ', index_name)
1832 |
1833 | elif num_args == 2: # xrange(being, end)
1834 | self.write_ind('for (int %s = ', index_name)
1835 | self.accept(args[0])
1836 | self.write('; %s < ', index_name)
1837 | self.accept(args[1])
1838 | self.write('; ++%s) ', index_name)
1839 |
1840 | elif num_args == 3: # xrange(being, end, step)
1841 | # Special case to detect a step of -1. This is a static
1842 | # heuristic, because it could be negative dynamically.
1843 | # TODO: could add an API like mylib.reverse_xrange()
1844 | step = args[2]
1845 | if isinstance(step, UnaryExpr) and step.op == '-':
1846 | comparison_op = '>'
1847 | else:
1848 | comparison_op = '<'
1849 |
1850 | self.write_ind('for (int %s = ', index_name)
1851 | self.accept(args[0])
1852 | self.write('; %s %s ', index_name, comparison_op)
1853 | self.accept(args[1])
1854 | self.write('; %s += ', index_name)
1855 | self.accept(step)
1856 | self.write(') ')
1857 |
1858 | else:
1859 | raise AssertionError()
1860 |
1861 | self.accept(o.body)
1862 | return
1863 |
1864 | reverse = False
1865 |
1866 | # for i, x in enumerate(...):
1867 | index0_name = None
1868 | if func_name == 'enumerate':
1869 | assert isinstance(o.index, TupleExpr), o.index
1870 | index0 = o.index.items[0]
1871 |
1872 | assert isinstance(index0, NameExpr), index0
1873 | index0_name = index0.name # generate int i = 0; ; ++i
1874 |
1875 | # Get type of 'x' in 'for i, x in enumerate(...)'
1876 | assert isinstance(o.inferred_item_type,
1877 | TupleType), o.inferred_item_type
1878 | item_type = o.inferred_item_type.items[1]
1879 | index_expr = o.index.items[1]
1880 |
1881 | assert isinstance(o.expr, CallExpr), o.expr # caller ensured
1882 | # enumerate(mylist) turns into iteration over mylist with variable i
1883 | assert len(args) == 1, args
1884 | iterated_over = args[0]
1885 |
1886 | elif func_name == 'reversed':
1887 | # NOTE: enumerate() and reversed() can't be mixed yet. But you CAN
1888 | # reverse iter over tuples.
1889 | item_type = o.inferred_item_type
1890 | index_expr = o.index
1891 |
1892 | assert len(args) == 1, args
1893 | iterated_over = args[0]
1894 |
1895 | reverse = True # use different iterate
1896 |
1897 | elif func_name == 'iteritems':
1898 | item_type = o.inferred_item_type
1899 | index_expr = o.index
1900 |
1901 | assert len(args) == 1, args
1902 | # This should be a dict
1903 | iterated_over = args[0]
1904 |
1905 | #log('------------ ITERITEMS OVER %s', iterated_over)
1906 |
1907 | else:
1908 | item_type = o.inferred_item_type
1909 | index_expr = o.index
1910 | iterated_over = o.expr
1911 |
1912 | over_type = self.types[iterated_over]
1913 |
1914 | if isinstance(over_type, TypeAliasType):
1915 | over_type = over_type.alias.target
1916 |
1917 | assert isinstance(over_type, Instance), over_type
1918 |
1919 | if 0:
1920 | log("***** OVER %s %s", over_type, dir(over_type))
1921 | t = over_type.type
1922 | log("***** t %s %s", t, dir(t))
1923 | bases = t.bases
1924 | # Look for string and dict!
1925 | log("=== bases %s %s", bases, dir(bases))
1926 |
1927 | #self.log(' iterating over type %s', over_type)
1928 | #self.log(' iterating over type %s', over_type.type.fullname)
1929 |
1930 | eager_list_name: Optional[str] = None
1931 |
1932 | over_list = False
1933 | over_dict = False
1934 |
1935 | if over_type.type.fullname == 'builtins.list':
1936 | over_list = True
1937 | container_base_type = over_type
1938 |
1939 | if over_type.type.fullname == 'builtins.dict':
1940 | over_dict = True
1941 | container_base_type = over_type
1942 |
1943 | # now check base classes
1944 | for base_type in over_type.type.bases:
1945 | n = base_type.type.fullname
1946 | if n == 'builtins.list':
1947 | over_list = True
1948 | container_base_type = base_type
1949 | elif n == 'builtins.dict':
1950 | over_dict = True
1951 | container_base_type = base_type
1952 |
1953 | assert not (over_dict and over_list)
1954 |
1955 | if over_list:
1956 | c_type = GetCType(over_type)
1957 | assert c_type.endswith('*'), c_type
1958 | inner_c_type = GetCType(container_base_type.args[0])
1959 | c_iter_type = 'ListIter<%s>' % inner_c_type
1960 |
1961 | # ReverseListIter!
1962 | if reverse:
1963 | c_iter_type = 'Reverse' + c_iter_type
1964 |
1965 | elif over_dict:
1966 | key_c_type = GetCType(container_base_type.args[0])
1967 | val_c_type = GetCType(container_base_type.args[1])
1968 | c_iter_type = 'DictIter<%s, %s>' % (key_c_type, val_c_type)
1969 | assert not reverse
1970 |
1971 | elif over_type.type.fullname == 'builtins.str':
1972 | c_iter_type = 'StrIter'
1973 | assert not reverse # can't reverse iterate over string yet
1974 |
1975 | elif over_type.type.fullname == 'typing.Iterator':
1976 | # We're iterating over a generator. Create a temporary List<T> on
1977 | # the stack to accumulate the results in one big batch.
1978 | c_iter_type = GetCType(over_type)
1979 |
1980 | assert len(over_type.args) == 1, over_type.args
1981 | inner_c_type = GetCType(over_type.args[0])
1982 |
1983 | # eager_list_name is used below
1984 | eager_list_name = 'YIELD_for_%d' % self.unique_id
1985 | eager_list_type = 'List<%s>*' % inner_c_type
1986 | self.unique_id += 1
1987 |
1988 | self.write_ind('List<%s> %s;\n', inner_c_type, eager_list_name)
1989 | self.write_ind('')
1990 |
1991 | # ForStmt - could be self.generator_for_stmt
1992 | #
1993 | # for x in my_generator(42):
1994 | # log('x = %s', x)
1995 | #
1996 | # Turns into
1997 | # List<T> _for_yield_acc3;
1998 | # my_generator(42, &_for_yield_acc3);
1999 | # for (ListIter it(_for_yield_acc3) ...)
2000 |
2001 | self.yield_eager_for[o] = (eager_list_name, eager_list_type)
2002 |
2003 | self.yield_for_node = o # ForStmt
2004 | self.accept(iterated_over)
2005 | self.yield_for_node = None
2006 |
2007 | self.write(';\n')
2008 |
2009 | else: # assume it's like d.iteritems()? Iterator type
2010 | assert False, over_type
2011 |
2012 | if index0_name:
2013 | # can't initialize two things in a for loop, so do it on a separate line
2014 | self.write_ind('%s = 0;\n', index0_name)
2015 | index_update = ', ++%s' % index0_name
2016 | else:
2017 | index_update = ''
2018 |
2019 | self.write_ind('for (%s it(', c_iter_type)
2020 | if eager_list_name:
2021 | self.write('&%s', eager_list_name)
2022 | else:
2023 | self.accept(iterated_over) # the thing being iterated over
2024 | self.write('); !it.Done(); it.Next()%s) {\n', index_update)
2025 |
2026 | # for x in it: ...
2027 | # for i, x in enumerate(pairs): ...
2028 |
2029 | if isinstance(item_type, Instance) or index0_name:
2030 | c_item_type = GetCType(item_type)
2031 | self.write_ind(' %s ', c_item_type)
2032 | self.accept(index_expr)
2033 | if over_dict:
2034 | self.write(' = it.Key();\n')
2035 | else:
2036 | self.write(' = it.Value();\n')
2037 |
2038 | # Register loop variable as a stack root.
2039 | # Note we have mylib.Collect() in CommandEvaluator::_Execute(), and
2040 | # it's called in a loop by _ExecuteList(). Although the 'child'
2041 | # variable is already live by other means.
2042 | # TODO: Test how much this affects performance.
2043 | if CTypeIsManaged(c_item_type) and not self.stack_roots:
2044 | self.write_ind(' StackRoot _for(&')
2045 | self.accept(index_expr)
2046 | self.write_ind(');\n')
2047 |
2048 | elif isinstance(item_type, TupleType): # for x, y in pairs
2049 | if over_dict:
2050 | assert isinstance(o.index, TupleExpr), o.index
2051 | index_items = o.index.items
2052 | assert len(index_items) == 2, index_items
2053 | assert len(item_type.items) == 2, item_type.items
2054 |
2055 | key_type = GetCType(item_type.items[0])
2056 | val_type = GetCType(item_type.items[1])
2057 |
2058 | #log('** %s key_type %s', item_type.items[0], key_type)
2059 | #log('** %s val_type %s', item_type.items[1], val_type)
2060 |
2061 | assert isinstance(index_items[0], NameExpr), index_items[0]
2062 | assert isinstance(index_items[1], NameExpr), index_items[1]
2063 |
2064 | # TODO(StackRoots): k, v
2065 | self.write_ind(' %s %s = it.Key();\n', key_type,
2066 | index_items[0].name)
2067 | self.write_ind(' %s %s = it.Value();\n', val_type,
2068 | index_items[1].name)
2069 |
2070 | else:
2071 | # Example:
2072 | # for (ListIter it(mylist); !it.Done(); it.Next()) {
2073 | # Tuple2<int, BigStr*> tup1 = it.Value();
2074 | # int i = tup1->at0();
2075 | # BigStr* s = tup1->at1();
2076 | # log("%d %s", i, s);
2077 | # }
2078 |
2079 | c_item_type = GetCType(item_type)
2080 |
2081 | if isinstance(o.index, TupleExpr):
2082 | # TODO(StackRoots)
2083 | temp_name = 'tup%d' % self.unique_id
2084 | self.unique_id += 1
2085 | self.write_ind(' %s %s = it.Value();\n', c_item_type,
2086 | temp_name)
2087 |
2088 | # loop - for x, y in other:
2089 | self.indent += 1
2090 | self._WriteTupleUnpackingInLoop(temp_name, o.index.items,
2091 | item_type.items)
2092 | self.indent -= 1
2093 |
2094 | elif isinstance(o.index, NameExpr):
2095 | self.write_ind(' %s %s = it.Value();\n', c_item_type,
2096 | o.index.name)
2097 | #self.write_ind(' StackRoots _for(&%s)\n;', o.index.name)
2098 |
2099 | else:
2100 | raise AssertionError()
2101 |
2102 | else:
2103 | raise AssertionError('Unexpected type %s' % item_type)
2104 |
2105 | # Copy of visit_block, without opening {
2106 | self.indent += 1
2107 | block = o.body
2108 | self._WriteBody(block.body)
2109 | self.indent -= 1
2110 | self.write_ind('}\n')
2111 |
2112 | if o.else_body:
2113 | raise AssertionError("can't translate for-else")
2114 |
2115 | def _WriteCases(self, switch_expr: Expression, cases: util.CaseList,
2116 | default_block: Union['mypy.nodes.Block', int]) -> None:
2117 | """ Write a list of (expr, block) pairs """
2118 |
2119 | for expr, body in cases:
2120 | assert expr is not None, expr
2121 | if not isinstance(expr, CallExpr):
2122 | self.report_error(expr,
2123 | 'Expected call like case(x), got %s' % expr)
2124 | return
2125 |
2126 | for i, arg in enumerate(expr.args):
2127 | if i != 0:
2128 | self.write('\n')
2129 | self.write_ind('case ')
2130 | self.accept(arg)
2131 | self.write(': ')
2132 |
2133 | self.accept(body)
2134 | self.write_ind(' break;\n')
2135 |
2136 | if default_block == -1:
2137 | # an error occurred
2138 | return
2139 | if default_block == -2:
2140 | # This is too restrictive
2141 | #self.report_error(switch_expr,
2142 | # 'switch got no else: for default block')
2143 | return
2144 |
2145 | # Narrow the type
2146 | assert not isinstance(default_block, int), default_block
2147 |
2148 | self.write_ind('default: ')
2149 | self.accept(default_block)
2150 | # don't write 'break'
2151 |
2152 | def _WriteSwitch(self, expr: CallExpr, o: 'mypy.nodes.WithStmt') -> None:
2153 | """Write a switch statement over integers."""
2154 | assert len(expr.args) == 1, expr.args
2155 |
2156 | self.write_ind('switch (')
2157 | self.accept(expr.args[0])
2158 | self.write(') {\n')
2159 |
2160 | assert len(o.body.body) == 1, o.body.body
2161 | if_node = o.body.body[0]
2162 | assert isinstance(if_node, IfStmt), if_node
2163 |
2164 | self.indent += 1
2165 | cases: util.CaseList = []
2166 | default_block = util.CollectSwitchCases(self.module_path,
2167 | if_node,
2168 | cases,
2169 | errors=self.errors_keep_going)
2170 | self._WriteCases(expr, cases, default_block)
2171 |
2172 | self.indent -= 1
2173 | self.write_ind('}\n')
2174 |
2175 | def _WriteTagSwitch(self, expr: CallExpr,
2176 | o: 'mypy.nodes.WithStmt') -> None:
2177 | """Write a switch statement over ASDL types."""
2178 | assert len(expr.args) == 1, expr.args
2179 |
2180 | self.write_ind('switch (')
2181 | self.accept(expr.args[0])
2182 | self.write('->tag()) {\n')
2183 |
2184 | assert len(o.body.body) == 1, o.body.body
2185 | if_node = o.body.body[0]
2186 | assert isinstance(if_node, IfStmt), if_node
2187 |
2188 | self.indent += 1
2189 | cases: util.CaseList = []
2190 | default_block = util.CollectSwitchCases(self.module_path,
2191 | if_node,
2192 | cases,
2193 | errors=self.errors_keep_going)
2194 | self._WriteCases(expr, cases, default_block)
2195 |
2196 | self.indent -= 1
2197 | self.write_ind('}\n')
2198 |
2199 | def _StrSwitchCases(self, cases: util.CaseList) -> Any:
2200 | cases2: List[Tuple[int, str, 'mypy.nodes.Block']] = []
2201 | for expr, body in cases:
2202 | if not isinstance(expr, CallExpr):
2203 | # non-fatal check from CollectSwitchCases
2204 | break
2205 |
2206 | args = expr.args
2207 | if len(args) != 1:
2208 | self.report_error(
2209 | expr,
2210 | 'str_switch can only have case("x"), not case("x", "y"): got %r'
2211 | % args)
2212 | break
2213 |
2214 | if not isinstance(args[0], StrExpr):
2215 | self.report_error(
2216 | expr,
2217 | 'str_switch can only be used with constant strings, got %s'
2218 | % args[0])
2219 | break
2220 |
2221 | s = args[0].value
2222 | cases2.append((len(s), s, body))
2223 |
2224 | # Sort by string length
2225 | cases2.sort(key=lambda pair: pair[0])
2226 | grouped = itertools.groupby(cases2, key=lambda pair: pair[0])
2227 | return grouped
2228 |
2229 | def _WriteStrSwitch(self, expr: CallExpr,
2230 | o: 'mypy.nodes.WithStmt') -> None:
2231 | """Write a switch statement over strings."""
2232 | assert len(expr.args) == 1, expr.args
2233 |
2234 | switch_expr = expr # for later error
2235 |
2236 | switch_var = expr.args[0]
2237 | if not isinstance(switch_var, NameExpr):
2238 | self.report_error(
2239 | expr.args[0],
2240 | 'str_switch(x) accepts only a variable name, got %s' %
2241 | switch_var)
2242 | return
2243 |
2244 | self.write_ind('switch (len(%s)) {\n' % switch_var.name)
2245 |
2246 | # There can only be one thing under 'with str_switch'
2247 | assert len(o.body.body) == 1, o.body.body
2248 | if_node = o.body.body[0]
2249 | assert isinstance(if_node, IfStmt), if_node
2250 |
2251 | self.indent += 1
2252 |
2253 | cases: util.CaseList = []
2254 | default_block = util.CollectSwitchCases(self.module_path,
2255 | if_node,
2256 | cases,
2257 | errors=self.errors_keep_going)
2258 |
2259 | grouped_cases = self._StrSwitchCases(cases)
2260 | # Warning: this consumes internal iterator
2261 | #self.log('grouped %s', list(grouped_cases))
2262 |
2263 | for str_len, group in grouped_cases:
2264 | self.write_ind('case %s: {\n' % str_len)
2265 | if_num = 0
2266 | for _, case_str, block in group:
2267 | self.indent += 1
2268 |
2269 | else_str = '' if if_num == 0 else 'else '
2270 | self.write_ind('%sif (str_equals_c(%s, %s, %d)) ' %
2271 | (else_str, switch_var.name,
2272 | PythonStringLiteral(case_str), str_len))
2273 | self.accept(block)
2274 |
2275 | self.indent -= 1
2276 | if_num += 1
2277 |
2278 | self.indent += 1
2279 | self.write_ind('else {\n')
2280 | self.write_ind(' goto str_switch_default;\n')
2281 | self.write_ind('}\n')
2282 | self.indent -= 1
2283 |
2284 | self.write_ind('}\n')
2285 | self.write_ind(' break;\n')
2286 |
2287 | if default_block == -1:
2288 | # an error occurred
2289 | return
2290 | if default_block == -2:
2291 | self.report_error(switch_expr,
2292 | 'str_switch got no else: for default block')
2293 | return
2294 |
2295 | # Narrow the type
2296 | assert not isinstance(default_block, int), default_block
2297 |
2298 | self.write('\n')
2299 | self.write_ind('str_switch_default:\n')
2300 | self.write_ind('default: ')
2301 | self.accept(default_block)
2302 |
2303 | self.indent -= 1
2304 | self.write_ind('}\n')
2305 |
2306 | def visit_with_stmt(self, o: 'mypy.nodes.WithStmt') -> None:
2307 | """
2308 | Translate only blocks of this form:
2309 |
2310 | with switch(x) as case:
2311 | if case(0):
2312 | print('zero')
2313 | elif case(1, 2, 3):
2314 | print('low')
2315 | else:
2316 | print('other')
2317 |
2318 | switch(x) {
2319 | case 0:
2320 | print('zero')
2321 | break;
2322 | case 1:
2323 | case 2:
2324 | case 3:
2325 | print('low')
2326 | break;
2327 | default:
2328 | print('other')
2329 | break;
2330 | }
2331 |
2332 | Or:
2333 |
2334 | with ctx_Bar(bar, x, y):
2335 | x()
2336 |
2337 | {
2338 | ctx_Bar(bar, x, y)
2339 | x();
2340 | }
2341 | """
2342 | #log('WITH')
2343 | #log('expr %s', o.expr)
2344 | #log('target %s', o.target)
2345 |
2346 | assert len(o.expr) == 1, o.expr
2347 | expr = o.expr[0]
2348 | assert isinstance(expr, CallExpr), expr
2349 |
2350 | # There is no 'with mylib.tagswitch(x)', only 'with tagswitch(x)'
2351 | # But we have with alloc.ctx_SourceCode
2352 | #assert isinstance(expr.callee, NameExpr), expr.callee
2353 |
2354 | callee_name = expr.callee.name
2355 | if callee_name == 'switch':
2356 | self._WriteSwitch(expr, o)
2357 | elif callee_name == 'str_switch':
2358 | self._WriteStrSwitch(expr, o)
2359 | elif callee_name == 'tagswitch':
2360 | self._WriteTagSwitch(expr, o)
2361 | else:
2362 | assert isinstance(expr, CallExpr), expr
2363 | self.write_ind('{ // with\n')
2364 | self.indent += 1
2365 |
2366 | self.write_ind('')
2367 | self.accept(expr.callee)
2368 |
2369 | # FIX: Use braced initialization to avoid most-vexing parse when
2370 | # there are 0 args!
2371 | self.write(' ctx{')
2372 | for i, arg in enumerate(expr.args):
2373 | if i != 0:
2374 | self.write(', ')
2375 | self.accept(arg)
2376 | self.write('};\n\n')
2377 |
2378 | self._WriteBody(o.body.body)
2379 |
2380 | self.indent -= 1
2381 | self.write_ind('}\n')
2382 |
2383 | def visit_del_stmt(self, o: 'mypy.nodes.DelStmt') -> None:
2384 |
2385 | d = o.expr
2386 | if isinstance(d, IndexExpr):
2387 | self.write_ind('')
2388 | self.accept(d.base)
2389 |
2390 | if isinstance(d.index, SliceExpr):
2391 | # del mylist[:] -> mylist->clear()
2392 |
2393 | sl = d.index
2394 | assert sl.begin_index is None, sl
2395 | assert sl.end_index is None, sl
2396 | self.write('->clear()')
2397 | else:
2398 | # del mydict[mykey] raises KeyError, which we don't want
2399 | raise AssertionError(
2400 | 'Use mylib.dict_erase(d, key) instead of del d[key]')
2401 |
2402 | self.write(';\n')
2403 |
2404 | def oils_visit_constructor(self, o: ClassDef, stmt: FuncDef,
2405 | base_class_sym: util.SymbolPath) -> None:
2406 | self.write('\n')
2407 | self.write('%s::%s(', o.name, o.name)
2408 | self._WriteFuncParams(stmt, write_defaults=False)
2409 | self.write(')')
2410 |
2411 | first_index = 0
2412 |
2413 | # Skip docstring
2414 | maybe_skip_stmt = stmt.body.body[0]
2415 | if (isinstance(maybe_skip_stmt, ExpressionStmt) and
2416 | isinstance(maybe_skip_stmt.expr, StrExpr)):
2417 | first_index += 1
2418 |
2419 | # Check for Base.__init__(self, ...) and move that to the initializer list.
2420 | first_stmt = stmt.body.body[first_index]
2421 | if (isinstance(first_stmt, ExpressionStmt) and
2422 | isinstance(first_stmt.expr, CallExpr)):
2423 | expr = first_stmt.expr
2424 | #log('expr %s', expr)
2425 | callee = first_stmt.expr.callee
2426 |
2427 | # TextOutput() : ColorOutput(f), ... {
2428 | if (isinstance(callee, MemberExpr) and callee.name == '__init__'):
2429 | base_constructor_args = expr.args
2430 | #log('ARGS %s', base_constructor_args)
2431 | self.write(' : %s(',
2432 | SymbolToString(base_class_sym, strip_package=True))
2433 | for i, arg in enumerate(base_constructor_args):
2434 | if i == 0:
2435 | continue # Skip 'this'
2436 | if i != 1:
2437 | self.write(', ')
2438 | self.accept(arg)
2439 | self.write(')')
2440 |
2441 | first_index += 1
2442 |
2443 | self.write(' {\n')
2444 |
2445 | # Now visit the rest of the statements
2446 | self.indent += 1
2447 |
2448 | if _IsContextManager(self.current_class_name):
2449 | # For ctx_* classes only, do gHeap.PushRoot() for all the pointer
2450 | # members
2451 | member_vars = self.all_member_vars[o]
2452 | for name in sorted(member_vars):
2453 | _, c_type, is_managed = member_vars[name]
2454 | if is_managed:
2455 | # VALIDATE_ROOTS doesn't complain even if it's not
2456 | # initialized? Should be initialized after PushRoot().
2457 | #self.write_ind('this->%s = nullptr;\n' % name)
2458 | self.write_ind(
2459 | 'gHeap.PushRoot(reinterpret_cast<RawObject**>(&(this->%s)));\n'
2460 | % name)
2461 |
2462 | for node in stmt.body.body[first_index:]:
2463 | self.accept(node)
2464 | self.indent -= 1
2465 | self.write('}\n')
2466 |
2467 | def oils_visit_dunder_exit(self, o: ClassDef, stmt: FuncDef,
2468 | base_class_sym: util.SymbolPath) -> None:
2469 | self.write('\n')
2470 | self.write_ind('%s::~%s()', o.name, o.name)
2471 |
2472 | self.write(' {\n')
2473 | self.indent += 1
2474 |
2475 | # TODO:
2476 | # - Can't throw exception in destructor.
2477 | # - Check that you don't return early from destructor. If so, we skip
2478 | # PopRoot(), which messes up the invariant!
2479 |
2480 | for node in stmt.body.body:
2481 | self.accept(node)
2482 |
2483 | # For ctx_* classes only , gHeap.PopRoot() for all the pointer members
2484 | if _IsContextManager(self.current_class_name):
2485 | member_vars = self.all_member_vars[o]
2486 | for name in sorted(member_vars):
2487 | _, c_type, is_managed = member_vars[name]
2488 | if is_managed:
2489 | self.write_ind('gHeap.PopRoot();\n')
2490 | else:
2491 | self.report_error(
2492 | o, 'Any class with __exit__ should be named ctx_Foo (%s)' %
2493 | (self.current_class_name, ))
2494 | return
2495 |
2496 | self.indent -= 1
2497 | self.write('}\n')
2498 |
2499 | def oils_visit_method(self, o: ClassDef, stmt: FuncDef,
2500 | base_class_sym: util.SymbolPath) -> None:
2501 | self.accept(stmt)
2502 |
2503 | # Module structure
2504 |
2505 | def visit_import(self, o: 'mypy.nodes.Import') -> None:
2506 | pass
2507 |
2508 | def visit_import_from(self, o: 'mypy.nodes.ImportFrom') -> None:
2509 | """
2510 | Write C++ namespace aliases and 'using' for imports.
2511 | We need them in the 'decl' phase for default arguments like
2512 | runtime_asdl::scope_e -> scope_e
2513 | """
2514 | if o.id in ('__future__', 'typing'):
2515 | return # do nothing
2516 |
2517 | for name, alias in o.names:
2518 | #self.log('ImportFrom id: %s name: %s alias: %s', o.id, name, alias)
2519 |
2520 | if name == 'log': # varargs translation
2521 | continue
2522 |
2523 | if o.id == 'mycpp.mylib':
2524 | # These mylib functions are translated in a special way
2525 | if name in ('switch', 'tagswitch', 'str_switch', 'iteritems',
2526 | 'NewDict', 'probe'):
2527 | continue
2528 | # STDIN_FILENO is #included
2529 | if name == 'STDIN_FILENO':
2530 | continue
2531 |
2532 | # A heuristic that works for the Oils import style.
2533 | if '.' in o.id:
2534 | # from mycpp.mylib import log => using mylib::log
2535 | translate_import = True
2536 | else:
2537 | # from core import util => NOT translated
2538 | # We just rely on 'util' being defined.
2539 | translate_import = False
2540 |
2541 | if translate_import:
2542 | dotted_parts = o.id.split('.')
2543 | last_dotted = dotted_parts[-1]
2544 |
2545 | # Omit these:
2546 | # from _gen.ysh import grammar_nt
2547 | if last_dotted == 'ysh':
2548 | return
2549 | # from _devbuild.gen import syntax_asdl
2550 | if last_dotted == 'gen':
2551 | return
2552 |
2553 | # Problem:
2554 | # - The decl stage has to return yaks_asdl::mod_def, so imports should go there
2555 | # - But if you change this to decl_write() instead of
2556 | # write(), you end up 'using error::e_usage' in say
2557 | # 'assign_osh', and it hasn't been defined yet.
2558 |
2559 | if alias:
2560 | # using runtime_asdl::emit_e = EMIT;
2561 | self.write_ind('using %s = %s::%s;\n', alias, last_dotted,
2562 | name)
2563 | else:
2564 | # from _devbuild.gen.id_kind_asdl import Id
2565 | # -> using id_kind_asdl::Id.
2566 | using_str = 'using %s::%s;\n' % (last_dotted, name)
2567 | self.write_ind(using_str)
2568 |
2569 | # Fully qualified:
2570 | # self.write_ind('using %s::%s;\n', '::'.join(dotted_parts), name)
2571 |
2572 | else:
2573 | # If we're importing a module without an alias, we don't need to do
2574 | # anything. 'namespace cmd_eval' is already defined.
2575 | if not alias:
2576 | return
2577 |
2578 | # from asdl import format as fmt
2579 | # -> namespace fmt = format;
2580 | self.write_ind('namespace %s = %s;\n', alias, name)
2581 |
2582 | # Statements
2583 |
2584 | def _WriteLocals(self, local_var_list: List[LocalVar]) -> None:
2585 | # TODO: put the pointers first, and then register a single
2586 | # StackRoots record.
2587 | done = set()
2588 | for lval_name, lval_type, is_param in local_var_list:
2589 | c_type = GetCType(lval_type)
2590 | if not is_param and lval_name not in done:
2591 | if util.SMALL_STR and c_type == 'Str':
2592 | self.write_ind('%s %s(nullptr);\n', c_type, lval_name)
2593 | else:
2594 | rhs = ' = nullptr' if CTypeIsManaged(c_type) else ''
2595 | self.write_ind('%s %s%s;\n', c_type, lval_name, rhs)
2596 |
2597 | # TODO: we're not skipping the assignment, because of
2598 | # the RHS
2599 | if util.IsUnusedVar(lval_name):
2600 | # suppress C++ unused var compiler warnings!
2601 | self.write_ind('(void)%s;\n' % lval_name)
2602 |
2603 | done.add(lval_name)
2604 |
2605 | # Figure out if we have any roots to write with StackRoots
2606 | roots = [] # keep it sorted
2607 | full_func_name = None
2608 | if self.current_func_node:
2609 | full_func_name = SplitPyName(self.current_func_node.fullname)
2610 |
2611 | for lval_name, lval_type, is_param in local_var_list:
2612 | c_type = GetCType(lval_type)
2613 | #self.log('%s %s %s', lval_name, c_type, is_param)
2614 | if lval_name not in roots and CTypeIsManaged(c_type):
2615 | if (not self.stack_roots or self.stack_roots.needs_root(
2616 | full_func_name, SplitPyName(lval_name))):
2617 | roots.append(lval_name)
2618 |
2619 | #self.log('roots %s', roots)
2620 |
2621 | if len(roots):
2622 | if (self.stack_roots_warn and len(roots) > self.stack_roots_warn):
2623 | log('WARNING: %s() has %d stack roots. Consider refactoring this function.'
2624 | % (self.current_func_node.fullname, len(roots)))
2625 |
2626 | for i, r in enumerate(roots):
2627 | self.write_ind('StackRoot _root%d(&%s);\n' % (i, r))
2628 |
2629 | self.write('\n')
2630 |
2631 | def visit_block(self, block: 'mypy.nodes.Block') -> None:
2632 | self.write('{\n') # not indented to use same line as while/if
2633 |
2634 | self.indent += 1
2635 | self._WriteBody(block.body)
2636 | self.indent -= 1
2637 |
2638 | self.write_ind('}\n')
2639 |
2640 | def oils_visit_expression_stmt(self,
2641 | o: 'mypy.nodes.ExpressionStmt') -> None:
2642 | self.write_ind('')
2643 | self.accept(o.expr)
2644 | self.write(';\n')
2645 |
2646 | def visit_operator_assignment_stmt(
2647 | self, o: 'mypy.nodes.OperatorAssignmentStmt') -> None:
2648 | self.write_ind('')
2649 | self.accept(o.lvalue)
2650 | self.write(' %s= ', o.op) # + to +=
2651 | self.accept(o.rvalue)
2652 | self.write(';\n')
2653 |
2654 | def visit_while_stmt(self, o: 'mypy.nodes.WhileStmt') -> None:
2655 | self.write_ind('while (')
2656 | self.accept(o.expr)
2657 | self.write(') ')
2658 | self.accept(o.body)
2659 |
2660 | def visit_return_stmt(self, o: 'mypy.nodes.ReturnStmt') -> None:
2661 | # Examples:
2662 | # return
2663 | # return None
2664 | # return my_int + 3;
2665 | self.write_ind('return ')
2666 | if o.expr:
2667 | if not (isinstance(o.expr, NameExpr) and o.expr.name == 'None'):
2668 |
2669 | # Note: the type of the return expression (self.types[o.expr])
2670 | # and the return type of the FUNCTION are different. Use the
2671 | # latter.
2672 | ret_type = self.current_func_node.type.ret_type
2673 |
2674 | c_ret_type, returning_tuple, _ = GetCReturnType(ret_type)
2675 |
2676 | # return '', None # tuple literal
2677 | # but NOT
2678 | # return tuple_func()
2679 | if returning_tuple and isinstance(o.expr, TupleExpr):
2680 | self.write('%s(' % c_ret_type)
2681 | for i, item in enumerate(o.expr.items):
2682 | if i != 0:
2683 | self.write(', ')
2684 | self.accept(item)
2685 | self.write(');\n')
2686 | return
2687 |
2688 | # Not returning tuple
2689 | self.accept(o.expr)
2690 |
2691 | self.write(';\n')
2692 |
2693 | def visit_if_stmt(self, o: 'mypy.nodes.IfStmt') -> None:
2694 | # Not sure why this wouldn't be true
2695 | assert len(o.expr) == 1, o.expr
2696 |
2697 | condition = o.expr[0]
2698 |
2699 | if not _CheckCondition(condition, self.types):
2700 | self.report_error(
2701 | o,
2702 | "Use explicit len(obj) or 'obj is not None' for mystr, mylist, mydict"
2703 | )
2704 | return
2705 |
2706 | if util.ShouldVisitIfExpr(o):
2707 | self.write_ind('if (')
2708 | for e in o.expr:
2709 | self.accept(e)
2710 | self.write(') ')
2711 |
2712 | if util.ShouldVisitIfBody(o):
2713 | cond = util.GetSpecialIfCondition(o)
2714 | if cond == 'CPP':
2715 | self.write_ind('// if MYCPP\n')
2716 | self.write_ind('')
2717 |
2718 | for body in o.body:
2719 | self.accept(body)
2720 |
2721 | if cond == 'CPP':
2722 | self.write_ind('// endif MYCPP\n')
2723 |
2724 | if util.ShouldVisitElseBody(o):
2725 | cond = util.GetSpecialIfCondition(o)
2726 | if cond == 'PYTHON':
2727 | self.write_ind('// if not PYTHON\n')
2728 | self.write_ind('')
2729 |
2730 | if util.ShouldVisitIfBody(o):
2731 | self.write_ind('else ')
2732 |
2733 | self.accept(o.else_body)
2734 |
2735 | if cond == 'PYTHON':
2736 | self.write_ind('// endif MYCPP\n')
2737 |
2738 | def visit_break_stmt(self, o: 'mypy.nodes.BreakStmt') -> None:
2739 | self.write_ind('break;\n')
2740 |
2741 | def visit_continue_stmt(self, o: 'mypy.nodes.ContinueStmt') -> None:
2742 | self.write_ind('continue;\n')
2743 |
2744 | def visit_pass_stmt(self, o: 'mypy.nodes.PassStmt') -> None:
2745 | self.write_ind('; // pass\n')
2746 |
2747 | def visit_raise_stmt(self, o: 'mypy.nodes.RaiseStmt') -> None:
2748 | to_raise = o.expr
2749 |
2750 | if to_raise:
2751 | if isinstance(to_raise, CallExpr) and isinstance(
2752 | to_raise.callee, NameExpr):
2753 | callee_name = to_raise.callee.name
2754 | if callee_name == 'AssertionError':
2755 | # C++ compiler is aware of assert(0) for unreachable code
2756 | self.write_ind('assert(0); // AssertionError\n')
2757 | return
2758 | if callee_name == 'NotImplementedError':
2759 | self.write_ind(
2760 | 'FAIL(kNotImplemented); // Python NotImplementedError\n'
2761 | )
2762 | return
2763 | self.write_ind('throw ')
2764 | self.accept(to_raise)
2765 | self.write(';\n')
2766 | else:
2767 | # raise without arg
2768 | self.write_ind('throw;\n')
2769 |
2770 | def visit_try_stmt(self, o: 'mypy.nodes.TryStmt') -> None:
2771 | self.write_ind('try ')
2772 | self.accept(o.body)
2773 | caught = False
2774 |
2775 | for t, v, handler in zip(o.types, o.vars, o.handlers):
2776 | c_type = None
2777 |
2778 | if isinstance(t, NameExpr):
2779 | if t.name in ('IOError', 'OSError'):
2780 | self.report_error(
2781 | handler,
2782 | 'Use except (IOError, OSError) rather than catching just one'
2783 | )
2784 | c_type = '%s*' % t.name
2785 |
2786 | elif isinstance(t, MemberExpr):
2787 | # We never use 'except foo.bar.T', only `foo.T'
2788 | assert isinstance(t.expr, NameExpr), t.expr
2789 | c_type = '%s::%s*' % (t.expr.name, t.name)
2790 |
2791 | elif isinstance(t, TupleExpr):
2792 | if len(t.items) == 2:
2793 | e1 = t.items[0]
2794 | e2 = t.items[1]
2795 | if isinstance(e1, NameExpr) and isinstance(e2, NameExpr):
2796 | names = [e1.name, e2.name]
2797 | names.sort()
2798 | if names == ['IOError', 'OSError']:
2799 | c_type = 'IOError_OSError*' # Base class in mylib
2800 |
2801 | else:
2802 | raise AssertionError()
2803 |
2804 | if c_type is None:
2805 | self.report_error(o, "try couldn't determine c_type")
2806 | return
2807 |
2808 | if v:
2809 | self.write_ind('catch (%s %s) ', c_type, v.name)
2810 | else:
2811 | self.write_ind('catch (%s) ', c_type)
2812 | self.accept(handler)
2813 |
2814 | caught = True
2815 |
2816 | if not caught:
2817 | self.report_error(o, 'try should have an except')
2818 |
2819 | if o.else_body:
2820 | self.report_error(o, 'try/else not supported')
2821 |
2822 | if o.finally_body:
2823 | self.report_error(o, 'try/finally not supported')