'_tmp/cat2' -> '/bin/cat' [1/66] make-pystub _bin/shwrap/optview_gen core/optview_gen.py frontend/option_def.py [2/66] build-stamp-cpp _build/git-commit.txt _gen/cpp/build_stamp.h _gen/cpp/build_stamp.cc [3/66] make-pystub _bin/shwrap/asdl_main asdl/asdl_main.py asdl/ast.py asdl/front_end.py asdl/gen_cpp.py asdl/gen_python.py asdl/util.py asdl/visitor.py [4/66] make-pystub _bin/shwrap/flag_gen frontend/flag_gen.py _devbuild/gen/hnode_asdl.py _devbuild/gen/id_kind_asdl.py _devbuild/gen/runtime_asdl.py _devbuild/gen/syntax_asdl.py _devbuild/gen/value_asdl.py asdl/pybase.py asdl/runtime.py core/error.py core/num.py frontend/args.py frontend/flag_def.py frontend/flag_spec.py frontend/option_def.py frontend/syntax_abbrev.py mycpp/mops.py mycpp/mylib.py pylib/collections_.py [5/66] make-pystub _bin/shwrap/consts_gen frontend/consts_gen.py _devbuild/gen/hnode_asdl.py _devbuild/gen/types_asdl.py asdl/ast.py asdl/gen_cpp.py asdl/pybase.py asdl/runtime.py asdl/util.py asdl/visitor.py frontend/builtin_def.py frontend/id_kind_def.py frontend/option_def.py mycpp/mops.py mycpp/mylib.py pylib/collections_.py [6/66] make-pystub _bin/shwrap/embedded_file_gen cpp/embedded_file_gen.py mycpp/mylib.py pylib/collections_.py [7/66] make-pystub _bin/shwrap/option_gen frontend/option_gen.py asdl/ast.py frontend/builtin_def.py frontend/option_def.py [8/66] optview_gen > _gen/core/optview.h [9/66] asdl_main cpp --no-pretty-print-methods asdl/hnode.asdl _gen/asdl/hnode.asdl _gen/asdl/hnode.asdl_debug.py [10/66] asdl_main cpp core/runtime.asdl _gen/core/runtime.asdl _gen/core/runtime.asdl_debug.py [11/66] asdl_main cpp core/value.asdl _gen/core/value.asdl _gen/core/value.asdl_debug.py [12/66] embedded_file_gen _devbuild/help/data-errors _devbuild/help/data-front-end _devbuild/help/data-j8-notation _devbuild/help/help _devbuild/help/oils-usage _devbuild/help/osh-builtin-cmd _devbuild/help/osh-chapters _devbuild/help/osh-cmd-lang _devbuild/help/osh-front-end _devbuild/help/osh-mini-lang _devbuild/help/osh-option _devbuild/help/osh-osh-assign _devbuild/help/osh-plugin _devbuild/help/osh-special-var _devbuild/help/osh-stdlib _devbuild/help/osh-type-method _devbuild/help/osh-usage _devbuild/help/osh-word-lang _devbuild/help/ysh-builtin-cmd _devbuild/help/ysh-builtin-func _devbuild/help/ysh-chapters _devbuild/help/ysh-cmd-lang _devbuild/help/ysh-expr-lang _devbuild/help/ysh-front-end _devbuild/help/ysh-mini-lang _devbuild/help/ysh-option _devbuild/help/ysh-plugin _devbuild/help/ysh-special-var _devbuild/help/ysh-stdlib _devbuild/help/ysh-type-method _devbuild/help/ysh-usage _devbuild/help/ysh-word-lang _devbuild/help/ysh-ysh-cmd stdlib/methods.ysh stdlib/osh/bash-strict.sh stdlib/osh/byo-server.sh stdlib/osh/no-quotes.sh stdlib/osh/task-five.sh stdlib/osh/two.sh stdlib/prelude.ysh stdlib/ysh/args.ysh stdlib/ysh/def.ysh stdlib/ysh/list.ysh stdlib/ysh/math.ysh stdlib/ysh/stream.ysh stdlib/ysh/table.ysh stdlib/ysh/yblocks.ysh _gen/bin/text_files.cc [13/66] asdl_main cpp data_lang/nil8.asdl _gen/data_lang/nil8.asdl _gen/data_lang/nil8.asdl_debug.py [14/66] asdl_main cpp display/pretty.asdl _gen/display/pretty.asdl _gen/display/pretty.asdl_debug.py [15/66] consts_gen cpp _gen/frontend/id_kind.asdl [16/66] make-pystub _bin/shwrap/signal_gen frontend/signal_gen.py frontend/signal_def.py [17/66] consts_gen cpp-consts _gen/frontend/consts [18/66] flag_gen cpp _gen/frontend/arg_types [19/66] asdl_main cpp --no-pretty-print-methods frontend/types.asdl _gen/frontend/types.asdl _gen/frontend/types.asdl_debug.py [20/66] consts_gen cpp _gen/frontend/option.asdl [21/66] make-pystub _bin/shwrap/mycpp_main mycpp/mycpp_main.py mycpp/const_pass.py mycpp/control_flow_pass.py mycpp/conversion_pass.py mycpp/cppgen_pass.py mycpp/crash.py mycpp/format_strings.py mycpp/pass_state.py mycpp/translate.py mycpp/util.py mycpp/visitor.py [22/66] make-pystub _bin/shwrap/arith_parse_gen osh/arith_parse_gen.py _devbuild/gen/hnode_asdl.py _devbuild/gen/id_kind_asdl.py _devbuild/gen/nil8_asdl.py _devbuild/gen/pretty_asdl.py _devbuild/gen/runtime_asdl.py _devbuild/gen/syntax_asdl.py _devbuild/gen/types_asdl.py _devbuild/gen/value_asdl.py asdl/format.py asdl/pybase.py asdl/runtime.py core/error.py core/num.py data_lang/j8.py data_lang/j8_lite.py data_lang/pyj8.py display/ansi.py display/pp_hnode.py display/pp_value.py display/pretty.py display/ui.py frontend/builtin_def.py frontend/consts.py frontend/id_kind_def.py frontend/lexer.py frontend/lexer_def.py frontend/location.py frontend/match.py frontend/option_def.py frontend/syntax_abbrev.py mycpp/mops.py mycpp/mylib.py osh/arith_parse.py osh/tdop.py osh/word_.py pylib/collections_.py [23/66] signal_gen cpp _gen/frontend/signal [24/66] make-pystub _bin/shwrap/grammar_gen ysh/grammar_gen.py _devbuild/gen/hnode_asdl.py _devbuild/gen/id_kind_asdl.py _devbuild/gen/runtime_asdl.py _devbuild/gen/syntax_asdl.py _devbuild/gen/types_asdl.py _devbuild/gen/value_asdl.py asdl/pybase.py asdl/runtime.py core/alloc.py core/error.py core/num.py core/optview.py frontend/builtin_def.py frontend/consts.py frontend/id_kind_def.py frontend/lexer.py frontend/lexer_def.py frontend/match.py frontend/option_def.py frontend/reader.py frontend/syntax_abbrev.py mycpp/iolib.py mycpp/mops.py mycpp/mylib.py pgen2/grammar.py pgen2/parse.py pgen2/pgen.py pgen2/pnode.py pgen2/token.py pgen2/tokenize.py pylib/collections_.py [25/66] asdl_main cpp --abbrev-module=frontend.syntax_abbrev frontend/syntax.asdl _gen/frontend/syntax.asdl _gen/frontend/syntax.asdl_debug.py [26/66] arith-parse-gen > _gen/osh/arith_parse.cc [27/66] grammar_gen cpp ysh/grammar.pgen2 _gen/ysh [28/66] cxx dbg '' _gen/frontend/id_kind.asdl.cc _build/obj/cxx-dbg/_gen/frontend/id_kind.asdl.o [29/66] cxx dbg '' _gen/display/pretty.asdl.cc _build/obj/cxx-dbg/_gen/display/pretty.asdl.o [30/66] cxx dbg '' mycpp/bump_leak_heap.cc _build/obj/cxx-dbg/mycpp/bump_leak_heap.o [31/66] cxx dbg '' cpp/data_lang.cc _build/obj/cxx-dbg/cpp/data_lang.o [32/66] cxx dbg '' _gen/core/runtime.asdl.cc _build/obj/cxx-dbg/_gen/core/runtime.asdl.o [33/66] cxx dbg '' _gen/core/value.asdl.cc _build/obj/cxx-dbg/_gen/core/value.asdl.o [34/66] cxx dbg '' mycpp/gc_builtins.cc _build/obj/cxx-dbg/mycpp/gc_builtins.o [35/66] cxx dbg '' mycpp/gc_iolib.cc _build/obj/cxx-dbg/mycpp/gc_iolib.o [36/66] cxx dbg '' mycpp/gc_mops.cc _build/obj/cxx-dbg/mycpp/gc_mops.o [37/66] cxx dbg '' mycpp/hash.cc _build/obj/cxx-dbg/mycpp/hash.o [38/66] cxx dbg '' mycpp/gc_mylib.cc _build/obj/cxx-dbg/mycpp/gc_mylib.o [39/66] cxx dbg '' _gen/cpp/build_stamp.cc _build/obj/cxx-dbg/_gen/cpp/build_stamp.o [40/66] cxx dbg '' _gen/bin/text_files.cc _build/obj/cxx-dbg/_gen/bin/text_files.o [41/66] cxx dbg '' mycpp/mark_sweep_heap.cc _build/obj/cxx-dbg/mycpp/mark_sweep_heap.o [42/66] cxx dbg '' cpp/fanos.cc _build/obj/cxx-dbg/cpp/fanos.o [43/66] cxx dbg '' _gen/frontend/syntax.asdl.cc _build/obj/cxx-dbg/_gen/frontend/syntax.asdl.o [44/66] cxx dbg '' cpp/fanos_shared.c _build/obj/cxx-dbg/cpp/fanos_shared.o [45/66] cxx dbg '' cpp/core.cc _build/obj/cxx-dbg/cpp/core.o [46/66] cxx dbg '' cpp/frontend_flag_spec.cc _build/obj/cxx-dbg/cpp/frontend_flag_spec.o [47/66] cxx dbg '' cpp/frontend_pyreadline.cc _build/obj/cxx-dbg/cpp/frontend_pyreadline.o [48/66] cxx dbg '' cpp/libc.cc _build/obj/cxx-dbg/cpp/libc.o [49/66] cxx dbg '' cpp/frontend_match.cc _build/obj/cxx-dbg/cpp/frontend_match.o [50/66] cxx dbg '' cpp/osh.cc _build/obj/cxx-dbg/cpp/osh.o [51/66] cxx dbg '' cpp/osh_tdop.cc _build/obj/cxx-dbg/cpp/osh_tdop.o [52/66] cxx dbg '' cpp/pylib.cc _build/obj/cxx-dbg/cpp/pylib.o [53/66] cxx dbg '' cpp/pgen2.cc _build/obj/cxx-dbg/cpp/pgen2.o [54/66] cxx dbg '' _gen/data_lang/nil8.asdl.cc _build/obj/cxx-dbg/_gen/data_lang/nil8.asdl.o [55/66] cxx dbg '' _gen/frontend/arg_types.cc _build/obj/cxx-dbg/_gen/frontend/arg_types.o [56/66] cxx dbg '' cpp/stdlib.cc _build/obj/cxx-dbg/cpp/stdlib.o [57/66] cxx dbg '' _gen/frontend/consts.cc _build/obj/cxx-dbg/_gen/frontend/consts.o [58/66] cxx dbg '' mycpp/gc_str.cc _build/obj/cxx-dbg/mycpp/gc_str.o [59/66] cxx dbg '' _gen/frontend/help_meta.cc _build/obj/cxx-dbg/_gen/frontend/help_meta.o [60/66] cxx dbg '' _gen/frontend/signal.cc _build/obj/cxx-dbg/_gen/frontend/signal.o [61/66] cxx dbg '' _gen/osh/arith_parse.cc _build/obj/cxx-dbg/_gen/osh/arith_parse.o [62/66] cxx dbg '' _gen/ysh/grammar_tables.cc _build/obj/cxx-dbg/_gen/ysh/grammar_tables.o [63/66] gen-oils-for-unix oils_for_unix _gen/bin/oils_for_unix.mycpp cpp/preamble.h asdl/format.py asdl/runtime.py bin/oils_for_unix.py builtin/assign_osh.py builtin/bracket_osh.py builtin/completion_osh.py builtin/completion_ysh.py builtin/dirs_osh.py builtin/error_ysh.py builtin/func_eggex.py builtin/func_hay.py builtin/func_misc.py builtin/func_reflect.py builtin/hay_ysh.py builtin/io_osh.py builtin/io_ysh.py builtin/json_ysh.py builtin/meta_oils.py builtin/method_dict.py builtin/method_io.py builtin/method_list.py builtin/method_other.py builtin/method_str.py builtin/method_type.py builtin/misc_osh.py builtin/module_ysh.py builtin/printf_osh.py builtin/process_osh.py builtin/pure_osh.py builtin/pure_ysh.py builtin/read_osh.py builtin/readline_osh.py builtin/trap_osh.py core/alloc.py core/bash_impl.py core/comp_ui.py core/completion.py core/dev.py core/error.py core/executor.py core/main_loop.py core/num.py core/process.py core/sh_init.py core/shell.py core/state.py core/util.py core/vm.py data_lang/j8.py data_lang/j8_lite.py display/ansi.py display/pp_hnode.py display/pp_value.py display/pretty.py display/ui.py frontend/args.py frontend/flag_util.py frontend/lexer.py frontend/location.py frontend/parse_lib.py frontend/reader.py frontend/syntax_abbrev.py frontend/typed_args.py osh/arith_parse.py osh/bool_parse.py osh/braces.py osh/cmd_eval.py osh/cmd_parse.py osh/glob_.py osh/history.py osh/prompt.py osh/sh_expr_eval.py osh/split.py osh/string_ops.py osh/tdop.py osh/word_.py osh/word_compile.py osh/word_eval.py osh/word_parse.py pgen2/parse.py pylib/os_path.py tools/fmt.py tools/ysh_ify.py ysh/expr_eval.py ysh/expr_parse.py ysh/expr_to_ast.py ysh/func_proc.py ysh/regex_translate.py ysh/val_ops.py mycpp: LOADING asdl/format.py asdl/runtime.py bin/oils_for_unix.py builtin/assign_osh.py builtin/bracket_osh.py builtin/completion_osh.py builtin/completion_ysh.py builtin/dirs_osh.py builtin/error_ysh.py builtin/func_eggex.py builtin/func_hay.py builtin/func_misc.py builtin/func_reflect.py builtin/hay_ysh.py builtin/io_osh.py builtin/io_ysh.py builtin/json_ysh.py builtin/meta_oils.py builtin/method_dict.py builtin/method_io.py builtin/method_list.py builtin/method_other.py builtin/method_str.py builtin/method_type.py builtin/misc_osh.py builtin/module_ysh.py builtin/printf_osh.py builtin/process_osh.py builtin/pure_osh.py builtin/pure_ysh.py builtin/read_osh.py builtin/readline_osh.py builtin/trap_osh.py core/alloc.py core/bash_impl.py core/comp_ui.py core/completion.py core/dev.py core/error.py core/executor.py core/main_loop.py core/num.py core/process.py core/sh_init.py core/shell.py core/state.py core/util.py core/vm.py data_lang/j8.py data_lang/j8_lite.py display/ansi.py display/pp_hnode.py display/pp_value.py display/pretty.py display/ui.py frontend/args.py frontend/flag_util.py frontend/lexer.py frontend/location.py frontend/parse_lib.py frontend/reader.py frontend/syntax_abbrev.py frontend/typed_args.py osh/arith_parse.py osh/bool_parse.py osh/braces.py osh/cmd_eval.py osh/cmd_parse.py osh/glob_.py osh/history.py osh/prompt.py osh/sh_expr_eval.py osh/split.py osh/string_ops.py osh/tdop.py osh/word_.py osh/word_compile.py osh/word_eval.py osh/word_parse.py pgen2/parse.py pylib/os_path.py tools/fmt.py tools/ysh_ify.py ysh/expr_eval.py ysh/expr_parse.py ysh/expr_to_ast.py ysh/func_proc.py ysh/regex_translate.py ysh/val_ops.py mycpp pass: CONVERT mycpp pass: CONTROL FLOW mycpp: dumping control flow graph to _tmp/mycpp-facts mycpp pass: CONST mycpp pass: DECL mycpp pass: IMPL WARNING: builtin.assign_osh._PrintVariables() has 26 stack roots. Consider refactoring this function. WARNING: builtin.io_ysh.Pp.Run() has 22 stack roots. Consider refactoring this function. WARNING: builtin.meta_oils.ShellFile._Use() has 19 stack roots. Consider refactoring this function. WARNING: builtin.method_str.Replace.Call() has 26 stack roots. Consider refactoring this function. WARNING: builtin.printf_osh.Printf._Percent() has 21 stack roots. Consider refactoring this function. WARNING: builtin.printf_osh.Printf.Run() has 17 stack roots. Consider refactoring this function. WARNING: core.completion.RootCompleter.Matches() has 31 stack roots. Consider refactoring this function. WARNING: osh.cmd_parse.CommandParser._MaybeExpandAliases() has 17 stack roots. Consider refactoring this function. WARNING: osh.history.Evaluator.Eval() has 19 stack roots. Consider refactoring this function. WARNING: osh.word_eval.AbstractWordEvaluator._ApplyTestOp() has 17 stack roots. Consider refactoring this function. WARNING: tools.ysh_ify.YshPrinter.DoCommand() has 18 stack roots. Consider refactoring this function. WARNING: ysh.expr_eval.ExprEvaluator._EvalExpr() has 17 stack roots. Consider refactoring this function. WARNING: ysh.expr_parse._PushYshTokens() has 27 stack roots. Consider refactoring this function. WARNING: ysh.expr_to_ast.Transformer.Expr() has 18 stack roots. Consider refactoring this function. WARNING: builtin.completion_osh.SpecBuilder.Build() has 18 stack roots. Consider refactoring this function. WARNING: core.shell.Main() has 123 stack roots. Consider refactoring this function. mycpp DONE [64/66] cxx dbg '' _gen/bin/oils_for_unix.mycpp.cc _build/obj/cxx-dbg/_gen/bin/oils_for_unix.mycpp.o In file included from /home/uke/oil/mycpp/probes.h:4, from /home/uke/oil/mycpp/runtime.h:21, from /home/uke/oil/_gen/core/optview.h:5, from /home/uke/oil/cpp/preamble.h:11, from _gen/bin/oils_for_unix.mycpp.cc:5: /home/uke/oil/_build/detected-cpp-config.h:5: warning: "GLOB_PERIOD" redefined #define GLOB_PERIOD 0 In file included from /home/uke/oil/cpp/preamble.h:6, from _gen/bin/oils_for_unix.mycpp.cc:5: /usr/include/glob.h:46: note: this is the location of the previous definition #define GLOB_PERIOD (1 << 7)/* Leading `.' can be matched by metachars. */ [65/66] LINK cxx dbg '' _bin/cxx-dbg/oils-for-unix _build/obj/cxx-dbg/_gen/bin/oils_for_unix.mycpp.o _build/obj/cxx-dbg/_gen/bin/text_files.o _build/obj/cxx-dbg/_gen/core/runtime.asdl.o _build/obj/cxx-dbg/_gen/core/value.asdl.o _build/obj/cxx-dbg/_gen/cpp/build_stamp.o _build/obj/cxx-dbg/cpp/core.o _build/obj/cxx-dbg/cpp/data_lang.o _build/obj/cxx-dbg/cpp/fanos.o _build/obj/cxx-dbg/cpp/fanos_shared.o _build/obj/cxx-dbg/cpp/frontend_flag_spec.o _build/obj/cxx-dbg/cpp/frontend_match.o _build/obj/cxx-dbg/cpp/frontend_pyreadline.o _build/obj/cxx-dbg/cpp/libc.o _build/obj/cxx-dbg/cpp/osh.o _build/obj/cxx-dbg/cpp/osh_tdop.o _build/obj/cxx-dbg/cpp/pgen2.o _build/obj/cxx-dbg/cpp/pylib.o _build/obj/cxx-dbg/cpp/stdlib.o _build/obj/cxx-dbg/_gen/data_lang/nil8.asdl.o _build/obj/cxx-dbg/_gen/display/pretty.asdl.o _build/obj/cxx-dbg/_gen/frontend/arg_types.o _build/obj/cxx-dbg/_gen/frontend/consts.o _build/obj/cxx-dbg/_gen/frontend/help_meta.o _build/obj/cxx-dbg/_gen/frontend/id_kind.asdl.o _build/obj/cxx-dbg/_gen/frontend/signal.o _build/obj/cxx-dbg/_gen/frontend/syntax.asdl.o _build/obj/cxx-dbg/mycpp/bump_leak_heap.o _build/obj/cxx-dbg/mycpp/gc_builtins.o _build/obj/cxx-dbg/mycpp/gc_iolib.o _build/obj/cxx-dbg/mycpp/gc_mops.o _build/obj/cxx-dbg/mycpp/gc_mylib.o _build/obj/cxx-dbg/mycpp/gc_str.o _build/obj/cxx-dbg/mycpp/hash.o _build/obj/cxx-dbg/mycpp/mark_sweep_heap.o _build/obj/cxx-dbg/_gen/osh/arith_parse.o _build/obj/cxx-dbg/_gen/ysh/grammar_tables.o [66/66] SYMLINK _bin/cxx-dbg oils-for-unix osh 'osh' -> 'oils-for-unix' run_snippet bash fgproc - [foreground process] PID PPID PGID SID TPGID COMMAND 1 0 1 1 1 sh 7 1 1 1 1 bash 20 7 1 1 1 bash 1325 20 1 1 1 python2 1326 1325 1 1 1 time-helper 1327 1326 1 1 1 bash 1802 1327 1 1 1 bash 1803 1802 1 1 1 python2 1804 1803 1 1 1 time-helper 1805 1804 1 1 1 bash 1806 1805 1 1 1 bash 1807 1806 1 1 1 ps run_snippet bash fgproc yes [foreground process] PID PPID PGID SID TPGID COMMAND 1 0 1 1 1814 sh 7 1 1 1 1814 bash 20 7 1 1 1814 bash 1325 20 1 1 1814 python2 1326 1325 1 1 1814 time-helper 1327 1326 1 1 1814 bash 1802 1327 1 1 1814 bash 1810 1802 1 1 1814 python2 1811 1810 1 1 1814 time-helper 1812 1811 1 1 1814 bash 1813 1812 1813 1 1814 bash 1814 1813 1814 1 1814 ps run_snippet bash bgproc - [background process] PID PPID PGID SID TPGID COMMAND 1 0 1 1 1 sh 7 1 1 1 1 bash 20 7 1 1 1 bash 1325 20 1 1 1 python2 1326 1325 1 1 1 time-helper 1327 1326 1 1 1 bash 1802 1327 1 1 1 bash 1817 1802 1 1 1 python2 1818 1817 1 1 1 time-helper 1819 1818 1 1 1 bash 1820 1819 1 1 1 bash 1821 1820 1 1 1 ps run_snippet bash bgproc yes [1] 1828 [1]+ Done ps -o $PS_COLS [background process] PID PPID PGID SID TPGID COMMAND 1 0 1 1 1827 sh 7 1 1 1 1827 bash 20 7 1 1 1827 bash 1325 20 1 1 1827 python2 1326 1325 1 1 1827 time-helper 1327 1326 1 1 1827 bash 1802 1327 1 1 1827 bash 1824 1802 1 1 1827 python2 1825 1824 1 1 1827 time-helper 1826 1825 1 1 1827 bash 1827 1826 1827 1 1827 bash 1828 1827 1828 1 1827 ps run_snippet bash fgpipe - [foreground pipeline, last is external] PID PPID PGID SID TPGID COMMAND 1 0 1 1 1 sh 7 1 1 1 1 bash 20 7 1 1 1 bash 1325 20 1 1 1 python2 1326 1325 1 1 1 time-helper 1327 1326 1 1 1 bash 1802 1327 1 1 1 bash 1831 1802 1 1 1 python2 1832 1831 1 1 1 time-helper 1833 1832 1 1 1 bash 1834 1833 1 1 1 bash 1835 1834 1 1 1 ps 1836 1834 1 1 1 cat 1837 1834 1 1 1 cat2 run_snippet bash fgpipe yes [foreground pipeline, last is external] PID PPID PGID SID TPGID COMMAND 1 0 1 1 1844 sh 7 1 1 1 1844 bash 20 7 1 1 1844 bash 1325 20 1 1 1844 python2 1326 1325 1 1 1844 time-helper 1327 1326 1 1 1844 bash 1802 1327 1 1 1844 bash 1840 1802 1 1 1844 python2 1841 1840 1 1 1844 time-helper 1842 1841 1 1 1844 bash 1843 1842 1843 1 1844 bash 1844 1843 1844 1 1844 ps 1845 1843 1844 1 1844 cat 1846 1843 1844 1 1844 cat2 run_snippet bash fgpipe-lastpipe - [foreground pipeline, last is builtin] PID PPID PGID SID TPGID COMMAND 1 0 1 1 1 sh 7 1 1 1 1 bash 20 7 1 1 1 bash 1325 20 1 1 1 python2 1326 1325 1 1 1 time-helper 1327 1326 1 1 1 bash 1802 1327 1 1 1 bash 1849 1802 1 1 1 python2 1850 1849 1 1 1 time-helper 1851 1850 1 1 1 bash 1852 1851 1 1 1 bash 1853 1852 1 1 1 ps 1854 1852 1 1 1 cat2 1855 1852 1 1 1 bash run_snippet bash fgpipe-lastpipe yes [foreground pipeline, last is builtin] PID PPID PGID SID TPGID COMMAND 1 0 1 1 1862 sh 7 1 1 1 1862 bash 20 7 1 1 1862 bash 1325 20 1 1 1862 python2 1326 1325 1 1 1862 time-helper 1327 1326 1 1 1862 bash 1802 1327 1 1 1862 bash 1858 1802 1 1 1862 python2 1859 1858 1 1 1862 time-helper 1860 1859 1 1 1862 bash 1861 1860 1861 1 1862 bash 1862 1861 1862 1 1862 ps 1863 1861 1862 1 1862 cat2 1864 1861 1862 1 1862 bash run_snippet bash bgpipe - [background pipeline] PID PPID PGID SID TPGID COMMAND 1 0 1 1 1 sh 7 1 1 1 1 bash 20 7 1 1 1 bash 1325 20 1 1 1 python2 1326 1325 1 1 1 time-helper 1327 1326 1 1 1 bash 1802 1327 1 1 1 bash 1867 1802 1 1 1 python2 1868 1867 1 1 1 time-helper 1869 1868 1 1 1 bash 1870 1869 1 1 1 bash 1871 1870 1 1 1 ps 1872 1870 1 1 1 cat 1873 1870 1 1 1 cat2 run_snippet bash bgpipe yes [1] 1882 [1]+ Done ps -o $PS_COLS | cat | _tmp/cat2 [background pipeline] PID PPID PGID SID TPGID COMMAND 1 0 1 1 1879 sh 7 1 1 1 1879 bash 20 7 1 1 1879 bash 1325 20 1 1 1879 python2 1326 1325 1 1 1879 time-helper 1327 1326 1 1 1879 bash 1802 1327 1 1 1879 bash 1876 1802 1 1 1879 python2 1877 1876 1 1 1879 time-helper 1878 1877 1 1 1879 bash 1879 1878 1879 1 1879 bash 1880 1879 1880 1 1879 ps 1881 1879 1880 1 1879 cat 1882 1879 1880 1 1879 cat2 run_snippet bash bgpipe-lastpipe - [background pipeline, last is builtin] PID PPID PGID SID TPGID COMMAND 1 0 1 1 1 sh 7 1 1 1 1 bash 20 7 1 1 1 bash 1325 20 1 1 1 python2 1326 1325 1 1 1 time-helper 1327 1326 1 1 1 bash 1802 1327 1 1 1 bash 1885 1802 1 1 1 python2 1886 1885 1 1 1 time-helper 1887 1886 1 1 1 bash 1888 1887 1 1 1 bash 1889 1888 1 1 1 ps 1890 1888 1 1 1 cat2 1891 1888 1 1 1 bash run_snippet bash bgpipe-lastpipe yes [1] 1900 [1]+ Done ps -o $PS_COLS | _tmp/cat2 | while read -r line; do echo "$line"; done [background pipeline, last is builtin] PID PPID PGID SID TPGID COMMAND 1 0 1 1 1897 sh 7 1 1 1 1897 bash 20 7 1 1 1897 bash 1325 20 1 1 1897 python2 1326 1325 1 1 1897 time-helper 1327 1326 1 1 1897 bash 1802 1327 1 1 1897 bash 1894 1802 1 1 1897 python2 1895 1894 1 1 1897 time-helper 1896 1895 1 1 1897 bash 1897 1896 1897 1 1897 bash 1898 1897 1898 1 1897 ps 1899 1897 1898 1 1897 cat2 1900 1897 1898 1 1897 bash run_snippet bash subshell - [subshell] PID PPID PGID SID TPGID COMMAND 1 0 1 1 1 sh 7 1 1 1 1 bash 20 7 1 1 1 bash 1325 20 1 1 1 python2 1326 1325 1 1 1 time-helper 1327 1326 1 1 1 bash 1802 1327 1 1 1 bash 1903 1802 1 1 1 python2 1904 1903 1 1 1 time-helper 1905 1904 1 1 1 bash 1906 1905 1 1 1 bash 1907 1906 1 1 1 bash 1908 1907 1 1 1 ps ALIVE run_snippet bash subshell yes [subshell] PID PPID PGID SID TPGID COMMAND 1 0 1 1 1915 sh 7 1 1 1 1915 bash 20 7 1 1 1915 bash 1325 20 1 1 1915 python2 1326 1325 1 1 1915 time-helper 1327 1326 1 1 1915 bash 1802 1327 1 1 1915 bash 1911 1802 1 1 1915 python2 1912 1911 1 1 1915 time-helper 1913 1912 1 1 1915 bash 1914 1913 1914 1 1915 bash 1915 1914 1915 1 1915 bash 1916 1915 1915 1 1915 ps ALIVE run_snippet bash csub - [command sub] PID PPID PGID SID TPGID COMMAND 1 0 1 1 1 sh 7 1 1 1 1 bash 20 7 1 1 1 bash 1325 20 1 1 1 python2 1326 1325 1 1 1 time-helper 1327 1326 1 1 1 bash 1802 1327 1 1 1 bash 1919 1802 1 1 1 python2 1920 1919 1 1 1 time-helper 1921 1920 1 1 1 bash 1922 1921 1 1 1 bash 1923 1922 1 1 1 ps run_snippet bash csub yes [command sub] PID PPID PGID SID TPGID COMMAND 1 0 1 1 1929 sh 7 1 1 1 1929 bash 20 7 1 1 1929 bash 1325 20 1 1 1929 python2 1326 1325 1 1 1929 time-helper 1327 1326 1 1 1929 bash 1802 1327 1 1 1929 bash 1926 1802 1 1 1929 python2 1927 1926 1 1 1929 time-helper 1928 1927 1 1 1929 bash 1929 1928 1929 1 1929 bash 1930 1929 1929 1 1929 ps run_snippet bash psub - [process sub] PID PPID PGID SID TPGID COMMAND 1 0 1 1 1 sh 7 1 1 1 1 bash 20 7 1 1 1 bash 1325 20 1 1 1 python2 1326 1325 1 1 1 time-helper 1327 1326 1 1 1 bash 1802 1327 1 1 1 bash 1933 1802 1 1 1 python2 1934 1933 1 1 1 time-helper 1935 1934 1 1 1 bash 1936 1935 1 1 1 bash 1937 1936 1 1 1 bash 1938 1936 1 1 1 cat 1939 1937 1 1 1 ps run_snippet bash psub yes [process sub] PID PPID PGID SID TPGID COMMAND 1 0 1 1 1947 sh 7 1 1 1 1947 bash 20 7 1 1 1947 bash 1325 20 1 1 1947 python2 1326 1325 1 1 1947 time-helper 1327 1326 1 1 1947 bash 1802 1327 1 1 1947 bash 1942 1802 1 1 1947 python2 1943 1942 1 1 1947 time-helper 1944 1943 1 1 1947 bash 1945 1944 1945 1 1947 bash 1946 1945 1945 1 1947 bash 1947 1945 1947 1 1947 cat 1948 1946 1945 1 1947 ps run_snippet dash fgproc - [foreground process] PID PPID PGID SID TPGID COMMAND 1 0 1 1 1 sh 7 1 1 1 1 bash 20 7 1 1 1 bash 1325 20 1 1 1 python2 1326 1325 1 1 1 time-helper 1327 1326 1 1 1 bash 1802 1327 1 1 1 bash 1951 1802 1 1 1 python2 1952 1951 1 1 1 time-helper 1953 1952 1 1 1 bash 1954 1953 1 1 1 dash 1955 1954 1 1 1 ps run_snippet dash fgproc yes [foreground process] PID PPID PGID SID TPGID COMMAND 1 0 1 1 1962 sh 7 1 1 1 1962 bash 20 7 1 1 1962 bash 1325 20 1 1 1962 python2 1326 1325 1 1 1962 time-helper 1327 1326 1 1 1962 bash 1802 1327 1 1 1962 bash 1958 1802 1 1 1962 python2 1959 1958 1 1 1962 time-helper 1960 1959 1 1 1962 bash 1961 1960 1961 1 1962 dash 1962 1961 1962 1 1962 ps run_snippet dash bgproc - [background process] PID PPID PGID SID TPGID COMMAND 1 0 1 1 1 sh 7 1 1 1 1 bash 20 7 1 1 1 bash 1325 20 1 1 1 python2 1326 1325 1 1 1 time-helper 1327 1326 1 1 1 bash 1802 1327 1 1 1 bash 1965 1802 1 1 1 python2 1966 1965 1 1 1 time-helper 1967 1966 1 1 1 bash 1968 1967 1 1 1 dash 1969 1968 1 1 1 ps run_snippet dash bgproc yes [background process] PID PPID PGID SID TPGID COMMAND 1 0 1 1 1975 sh 7 1 1 1 1975 bash 20 7 1 1 1975 bash 1325 20 1 1 1975 python2 1326 1325 1 1 1975 time-helper 1327 1326 1 1 1975 bash 1802 1327 1 1 1975 bash 1972 1802 1 1 1975 python2 1973 1972 1 1 1975 time-helper 1974 1973 1 1 1975 bash 1975 1974 1975 1 1975 dash 1976 1975 1976 1 1975 ps run_snippet dash fgpipe - [foreground pipeline, last is external] PID PPID PGID SID TPGID COMMAND 1 0 1 1 1 sh 7 1 1 1 1 bash 20 7 1 1 1 bash 1325 20 1 1 1 python2 1326 1325 1 1 1 time-helper 1327 1326 1 1 1 bash 1802 1327 1 1 1 bash 1979 1802 1 1 1 python2 1980 1979 1 1 1 time-helper 1981 1980 1 1 1 bash 1982 1981 1 1 1 dash 1983 1982 1 1 1 ps 1984 1982 1 1 1 cat 1985 1982 1 1 1 cat2 run_snippet dash fgpipe yes [foreground pipeline, last is external] PID PPID PGID SID TPGID COMMAND 1 0 1 1 1992 sh 7 1 1 1 1992 bash 20 7 1 1 1992 bash 1325 20 1 1 1992 python2 1326 1325 1 1 1992 time-helper 1327 1326 1 1 1992 bash 1802 1327 1 1 1992 bash 1988 1802 1 1 1992 python2 1989 1988 1 1 1992 time-helper 1990 1989 1 1 1992 bash 1991 1990 1991 1 1992 dash 1992 1991 1992 1 1992 ps 1993 1991 1992 1 1992 cat 1994 1991 1992 1 1992 cat2 run_snippet dash fgpipe-lastpipe - [foreground pipeline, last is builtin] PID PPID PGID SID TPGID COMMAND 1 0 1 1 1 sh 7 1 1 1 1 bash 20 7 1 1 1 bash 1325 20 1 1 1 python2 1326 1325 1 1 1 time-helper 1327 1326 1 1 1 bash 1802 1327 1 1 1 bash 1997 1802 1 1 1 python2 1998 1997 1 1 1 time-helper 1999 1998 1 1 1 bash 2000 1999 1 1 1 dash 2001 2000 1 1 1 ps 2002 2000 1 1 1 cat2 2003 2000 1 1 1 dash run_snippet dash fgpipe-lastpipe yes [foreground pipeline, last is builtin] PID PPID PGID SID TPGID COMMAND 1 0 1 1 2010 sh 7 1 1 1 2010 bash 20 7 1 1 2010 bash 1325 20 1 1 2010 python2 1326 1325 1 1 2010 time-helper 1327 1326 1 1 2010 bash 1802 1327 1 1 2010 bash 2006 1802 1 1 2010 python2 2007 2006 1 1 2010 time-helper 2008 2007 1 1 2010 bash 2009 2008 2009 1 2010 dash 2010 2009 2010 1 2010 ps 2011 2009 2010 1 2010 cat2 2012 2009 2010 1 2010 dash run_snippet dash bgpipe - [background pipeline] PID PPID PGID SID TPGID COMMAND 1 0 1 1 1 sh 7 1 1 1 1 bash 20 7 1 1 1 bash 1325 20 1 1 1 python2 1326 1325 1 1 1 time-helper 1327 1326 1 1 1 bash 1802 1327 1 1 1 bash 2015 1802 1 1 1 python2 2016 2015 1 1 1 time-helper 2017 2016 1 1 1 bash 2018 2017 1 1 1 dash 2019 2018 1 1 1 ps 2020 2018 1 1 1 cat 2021 2018 1 1 1 cat2 run_snippet dash bgpipe yes [background pipeline] PID PPID PGID SID TPGID COMMAND 1 0 1 1 2027 sh 7 1 1 1 2027 bash 20 7 1 1 2027 bash 1325 20 1 1 2027 python2 1326 1325 1 1 2027 time-helper 1327 1326 1 1 2027 bash 1802 1327 1 1 2027 bash 2024 1802 1 1 2027 python2 2025 2024 1 1 2027 time-helper 2026 2025 1 1 2027 bash 2027 2026 2027 1 2027 dash 2028 2027 2028 1 2027 ps 2029 2027 2028 1 2027 cat 2030 2027 2028 1 2027 cat2 run_snippet dash bgpipe-lastpipe - [background pipeline, last is builtin] PID PPID PGID SID TPGID COMMAND 1 0 1 1 1 sh 7 1 1 1 1 bash 20 7 1 1 1 bash 1325 20 1 1 1 python2 1326 1325 1 1 1 time-helper 1327 1326 1 1 1 bash 1802 1327 1 1 1 bash 2033 1802 1 1 1 python2 2034 2033 1 1 1 time-helper 2035 2034 1 1 1 bash 2036 2035 1 1 1 dash 2037 2036 1 1 1 ps 2038 2036 1 1 1 cat2 2039 2036 1 1 1 dash run_snippet dash bgpipe-lastpipe yes [background pipeline, last is builtin] PID PPID PGID SID TPGID COMMAND 1 0 1 1 2045 sh 7 1 1 1 2045 bash 20 7 1 1 2045 bash 1325 20 1 1 2045 python2 1326 1325 1 1 2045 time-helper 1327 1326 1 1 2045 bash 1802 1327 1 1 2045 bash 2042 1802 1 1 2045 python2 2043 2042 1 1 2045 time-helper 2044 2043 1 1 2045 bash 2045 2044 2045 1 2045 dash 2046 2045 2046 1 2045 ps 2047 2045 2046 1 2045 cat2 2048 2045 2046 1 2045 dash run_snippet dash subshell - [subshell] PID PPID PGID SID TPGID COMMAND 1 0 1 1 1 sh 7 1 1 1 1 bash 20 7 1 1 1 bash 1325 20 1 1 1 python2 1326 1325 1 1 1 time-helper 1327 1326 1 1 1 bash 1802 1327 1 1 1 bash 2051 1802 1 1 1 python2 2052 2051 1 1 1 time-helper 2053 2052 1 1 1 bash 2054 2053 1 1 1 dash 2055 2054 1 1 1 dash 2056 2055 1 1 1 ps ALIVE run_snippet dash subshell yes [subshell] PID PPID PGID SID TPGID COMMAND 1 0 1 1 2063 sh 7 1 1 1 2063 bash 20 7 1 1 2063 bash 1325 20 1 1 2063 python2 1326 1325 1 1 2063 time-helper 1327 1326 1 1 2063 bash 1802 1327 1 1 2063 bash 2059 1802 1 1 2063 python2 2060 2059 1 1 2063 time-helper 2061 2060 1 1 2063 bash 2062 2061 2062 1 2063 dash 2063 2062 2063 1 2063 dash 2064 2063 2063 1 2063 ps ALIVE run_snippet dash csub - [command sub] PID PPID PGID SID TPGID COMMAND 1 0 1 1 1 sh 7 1 1 1 1 bash 20 7 1 1 1 bash 1325 20 1 1 1 python2 1326 1325 1 1 1 time-helper 1327 1326 1 1 1 bash 1802 1327 1 1 1 bash 2067 1802 1 1 1 python2 2068 2067 1 1 1 time-helper 2069 2068 1 1 1 bash 2070 2069 1 1 1 dash 2071 2070 1 1 1 ps run_snippet dash csub yes [command sub] PID PPID PGID SID TPGID COMMAND 1 0 1 1 2077 sh 7 1 1 1 2077 bash 20 7 1 1 2077 bash 1325 20 1 1 2077 python2 1326 1325 1 1 2077 time-helper 1327 1326 1 1 2077 bash 1802 1327 1 1 2077 bash 2074 1802 1 1 2077 python2 2075 2074 1 1 2077 time-helper 2076 2075 1 1 2077 bash 2077 2076 2077 1 2077 dash 2078 2077 2077 1 2077 ps run_snippet dash psub - malformed ps output run_snippet dash psub yes malformed ps output run_snippet mksh fgproc - [foreground process] PID PPID PGID SID TPGID COMMAND 1 0 1 1 1 sh 7 1 1 1 1 bash 20 7 1 1 1 bash 1325 20 1 1 1 python2 1326 1325 1 1 1 time-helper 1327 1326 1 1 1 bash 1802 1327 1 1 1 bash 2093 1802 1 1 1 python2 2094 2093 1 1 1 time-helper 2095 2094 1 1 1 bash 2096 2095 1 1 1 mksh 2097 2096 1 1 1 ps run_snippet mksh fgproc yes [foreground process] PID PPID PGID SID TPGID COMMAND 1 0 1 1 2104 sh 7 1 1 1 2104 bash 20 7 1 1 2104 bash 1325 20 1 1 2104 python2 1326 1325 1 1 2104 time-helper 1327 1326 1 1 2104 bash 1802 1327 1 1 2104 bash 2100 1802 1 1 2104 python2 2101 2100 1 1 2104 time-helper 2102 2101 1 1 2104 bash 2103 2102 2103 1 2104 mksh 2104 2103 2104 1 2104 ps run_snippet mksh bgproc - [background process] PID PPID PGID SID TPGID COMMAND 1 0 1 1 1 sh 7 1 1 1 1 bash 20 7 1 1 1 bash 1325 20 1 1 1 python2 1326 1325 1 1 1 time-helper 1327 1326 1 1 1 bash 1802 1327 1 1 1 bash 2107 1802 1 1 1 python2 2108 2107 1 1 1 time-helper 2109 2108 1 1 1 bash 2110 2109 1 1 1 mksh 2111 2110 1 1 1 ps run_snippet mksh bgproc yes [1] 2118 [1] + Done \ps -o $PS_COLS [background process] PID PPID PGID SID TPGID COMMAND 1 0 1 1 2117 sh 7 1 1 1 2117 bash 20 7 1 1 2117 bash 1325 20 1 1 2117 python2 1326 1325 1 1 2117 time-helper 1327 1326 1 1 2117 bash 1802 1327 1 1 2117 bash 2114 1802 1 1 2117 python2 2115 2114 1 1 2117 time-helper 2116 2115 1 1 2117 bash 2117 2116 2117 1 2117 mksh 2118 2117 2118 1 2117 ps run_snippet mksh fgpipe - [foreground pipeline, last is external] PID PPID PGID SID TPGID COMMAND 1 0 1 1 1 sh 7 1 1 1 1 bash 20 7 1 1 1 bash 1325 20 1 1 1 python2 1326 1325 1 1 1 time-helper 1327 1326 1 1 1 bash 1802 1327 1 1 1 bash 2121 1802 1 1 1 python2 2122 2121 1 1 1 time-helper 2123 2122 1 1 1 bash 2124 2123 1 1 1 mksh 2125 2124 1 1 1 ps 2126 2124 1 1 1 mksh 2127 2124 1 1 1 cat2 run_snippet mksh fgpipe yes [foreground pipeline, last is external] PID PPID PGID SID TPGID COMMAND 1 0 1 1 2134 sh 7 1 1 1 2134 bash 20 7 1 1 2134 bash 1325 20 1 1 2134 python2 1326 1325 1 1 2134 time-helper 1327 1326 1 1 2134 bash 1802 1327 1 1 2134 bash 2130 1802 1 1 2134 python2 2131 2130 1 1 2134 time-helper 2132 2131 1 1 2134 bash 2133 2132 2133 1 2134 mksh 2134 2133 2134 1 2134 ps 2135 2133 2134 1 2134 mksh 2136 2133 2134 1 2134 cat2 run_snippet mksh fgpipe-lastpipe - [foreground pipeline, last is builtin] PID PPID PGID SID TPGID COMMAND 1 0 1 1 1 sh 7 1 1 1 1 bash 20 7 1 1 1 bash 1325 20 1 1 1 python2 1326 1325 1 1 1 time-helper 1327 1326 1 1 1 bash 1802 1327 1 1 1 bash 2139 1802 1 1 1 python2 2140 2139 1 1 1 time-helper 2141 2140 1 1 1 bash 2142 2141 1 1 1 mksh 2143 2142 1 1 1 ps 2144 2142 1 1 1 cat2 2145 2142 1 1 1 mksh run_snippet mksh fgpipe-lastpipe yes [foreground pipeline, last is builtin] PID PPID PGID SID TPGID COMMAND 1 0 1 1 2152 sh 7 1 1 1 2152 bash 20 7 1 1 2152 bash 1325 20 1 1 2152 python2 1326 1325 1 1 2152 time-helper 1327 1326 1 1 2152 bash 1802 1327 1 1 2152 bash 2148 1802 1 1 2152 python2 2149 2148 1 1 2152 time-helper 2150 2149 1 1 2152 bash 2151 2150 2151 1 2152 mksh 2152 2151 2152 1 2152 ps 2153 2151 2152 1 2152 cat2 2154 2151 2152 1 2152 mksh run_snippet mksh bgpipe - [background pipeline] PID PPID PGID SID TPGID COMMAND 1 0 1 1 1 sh 7 1 1 1 1 bash 20 7 1 1 1 bash 1325 20 1 1 1 python2 1326 1325 1 1 1 time-helper 1327 1326 1 1 1 bash 1802 1327 1 1 1 bash 2157 1802 1 1 1 python2 2158 2157 1 1 1 time-helper 2159 2158 1 1 1 bash 2160 2159 1 1 1 mksh 2161 2160 1 1 1 ps 2162 2160 1 1 1 mksh 2163 2160 1 1 1 cat2 run_snippet mksh bgpipe yes [1] 2170 2171 2172 [1] + Done \ps -o $PS_COLS | \cat | _tmp/cat2 [background pipeline] PID PPID PGID SID TPGID COMMAND 1 0 1 1 2169 sh 7 1 1 1 2169 bash 20 7 1 1 2169 bash 1325 20 1 1 2169 python2 1326 1325 1 1 2169 time-helper 1327 1326 1 1 2169 bash 1802 1327 1 1 2169 bash 2166 1802 1 1 2169 python2 2167 2166 1 1 2169 time-helper 2168 2167 1 1 2169 bash 2169 2168 2169 1 2169 mksh 2170 2169 2170 1 2169 ps 2171 2169 2170 1 2169 mksh 2172 2169 2170 1 2169 cat2 run_snippet mksh bgpipe-lastpipe - [background pipeline, last is builtin] PID PPID PGID SID TPGID COMMAND 1 0 1 1 1 sh 7 1 1 1 1 bash 20 7 1 1 1 bash 1325 20 1 1 1 python2 1326 1325 1 1 1 time-helper 1327 1326 1 1 1 bash 1802 1327 1 1 1 bash 2175 1802 1 1 1 python2 2176 2175 1 1 1 time-helper 2177 2176 1 1 1 bash 2178 2177 1 1 1 mksh 2179 2178 1 1 1 ps 2180 2178 1 1 1 cat2 2181 2178 1 1 1 mksh run_snippet mksh bgpipe-lastpipe yes [1] 2188 2189 2190 [1] + Done \ps -o $PS_COLS | _tmp/cat2 | while \read -r line ; do \echo "$line" ; done [background pipeline, last is builtin] PID PPID PGID SID TPGID COMMAND 1 0 1 1 2187 sh 7 1 1 1 2187 bash 20 7 1 1 2187 bash 1325 20 1 1 2187 python2 1326 1325 1 1 2187 time-helper 1327 1326 1 1 2187 bash 1802 1327 1 1 2187 bash 2184 1802 1 1 2187 python2 2185 2184 1 1 2187 time-helper 2186 2185 1 1 2187 bash 2187 2186 2187 1 2187 mksh 2188 2187 2188 1 2187 ps 2189 2187 2188 1 2187 cat2 2190 2187 2188 1 2187 mksh run_snippet mksh subshell - [subshell] PID PPID PGID SID TPGID COMMAND 1 0 1 1 1 sh 7 1 1 1 1 bash 20 7 1 1 1 bash 1325 20 1 1 1 python2 1326 1325 1 1 1 time-helper 1327 1326 1 1 1 bash 1802 1327 1 1 1 bash 2193 1802 1 1 1 python2 2194 2193 1 1 1 time-helper 2195 2194 1 1 1 bash 2196 2195 1 1 1 mksh 2197 2196 1 1 1 mksh 2198 2197 1 1 1 ps ALIVE run_snippet mksh subshell yes [subshell] PID PPID PGID SID TPGID COMMAND 1 0 1 1 2205 sh 7 1 1 1 2205 bash 20 7 1 1 2205 bash 1325 20 1 1 2205 python2 1326 1325 1 1 2205 time-helper 1327 1326 1 1 2205 bash 1802 1327 1 1 2205 bash 2201 1802 1 1 2205 python2 2202 2201 1 1 2205 time-helper 2203 2202 1 1 2205 bash 2204 2203 2204 1 2205 mksh 2205 2204 2205 1 2205 mksh 2206 2205 2205 1 2205 ps ALIVE run_snippet mksh csub - [command sub] PID PPID PGID SID TPGID COMMAND 1 0 1 1 1 sh 7 1 1 1 1 bash 20 7 1 1 1 bash 1325 20 1 1 1 python2 1326 1325 1 1 1 time-helper 1327 1326 1 1 1 bash 1802 1327 1 1 1 bash 2209 1802 1 1 1 python2 2210 2209 1 1 1 time-helper 2211 2210 1 1 1 bash 2212 2211 1 1 1 mksh 2213 2212 1 1 1 ps run_snippet mksh csub yes [command sub] PID PPID PGID SID TPGID COMMAND 1 0 1 1 2219 sh 7 1 1 1 2219 bash 20 7 1 1 2219 bash 1325 20 1 1 2219 python2 1326 1325 1 1 2219 time-helper 1327 1326 1 1 2219 bash 1802 1327 1 1 2219 bash 2216 1802 1 1 2219 python2 2217 2216 1 1 2219 time-helper 2218 2217 1 1 2219 bash 2219 2218 2219 1 2219 mksh 2220 2219 2219 1 2219 ps run_snippet mksh psub - malformed ps output run_snippet mksh psub yes malformed ps output run_snippet zsh fgproc - [foreground process] PID PPID PGID SID TPGID COMMAND 1 0 1 1 1 sh 7 1 1 1 1 bash 20 7 1 1 1 bash 1325 20 1 1 1 python2 1326 1325 1 1 1 time-helper 1327 1326 1 1 1 bash 1802 1327 1 1 1 bash 2235 1802 1 1 1 python2 2236 2235 1 1 1 time-helper 2237 2236 1 1 1 bash 2238 2237 1 1 1 zsh 2239 2238 1 1 1 ps run_snippet zsh fgproc yes [foreground process] PID PPID PGID SID TPGID COMMAND 1 0 1 1 2247 sh 7 1 1 1 2247 bash 20 7 1 1 2247 bash 1325 20 1 1 2247 python2 1326 1325 1 1 2247 time-helper 1327 1326 1 1 2247 bash 1802 1327 1 1 2247 bash 2242 1802 1 1 2247 python2 2243 2242 1 1 2247 time-helper 2244 2243 1 1 2247 bash 2245 2244 2245 1 2247 zsh 2247 2245 2247 1 2247 ps run_snippet zsh bgproc - [background process] PID PPID PGID SID TPGID COMMAND 1 0 1 1 1 sh 7 1 1 1 1 bash 20 7 1 1 1 bash 1325 20 1 1 1 python2 1326 1325 1 1 1 time-helper 1327 1326 1 1 1 bash 1802 1327 1 1 1 bash 2250 1802 1 1 1 python2 2251 2250 1 1 1 time-helper 2252 2251 1 1 1 bash 2253 2252 1 1 1 zsh 2254 2253 1 1 1 ps run_snippet zsh bgproc yes [background process] PID PPID PGID SID TPGID COMMAND 1 0 1 1 2260 sh 7 1 1 1 2260 bash 20 7 1 1 2260 bash 1325 20 1 1 2260 python2 1326 1325 1 1 2260 time-helper 1327 1326 1 1 2260 bash 1802 1327 1 1 2260 bash 2257 1802 1 1 2260 python2 2258 2257 1 1 2260 time-helper 2259 2258 1 1 2260 bash 2260 2259 2260 1 2260 zsh 2262 2260 2262 1 2260 ps run_snippet zsh fgpipe - [foreground pipeline, last is external] PID PPID PGID SID TPGID COMMAND 1 0 1 1 1 sh 7 1 1 1 1 bash 20 7 1 1 1 bash 1325 20 1 1 1 python2 1326 1325 1 1 1 time-helper 1327 1326 1 1 1 bash 1802 1327 1 1 1 bash 2265 1802 1 1 1 python2 2266 2265 1 1 1 time-helper 2267 2266 1 1 1 bash 2268 2267 1 1 1 zsh 2269 2268 1 1 1 ps 2270 2268 1 1 1 cat 2271 2268 1 1 1 cat2 run_snippet zsh fgpipe yes [foreground pipeline, last is external] PID PPID PGID SID TPGID COMMAND 1 0 1 1 2279 sh 7 1 1 1 2279 bash 20 7 1 1 2279 bash 1325 20 1 1 2279 python2 1326 1325 1 1 2279 time-helper 1327 1326 1 1 2279 bash 1802 1327 1 1 2279 bash 2274 1802 1 1 2279 python2 2275 2274 1 1 2279 time-helper 2276 2275 1 1 2279 bash 2277 2276 2277 1 2279 zsh 2279 2277 2279 1 2279 ps 2280 2277 2279 1 2279 cat 2281 2277 2279 1 2279 cat2 run_snippet zsh fgpipe-lastpipe - [foreground pipeline, last is builtin] PID PPID PGID SID TPGID COMMAND 1 0 1 1 1 sh 7 1 1 1 1 bash 20 7 1 1 1 bash 1325 20 1 1 1 python2 1326 1325 1 1 1 time-helper 1327 1326 1 1 1 bash 1802 1327 1 1 1 bash 2284 1802 1 1 1 python2 2285 2284 1 1 1 time-helper 2286 2285 1 1 1 bash 2287 2286 1 1 1 zsh 2288 2287 1 1 1 ps 2289 2287 1 1 1 cat2 run_snippet zsh fgpipe-lastpipe yes [foreground pipeline, last is builtin] PID PPID PGID SID TPGID COMMAND 1 0 1 1 2297 sh 7 1 1 1 2297 bash 20 7 1 1 2297 bash 1325 20 1 1 2297 python2 1326 1325 1 1 2297 time-helper 1327 1326 1 1 2297 bash 1802 1327 1 1 2297 bash 2292 1802 1 1 2297 python2 2293 2292 1 1 2297 time-helper 2294 2293 1 1 2297 bash 2295 2294 2295 1 2297 zsh 2297 2295 2297 1 2297 ps 2298 2295 2297 1 2297 cat2 run_snippet zsh bgpipe - [background pipeline] PID PPID PGID SID TPGID COMMAND 1 0 1 1 1 sh 7 1 1 1 1 bash 20 7 1 1 1 bash 1325 20 1 1 1 python2 1326 1325 1 1 1 time-helper 1327 1326 1 1 1 bash 1802 1327 1 1 1 bash 2301 1802 1 1 1 python2 2302 2301 1 1 1 time-helper 2303 2302 1 1 1 bash 2304 2303 1 1 1 zsh 2305 2304 1 1 1 ps 2306 2304 1 1 1 cat 2307 2304 1 1 1 cat2 run_snippet zsh bgpipe yes [background pipeline] PID PPID PGID SID TPGID COMMAND 1 0 1 1 2313 sh 7 1 1 1 2313 bash 20 7 1 1 2313 bash 1325 20 1 1 2313 python2 1326 1325 1 1 2313 time-helper 1327 1326 1 1 2313 bash 1802 1327 1 1 2313 bash 2310 1802 1 1 2313 python2 2311 2310 1 1 2313 time-helper 2312 2311 1 1 2313 bash 2313 2312 2313 1 2313 zsh 2315 2313 2315 1 2313 ps 2316 2313 2315 1 2313 cat 2317 2313 2315 1 2313 cat2 run_snippet zsh bgpipe-lastpipe - [background pipeline, last is builtin] PID PPID PGID SID TPGID COMMAND 1 0 1 1 1 sh 7 1 1 1 1 bash 20 7 1 1 1 bash 1325 20 1 1 1 python2 1326 1325 1 1 1 time-helper 1327 1326 1 1 1 bash 1802 1327 1 1 1 bash 2320 1802 1 1 1 python2 2321 2320 1 1 1 time-helper 2322 2321 1 1 1 bash 2323 2322 1 1 1 zsh 2324 2323 1 1 1 ps 2325 2323 1 1 1 cat2 2326 2323 1 1 1 zsh run_snippet zsh bgpipe-lastpipe yes [background pipeline, last is builtin] PID PPID PGID SID TPGID COMMAND 1 0 1 1 2332 sh 7 1 1 1 2332 bash 20 7 1 1 2332 bash 1325 20 1 1 2332 python2 1326 1325 1 1 2332 time-helper 1327 1326 1 1 2332 bash 1802 1327 1 1 2332 bash 2329 1802 1 1 2332 python2 2330 2329 1 1 2332 time-helper 2331 2330 1 1 2332 bash 2332 2331 2332 1 2332 zsh 2334 2332 2334 1 2332 ps 2335 2332 2334 1 2332 cat2 2336 2332 2334 1 2332 zsh run_snippet zsh subshell - [subshell] PID PPID PGID SID TPGID COMMAND 1 0 1 1 1 sh 7 1 1 1 1 bash 20 7 1 1 1 bash 1325 20 1 1 1 python2 1326 1325 1 1 1 time-helper 1327 1326 1 1 1 bash 1802 1327 1 1 1 bash 2339 1802 1 1 1 python2 2340 2339 1 1 1 time-helper 2341 2340 1 1 1 bash 2342 2341 1 1 1 zsh 2343 2342 1 1 1 zsh 2344 2343 1 1 1 ps ALIVE run_snippet zsh subshell yes [subshell] PID PPID PGID SID TPGID COMMAND 1 0 1 1 2352 sh 7 1 1 1 2352 bash 20 7 1 1 2352 bash 1325 20 1 1 2352 python2 1326 1325 1 1 2352 time-helper 1327 1326 1 1 2352 bash 1802 1327 1 1 2352 bash 2347 1802 1 1 2352 python2 2348 2347 1 1 2352 time-helper 2349 2348 1 1 2352 bash 2350 2349 2350 1 2352 zsh 2352 2350 2352 1 2352 zsh 2353 2352 2352 1 2352 ps ALIVE run_snippet zsh csub - [command sub] PID PPID PGID SID TPGID COMMAND 1 0 1 1 1 sh 7 1 1 1 1 bash 20 7 1 1 1 bash 1325 20 1 1 1 python2 1326 1325 1 1 1 time-helper 1327 1326 1 1 1 bash 1802 1327 1 1 1 bash 2356 1802 1 1 1 python2 2357 2356 1 1 1 time-helper 2358 2357 1 1 1 bash 2359 2358 1 1 1 zsh 2360 2359 1 1 1 ps run_snippet zsh csub yes [command sub] PID PPID PGID SID TPGID COMMAND 1 0 1 1 2366 sh 7 1 1 1 2366 bash 20 7 1 1 2366 bash 1325 20 1 1 2366 python2 1326 1325 1 1 2366 time-helper 1327 1326 1 1 2366 bash 1802 1327 1 1 2366 bash 2363 1802 1 1 2366 python2 2364 2363 1 1 2366 time-helper 2365 2364 1 1 2366 bash 2366 2365 2366 1 2366 zsh 2368 2366 2366 1 2366 ps run_snippet zsh psub - [process sub] PID PPID PGID SID TPGID COMMAND 1 0 1 1 1 sh 7 1 1 1 1 bash 20 7 1 1 1 bash 1325 20 1 1 1 python2 1326 1325 1 1 1 time-helper 1327 1326 1 1 1 bash 1802 1327 1 1 1 bash 2371 1802 1 1 1 python2 2372 2371 1 1 1 time-helper 2373 2372 1 1 1 bash 2374 2373 1 1 1 zsh 2375 2374 1 1 1 ps 2376 2374 1 1 1 cat run_snippet zsh psub yes [process sub] PID PPID PGID SID TPGID COMMAND 1 0 1 1 2385 sh 7 1 1 1 2385 bash 20 7 1 1 2385 bash 1325 20 1 1 2385 python2 1326 1325 1 1 2385 time-helper 1327 1326 1 1 2385 bash 1802 1327 1 1 2385 bash 2379 1802 1 1 2385 python2 2380 2379 1 1 2385 time-helper 2381 2380 1 1 2385 bash 2382 2381 2382 1 2385 zsh 2384 2382 2384 1 2385 ps 2385 2382 2385 1 2385 cat run_snippet bin/osh fgproc - [foreground process] PID PPID PGID SID TPGID COMMAND 1 0 1 1 1 sh 7 1 1 1 1 bash 20 7 1 1 1 bash 1325 20 1 1 1 python2 1326 1325 1 1 1 time-helper 1327 1326 1 1 1 bash 1802 1327 1 1 1 bash 2388 1802 1 1 1 python2 2389 2388 1 1 1 time-helper 2390 2389 1 1 1 bash 2391 2390 1 1 1 python2 2394 2391 1 1 1 ps run_snippet bin/osh fgproc yes [foreground process] PID PPID PGID SID TPGID COMMAND 1 0 1 1 2403 sh 7 1 1 1 2403 bash 20 7 1 1 2403 bash 1325 20 1 1 2403 python2 1326 1325 1 1 2403 time-helper 1327 1326 1 1 2403 bash 1802 1327 1 1 2403 bash 2397 1802 1 1 2403 python2 2398 2397 1 1 2403 time-helper 2399 2398 1 1 2403 bash 2400 2399 2400 1 2403 python2 2403 2400 2403 1 2403 ps run_snippet bin/osh bgproc - [%1] PID 2412 Done [background process] PID PPID PGID SID TPGID COMMAND 1 0 1 1 1 sh 7 1 1 1 1 bash 20 7 1 1 1 bash 1325 20 1 1 1 python2 1326 1325 1 1 1 time-helper 1327 1326 1 1 1 bash 1802 1327 1 1 1 bash 2406 1802 1 1 1 python2 2407 2406 1 1 1 time-helper 2408 2407 1 1 1 bash 2409 2408 1 1 1 python2 2412 2409 1 1 1 ps run_snippet bin/osh bgproc yes [%1] PID 2421 Started [%1] PID 2421 Done [background process] PID PPID PGID SID TPGID COMMAND 1 0 1 1 2418 sh 7 1 1 1 2418 bash 20 7 1 1 2418 bash 1325 20 1 1 2418 python2 1326 1325 1 1 2418 time-helper 1327 1326 1 1 2418 bash 1802 1327 1 1 2418 bash 2415 1802 1 1 2418 python2 2416 2415 1 1 2418 time-helper 2417 2416 1 1 2418 bash 2418 2417 2418 1 2418 python2 2421 2418 2421 1 2418 ps run_snippet bin/osh fgpipe - [foreground pipeline, last is external] PID PPID PGID SID TPGID COMMAND 1 0 1 1 1 sh 7 1 1 1 1 bash 20 7 1 1 1 bash 1325 20 1 1 1 python2 1326 1325 1 1 1 time-helper 1327 1326 1 1 1 bash 1802 1327 1 1 1 bash 2424 1802 1 1 1 python2 2425 2424 1 1 1 time-helper 2426 2425 1 1 1 bash 2427 2426 1 1 1 python2 2430 2427 1 1 1 ps 2431 2427 1 1 1 cat 2432 2427 1 1 1 cat2 run_snippet bin/osh fgpipe yes [foreground pipeline, last is external] PID PPID PGID SID TPGID COMMAND 1 0 1 1 2441 sh 7 1 1 1 2441 bash 20 7 1 1 2441 bash 1325 20 1 1 2441 python2 1326 1325 1 1 2441 time-helper 1327 1326 1 1 2441 bash 1802 1327 1 1 2441 bash 2435 1802 1 1 2441 python2 2436 2435 1 1 2441 time-helper 2437 2436 1 1 2441 bash 2438 2437 2438 1 2441 python2 2441 2438 2441 1 2441 ps 2442 2438 2441 1 2441 cat 2443 2438 2441 1 2441 cat2 run_snippet bin/osh fgpipe-lastpipe - [foreground pipeline, last is builtin] PID PPID PGID SID TPGID COMMAND 1 0 1 1 1 sh 7 1 1 1 1 bash 20 7 1 1 1 bash 1325 20 1 1 1 python2 1326 1325 1 1 1 time-helper 1327 1326 1 1 1 bash 1802 1327 1 1 1 bash 2446 1802 1 1 1 python2 2447 2446 1 1 1 time-helper 2448 2447 1 1 1 bash 2449 2448 1 1 1 python2 2452 2449 1 1 1 ps 2453 2449 1 1 1 cat2 run_snippet bin/osh fgpipe-lastpipe yes [foreground pipeline, last is builtin] PID PPID PGID SID TPGID COMMAND 1 0 1 1 2462 sh 7 1 1 1 2462 bash 20 7 1 1 2462 bash 1325 20 1 1 2462 python2 1326 1325 1 1 2462 time-helper 1327 1326 1 1 2462 bash 1802 1327 1 1 2462 bash 2456 1802 1 1 2462 python2 2457 2456 1 1 2462 time-helper 2458 2457 1 1 2462 bash 2459 2458 2459 1 2462 python2 2462 2459 2462 1 2462 ps 2463 2459 2462 1 2462 cat2 run_snippet bin/osh bgpipe - [%1] PGID 2472 Done [background pipeline] PID PPID PGID SID TPGID COMMAND 1 0 1 1 1 sh 7 1 1 1 1 bash 20 7 1 1 1 bash 1325 20 1 1 1 python2 1326 1325 1 1 1 time-helper 1327 1326 1 1 1 bash 1802 1327 1 1 1 bash 2466 1802 1 1 1 python2 2467 2466 1 1 1 time-helper 2468 2467 1 1 1 bash 2469 2468 1 1 1 python2 2472 2469 1 1 1 ps 2473 2469 1 1 1 cat 2474 2469 1 1 1 cat2 run_snippet bin/osh bgpipe yes [%1] PID 2485 Started [%1] PGID 2483 Done [background pipeline] PID PPID PGID SID TPGID COMMAND 1 0 1 1 2480 sh 7 1 1 1 2480 bash 20 7 1 1 2480 bash 1325 20 1 1 2480 python2 1326 1325 1 1 2480 time-helper 1327 1326 1 1 2480 bash 1802 1327 1 1 2480 bash 2477 1802 1 1 2480 python2 2478 2477 1 1 2480 time-helper 2479 2478 1 1 2480 bash 2480 2479 2480 1 2480 python2 2483 2480 2483 1 2480 ps 2484 2480 2483 1 2480 cat 2485 2480 2483 1 2480 cat2 run_snippet bin/osh bgpipe-lastpipe - [%1] PGID 2494 Done [background pipeline, last is builtin] PID PPID PGID SID TPGID COMMAND 1 0 1 1 1 sh 7 1 1 1 1 bash 20 7 1 1 1 bash 1325 20 1 1 1 python2 1326 1325 1 1 1 time-helper 1327 1326 1 1 1 bash 1802 1327 1 1 1 bash 2488 1802 1 1 1 python2 2489 2488 1 1 1 time-helper 2490 2489 1 1 1 bash 2491 2490 1 1 1 python2 2494 2491 1 1 1 ps 2495 2491 1 1 1 cat2 2496 2491 1 1 1 python2 run_snippet bin/osh bgpipe-lastpipe yes [%1] PID 2507 Started [%1] PGID 2505 Done [background pipeline, last is builtin] PID PPID PGID SID TPGID COMMAND 1 0 1 1 2502 sh 7 1 1 1 2502 bash 20 7 1 1 2502 bash 1325 20 1 1 2502 python2 1326 1325 1 1 2502 time-helper 1327 1326 1 1 2502 bash 1802 1327 1 1 2502 bash 2499 1802 1 1 2502 python2 2500 2499 1 1 2502 time-helper 2501 2500 1 1 2502 bash 2502 2501 2502 1 2502 python2 2505 2502 2505 1 2502 ps 2506 2502 2505 1 2502 cat2 2507 2502 2505 1 2502 python2 run_snippet bin/osh subshell - [subshell] PID PPID PGID SID TPGID COMMAND 1 0 1 1 1 sh 7 1 1 1 1 bash 20 7 1 1 1 bash 1325 20 1 1 1 python2 1326 1325 1 1 1 time-helper 1327 1326 1 1 1 bash 1802 1327 1 1 1 bash 2510 1802 1 1 1 python2 2511 2510 1 1 1 time-helper 2512 2511 1 1 1 bash 2513 2512 1 1 1 python2 2516 2513 1 1 1 python2 2517 2516 1 1 1 ps ALIVE run_snippet bin/osh subshell yes [subshell] PID PPID PGID SID TPGID COMMAND 1 0 1 1 2526 sh 7 1 1 1 2526 bash 20 7 1 1 2526 bash 1325 20 1 1 2526 python2 1326 1325 1 1 2526 time-helper 1327 1326 1 1 2526 bash 1802 1327 1 1 2526 bash 2520 1802 1 1 2526 python2 2521 2520 1 1 2526 time-helper 2522 2521 1 1 2526 bash 2523 2522 2523 1 2526 python2 2526 2523 2526 1 2526 python2 2527 2526 2526 1 2526 ps ALIVE run_snippet bin/osh csub - [command sub] PID PPID PGID SID TPGID COMMAND 1 0 1 1 1 sh 7 1 1 1 1 bash 20 7 1 1 1 bash 1325 20 1 1 1 python2 1326 1325 1 1 1 time-helper 1327 1326 1 1 1 bash 1802 1327 1 1 1 bash 2530 1802 1 1 1 python2 2531 2530 1 1 1 time-helper 2532 2531 1 1 1 bash 2533 2532 1 1 1 python2 2536 2533 1 1 1 ps run_snippet bin/osh csub yes [command sub] PID PPID PGID SID TPGID COMMAND 1 0 1 1 2542 sh 7 1 1 1 2542 bash 20 7 1 1 2542 bash 1325 20 1 1 2542 python2 1326 1325 1 1 2542 time-helper 1327 1326 1 1 2542 bash 1802 1327 1 1 2542 bash 2539 1802 1 1 2542 python2 2540 2539 1 1 2542 time-helper 2541 2540 1 1 2542 bash 2542 2541 2542 1 2542 python2 2545 2542 2542 1 2542 ps run_snippet bin/osh psub - [process sub] PID PPID PGID SID TPGID COMMAND 1 0 1 1 1 sh 7 1 1 1 1 bash 20 7 1 1 1 bash 1325 20 1 1 1 python2 1326 1325 1 1 1 time-helper 1327 1326 1 1 1 bash 1802 1327 1 1 1 bash 2548 1802 1 1 1 python2 2549 2548 1 1 1 time-helper 2550 2549 1 1 1 bash 2551 2550 1 1 1 python2 2554 2551 1 1 1 ps 2555 2551 1 1 1 cat run_snippet bin/osh psub yes [process sub] PID PPID PGID SID TPGID COMMAND 1 0 1 1 2565 sh 7 1 1 1 2565 bash 20 7 1 1 2565 bash 1325 20 1 1 2565 python2 1326 1325 1 1 2565 time-helper 1327 1326 1 1 2565 bash 1802 1327 1 1 2565 bash 2558 1802 1 1 2565 python2 2559 2558 1 1 2565 time-helper 2560 2559 1 1 2565 bash 2561 2560 2561 1 2565 python2 2564 2561 2564 1 2565 ps 2565 2561 2565 1 2565 cat run_snippet _bin/cxx-dbg/osh fgproc - [foreground process] PID PPID PGID SID TPGID COMMAND 1 0 1 1 1 sh 7 1 1 1 1 bash 20 7 1 1 1 bash 1325 20 1 1 1 python2 1326 1325 1 1 1 time-helper 1327 1326 1 1 1 bash 1802 1327 1 1 1 bash 2568 1802 1 1 1 python2 2569 2568 1 1 1 time-helper 2570 2569 1 1 1 bash 2571 2570 1 1 1 osh 2572 2571 1 1 1 ps run_snippet _bin/cxx-dbg/osh fgproc yes [foreground process] PID PPID PGID SID TPGID COMMAND 1 0 1 1 2579 sh 7 1 1 1 2579 bash 20 7 1 1 2579 bash 1325 20 1 1 2579 python2 1326 1325 1 1 2579 time-helper 1327 1326 1 1 2579 bash 1802 1327 1 1 2579 bash 2575 1802 1 1 2579 python2 2576 2575 1 1 2579 time-helper 2577 2576 1 1 2579 bash 2578 2577 2578 1 2579 osh 2579 2578 2579 1 2579 ps run_snippet _bin/cxx-dbg/osh bgproc - [%1] PID 2586 Done [background process] PID PPID PGID SID TPGID COMMAND 1 0 1 1 1 sh 7 1 1 1 1 bash 20 7 1 1 1 bash 1325 20 1 1 1 python2 1326 1325 1 1 1 time-helper 1327 1326 1 1 1 bash 1802 1327 1 1 1 bash 2582 1802 1 1 1 python2 2583 2582 1 1 1 time-helper 2584 2583 1 1 1 bash 2585 2584 1 1 1 osh 2586 2585 1 1 1 ps run_snippet _bin/cxx-dbg/osh bgproc yes [%1] PID 2593 Started [%1] PID 2593 Done [background process] PID PPID PGID SID TPGID COMMAND 1 0 1 1 2592 sh 7 1 1 1 2592 bash 20 7 1 1 2592 bash 1325 20 1 1 2592 python2 1326 1325 1 1 2592 time-helper 1327 1326 1 1 2592 bash 1802 1327 1 1 2592 bash 2589 1802 1 1 2592 python2 2590 2589 1 1 2592 time-helper 2591 2590 1 1 2592 bash 2592 2591 2592 1 2592 osh 2593 2592 2593 1 2592 ps run_snippet _bin/cxx-dbg/osh fgpipe - [foreground pipeline, last is external] PID PPID PGID SID TPGID COMMAND 1 0 1 1 1 sh 7 1 1 1 1 bash 20 7 1 1 1 bash 1325 20 1 1 1 python2 1326 1325 1 1 1 time-helper 1327 1326 1 1 1 bash 1802 1327 1 1 1 bash 2596 1802 1 1 1 python2 2597 2596 1 1 1 time-helper 2598 2597 1 1 1 bash 2599 2598 1 1 1 osh 2600 2599 1 1 1 ps 2601 2599 1 1 1 cat 2602 2599 1 1 1 cat2 run_snippet _bin/cxx-dbg/osh fgpipe yes [foreground pipeline, last is external] PID PPID PGID SID TPGID COMMAND 1 0 1 1 2609 sh 7 1 1 1 2609 bash 20 7 1 1 2609 bash 1325 20 1 1 2609 python2 1326 1325 1 1 2609 time-helper 1327 1326 1 1 2609 bash 1802 1327 1 1 2609 bash 2605 1802 1 1 2609 python2 2606 2605 1 1 2609 time-helper 2607 2606 1 1 2609 bash 2608 2607 2608 1 2609 osh 2609 2608 2609 1 2609 ps 2610 2608 2609 1 2609 cat 2611 2608 2609 1 2609 cat2 run_snippet _bin/cxx-dbg/osh fgpipe-lastpipe - [foreground pipeline, last is builtin] PID PPID PGID SID TPGID COMMAND 1 0 1 1 1 sh 7 1 1 1 1 bash 20 7 1 1 1 bash 1325 20 1 1 1 python2 1326 1325 1 1 1 time-helper 1327 1326 1 1 1 bash 1802 1327 1 1 1 bash 2614 1802 1 1 1 python2 2615 2614 1 1 1 time-helper 2616 2615 1 1 1 bash 2617 2616 1 1 1 osh 2618 2617 1 1 1 ps 2619 2617 1 1 1 cat2 run_snippet _bin/cxx-dbg/osh fgpipe-lastpipe yes [foreground pipeline, last is builtin] PID PPID PGID SID TPGID COMMAND 1 0 1 1 2626 sh 7 1 1 1 2626 bash 20 7 1 1 2626 bash 1325 20 1 1 2626 python2 1326 1325 1 1 2626 time-helper 1327 1326 1 1 2626 bash 1802 1327 1 1 2626 bash 2622 1802 1 1 2626 python2 2623 2622 1 1 2626 time-helper 2624 2623 1 1 2626 bash 2625 2624 2625 1 2626 osh 2626 2625 2626 1 2626 ps 2627 2625 2626 1 2626 cat2 run_snippet _bin/cxx-dbg/osh bgpipe - [%1] PGID 2634 Done [background pipeline] PID PPID PGID SID TPGID COMMAND 1 0 1 1 1 sh 7 1 1 1 1 bash 20 7 1 1 1 bash 1325 20 1 1 1 python2 1326 1325 1 1 1 time-helper 1327 1326 1 1 1 bash 1802 1327 1 1 1 bash 2630 1802 1 1 1 python2 2631 2630 1 1 1 time-helper 2632 2631 1 1 1 bash 2633 2632 1 1 1 osh 2634 2633 1 1 1 ps 2635 2633 1 1 1 cat 2636 2633 1 1 1 cat2 run_snippet _bin/cxx-dbg/osh bgpipe yes [%1] PID 2645 Started [%1] PGID 2643 Done [background pipeline] PID PPID PGID SID TPGID COMMAND 1 0 1 1 2642 sh 7 1 1 1 2642 bash 20 7 1 1 2642 bash 1325 20 1 1 2642 python2 1326 1325 1 1 2642 time-helper 1327 1326 1 1 2642 bash 1802 1327 1 1 2642 bash 2639 1802 1 1 2642 python2 2640 2639 1 1 2642 time-helper 2641 2640 1 1 2642 bash 2642 2641 2642 1 2642 osh 2643 2642 2643 1 2642 ps 2644 2642 2643 1 2642 cat 2645 2642 2643 1 2642 cat2 run_snippet _bin/cxx-dbg/osh bgpipe-lastpipe - [%1] PGID 2652 Done [background pipeline, last is builtin] PID PPID PGID SID TPGID COMMAND 1 0 1 1 1 sh 7 1 1 1 1 bash 20 7 1 1 1 bash 1325 20 1 1 1 python2 1326 1325 1 1 1 time-helper 1327 1326 1 1 1 bash 1802 1327 1 1 1 bash 2648 1802 1 1 1 python2 2649 2648 1 1 1 time-helper 2650 2649 1 1 1 bash 2651 2650 1 1 1 osh 2652 2651 1 1 1 ps 2653 2651 1 1 1 cat2 2654 2651 1 1 1 osh run_snippet _bin/cxx-dbg/osh bgpipe-lastpipe yes [%1] PID 2663 Started [%1] PGID 2661 Done [background pipeline, last is builtin] PID PPID PGID SID TPGID COMMAND 1 0 1 1 2660 sh 7 1 1 1 2660 bash 20 7 1 1 2660 bash 1325 20 1 1 2660 python2 1326 1325 1 1 2660 time-helper 1327 1326 1 1 2660 bash 1802 1327 1 1 2660 bash 2657 1802 1 1 2660 python2 2658 2657 1 1 2660 time-helper 2659 2658 1 1 2660 bash 2660 2659 2660 1 2660 osh 2661 2660 2661 1 2660 ps 2662 2660 2661 1 2660 cat2 2663 2660 2661 1 2660 osh run_snippet _bin/cxx-dbg/osh subshell - [subshell] PID PPID PGID SID TPGID COMMAND 1 0 1 1 1 sh 7 1 1 1 1 bash 20 7 1 1 1 bash 1325 20 1 1 1 python2 1326 1325 1 1 1 time-helper 1327 1326 1 1 1 bash 1802 1327 1 1 1 bash 2666 1802 1 1 1 python2 2667 2666 1 1 1 time-helper 2668 2667 1 1 1 bash 2669 2668 1 1 1 osh 2670 2669 1 1 1 osh 2671 2670 1 1 1 ps ALIVE run_snippet _bin/cxx-dbg/osh subshell yes [subshell] PID PPID PGID SID TPGID COMMAND 1 0 1 1 2678 sh 7 1 1 1 2678 bash 20 7 1 1 2678 bash 1325 20 1 1 2678 python2 1326 1325 1 1 2678 time-helper 1327 1326 1 1 2678 bash 1802 1327 1 1 2678 bash 2674 1802 1 1 2678 python2 2675 2674 1 1 2678 time-helper 2676 2675 1 1 2678 bash 2677 2676 2677 1 2678 osh 2678 2677 2678 1 2678 osh 2679 2678 2678 1 2678 ps ALIVE run_snippet _bin/cxx-dbg/osh csub - [command sub] PID PPID PGID SID TPGID COMMAND 1 0 1 1 1 sh 7 1 1 1 1 bash 20 7 1 1 1 bash 1325 20 1 1 1 python2 1326 1325 1 1 1 time-helper 1327 1326 1 1 1 bash 1802 1327 1 1 1 bash 2682 1802 1 1 1 python2 2683 2682 1 1 1 time-helper 2684 2683 1 1 1 bash 2685 2684 1 1 1 osh 2686 2685 1 1 1 ps run_snippet _bin/cxx-dbg/osh csub yes [command sub] PID PPID PGID SID TPGID COMMAND 1 0 1 1 2692 sh 7 1 1 1 2692 bash 20 7 1 1 2692 bash 1325 20 1 1 2692 python2 1326 1325 1 1 2692 time-helper 1327 1326 1 1 2692 bash 1802 1327 1 1 2692 bash 2689 1802 1 1 2692 python2 2690 2689 1 1 2692 time-helper 2691 2690 1 1 2692 bash 2692 2691 2692 1 2692 osh 2693 2692 2692 1 2692 ps run_snippet _bin/cxx-dbg/osh psub - [process sub] PID PPID PGID SID TPGID COMMAND 1 0 1 1 1 sh 7 1 1 1 1 bash 20 7 1 1 1 bash 1325 20 1 1 1 python2 1326 1325 1 1 1 time-helper 1327 1326 1 1 1 bash 1802 1327 1 1 1 bash 2696 1802 1 1 1 python2 2697 2696 1 1 1 time-helper 2698 2697 1 1 1 bash 2699 2698 1 1 1 osh 2700 2699 1 1 1 ps 2701 2699 1 1 1 cat run_snippet _bin/cxx-dbg/osh psub yes [process sub] PID PPID PGID SID TPGID COMMAND 1 0 1 1 2709 sh 7 1 1 1 2709 bash 20 7 1 1 2709 bash 1325 20 1 1 2709 python2 1326 1325 1 1 2709 time-helper 1327 1326 1 1 2709 bash 1802 1327 1 1 2709 bash 2704 1802 1 1 2709 python2 2705 2704 1 1 2709 time-helper 2706 2705 1 1 2709 bash 2707 2706 2707 1 2709 osh 2708 2707 2708 1 2709 ps 2709 2707 2709 1 2709 cat Wrote _tmp/process-table/index.html