Results for

pass 200
FAIL 020
0pass FAIL Customize PS4
1pass FAIL xtrace_details doesn't show [[ ]] etc.
2pass FAIL xtrace_details AND xtrace_rich on
3pass FAIL proc and shell function
4pass FAIL eval
5pass FAIL source
6pass FAIL external and builtin
7pass FAIL subshell
8pass FAIL command sub
9pass FAIL process sub (nondeterministic)
10pass FAIL pipeline (nondeterministic)
11pass FAIL singleton pipeline
12pass FAIL Background pipeline (separate code path)
13pass FAIL Background process with fork and & (nondeterministic)
14pass FAIL Here doc
15pass FAIL Two here docs
16pass FAIL Here doc greater than 4096 bytes
17pass FAIL Control Flow
18pass FAIL use builtin and invokable module
19pass FAIL Encoded argv uses shell encoding, not J8
20 passed, 0 OK, 0 not implemented, 0 BUG, 0 failed, 0 timeouts, 0 cases skipped

Details on runs that didn't PASS

osh_ALT0 Customize PS4

[osh_ALT stdout] Expected '1\n2\n3\n', got ''
[osh_ALT stderr] Expected '5 . builtin echo 1\n5 . builtin echo 2\n6 . builtin echo 3\n' Got 'Traceback (most recent call last):\n File "/home/uke/oil/bin/", line 34, in _cpython_main_hook\n sys.exit(oils_for_unix.main(sys.argv))\n File "/home/uke/oil/bin/", line 171, in main\n return AppBundleMain(argv)\n File "/home/uke/oil/bin/", line 141, in AppBundleMain\n return shell.Main(\'osh\', arg_r, environ, login_shell, loader, readline)\n File "/home/uke/oil/core/", line 740, in Main\n b[builtin_i.bind] = readline_osh.Bind(readline, errfmt, mem)\n File "/home/uke/oil/builtin/", line 58, in __init__\n readline.set_bind_shell_command_hook(lambda *args: self.bind_shell_command_hook(*args))\n File "/home/uke/oil/frontend/", line 169, in set_bind_shell_command_hook\n line_input.set_bind_shell_command_hook(hook)\nAttributeError: \'module\' object has no attribute \'set_bind_shell_command_hook\'\nFATAL: couldn\'t import from app bundle \'/home/uke/oil/_tmp/oil-tar-test/oil-0.25.0/_bin/osh\' (1)\nStripping the oil.ovm binary may cause this error.\nSee\n'
[osh_ALT status] Expected 0, got 1
[osh_ALT stderr] Found 'Traceback (most recent'

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/uke/oil/bin/", line 34, in _cpython_main_hook
  File "/home/uke/oil/bin/", line 171, in main
    return AppBundleMain(argv)
  File "/home/uke/oil/bin/", line 141, in AppBundleMain
    return shell.Main('osh', arg_r, environ, login_shell, loader, readline)
  File "/home/uke/oil/core/", line 740, in Main
    b[builtin_i.bind] = readline_osh.Bind(readline, errfmt, mem)
  File "/home/uke/oil/builtin/", line 58, in __init__
    readline.set_bind_shell_command_hook(lambda *args: self.bind_shell_command_hook(*args))
  File "/home/uke/oil/frontend/", line 169, in set_bind_shell_command_hook
AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'set_bind_shell_command_hook'
FATAL: couldn't import from app bundle '/home/uke/oil/_tmp/oil-tar-test/oil-0.25.0/_bin/osh' (1)
Stripping the oil.ovm binary may cause this error.
osh_ALT1 xtrace_details doesn't show [[ ]] etc.

[osh_ALT stderr] Expected '. builtin cd /\n', got 'Traceback (most recent call last):\n File "/home/uke/oil/bin/", line 34, in _cpython_main_hook\n sys.exit(oils_for_unix.main(sys.argv))\n File "/home/uke/oil/bin/", line 171, in main\n return AppBundleMain(argv)\n File "/home/uke/oil/bin/", line 141, in AppBundleMain\n return shell.Main(\'osh\', arg_r, environ, login_shell, loader, readline)\n File "/home/uke/oil/core/", line 740, in Main\n b[builtin_i.bind] = readline_osh.Bind(readline, errfmt, mem)\n File "/home/uke/oil/builtin/", line 58, in __init__\n readline.set_bind_shell_command_hook(lambda *args: self.bind_shell_command_hook(*args))\n File "/home/uke/oil/frontend/", line 169, in set_bind_shell_command_hook\n line_input.set_bind_shell_command_hook(hook)\nAttributeError: \'module\' object has no attribute \'set_bind_shell_command_hook\'\nFATAL: couldn\'t import from app bundle \'/home/uke/oil/_tmp/oil-tar-test/oil-0.25.0/_bin/osh\' (1)\nStripping the oil.ovm binary may cause this error.\nSee\n'
[osh_ALT status] Expected 0, got 1
[osh_ALT stderr] Found 'Traceback (most recent'

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/uke/oil/bin/", line 34, in _cpython_main_hook
  File "/home/uke/oil/bin/", line 171, in main
    return AppBundleMain(argv)
  File "/home/uke/oil/bin/", line 141, in AppBundleMain
    return shell.Main('osh', arg_r, environ, login_shell, loader, readline)
  File "/home/uke/oil/core/", line 740, in Main
    b[builtin_i.bind] = readline_osh.Bind(readline, errfmt, mem)
  File "/home/uke/oil/builtin/", line 58, in __init__
    readline.set_bind_shell_command_hook(lambda *args: self.bind_shell_command_hook(*args))
  File "/home/uke/oil/frontend/", line 169, in set_bind_shell_command_hook
AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'set_bind_shell_command_hook'
FATAL: couldn't import from app bundle '/home/uke/oil/_tmp/oil-tar-test/oil-0.25.0/_bin/osh' (1)
Stripping the oil.ovm binary may cause this error.
osh_ALT2 xtrace_details AND xtrace_rich on

[osh_ALT stderr] Expected "| command 12345: env 'false'\n; process 12345: status 1\n. builtin set '+x'\n" Got 'Traceback (most recent call last):\n File "/home/uke/oil/bin/", line 34, in _cpython_main_hook\n sys.exit(oils_for_unix.main(sys.argv))\n File "/home/uke/oil/bin/", line 171, in main\n return AppBundleMain(argv)\n File "/home/uke/oil/bin/", line 141, in AppBundleMain\n return shell.Main(\'osh\', arg_r, environ, login_shell, loader, readline)\n File "/home/uke/oil/core/", line 740, in Main\n b[builtin_i.bind] = readline_osh.Bind(readline, errfmt, mem)\n File "/home/uke/oil/builtin/", line 58, in __init__\n readline.set_bind_shell_command_hook(lambda *args: self.bind_shell_command_hook(*args))\n File "/home/uke/oil/frontend/", line 169, in set_bind_shell_command_hook\n line_input.set_bind_shell_command_hook(hook)\nAttributeError: \'module\' object has no attribute \'set_bind_shell_command_hook\'\nFATAL: couldn\'t import from app bundle \'/home/uke/oil/_tmp/oil-tar-test/oil-0.25.0/_bin/osh\' (1)\nStripping the oil.ovm binary may cause this error.\nSee\n'
[osh_ALT status] Expected 0, got 1
[osh_ALT stderr] Found 'Traceback (most recent'

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/uke/oil/bin/", line 34, in _cpython_main_hook
  File "/home/uke/oil/bin/", line 171, in main
    return AppBundleMain(argv)
  File "/home/uke/oil/bin/", line 141, in AppBundleMain
    return shell.Main('osh', arg_r, environ, login_shell, loader, readline)
  File "/home/uke/oil/core/", line 740, in Main
    b[builtin_i.bind] = readline_osh.Bind(readline, errfmt, mem)
  File "/home/uke/oil/builtin/", line 58, in __init__
    readline.set_bind_shell_command_hook(lambda *args: self.bind_shell_command_hook(*args))
  File "/home/uke/oil/frontend/", line 169, in set_bind_shell_command_hook
AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'set_bind_shell_command_hook'
FATAL: couldn't import from app bundle '/home/uke/oil/_tmp/oil-tar-test/oil-0.25.0/_bin/osh' (1)
Stripping the oil.ovm binary may cause this error.
osh_ALT3 proc and shell function

[osh_ALT stderr] Expected "> proc shfunc 1\n . builtin ':' 1\n< proc shfunc\n> proc p 2\n . builtin ':' 2\n< proc p\n" Got 'Traceback (most recent call last):\n File "/home/uke/oil/bin/", line 34, in _cpython_main_hook\n sys.exit(oils_for_unix.main(sys.argv))\n File "/home/uke/oil/bin/", line 171, in main\n return AppBundleMain(argv)\n File "/home/uke/oil/bin/", line 141, in AppBundleMain\n return shell.Main(\'osh\', arg_r, environ, login_shell, loader, readline)\n File "/home/uke/oil/core/", line 740, in Main\n b[builtin_i.bind] = readline_osh.Bind(readline, errfmt, mem)\n File "/home/uke/oil/builtin/", line 58, in __init__\n readline.set_bind_shell_command_hook(lambda *args: self.bind_shell_command_hook(*args))\n File "/home/uke/oil/frontend/", line 169, in set_bind_shell_command_hook\n line_input.set_bind_shell_command_hook(hook)\nAttributeError: \'module\' object has no attribute \'set_bind_shell_command_hook\'\nFATAL: couldn\'t import from app bundle \'/home/uke/oil/_tmp/oil-tar-test/oil-0.25.0/_bin/osh\' (1)\nStripping the oil.ovm binary may cause this error.\nSee\n'
[osh_ALT status] Expected 0, got 1
[osh_ALT stderr] Found 'Traceback (most recent'

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/uke/oil/bin/", line 34, in _cpython_main_hook
  File "/home/uke/oil/bin/", line 171, in main
    return AppBundleMain(argv)
  File "/home/uke/oil/bin/", line 141, in AppBundleMain
    return shell.Main('osh', arg_r, environ, login_shell, loader, readline)
  File "/home/uke/oil/core/", line 740, in Main
    b[builtin_i.bind] = readline_osh.Bind(readline, errfmt, mem)
  File "/home/uke/oil/builtin/", line 58, in __init__
    readline.set_bind_shell_command_hook(lambda *args: self.bind_shell_command_hook(*args))
  File "/home/uke/oil/frontend/", line 169, in set_bind_shell_command_hook
AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'set_bind_shell_command_hook'
FATAL: couldn't import from app bundle '/home/uke/oil/_tmp/oil-tar-test/oil-0.25.0/_bin/osh' (1)
Stripping the oil.ovm binary may cause this error.
osh_ALT4 eval

[osh_ALT stdout] Expected '1\n2\n', got ''
[osh_ALT stderr] Expected '> eval\n . builtin echo 1\n . builtin echo 2\n< eval\n' Got 'Traceback (most recent call last):\n File "/home/uke/oil/bin/", line 34, in _cpython_main_hook\n sys.exit(oils_for_unix.main(sys.argv))\n File "/home/uke/oil/bin/", line 171, in main\n return AppBundleMain(argv)\n File "/home/uke/oil/bin/", line 141, in AppBundleMain\n return shell.Main(\'osh\', arg_r, environ, login_shell, loader, readline)\n File "/home/uke/oil/core/", line 740, in Main\n b[builtin_i.bind] = readline_osh.Bind(readline, errfmt, mem)\n File "/home/uke/oil/builtin/", line 58, in __init__\n readline.set_bind_shell_command_hook(lambda *args: self.bind_shell_command_hook(*args))\n File "/home/uke/oil/frontend/", line 169, in set_bind_shell_command_hook\n line_input.set_bind_shell_command_hook(hook)\nAttributeError: \'module\' object has no attribute \'set_bind_shell_command_hook\'\nFATAL: couldn\'t import from app bundle \'/home/uke/oil/_tmp/oil-tar-test/oil-0.25.0/_bin/osh\' (1)\nStripping the oil.ovm binary may cause this error.\nSee\n'
[osh_ALT status] Expected 0, got 1
[osh_ALT stderr] Found 'Traceback (most recent'

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/uke/oil/bin/", line 34, in _cpython_main_hook
  File "/home/uke/oil/bin/", line 171, in main
    return AppBundleMain(argv)
  File "/home/uke/oil/bin/", line 141, in AppBundleMain
    return shell.Main('osh', arg_r, environ, login_shell, loader, readline)
  File "/home/uke/oil/core/", line 740, in Main
    b[builtin_i.bind] = readline_osh.Bind(readline, errfmt, mem)
  File "/home/uke/oil/builtin/", line 58, in __init__
    readline.set_bind_shell_command_hook(lambda *args: self.bind_shell_command_hook(*args))
  File "/home/uke/oil/frontend/", line 169, in set_bind_shell_command_hook
AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'set_bind_shell_command_hook'
FATAL: couldn't import from app bundle '/home/uke/oil/_tmp/oil-tar-test/oil-0.25.0/_bin/osh' (1)
Stripping the oil.ovm binary may cause this error.
osh_ALT5 source

[osh_ALT stdout] Expected '$1 = a\n$1 = x\n', got ''
[osh_ALT stderr] Expected "> source a b c\n . builtin echo '$1 = a'\n< source\n> source x $'\\xfe' $'\\xff'\n . builtin echo '$1 = x'\n< source\n" Got 'Traceback (most recent call last):\n File "/home/uke/oil/bin/", line 34, in _cpython_main_hook\n sys.exit(oils_for_unix.main(sys.argv))\n File "/home/uke/oil/bin/", line 171, in main\n return AppBundleMain(argv)\n File "/home/uke/oil/bin/", line 141, in AppBundleMain\n return shell.Main(\'osh\', arg_r, environ, login_shell, loader, readline)\n File "/home/uke/oil/core/", line 740, in Main\n b[builtin_i.bind] = readline_osh.Bind(readline, errfmt, mem)\n File "/home/uke/oil/builtin/", line 58, in __init__\n readline.set_bind_shell_command_hook(lambda *args: self.bind_shell_command_hook(*args))\n File "/home/uke/oil/frontend/", line 169, in set_bind_shell_command_hook\n line_input.set_bind_shell_command_hook(hook)\nAttributeError: \'module\' object has no attribute \'set_bind_shell_command_hook\'\nFATAL: couldn\'t import from app bundle \'/home/uke/oil/_tmp/oil-tar-test/oil-0.25.0/_bin/osh\' (1)\nStripping the oil.ovm binary may cause this error.\nSee\n'
[osh_ALT status] Expected 0, got 1
[osh_ALT stderr] Found 'Traceback (most recent'

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/uke/oil/bin/", line 34, in _cpython_main_hook
  File "/home/uke/oil/bin/", line 171, in main
    return AppBundleMain(argv)
  File "/home/uke/oil/bin/", line 141, in AppBundleMain
    return shell.Main('osh', arg_r, environ, login_shell, loader, readline)
  File "/home/uke/oil/core/", line 740, in Main
    b[builtin_i.bind] = readline_osh.Bind(readline, errfmt, mem)
  File "/home/uke/oil/builtin/", line 58, in __init__
    readline.set_bind_shell_command_hook(lambda *args: self.bind_shell_command_hook(*args))
  File "/home/uke/oil/frontend/", line 169, in set_bind_shell_command_hook
AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'set_bind_shell_command_hook'
FATAL: couldn't import from app bundle '/home/uke/oil/_tmp/oil-tar-test/oil-0.25.0/_bin/osh' (1)
Stripping the oil.ovm binary may cause this error.
osh_ALT6 external and builtin

[osh_ALT stderr] Expected "| command 12345: env 'false'\n; process 12345: status 1\n. builtin 'true'\n. builtin set '+x'\n" Got 'Traceback (most recent call last):\n File "/home/uke/oil/bin/", line 34, in _cpython_main_hook\n sys.exit(oils_for_unix.main(sys.argv))\n File "/home/uke/oil/bin/", line 171, in main\n return AppBundleMain(argv)\n File "/home/uke/oil/bin/", line 141, in AppBundleMain\n return shell.Main(\'osh\', arg_r, environ, login_shell, loader, readline)\n File "/home/uke/oil/core/", line 740, in Main\n b[builtin_i.bind] = readline_osh.Bind(readline, errfmt, mem)\n File "/home/uke/oil/builtin/", line 58, in __init__\n readline.set_bind_shell_command_hook(lambda *args: self.bind_shell_command_hook(*args))\n File "/home/uke/oil/frontend/", line 169, in set_bind_shell_command_hook\n line_input.set_bind_shell_command_hook(hook)\nAttributeError: \'module\' object has no attribute \'set_bind_shell_command_hook\'\nFATAL: couldn\'t import from app bundle \'/home/uke/oil/_tmp/oil-tar-test/oil-0.25.0/_bin/osh\' (1)\nStripping the oil.ovm binary may cause this error.\nSee\n'
[osh_ALT status] Expected 0, got 1
[osh_ALT stderr] Found 'Traceback (most recent'

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/uke/oil/bin/", line 34, in _cpython_main_hook
  File "/home/uke/oil/bin/", line 171, in main
    return AppBundleMain(argv)
  File "/home/uke/oil/bin/", line 141, in AppBundleMain
    return shell.Main('osh', arg_r, environ, login_shell, loader, readline)
  File "/home/uke/oil/core/", line 740, in Main
    b[builtin_i.bind] = readline_osh.Bind(readline, errfmt, mem)
  File "/home/uke/oil/builtin/", line 58, in __init__
    readline.set_bind_shell_command_hook(lambda *args: self.bind_shell_command_hook(*args))
  File "/home/uke/oil/frontend/", line 169, in set_bind_shell_command_hook
AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'set_bind_shell_command_hook'
FATAL: couldn't import from app bundle '/home/uke/oil/_tmp/oil-tar-test/oil-0.25.0/_bin/osh' (1)
Stripping the oil.ovm binary may cause this error.
osh_ALT7 subshell

[osh_ALT stderr] Expected " . 12345 builtin ':' p\n + 12345 exit 3\n . 12345 builtin ':' 1\n < 12345 proc p\n > 12345 proc p\n. builtin ':' begin\n. builtin set '+x'\n; process 12345: status 3\n| forkwait 12345\n" Got 'Traceback (most recent call last):\n File "/home/uke/oil/bin/", line 34, in _cpython_main_hook\n sys.exit(oils_for_unix.main(sys.argv))\n File "/home/uke/oil/bin/", line 171, in main\n return AppBundleMain(argv)\n File "/home/uke/oil/bin/", line 141, in AppBundleMain\n return shell.Main(\'osh\', arg_r, environ, login_shell, loader, readline)\n File "/home/uke/oil/core/", line 740, in Main\n b[builtin_i.bind] = readline_osh.Bind(readline, errfmt, mem)\n File "/home/uke/oil/builtin/", line 58, in __init__\n readline.set_bind_shell_command_hook(lambda *args: self.bind_shell_command_hook(*args))\n File "/home/uke/oil/frontend/", line 169, in set_bind_shell_command_hook\n line_input.set_bind_shell_command_hook(hook)\nAttributeError: \'module\' object has no attribute \'set_bind_shell_command_hook\'\nFATAL: couldn\'t import from app bundle \'/home/uke/oil/_tmp/oil-tar-test/oil-0.25.0/_bin/osh\' (1)\nStripping the oil.ovm binary may cause this error.\nSee\n'
[osh_ALT status] Expected 0, got 1
[osh_ALT stderr] Found 'Traceback (most recent'

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/uke/oil/bin/", line 34, in _cpython_main_hook
  File "/home/uke/oil/bin/", line 171, in main
    return AppBundleMain(argv)
  File "/home/uke/oil/bin/", line 141, in AppBundleMain
    return shell.Main('osh', arg_r, environ, login_shell, loader, readline)
  File "/home/uke/oil/core/", line 740, in Main
    b[builtin_i.bind] = readline_osh.Bind(readline, errfmt, mem)
  File "/home/uke/oil/builtin/", line 58, in __init__
    readline.set_bind_shell_command_hook(lambda *args: self.bind_shell_command_hook(*args))
  File "/home/uke/oil/frontend/", line 169, in set_bind_shell_command_hook
AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'set_bind_shell_command_hook'
FATAL: couldn't import from app bundle '/home/uke/oil/_tmp/oil-tar-test/oil-0.25.0/_bin/osh' (1)
Stripping the oil.ovm binary may cause this error.
osh_ALT8 command sub

[osh_ALT stdout] Expected 'foo=bar\n', got ''
[osh_ALT stderr] Expected " . 12345 builtin echo bar\n. builtin echo 'foo=bar'\n. builtin set '+x'\n; process 12345: status 0\n| command sub 12345\n" Got 'Traceback (most recent call last):\n File "/home/uke/oil/bin/", line 34, in _cpython_main_hook\n sys.exit(oils_for_unix.main(sys.argv))\n File "/home/uke/oil/bin/", line 171, in main\n return AppBundleMain(argv)\n File "/home/uke/oil/bin/", line 141, in AppBundleMain\n return shell.Main(\'osh\', arg_r, environ, login_shell, loader, readline)\n File "/home/uke/oil/core/", line 740, in Main\n b[builtin_i.bind] = readline_osh.Bind(readline, errfmt, mem)\n File "/home/uke/oil/builtin/", line 58, in __init__\n readline.set_bind_shell_command_hook(lambda *args: self.bind_shell_command_hook(*args))\n File "/home/uke/oil/frontend/", line 169, in set_bind_shell_command_hook\n line_input.set_bind_shell_command_hook(hook)\nAttributeError: \'module\' object has no attribute \'set_bind_shell_command_hook\'\nFATAL: couldn\'t import from app bundle \'/home/uke/oil/_tmp/oil-tar-test/oil-0.25.0/_bin/osh\' (1)\nStripping the oil.ovm binary may cause this error.\nSee\n'
[osh_ALT status] Expected 0, got 1
[osh_ALT stderr] Found 'Traceback (most recent'

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/uke/oil/bin/", line 34, in _cpython_main_hook
  File "/home/uke/oil/bin/", line 171, in main
    return AppBundleMain(argv)
  File "/home/uke/oil/bin/", line 141, in AppBundleMain
    return shell.Main('osh', arg_r, environ, login_shell, loader, readline)
  File "/home/uke/oil/core/", line 740, in Main
    b[builtin_i.bind] = readline_osh.Bind(readline, errfmt, mem)
  File "/home/uke/oil/builtin/", line 58, in __init__
    readline.set_bind_shell_command_hook(lambda *args: self.bind_shell_command_hook(*args))
  File "/home/uke/oil/frontend/", line 169, in set_bind_shell_command_hook
AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'set_bind_shell_command_hook'
FATAL: couldn't import from app bundle '/home/uke/oil/_tmp/oil-tar-test/oil-0.25.0/_bin/osh' (1)
Stripping the oil.ovm binary may cause this error.
osh_ALT9 process sub (nondeterministic)

[osh_ALT stdout] Expected '1\n2\n1\n', got ''
[osh_ALT stderr] Expected " . 12345 builtin echo 1\n . 12345 exec seq 2\n. builtin ':' begin\n. builtin set '+x'\n; process 12345: status 0\n; process 12345: status 0\n; process 12345: status 0\n| command 12345: cat /dev/fd/N /dev/fd/N\n| proc sub 12345\n| proc sub 12345\n" Got 'Traceback (most recent call last):\n File "/home/uke/oil/bin/", line 34, in _cpython_main_hook\n sys.exit(oils_for_unix.main(sys.argv))\n File "/home/uke/oil/bin/", line 171, in main\n return AppBundleMain(argv)\n File "/home/uke/oil/bin/", line 141, in AppBundleMain\n return shell.Main(\'osh\', arg_r, environ, login_shell, loader, readline)\n File "/home/uke/oil/core/", line 740, in Main\n b[builtin_i.bind] = readline_osh.Bind(readline, errfmt, mem)\n File "/home/uke/oil/builtin/", line 58, in __init__\n readline.set_bind_shell_command_hook(lambda *args: self.bind_shell_command_hook(*args))\n File "/home/uke/oil/frontend/", line 169, in set_bind_shell_command_hook\n line_input.set_bind_shell_command_hook(hook)\nAttributeError: \'module\' object has no attribute \'set_bind_shell_command_hook\'\nFATAL: couldn\'t import from app bundle \'/home/uke/oil/_tmp/oil-tar-test/oil-0.25.0/_bin/osh\' (1)\nStripping the oil.ovm binary may cause this error.\nSee\n'
[osh_ALT status] Expected 0, got 1
[osh_ALT stderr] Found 'Traceback (most recent'

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/uke/oil/bin/", line 34, in _cpython_main_hook
  File "/home/uke/oil/bin/", line 171, in main
    return AppBundleMain(argv)
  File "/home/uke/oil/bin/", line 141, in AppBundleMain
    return shell.Main('osh', arg_r, environ, login_shell, loader, readline)
  File "/home/uke/oil/core/", line 740, in Main
    b[builtin_i.bind] = readline_osh.Bind(readline, errfmt, mem)
  File "/home/uke/oil/builtin/", line 58, in __init__
    readline.set_bind_shell_command_hook(lambda *args: self.bind_shell_command_hook(*args))
  File "/home/uke/oil/frontend/", line 169, in set_bind_shell_command_hook
AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'set_bind_shell_command_hook'
FATAL: couldn't import from app bundle '/home/uke/oil/_tmp/oil-tar-test/oil-0.25.0/_bin/osh' (1)
Stripping the oil.ovm binary may cause this error.
osh_ALT10 pipeline (nondeterministic)

[osh_ALT stdout] Expected '2\n', got ''
[osh_ALT stderr] Expected " . 12345 builtin echo 1\n . 12345 builtin echo 2\n . 12345 exec sort\n < 12345 proc myfunc\n > 12345 proc myfunc\n ; process 12345: status 0\n ; process 12345: status 0\n ; process 12345: status 0\n | command 12345: wc -l\n | part 12345\n | part 12345\n. builtin ':' begin\n. builtin set '+x'\n< pipeline\n> pipeline\n" Got 'Traceback (most recent call last):\n File "/home/uke/oil/bin/", line 34, in _cpython_main_hook\n sys.exit(oils_for_unix.main(sys.argv))\n File "/home/uke/oil/bin/", line 171, in main\n return AppBundleMain(argv)\n File "/home/uke/oil/bin/", line 141, in AppBundleMain\n return shell.Main(\'osh\', arg_r, environ, login_shell, loader, readline)\n File "/home/uke/oil/core/", line 740, in Main\n b[builtin_i.bind] = readline_osh.Bind(readline, errfmt, mem)\n File "/home/uke/oil/builtin/", line 58, in __init__\n readline.set_bind_shell_command_hook(lambda *args: self.bind_shell_command_hook(*args))\n File "/home/uke/oil/frontend/", line 169, in set_bind_shell_command_hook\n line_input.set_bind_shell_command_hook(hook)\nAttributeError: \'module\' object has no attribute \'set_bind_shell_command_hook\'\nFATAL: couldn\'t import from app bundle \'/home/uke/oil/_tmp/oil-tar-test/oil-0.25.0/_bin/osh\' (1)\nStripping the oil.ovm binary may cause this error.\nSee\n'
[osh_ALT status] Expected 0, got 1
[osh_ALT stderr] Found 'Traceback (most recent'

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/uke/oil/bin/", line 34, in _cpython_main_hook
  File "/home/uke/oil/bin/", line 171, in main
    return AppBundleMain(argv)
  File "/home/uke/oil/bin/", line 141, in AppBundleMain
    return shell.Main('osh', arg_r, environ, login_shell, loader, readline)
  File "/home/uke/oil/core/", line 740, in Main
    b[builtin_i.bind] = readline_osh.Bind(readline, errfmt, mem)
  File "/home/uke/oil/builtin/", line 58, in __init__
    readline.set_bind_shell_command_hook(lambda *args: self.bind_shell_command_hook(*args))
  File "/home/uke/oil/frontend/", line 169, in set_bind_shell_command_hook
AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'set_bind_shell_command_hook'
FATAL: couldn't import from app bundle '/home/uke/oil/_tmp/oil-tar-test/oil-0.25.0/_bin/osh' (1)
Stripping the oil.ovm binary may cause this error.
osh_ALT11 singleton pipeline

[osh_ALT stderr] Expected ". builtin ':' begin\n. builtin 'false'\n. builtin ':' end\n" Got 'Traceback (most recent call last):\n File "/home/uke/oil/bin/", line 34, in _cpython_main_hook\n sys.exit(oils_for_unix.main(sys.argv))\n File "/home/uke/oil/bin/", line 171, in main\n return AppBundleMain(argv)\n File "/home/uke/oil/bin/", line 141, in AppBundleMain\n return shell.Main(\'osh\', arg_r, environ, login_shell, loader, readline)\n File "/home/uke/oil/core/", line 740, in Main\n b[builtin_i.bind] = readline_osh.Bind(readline, errfmt, mem)\n File "/home/uke/oil/builtin/", line 58, in __init__\n readline.set_bind_shell_command_hook(lambda *args: self.bind_shell_command_hook(*args))\n File "/home/uke/oil/frontend/", line 169, in set_bind_shell_command_hook\n line_input.set_bind_shell_command_hook(hook)\nAttributeError: \'module\' object has no attribute \'set_bind_shell_command_hook\'\nFATAL: couldn\'t import from app bundle \'/home/uke/oil/_tmp/oil-tar-test/oil-0.25.0/_bin/osh\' (1)\nStripping the oil.ovm binary may cause this error.\nSee\n'
[osh_ALT status] Expected 0, got 1
[osh_ALT stderr] Found 'Traceback (most recent'

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/uke/oil/bin/", line 34, in _cpython_main_hook
  File "/home/uke/oil/bin/", line 171, in main
    return AppBundleMain(argv)
  File "/home/uke/oil/bin/", line 141, in AppBundleMain
    return shell.Main('osh', arg_r, environ, login_shell, loader, readline)
  File "/home/uke/oil/core/", line 740, in Main
    b[builtin_i.bind] = readline_osh.Bind(readline, errfmt, mem)
  File "/home/uke/oil/builtin/", line 58, in __init__
    readline.set_bind_shell_command_hook(lambda *args: self.bind_shell_command_hook(*args))
  File "/home/uke/oil/frontend/", line 169, in set_bind_shell_command_hook
AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'set_bind_shell_command_hook'
FATAL: couldn't import from app bundle '/home/uke/oil/_tmp/oil-tar-test/oil-0.25.0/_bin/osh' (1)
Stripping the oil.ovm binary may cause this error.
osh_ALT12 Background pipeline (separate code path)

[osh_ALT stdout] Expected 'status=0\n', got ''
[osh_ALT stderr] Expected " . 12345 builtin echo 1\n . 12345 builtin echo 2\n . 12345 exec grep ZZZ\n . 12345 exec sort\n ; process 12345: status 0\n ; process 12345: status 0\n ; process 12345: status 1\n < 12345 proc myfunc\n > 12345 proc myfunc\n. builtin ':' begin\n. builtin echo 'status=0'\n. builtin set '+x'\n< wait\n> wait\n[%1] PGID 12345 Done\n| part 12345\n| part 12345\n| part 12345\n" Got 'Traceback (most recent call last):\n File "/home/uke/oil/bin/", line 34, in _cpython_main_hook\n sys.exit(oils_for_unix.main(sys.argv))\n File "/home/uke/oil/bin/", line 171, in main\n return AppBundleMain(argv)\n File "/home/uke/oil/bin/", line 141, in AppBundleMain\n return shell.Main(\'osh\', arg_r, environ, login_shell, loader, readline)\n File "/home/uke/oil/core/", line 740, in Main\n b[builtin_i.bind] = readline_osh.Bind(readline, errfmt, mem)\n File "/home/uke/oil/builtin/", line 58, in __init__\n readline.set_bind_shell_command_hook(lambda *args: self.bind_shell_command_hook(*args))\n File "/home/uke/oil/frontend/", line 169, in set_bind_shell_command_hook\n line_input.set_bind_shell_command_hook(hook)\nAttributeError: \'module\' object has no attribute \'set_bind_shell_command_hook\'\nFATAL: couldn\'t import from app bundle \'/home/uke/oil/_tmp/oil-tar-test/oil-0.25.0/_bin/osh\' (1)\nStripping the oil.ovm binary may cause this error.\nSee\n'
[osh_ALT status] Expected 0, got 1
[osh_ALT stderr] Found 'Traceback (most recent'

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/uke/oil/bin/", line 34, in _cpython_main_hook
  File "/home/uke/oil/bin/", line 171, in main
    return AppBundleMain(argv)
  File "/home/uke/oil/bin/", line 141, in AppBundleMain
    return shell.Main('osh', arg_r, environ, login_shell, loader, readline)
  File "/home/uke/oil/core/", line 740, in Main
    b[builtin_i.bind] = readline_osh.Bind(readline, errfmt, mem)
  File "/home/uke/oil/builtin/", line 58, in __init__
    readline.set_bind_shell_command_hook(lambda *args: self.bind_shell_command_hook(*args))
  File "/home/uke/oil/frontend/", line 169, in set_bind_shell_command_hook
AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'set_bind_shell_command_hook'
FATAL: couldn't import from app bundle '/home/uke/oil/_tmp/oil-tar-test/oil-0.25.0/_bin/osh' (1)
Stripping the oil.ovm binary may cause this error.
osh_ALT13 Background process with fork and & (nondeterministic)

[osh_ALT stderr] Expected " . 12345 exec sleep 0.1\n . 12345 exec sleep 0.1\n ; process 12345: status 0\n ; process 12345: status 0\n. builtin fork\n. builtin set '+x'\n. builtin shopt -s 'ysh:upgrade'\n< wait\n< wait\n> wait\n> wait\n[%1] PID 12345 Done\n[%1] PID 12345 Done\n| fork 12345\n| fork 12345\n" Got 'Traceback (most recent call last):\n File "/home/uke/oil/bin/", line 34, in _cpython_main_hook\n sys.exit(oils_for_unix.main(sys.argv))\n File "/home/uke/oil/bin/", line 171, in main\n return AppBundleMain(argv)\n File "/home/uke/oil/bin/", line 141, in AppBundleMain\n return shell.Main(\'osh\', arg_r, environ, login_shell, loader, readline)\n File "/home/uke/oil/core/", line 740, in Main\n b[builtin_i.bind] = readline_osh.Bind(readline, errfmt, mem)\n File "/home/uke/oil/builtin/", line 58, in __init__\n readline.set_bind_shell_command_hook(lambda *args: self.bind_shell_command_hook(*args))\n File "/home/uke/oil/frontend/", line 169, in set_bind_shell_command_hook\n line_input.set_bind_shell_command_hook(hook)\nAttributeError: \'module\' object has no attribute \'set_bind_shell_command_hook\'\nFATAL: couldn\'t import from app bundle \'/home/uke/oil/_tmp/oil-tar-test/oil-0.25.0/_bin/osh\' (1)\nStripping the oil.ovm binary may cause this error.\nSee\n'
[osh_ALT status] Expected 0, got 1
[osh_ALT stderr] Found 'Traceback (most recent'

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/uke/oil/bin/", line 34, in _cpython_main_hook
  File "/home/uke/oil/bin/", line 171, in main
    return AppBundleMain(argv)
  File "/home/uke/oil/bin/", line 141, in AppBundleMain
    return shell.Main('osh', arg_r, environ, login_shell, loader, readline)
  File "/home/uke/oil/core/", line 740, in Main
    b[builtin_i.bind] = readline_osh.Bind(readline, errfmt, mem)
  File "/home/uke/oil/builtin/", line 58, in __init__
    readline.set_bind_shell_command_hook(lambda *args: self.bind_shell_command_hook(*args))
  File "/home/uke/oil/frontend/", line 169, in set_bind_shell_command_hook
AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'set_bind_shell_command_hook'
FATAL: couldn't import from app bundle '/home/uke/oil/_tmp/oil-tar-test/oil-0.25.0/_bin/osh' (1)
Stripping the oil.ovm binary may cause this error.
osh_ALT14 Here doc

[osh_ALT stdout] Expected '2\n3\n', got ''
[osh_ALT stderr] Expected ". builtin ':' begin\n| command 12345: tac\n; process 12345: status 0\n. builtin set '+x'\n" Got 'Traceback (most recent call last):\n File "/home/uke/oil/bin/", line 34, in _cpython_main_hook\n sys.exit(oils_for_unix.main(sys.argv))\n File "/home/uke/oil/bin/", line 171, in main\n return AppBundleMain(argv)\n File "/home/uke/oil/bin/", line 141, in AppBundleMain\n return shell.Main(\'osh\', arg_r, environ, login_shell, loader, readline)\n File "/home/uke/oil/core/", line 740, in Main\n b[builtin_i.bind] = readline_osh.Bind(readline, errfmt, mem)\n File "/home/uke/oil/builtin/", line 58, in __init__\n readline.set_bind_shell_command_hook(lambda *args: self.bind_shell_command_hook(*args))\n File "/home/uke/oil/frontend/", line 169, in set_bind_shell_command_hook\n line_input.set_bind_shell_command_hook(hook)\nAttributeError: \'module\' object has no attribute \'set_bind_shell_command_hook\'\nFATAL: couldn\'t import from app bundle \'/home/uke/oil/_tmp/oil-tar-test/oil-0.25.0/_bin/osh\' (1)\nStripping the oil.ovm binary may cause this error.\nSee\n'
[osh_ALT status] Expected 0, got 1
[osh_ALT stderr] Found 'Traceback (most recent'

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/uke/oil/bin/", line 34, in _cpython_main_hook
  File "/home/uke/oil/bin/", line 171, in main
    return AppBundleMain(argv)
  File "/home/uke/oil/bin/", line 141, in AppBundleMain
    return shell.Main('osh', arg_r, environ, login_shell, loader, readline)
  File "/home/uke/oil/core/", line 740, in Main
    b[builtin_i.bind] = readline_osh.Bind(readline, errfmt, mem)
  File "/home/uke/oil/builtin/", line 58, in __init__
    readline.set_bind_shell_command_hook(lambda *args: self.bind_shell_command_hook(*args))
  File "/home/uke/oil/frontend/", line 169, in set_bind_shell_command_hook
AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'set_bind_shell_command_hook'
FATAL: couldn't import from app bundle '/home/uke/oil/_tmp/oil-tar-test/oil-0.25.0/_bin/osh' (1)
Stripping the oil.ovm binary may cause this error.
osh_ALT15 Two here docs

[osh_ALT stdout] Expected 'xx\nyy\nzz\n', got ''
[osh_ALT stderr] Expected "| command 12345: cat - /dev/fd/3\n; process 12345: status 0\n. builtin set '+x'\n" Got 'Traceback (most recent call last):\n File "/home/uke/oil/bin/", line 34, in _cpython_main_hook\n sys.exit(oils_for_unix.main(sys.argv))\n File "/home/uke/oil/bin/", line 171, in main\n return AppBundleMain(argv)\n File "/home/uke/oil/bin/", line 141, in AppBundleMain\n return shell.Main(\'osh\', arg_r, environ, login_shell, loader, readline)\n File "/home/uke/oil/core/", line 740, in Main\n b[builtin_i.bind] = readline_osh.Bind(readline, errfmt, mem)\n File "/home/uke/oil/builtin/", line 58, in __init__\n readline.set_bind_shell_command_hook(lambda *args: self.bind_shell_command_hook(*args))\n File "/home/uke/oil/frontend/", line 169, in set_bind_shell_command_hook\n line_input.set_bind_shell_command_hook(hook)\nAttributeError: \'module\' object has no attribute \'set_bind_shell_command_hook\'\nFATAL: couldn\'t import from app bundle \'/home/uke/oil/_tmp/oil-tar-test/oil-0.25.0/_bin/osh\' (1)\nStripping the oil.ovm binary may cause this error.\nSee\n'
[osh_ALT status] Expected 0, got 1
[osh_ALT stderr] Found 'Traceback (most recent'

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/uke/oil/bin/", line 34, in _cpython_main_hook
  File "/home/uke/oil/bin/", line 171, in main
    return AppBundleMain(argv)
  File "/home/uke/oil/bin/", line 141, in AppBundleMain
    return shell.Main('osh', arg_r, environ, login_shell, loader, readline)
  File "/home/uke/oil/core/", line 740, in Main
    b[builtin_i.bind] = readline_osh.Bind(readline, errfmt, mem)
  File "/home/uke/oil/builtin/", line 58, in __init__
    readline.set_bind_shell_command_hook(lambda *args: self.bind_shell_command_hook(*args))
  File "/home/uke/oil/frontend/", line 169, in set_bind_shell_command_hook
AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'set_bind_shell_command_hook'
FATAL: couldn't import from app bundle '/home/uke/oil/_tmp/oil-tar-test/oil-0.25.0/_bin/osh' (1)
Stripping the oil.ovm binary may cause this error.
osh_ALT16 Here doc greater than 4096 bytes

[osh_ALT stdout] Expected '2002\n2000\n', got ''
[osh_ALT stderr] Expected '| here doc 12345\n| command 12345: wc -l\n; process 12345: status 0\n; process 12345: status 0\n' Got 'Traceback (most recent call last):\n File "/home/uke/oil/bin/", line 34, in _cpython_main_hook\n sys.exit(oils_for_unix.main(sys.argv))\n File "/home/uke/oil/bin/", line 171, in main\n return AppBundleMain(argv)\n File "/home/uke/oil/bin/", line 141, in AppBundleMain\n return shell.Main(\'osh\', arg_r, environ, login_shell, loader, readline)\n File "/home/uke/oil/core/", line 740, in Main\n b[builtin_i.bind] = readline_osh.Bind(readline, errfmt, mem)\n File "/home/uke/oil/builtin/", line 58, in __init__\n readline.set_bind_shell_command_hook(lambda *args: self.bind_shell_command_hook(*args))\n File "/home/uke/oil/frontend/", line 169, in set_bind_shell_command_hook\n line_input.set_bind_shell_command_hook(hook)\nAttributeError: \'module\' object has no attribute \'set_bind_shell_command_hook\'\nFATAL: couldn\'t import from app bundle \'/home/uke/oil/_tmp/oil-tar-test/oil-0.25.0/_bin/osh\' (1)\nStripping the oil.ovm binary may cause this error.\nSee\n'
[osh_ALT status] Expected 0, got 1
[osh_ALT stderr] Found 'Traceback (most recent'

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/uke/oil/bin/", line 34, in _cpython_main_hook
  File "/home/uke/oil/bin/", line 171, in main
    return AppBundleMain(argv)
  File "/home/uke/oil/bin/", line 141, in AppBundleMain
    return shell.Main('osh', arg_r, environ, login_shell, loader, readline)
  File "/home/uke/oil/core/", line 740, in Main
    b[builtin_i.bind] = readline_osh.Bind(readline, errfmt, mem)
  File "/home/uke/oil/builtin/", line 58, in __init__
    readline.set_bind_shell_command_hook(lambda *args: self.bind_shell_command_hook(*args))
  File "/home/uke/oil/frontend/", line 169, in set_bind_shell_command_hook
AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'set_bind_shell_command_hook'
FATAL: couldn't import from app bundle '/home/uke/oil/_tmp/oil-tar-test/oil-0.25.0/_bin/osh' (1)
Stripping the oil.ovm binary may cause this error.
osh_ALT17 Control Flow

[osh_ALT stdout] Expected '1\n2\na y\na z\nb y\nb z\n', got ''
[osh_ALT stderr] Expected '. builtin echo 1\n. builtin echo 2\n+ break 1\n. builtin echo a y\n+ continue 1\n. builtin echo a z\n. builtin echo b y\n+ continue 1\n. builtin echo b z\n> proc zero\n + return 0\n< proc zero\n' Got 'Traceback (most recent call last):\n File "/home/uke/oil/bin/", line 34, in _cpython_main_hook\n sys.exit(oils_for_unix.main(sys.argv))\n File "/home/uke/oil/bin/", line 171, in main\n return AppBundleMain(argv)\n File "/home/uke/oil/bin/", line 141, in AppBundleMain\n return shell.Main(\'osh\', arg_r, environ, login_shell, loader, readline)\n File "/home/uke/oil/core/", line 740, in Main\n b[builtin_i.bind] = readline_osh.Bind(readline, errfmt, mem)\n File "/home/uke/oil/builtin/", line 58, in __init__\n readline.set_bind_shell_command_hook(lambda *args: self.bind_shell_command_hook(*args))\n File "/home/uke/oil/frontend/", line 169, in set_bind_shell_command_hook\n line_input.set_bind_shell_command_hook(hook)\nAttributeError: \'module\' object has no attribute \'set_bind_shell_command_hook\'\nFATAL: couldn\'t import from app bundle \'/home/uke/oil/_tmp/oil-tar-test/oil-0.25.0/_bin/osh\' (1)\nStripping the oil.ovm binary may cause this error.\nSee\n'
[osh_ALT status] Expected 0, got 1
[osh_ALT stderr] Found 'Traceback (most recent'

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/uke/oil/bin/", line 34, in _cpython_main_hook
  File "/home/uke/oil/bin/", line 171, in main
    return AppBundleMain(argv)
  File "/home/uke/oil/bin/", line 141, in AppBundleMain
    return shell.Main('osh', arg_r, environ, login_shell, loader, readline)
  File "/home/uke/oil/core/", line 740, in Main
    b[builtin_i.bind] = readline_osh.Bind(readline, errfmt, mem)
  File "/home/uke/oil/builtin/", line 58, in __init__
    readline.set_bind_shell_command_hook(lambda *args: self.bind_shell_command_hook(*args))
  File "/home/uke/oil/frontend/", line 169, in set_bind_shell_command_hook
AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'set_bind_shell_command_hook'
FATAL: couldn't import from app bundle '/home/uke/oil/_tmp/oil-tar-test/oil-0.25.0/_bin/osh' (1)
Stripping the oil.ovm binary may cause this error.
osh_ALT18 use builtin and invokable module

[osh_ALT stdout] Expected '[for-xtrace]\ncounter = 5\n\n[for-xtrace]\ncounter = 5\ncounter = 6\n' Got ''
[osh_ALT stderr] Expected "> source for-xtrace.ysh\n . builtin echo '[for-xtrace]'\n > proc increment\n . builtin echo 'counter = 5'\n < proc increment\n< source for-xtrace.ysh\n. builtin echo\n> use for-xtrace.ysh\n . builtin echo '[for-xtrace]'\n > proc increment\n . builtin echo 'counter = 5'\n < proc increment\n< use for-xtrace.ysh\n> module-invoke for-xtrace increment foo bar\n . builtin echo 'counter = 6'\n< module-invoke for-xtrace\n" Got 'Traceback (most recent call last):\n File "/home/uke/oil/bin/", line 34, in _cpython_main_hook\n sys.exit(oils_for_unix.main(sys.argv))\n File "/home/uke/oil/bin/", line 171, in main\n return AppBundleMain(argv)\n File "/home/uke/oil/bin/", line 141, in AppBundleMain\n return shell.Main(\'osh\', arg_r, environ, login_shell, loader, readline)\n File "/home/uke/oil/core/", line 740, in Main\n b[builtin_i.bind] = readline_osh.Bind(readline, errfmt, mem)\n File "/home/uke/oil/builtin/", line 58, in __init__\n readline.set_bind_shell_command_hook(lambda *args: self.bind_shell_command_hook(*args))\n File "/home/uke/oil/frontend/", line 169, in set_bind_shell_command_hook\n line_input.set_bind_shell_command_hook(hook)\nAttributeError: \'module\' object has no attribute \'set_bind_shell_command_hook\'\nFATAL: couldn\'t import from app bundle \'/home/uke/oil/_tmp/oil-tar-test/oil-0.25.0/_bin/osh\' (1)\nStripping the oil.ovm binary may cause this error.\nSee\n'
[osh_ALT status] Expected 0, got 1
[osh_ALT stderr] Found 'Traceback (most recent'

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/uke/oil/bin/", line 34, in _cpython_main_hook
  File "/home/uke/oil/bin/", line 171, in main
    return AppBundleMain(argv)
  File "/home/uke/oil/bin/", line 141, in AppBundleMain
    return shell.Main('osh', arg_r, environ, login_shell, loader, readline)
  File "/home/uke/oil/core/", line 740, in Main
    b[builtin_i.bind] = readline_osh.Bind(readline, errfmt, mem)
  File "/home/uke/oil/builtin/", line 58, in __init__
    readline.set_bind_shell_command_hook(lambda *args: self.bind_shell_command_hook(*args))
  File "/home/uke/oil/frontend/", line 169, in set_bind_shell_command_hook
AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'set_bind_shell_command_hook'
FATAL: couldn't import from app bundle '/home/uke/oil/_tmp/oil-tar-test/oil-0.25.0/_bin/osh' (1)
Stripping the oil.ovm binary may cause this error.
osh_ALT19 Encoded argv uses shell encoding, not J8

[osh_ALT stdout] Expected 'one two\n \xce\xbc\n', got ''
[osh_ALT stderr] Expected ". builtin echo $'one two\\n' '\xce\xbc'\n", got 'Traceback (most recent call last):\n File "/home/uke/oil/bin/", line 34, in _cpython_main_hook\n sys.exit(oils_for_unix.main(sys.argv))\n File "/home/uke/oil/bin/", line 171, in main\n return AppBundleMain(argv)\n File "/home/uke/oil/bin/", line 141, in AppBundleMain\n return shell.Main(\'osh\', arg_r, environ, login_shell, loader, readline)\n File "/home/uke/oil/core/", line 740, in Main\n b[builtin_i.bind] = readline_osh.Bind(readline, errfmt, mem)\n File "/home/uke/oil/builtin/", line 58, in __init__\n readline.set_bind_shell_command_hook(lambda *args: self.bind_shell_command_hook(*args))\n File "/home/uke/oil/frontend/", line 169, in set_bind_shell_command_hook\n line_input.set_bind_shell_command_hook(hook)\nAttributeError: \'module\' object has no attribute \'set_bind_shell_command_hook\'\nFATAL: couldn\'t import from app bundle \'/home/uke/oil/_tmp/oil-tar-test/oil-0.25.0/_bin/osh\' (1)\nStripping the oil.ovm binary may cause this error.\nSee\n'
[osh_ALT status] Expected 0, got 1
[osh_ALT stderr] Found 'Traceback (most recent'

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/uke/oil/bin/", line 34, in _cpython_main_hook
  File "/home/uke/oil/bin/", line 171, in main
    return AppBundleMain(argv)
  File "/home/uke/oil/bin/", line 141, in AppBundleMain
    return shell.Main('osh', arg_r, environ, login_shell, loader, readline)
  File "/home/uke/oil/core/", line 740, in Main
    b[builtin_i.bind] = readline_osh.Bind(readline, errfmt, mem)
  File "/home/uke/oil/builtin/", line 58, in __init__
    readline.set_bind_shell_command_hook(lambda *args: self.bind_shell_command_hook(*args))
  File "/home/uke/oil/frontend/", line 169, in set_bind_shell_command_hook
AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'set_bind_shell_command_hook'
FATAL: couldn't import from app bundle '/home/uke/oil/_tmp/oil-tar-test/oil-0.25.0/_bin/osh' (1)
Stripping the oil.ovm binary may cause this error.