1 | // gc_mylib.h - corresponds to mycpp/mylib.py
2 |
3 | #ifndef MYCPP_GC_MYLIB_H
4 | #define MYCPP_GC_MYLIB_H
5 |
6 | #include <limits.h> // CHAR_BIT
7 |
8 | #include "mycpp/gc_alloc.h" // gHeap
9 | #include "mycpp/gc_dict.h" // for dict_erase()
10 | #include "mycpp/gc_mops.h"
11 | #include "mycpp/gc_tuple.h"
12 |
13 | template <class K, class V>
14 | class Dict;
15 |
16 | // https://stackoverflow.com/questions/3919995/determining-sprintf-buffer-size-whats-the-standard/11092994#11092994
17 | // Notes:
18 | // - Python 2.7's intobject.c has an erroneous +6
19 | // - This is 13, but len('-2147483648') is 11, which means we only need 12?
20 | // - This formula is valid for octal(), because 2^(3 bits) = 8
21 |
22 | const int kIntBufSize = CHAR_BIT * sizeof(int) / 3 + 3;
23 |
24 | namespace mylib {
25 |
26 | void InitCppOnly();
27 |
28 | // Wrappers around our C++ APIs
29 |
30 | inline void MaybeCollect() {
31 | gHeap.MaybeCollect();
32 | }
33 |
34 | inline void PrintGcStats() {
35 | gHeap.PrintShortStats(); // print to stderr
36 | }
37 |
38 | void print_stderr(BigStr* s);
39 |
40 | inline int ByteAt(BigStr* s, int i) {
41 | DCHECK(0 <= i);
42 | DCHECK(i <= len(s));
43 |
44 | return static_cast<unsigned char>(s->data_[i]);
45 | }
46 |
47 | inline int ByteEquals(int byte, BigStr* ch) {
48 | DCHECK(0 <= byte);
49 | DCHECK(byte < 256);
50 |
51 | DCHECK(len(ch) == 1);
52 |
53 | return byte == static_cast<unsigned char>(ch->data_[0]);
54 | }
55 |
56 | inline int ByteInSet(int byte, BigStr* byte_set) {
57 | DCHECK(0 <= byte);
58 | DCHECK(byte < 256);
59 |
60 | int n = len(byte_set);
61 | for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
62 | int b = static_cast<unsigned char>(byte_set->data_[i]);
63 | if (byte == b) {
64 | return true;
65 | }
66 | }
67 | return false;
68 | }
69 |
70 | BigStr* JoinBytes(List<int>* byte_list);
71 |
72 | void BigIntSort(List<mops::BigInt>* keys);
73 |
74 | // const int kStdout = 1;
75 | // const int kStderr = 2;
76 |
77 | // void writeln(BigStr* s, int fd = kStdout);
78 |
79 | Tuple2<BigStr*, BigStr*> split_once(BigStr* s, BigStr* delim);
80 |
81 | template <typename K, typename V>
82 | void dict_erase(Dict<K, V>* haystack, K needle) {
83 | DCHECK(haystack->obj_header().heap_tag != HeapTag::Global);
84 |
85 | int pos = haystack->hash_and_probe(needle);
86 | if (pos == kTooSmall) {
87 | return;
88 | }
89 | DCHECK(pos >= 0);
90 | int kv_index = haystack->index_->items_[pos];
91 | if (kv_index < 0) {
92 | return;
93 | }
94 |
95 | int last_kv_index = haystack->len_ - 1;
96 | DCHECK(kv_index <= last_kv_index);
97 |
98 | // Swap the target entry with the most recently inserted one before removing
99 | // it. This has two benefits.
100 | // (1) It keeps the entry arrays compact. All valid entries occupy a
101 | // contiguous region in memory.
102 | // (2) It prevents holes in the entry arrays. This makes iterating over
103 | // entries (e.g. in keys() or DictIter()) trivial and doesn't require
104 | // any extra validity state (like a bitset of unusable slots). This is
105 | // important because keys and values wont't always be pointers, so we
106 | // can't rely on NULL checks for validity. We also can't wrap the slab
107 | // entry types in some other type without modifying the garbage
108 | // collector to trace through unmanaged types (or paying the extra
109 | // allocations for the outer type).
110 | if (kv_index != last_kv_index) {
111 | K last_key = haystack->keys_->items_[last_kv_index];
112 | V last_val = haystack->values_->items_[last_kv_index];
113 | int last_pos = haystack->hash_and_probe(last_key);
114 | DCHECK(last_pos != kNotFound);
115 | haystack->keys_->items_[kv_index] = last_key;
116 | haystack->values_->items_[kv_index] = last_val;
117 | haystack->index_->items_[last_pos] = kv_index;
118 | }
119 |
120 | // Zero out for GC. These could be nullptr or 0
121 | haystack->keys_->items_[last_kv_index] = 0;
122 | haystack->values_->items_[last_kv_index] = 0;
123 | haystack->index_->items_[pos] = kDeletedEntry;
124 | haystack->len_--;
125 | DCHECK(haystack->len_ < haystack->capacity_);
126 | }
127 |
128 | inline BigStr* hex_lower(int i) {
129 | // Note: Could also use OverAllocatedStr, but most strings are small?
130 | char buf[kIntBufSize];
131 | int len = snprintf(buf, kIntBufSize, "%x", i);
132 | return ::StrFromC(buf, len);
133 | }
134 |
135 | // Abstract type: Union of LineReader and Writer
136 | class File {
137 | public:
138 | File() {
139 | }
140 | // Writer
141 | virtual void write(BigStr* s) = 0;
142 | virtual void flush() = 0;
143 |
144 | // Reader
145 | virtual BigStr* readline() = 0;
146 |
147 | // Both
148 | virtual bool isatty() = 0;
149 | virtual void close() = 0;
150 |
151 | static constexpr ObjHeader obj_header() {
152 | return ObjHeader::ClassFixed(field_mask(), sizeof(File));
153 | }
154 |
155 | static constexpr uint32_t field_mask() {
156 | return kZeroMask;
157 | }
158 | };
159 |
160 | // Wrap a FILE* for read and write
161 | class CFile : public File {
162 | public:
163 | explicit CFile(FILE* f) : File(), f_(f) {
164 | }
165 | // Writer
166 | void write(BigStr* s) override;
167 | void flush() override;
168 |
169 | // Reader
170 | BigStr* readline() override;
171 |
172 | // Both
173 | bool isatty() override;
174 | void close() override;
175 |
176 | static constexpr ObjHeader obj_header() {
177 | return ObjHeader::ClassFixed(field_mask(), sizeof(CFile));
178 | }
179 |
180 | static constexpr uint32_t field_mask() {
181 | // not mutating field_mask because FILE* isn't a GC object
182 | return File::field_mask();
183 | }
184 |
185 | private:
186 | FILE* f_;
187 |
189 | };
190 |
191 | // Abstract File we can only read from.
192 | // TODO: can we get rid of DCHECK() and reinterpret_cast?
193 | class LineReader : public File {
194 | public:
195 | LineReader() : File() {
196 | }
197 | void write(BigStr* s) override {
198 | CHECK(false); // should not happen
199 | }
200 | void flush() override {
201 | CHECK(false); // should not happen
202 | }
203 |
204 | static constexpr ObjHeader obj_header() {
205 | return ObjHeader::ClassFixed(field_mask(), sizeof(LineReader));
206 | }
207 |
208 | static constexpr uint32_t field_mask() {
209 | return kZeroMask;
210 | }
211 | };
212 |
213 | class BufLineReader : public LineReader {
214 | public:
215 | explicit BufLineReader(BigStr* s) : LineReader(), s_(s), pos_(0) {
216 | }
217 | virtual BigStr* readline();
218 | virtual bool isatty() {
219 | return false;
220 | }
221 | virtual void close() {
222 | }
223 |
224 | BigStr* s_;
225 | int pos_;
226 |
227 | static constexpr ObjHeader obj_header() {
228 | return ObjHeader::ClassFixed(field_mask(), sizeof(LineReader));
229 | }
230 |
231 | static constexpr uint32_t field_mask() {
232 | return LineReader::field_mask() | maskbit(offsetof(BufLineReader, s_));
233 | }
234 |
236 | };
237 |
238 | extern LineReader* gStdin;
239 |
240 | inline LineReader* Stdin() {
241 | if (gStdin == nullptr) {
242 | gStdin = reinterpret_cast<LineReader*>(Alloc<CFile>(stdin));
243 | }
244 | return gStdin;
245 | }
246 |
247 | LineReader* open(BigStr* path);
248 |
249 | // Abstract File we can only write to.
250 | // TODO: can we get rid of DCHECK() and reinterpret_cast?
251 | class Writer : public File {
252 | public:
253 | Writer() : File() {
254 | }
255 | BigStr* readline() override {
256 | CHECK(false); // should not happen
257 | }
258 |
259 | static constexpr ObjHeader obj_header() {
260 | return ObjHeader::ClassFixed(field_mask(), sizeof(Writer));
261 | }
262 |
263 | static constexpr uint32_t field_mask() {
264 | return kZeroMask;
265 | }
266 | };
267 |
268 | class MutableStr;
269 |
270 | class BufWriter : public Writer {
271 | public:
272 | BufWriter() : Writer(), str_(nullptr), len_(0) {
273 | }
274 | void write(BigStr* s) override;
275 | void write_spaces(int n);
276 | void clear() { // Reuse this instance
277 | str_ = nullptr;
278 | len_ = 0;
279 | is_valid_ = true;
280 | }
281 | void close() override {
282 | }
283 | void flush() override {
284 | }
285 | bool isatty() override {
286 | return false;
287 | }
288 | BigStr* getvalue(); // part of cStringIO API
289 |
290 | //
291 | // Low Level API for C++ usage only
292 | //
293 |
294 | // Convenient API that avoids BigStr*
295 | void WriteConst(const char* c_string);
296 |
297 | // Potentially resizes the buffer.
298 | void EnsureMoreSpace(int n);
299 | // After EnsureMoreSpace(42), you can write 42 more bytes safely.
300 | //
301 | // Note that if you call EnsureMoreSpace(42), write 5 byte, and then
302 | // EnsureMoreSpace(42) again, the amount of additional space reserved is 47.
303 |
304 | // (Similar to vector::reserve(n), but it takes an integer to ADD to the
305 | // capacity.)
306 |
307 | uint8_t* LengthPointer(); // start + length
308 | uint8_t* CapacityPointer(); // start + capacity
309 | void SetLengthFrom(uint8_t* length_ptr);
310 |
311 | int Length() {
312 | return len_;
313 | }
314 |
315 | // Rewind to earlier position, future writes start there
316 | void Truncate(int length);
317 |
318 | static constexpr ObjHeader obj_header() {
319 | return ObjHeader::ClassFixed(field_mask(), sizeof(BufWriter));
320 | }
321 |
322 | static constexpr unsigned field_mask() {
323 | // maskvit_v() because BufWriter has virtual methods
324 | return Writer::field_mask() | maskbit(offsetof(BufWriter, str_));
325 | }
326 |
327 | private:
328 | void WriteRaw(char* s, int n);
329 |
330 | MutableStr* str_; // getvalue() turns this directly into Str*, no copying
331 | int len_; // how many bytes have been written so far
332 | bool is_valid_ = true; // It becomes invalid after getvalue() is called
333 | };
334 |
335 | extern Writer* gStdout;
336 |
337 | inline Writer* Stdout() {
338 | if (gStdout == nullptr) {
339 | gStdout = reinterpret_cast<Writer*>(Alloc<CFile>(stdout));
340 | gHeap.RootGlobalVar(gStdout);
341 | }
342 | return gStdout;
343 | }
344 |
345 | extern Writer* gStderr;
346 |
347 | inline Writer* Stderr() {
348 | if (gStderr == nullptr) {
349 | gStderr = reinterpret_cast<Writer*>(Alloc<CFile>(stderr));
350 | gHeap.RootGlobalVar(gStderr);
351 | }
352 | return gStderr;
353 | }
354 |
355 | class UniqueObjects {
356 | // Can't be expressed in typed Python because we don't have uint64_t for
357 | // addresses
358 |
359 | public:
360 | UniqueObjects() {
361 | }
362 | void Add(void* obj) {
363 | }
364 | int Get(void* obj) {
365 | return -1;
366 | }
367 |
368 | static constexpr ObjHeader obj_header() {
369 | return ObjHeader::ClassFixed(field_mask(), sizeof(UniqueObjects));
370 | }
371 |
372 | // SPECIAL CASE? We should never have a unique reference to an object? So
373 | // don't bother tracing
374 | static constexpr uint32_t field_mask() {
375 | return kZeroMask;
376 | }
377 |
378 | private:
379 | // address -> small integer ID
380 | Dict<void*, int> addresses_;
381 | };
382 |
383 | } // namespace mylib
384 |
385 | #endif // MYCPP_GC_MYLIB_H