1 | #!/usr/bin/env python2
2 | """
3 | readline_osh.py - Builtins that are dependent on GNU readline.
4 | """
5 | from __future__ import print_function
6 |
7 | from _devbuild.gen import arg_types
8 | from _devbuild.gen.syntax_asdl import loc
9 | from _devbuild.gen.value_asdl import value_e
10 | from core import pyutil
11 | from core import vm
12 | from core.error import e_usage
13 | from frontend import flag_util
14 | from mycpp import mops
15 | from mycpp import mylib
16 | from mycpp.mylib import log
17 |
18 | from typing import Optional, Any, TYPE_CHECKING
20 | from _devbuild.gen.runtime_asdl import cmd_value
21 | from frontend.py_readline import Readline
22 | from core import sh_init
23 | from display import ui
24 | from state import Mem
25 |
26 | _ = log
27 |
28 | import sys # REMOVE ME
29 |
30 | class ctx_Keymap(object):
31 |
32 | def __init__(self, readline, keymap_name=None):
33 | # type: (Readline, str) -> None
34 | self.readline = readline
35 | self.orig_keymap_name = keymap_name
36 |
37 | def __enter__(self):
38 | # type: () -> None
39 | if self.orig_keymap_name is not None:
40 | self.readline.use_temp_keymap(self.orig_keymap_name)
41 |
42 | def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback):
43 | # type: (Any, Any, Any) -> None
44 | if self.orig_keymap_name is not None:
45 | self.readline.restore_orig_keymap()
46 |
47 |
48 | class Bind(vm._Builtin):
49 | """Interactive interface to readline bindings"""
50 |
51 | def __init__(self, readline, errfmt, mem):
52 | # type: (Optional[Readline], ui.ErrorFormatter, Mem) -> None
53 | self.readline = readline
54 | self.errfmt = errfmt
55 | self.mem = mem
56 | self.exclusive_flags = ["q", "u", "r", "x", "f"]
57 |
58 | readline.set_bind_shell_command_hook(lambda *args: self.bind_shell_command_hook(*args))
59 |
60 | def Run(self, cmd_val):
61 | # type: (cmd_value.Argv) -> int
62 | readline = self.readline
63 | if not readline:
64 | e_usage("is disabled because Oils wasn't compiled with 'readline'",
65 | loc.Missing)
66 |
67 | attrs, arg_r = flag_util.ParseCmdVal('bind', cmd_val)
68 |
69 | # print("attrs:\n", attrs)
70 | # print("attrs.attrs:\n", attrs.attrs)
71 | # print("attrs.attrs.m:\n", attrs.attrs["m"])
72 | # print("type(attrs.attrs.m):\n", type(attrs.attrs["m"]))
73 | # print("type(attrs.attrs[m]):\n", type(attrs.attrs["m"]))
74 | # print("attrs.attrs[m].tag() :\n", attrs.attrs["m"].tag())
75 | # print("attrs.attrs[m].tag() == value_e.Undef:\n", attrs.attrs["m"].tag() == value_e.Undef)
76 | # print(arg_r)
77 | # print("Reader argv=%s locs=%s n=%i i=%i" % (arg_r.argv, str(arg_r.locs), arg_r.n, arg_r.i))
78 |
79 | # Check mutually-exclusive flags and non-flag args
80 | found = False
81 | for flag in self.exclusive_flags:
82 | if (flag in attrs.attrs and
83 | attrs.attrs[flag].tag() != value_e.Undef):
84 | # print("\tFound flag: {0} with tag: {1}".format(flag, attrs.attrs[flag].tag()))
85 | if found:
86 | self.errfmt.Print_(
87 | "error: Can only use one of the following flags at a time: -"
88 | + ", -".join(self.exclusive_flags),
89 | blame_loc=cmd_val.arg_locs[0])
90 | return 1
91 | else:
92 | found = True
93 | if found and not arg_r.AtEnd():
94 | self.errfmt.Print_(
95 | "error: Too many arguments. Check your quoting. Also, you cannot mix normal bindings with the following flags: -" +
96 | ", -".join(self.exclusive_flags),
97 | blame_loc=cmd_val.arg_locs[0])
98 | return 1
99 |
100 | arg = arg_types.bind(attrs.attrs)
101 | # print("arg:\n", arg)
102 | # print("dir(arg):\n", dir(arg))
103 | # for prop in dir(arg):
104 | # if not prop.startswith('__'):
105 | # value = getattr(arg, prop)
106 | # print("Property: {0}, Value: {1}".format(prop, value))
107 | # print("arg.m:\n", arg.m)
108 |
109 | try:
110 | with ctx_Keymap(readline, arg.m): # Replicates bind's -m behavior
111 |
112 | # This gauntlet of ifs is meant to replicate bash behavior, in case we
113 | # need to relax the mutual exclusion of flags like bash does
114 |
115 | # List names of functions
116 | if arg.l:
117 | readline.list_funmap_names()
118 |
119 | # Print function names and bindings
120 | if arg.p:
121 | readline.function_dumper(True) # reusable as input
122 | if arg.P:
123 | readline.function_dumper(False)
124 |
125 | # Print macros
126 | if arg.s:
127 | readline.macro_dumper(True) # reusable as input
128 | if arg.S:
129 | readline.macro_dumper(False)
130 |
131 | # Print readline variable names
132 | if arg.v:
133 | readline.variable_dumper(True)
134 | if arg.V:
135 | readline.variable_dumper(False)
136 |
137 | if arg.f is not None:
138 | readline.read_init_file(arg.f)
139 |
140 | if arg.q is not None:
141 | readline.query_bindings(arg.q)
142 |
143 | if arg.u is not None:
144 | readline.unbind_rl_function(arg.u)
145 |
146 | if arg.r is not None:
147 | readline.unbind_keyseq(arg.r)
148 |
149 | if arg.x is not None:
150 | # print("arg.x: %s" % arg.x)
151 | readline.bind_shell_command(arg.x)
152 |
153 | if arg.X:
154 | readline.print_shell_cmd_map()
155 |
156 | bindings, arg_locs = arg_r.Rest2()
157 | #log('bindings %d locs %d', len(arg_r.argv), len(arg_r.locs))
158 |
159 | for i, binding in enumerate(bindings):
160 | try:
161 | #log("Binding %s (%d)", binding, i)
162 | #log("Arg loc %s (%d)", arg_locs[i], i)
163 | readline.parse_and_bind(binding)
164 | except ValueError as e:
165 | msg = e.message # type: str
166 | self.errfmt.Print_("bind error: %s" % msg, arg_locs[i])
167 | return 1
168 |
169 | except ValueError as e:
170 | # only print out the exception message if non-empty
171 | # some bash bind errors return non-zero, but print to stdout
172 | # temp var to work around mycpp runtime limitation
173 | msg2 = e.message # type: str
174 | if msg2 is not None and len(msg2) > 0:
175 | self.errfmt.Print_("bind error: %s" % msg2, loc.Missing)
176 | return 1
177 |
178 | return 0
179 |
180 | def bind_shell_command_hook(self, cmd, line_buffer, point):
181 | # type: (str, str, int) -> (str, str)
182 | print("Executing cmd: %s" % cmd)
183 | print("Setting READLINE_LINE to: %s" % line_buffer)
184 | print("Setting READLINE_POINT to: %s" % point)
185 | sys.stdout.flush()
186 |
187 | return (line_buffer, str(point))
188 |
189 |
190 | class History(vm._Builtin):
191 | """Show interactive command history."""
192 |
193 | def __init__(
194 | self,
195 | readline, # type: Optional[Readline]
196 | sh_files, # type: sh_init.ShellFiles
197 | errfmt, # type: ui.ErrorFormatter
198 | f, # type: mylib.Writer
199 | ):
200 | # type: (...) -> None
201 | self.readline = readline
202 | self.sh_files = sh_files
203 | self.errfmt = errfmt
204 | self.f = f # this hook is for unit testing only
205 |
206 | def Run(self, cmd_val):
207 | # type: (cmd_value.Argv) -> int
208 | # NOTE: This builtin doesn't do anything in non-interactive mode in bash?
209 | # It silently exits zero.
210 | # zsh -c 'history' produces an error.
211 | readline = self.readline
212 | if not readline:
213 | e_usage("is disabled because Oils wasn't compiled with 'readline'",
214 | loc.Missing)
215 |
216 | attrs, arg_r = flag_util.ParseCmdVal('history', cmd_val)
217 | arg = arg_types.history(attrs.attrs)
218 |
219 | # Clear all history
220 | if arg.c:
221 | readline.clear_history()
222 | return 0
223 |
224 | if arg.a:
225 | hist_file = self.sh_files.HistoryFile()
226 | if hist_file is None:
227 | return 1
228 |
229 | try:
230 | readline.write_history_file(hist_file)
231 | except (IOError, OSError) as e:
232 | self.errfmt.Print_(
233 | 'Error writing HISTFILE %r: %s' %
234 | (hist_file, pyutil.strerror(e)), loc.Missing)
235 | return 1
236 |
237 | return 0
238 |
239 | if arg.r:
240 | hist_file = self.sh_files.HistoryFile()
241 | if hist_file is None:
242 | return 1
243 |
244 | try:
245 | readline.read_history_file(hist_file)
246 | except (IOError, OSError) as e:
247 | self.errfmt.Print_(
248 | 'Error reading HISTFILE %r: %s' %
249 | (hist_file, pyutil.strerror(e)), loc.Missing)
250 | return 1
251 |
252 | return 0
253 |
254 | # Delete history entry by id number
255 | arg_d = mops.BigTruncate(arg.d)
256 | if arg_d >= 0:
257 | cmd_index = arg_d - 1
258 |
259 | try:
260 | readline.remove_history_item(cmd_index)
261 | except ValueError:
262 | e_usage("couldn't find item %d" % arg_d, loc.Missing)
263 |
264 | return 0
265 |
266 | # Returns 0 items in non-interactive mode?
267 | num_items = readline.get_current_history_length()
268 | #log('len = %d', num_items)
269 |
270 | num_arg, num_arg_loc = arg_r.Peek2()
271 |
272 | if num_arg is None:
273 | start_index = 1
274 | else:
275 | try:
276 | num_to_show = int(num_arg)
277 | except ValueError:
278 | e_usage('got invalid argument %r' % num_arg, num_arg_loc)
279 | start_index = max(1, num_items + 1 - num_to_show)
280 |
281 | arg_r.Next()
282 | if not arg_r.AtEnd():
283 | e_usage('got too many arguments', loc.Missing)
284 |
285 | # TODO:
286 | # - Exclude lines that don't parse from the history! bash and zsh don't do
287 | # that.
288 | # - Consolidate multiline commands.
289 |
290 | for i in xrange(start_index, num_items + 1): # 1-based index
291 | item = readline.get_history_item(i)
292 | self.f.write('%5d %s\n' % (i, item))
293 | return 0