1 | #include "mycpp/mark_sweep_heap.h"
2 |
3 | #include <inttypes.h> // PRId64
4 | #include <stdlib.h> // getenv()
5 | #include <string.h> // strlen()
6 | #include <sys/time.h> // gettimeofday()
7 | #include <time.h> // clock_gettime(), CLOCK_PROCESS_CPUTIME_ID
8 | #include <unistd.h> // STDERR_FILENO
9 |
10 | #include "_build/detected-cpp-config.h" // for GC_TIMING
11 | #include "mycpp/gc_builtins.h" // StringToInt()
12 | #include "mycpp/gc_slab.h"
13 |
14 | // TODO: Remove this guard when we have separate binaries
15 | #if MARK_SWEEP
16 |
17 | void MarkSweepHeap::Init() {
18 | Init(1000); // collect at 1000 objects in tests
19 | }
20 |
21 | void MarkSweepHeap::Init(int gc_threshold) {
22 | gc_threshold_ = gc_threshold;
23 |
24 | char* e;
25 | e = getenv("OILS_GC_THRESHOLD");
26 | if (e) {
27 | int result;
28 | if (StringToInt(e, strlen(e), 10, &result)) {
29 | // Override collection threshold
30 | gc_threshold_ = result;
31 | }
32 | }
33 |
34 | // only for developers
35 | e = getenv("_OILS_GC_VERBOSE");
36 | if (e && strcmp(e, "1") == 0) {
37 | gc_verbose_ = true;
38 | }
39 |
40 | live_objs_.reserve(KiB(10));
41 | roots_.reserve(KiB(1)); // prevent resizing in common case
42 | }
43 |
44 | int MarkSweepHeap::MaybeCollect() {
45 | // Maybe collect BEFORE allocation, because the new object won't be rooted
46 | #if GC_ALWAYS
47 | int result = Collect();
48 | #else
49 | int result = -1;
50 | if (num_live() > gc_threshold_) {
51 | result = Collect();
52 | }
53 | #endif
54 |
55 | num_gc_points_++; // this is a manual collection point
56 | return result;
57 | }
58 |
59 | #if defined(BUMP_SMALL)
60 | #include "mycpp/bump_leak_heap.h"
61 |
62 | BumpLeakHeap gBumpLeak;
63 | #endif
64 |
65 | // Allocate and update stats
66 | // TODO: Make this interface nicer.
67 | void* MarkSweepHeap::Allocate(size_t num_bytes, int* obj_id, int* pool_id) {
68 | // log("Allocate %d", num_bytes);
69 | #ifndef NO_POOL_ALLOC
70 | if (num_bytes <= pool1_.kMaxObjSize) {
71 | *pool_id = 1;
72 | return pool1_.Allocate(obj_id);
73 | }
74 | if (num_bytes <= pool2_.kMaxObjSize) {
75 | *pool_id = 2;
76 | return pool2_.Allocate(obj_id);
77 | }
78 | *pool_id = 0; // malloc(), not a pool
79 | #endif
80 |
81 | // Does the pool allocator approximate a bump allocator? Use pool2_
82 | // threshold of 48 bytes.
83 | // These only work with GC off -- OILS_GC_THRESHOLD=[big]
84 | #ifdef BUMP_SMALL
85 | if (num_bytes <= 48) {
86 | return gBumpLeak.Allocate(num_bytes);
87 | }
88 | #endif
89 |
90 | if (to_free_.empty()) {
91 | // Use higher object IDs
92 | *obj_id = greatest_obj_id_;
93 | greatest_obj_id_++;
94 |
95 | // This check is ON in release mode
96 | CHECK(greatest_obj_id_ <= kMaxObjId);
97 | } else {
98 | ObjHeader* dead = to_free_.back();
99 | to_free_.pop_back();
100 |
101 | *obj_id = dead->obj_id; // reuse the dead object's ID
102 |
103 | free(dead);
104 | }
105 |
106 | void* result = malloc(num_bytes);
107 | DCHECK(result != nullptr);
108 |
109 | live_objs_.push_back(static_cast<ObjHeader*>(result));
110 |
111 | num_live_++;
112 | num_allocated_++;
113 | bytes_allocated_ += num_bytes;
114 |
115 | return result;
116 | }
117 |
118 | #if 0
119 | void* MarkSweepHeap::Reallocate(void* p, size_t num_bytes) {
120 | FAIL(kNotImplemented);
121 | // This causes a double-free in the GC!
122 | // return realloc(p, num_bytes);
123 | }
124 | #endif
125 |
126 | // "Leaf" for marking / TraceChildren
127 | //
128 | // - Abort if nullptr
129 | // - Find the header (get rid of this when remove ObjHeader member)
130 | // - Tag::{Opaque,FixedSized,Scanned} have their mark bits set
131 | // - Tag::{FixedSize,Scanned} are also pushed on the gray stack
132 |
133 | void MarkSweepHeap::MaybeMarkAndPush(RawObject* obj) {
134 | ObjHeader* header = ObjHeader::FromObject(obj);
135 | if (header->heap_tag == HeapTag::Global) { // don't mark or push
136 | return;
137 | }
138 |
139 | int obj_id = header->obj_id;
140 | #ifndef NO_POOL_ALLOC
141 | if (header->pool_id == 1) {
142 | if (pool1_.IsMarked(obj_id)) {
143 | return;
144 | }
145 | pool1_.Mark(obj_id);
146 | } else if (header->pool_id == 2) {
147 | if (pool2_.IsMarked(obj_id)) {
148 | return;
149 | }
150 | pool2_.Mark(obj_id);
151 | } else
152 | #endif
153 | {
154 | if (mark_set_.IsMarked(obj_id)) {
155 | return;
156 | }
157 | mark_set_.Mark(obj_id);
158 | }
159 |
160 | switch (header->heap_tag) {
161 | case HeapTag::Opaque: // e.g. strings have no children
162 | break;
163 |
164 | case HeapTag::Scanned: // these 2 types have children
165 | case HeapTag::FixedSize:
166 | gray_stack_.push_back(header); // Push the header, not the object!
167 | break;
168 |
169 | default:
170 | FAIL(kShouldNotGetHere);
171 | }
172 | }
173 |
174 | void MarkSweepHeap::TraceChildren() {
175 | while (!gray_stack_.empty()) {
176 | ObjHeader* header = gray_stack_.back();
177 | gray_stack_.pop_back();
178 |
179 | switch (header->heap_tag) {
180 | case HeapTag::FixedSize: {
181 | auto fixed = reinterpret_cast<LayoutFixed*>(header->ObjectAddress());
182 | int mask = FIELD_MASK(*header);
183 |
184 | for (int i = 0; i < kFieldMaskBits; ++i) {
185 | if (mask & (1 << i)) {
186 | RawObject* child = fixed->children_[i];
187 | if (child) {
188 | MaybeMarkAndPush(child);
189 | }
190 | }
191 | }
192 | break;
193 | }
194 |
195 | case HeapTag::Scanned: {
196 | auto slab = reinterpret_cast<Slab<RawObject*>*>(header->ObjectAddress());
197 |
198 | int n = NUM_POINTERS(*header);
199 | for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
200 | RawObject* child = slab->items_[i];
201 | if (child) {
202 | MaybeMarkAndPush(child);
203 | }
204 | }
205 | break;
206 | }
207 | default:
208 | // Only FixedSize and Scanned are pushed
209 | FAIL(kShouldNotGetHere);
210 | }
211 | }
212 | }
213 |
214 | void MarkSweepHeap::Sweep() {
215 | #ifndef NO_POOL_ALLOC
216 | pool1_.Sweep();
217 | pool2_.Sweep();
218 | #endif
219 |
220 | int last_live_index = 0;
221 | int num_objs = live_objs_.size();
222 | for (int i = 0; i < num_objs; ++i) {
223 | ObjHeader* obj = live_objs_[i];
224 | DCHECK(obj); // malloc() shouldn't have returned nullptr
225 |
226 | bool is_live = mark_set_.IsMarked(obj->obj_id);
227 |
228 | // Compact live_objs_ and populate to_free_. Note: doing the reverse could
229 | // be more efficient when many objects are dead.
230 | if (is_live) {
231 | live_objs_[last_live_index++] = obj;
232 | } else {
233 | to_free_.push_back(obj);
234 | // free(obj);
235 | num_live_--;
236 | }
237 | }
238 | live_objs_.resize(last_live_index); // remove dangling objects
239 |
240 | num_collections_++;
241 | max_survived_ = std::max(max_survived_, num_live());
242 | }
243 |
244 | int MarkSweepHeap::Collect() {
245 | #ifdef GC_TIMING
246 | struct timespec start, end;
247 | if (clock_gettime(CLOCK_PROCESS_CPUTIME_ID, &start) < 0) {
248 | FAIL("clock_gettime failed");
249 | }
250 | #endif
251 |
252 | int num_roots = roots_.size();
253 | int num_globals = global_roots_.size();
254 |
255 | if (gc_verbose_) {
256 | log("");
257 | log("%2d. GC with %d roots (%d global) and %d live objects",
258 | num_collections_, num_roots + num_globals, num_globals, num_live());
259 | }
260 |
261 | // Resize it
262 | mark_set_.ReInit(greatest_obj_id_);
263 | #ifndef NO_POOL_ALLOC
264 | pool1_.PrepareForGc();
265 | pool2_.PrepareForGc();
266 | #endif
267 |
268 | // Mark roots.
269 | // Note: It might be nice to get rid of double pointers
270 | for (int i = 0; i < num_roots; ++i) {
271 | RawObject* root = *(roots_[i]);
272 | if (root) {
273 | MaybeMarkAndPush(root);
274 | }
275 | }
276 |
277 | for (int i = 0; i < num_globals; ++i) {
278 | RawObject* root = global_roots_[i];
279 | if (root) {
280 | MaybeMarkAndPush(root);
281 | }
282 | }
283 |
284 | // Traverse object graph.
285 | TraceChildren();
286 |
287 | Sweep();
288 |
289 | if (gc_verbose_) {
290 | log(" %d live after sweep", num_live());
291 | }
292 |
293 | // We know how many are live. If the number of objects is close to the
294 | // threshold (above 75%), then set the threshold to 2 times the number of
295 | // live objects. This is an ad hoc policy that removes observed "thrashing"
296 | // -- being at 99% of the threshold and doing FUTILE mark and sweep.
297 |
298 | int water_mark = (gc_threshold_ * 3) / 4;
299 | if (num_live() > water_mark) {
300 | gc_threshold_ = num_live() * 2;
301 | num_growths_++;
302 | if (gc_verbose_) {
303 | log(" exceeded %d live objects; gc_threshold set to %d", water_mark,
304 | gc_threshold_);
305 | }
306 | }
307 |
308 | #ifdef GC_TIMING
309 | if (clock_gettime(CLOCK_PROCESS_CPUTIME_ID, &end) < 0) {
310 | FAIL("clock_gettime failed");
311 | }
312 |
313 | double start_secs = start.tv_sec + start.tv_nsec / 1e9;
314 | double end_secs = end.tv_sec + end.tv_nsec / 1e9;
315 | double gc_millis = (end_secs - start_secs) * 1000.0;
316 |
317 | if (gc_verbose_) {
318 | log(" %.1f ms GC", gc_millis);
319 | }
320 |
321 | total_gc_millis_ += gc_millis;
322 | if (gc_millis > max_gc_millis_) {
323 | max_gc_millis_ = gc_millis;
324 | }
325 | #endif
326 |
327 | return num_live(); // for unit tests only
328 | }
329 |
330 | void MarkSweepHeap::PrintShortStats() {
331 | #ifndef NO_POOL_ALLOC
332 | int fd = 2;
333 | dprintf(fd, " num allocated = %10d\n",
334 | num_allocated_ + pool1_.num_allocated() + pool2_.num_allocated());
335 | dprintf(
336 | fd, "bytes allocated = %10" PRId64 "\n",
337 | bytes_allocated_ + pool1_.bytes_allocated() + pool2_.bytes_allocated());
338 | #endif
339 | }
340 |
341 | void MarkSweepHeap::PrintStats(int fd) {
342 | dprintf(fd, " num live = %10d\n", num_live());
343 | // max survived_ can be less than num_live(), because leave off the last GC
344 | dprintf(fd, " max survived = %10d\n", max_survived_);
345 | dprintf(fd, "\n");
346 |
347 | #ifndef NO_POOL_ALLOC
348 | dprintf(fd, " num allocated = %10d\n",
349 | num_allocated_ + pool1_.num_allocated() + pool2_.num_allocated());
350 | dprintf(fd, " num in heap = %10d\n", num_allocated_);
351 | #else
352 | dprintf(fd, " num allocated = %10d\n", num_allocated_);
353 | #endif
354 |
355 | #ifndef NO_POOL_ALLOC
356 | dprintf(fd, " num in pool 1 = %10d\n", pool1_.num_allocated());
357 | dprintf(fd, " num in pool 2 = %10d\n", pool2_.num_allocated());
358 | dprintf(
359 | fd, "bytes allocated = %10" PRId64 "\n",
360 | bytes_allocated_ + pool1_.bytes_allocated() + pool2_.bytes_allocated());
361 | #else
362 | dprintf(fd, "bytes allocated = %10" PRId64 "\n", bytes_allocated_);
363 | #endif
364 |
365 | dprintf(fd, "\n");
366 | dprintf(fd, " num gc points = %10d\n", num_gc_points_);
367 | dprintf(fd, " num collections = %10d\n", num_collections_);
368 | dprintf(fd, "\n");
369 | dprintf(fd, " gc threshold = %10d\n", gc_threshold_);
370 | dprintf(fd, " num growths = %10d\n", num_growths_);
371 | dprintf(fd, "\n");
372 | dprintf(fd, " max gc millis = %10.1f\n", max_gc_millis_);
373 | dprintf(fd, "total gc millis = %10.1f\n", total_gc_millis_);
374 | dprintf(fd, "\n");
375 | dprintf(fd, "roots capacity = %10d\n",
376 | static_cast<int>(roots_.capacity()));
377 | dprintf(fd, " objs capacity = %10d\n",
378 | static_cast<int>(live_objs_.capacity()));
379 | }
380 |
381 | // Cleanup at the end of main() to remain ASAN-safe
382 | void MarkSweepHeap::MaybePrintStats() {
383 | int stats_fd = -1;
384 | char* e = getenv("OILS_GC_STATS");
385 | if (e && strlen(e)) { // env var set and non-empty
386 | stats_fd = STDERR_FILENO;
387 | } else {
388 | // A raw file descriptor lets benchmarks extract stats even if the script
389 | // writes to stdout and stderr. Shells can't use open() without potential
390 | // conflicts.
391 |
392 | e = getenv("OILS_GC_STATS_FD");
393 | if (e && strlen(e)) {
394 | // Try setting 'stats_fd'. If there's an error, it will be unchanged, and
395 | // we don't PrintStats();
396 | StringToInt(e, strlen(e), 10, &stats_fd);
397 | }
398 | }
399 |
400 | if (stats_fd != -1) {
401 | PrintStats(stats_fd);
402 | }
403 | }
404 |
405 | void MarkSweepHeap::FreeEverything() {
406 | roots_.clear();
407 | global_roots_.clear();
408 |
409 | Collect();
410 |
411 | // Collect() told us what to free()
412 | for (auto obj : to_free_) {
413 | free(obj);
414 | }
415 | #ifndef NO_POOL_ALLOC
416 | pool1_.Free();
417 | pool2_.Free();
418 | #endif
419 | }
420 |
421 | void MarkSweepHeap::CleanProcessExit() {
422 | MaybePrintStats();
423 |
424 | char* e = getenv("OILS_GC_ON_EXIT");
425 | // collect by default; OILS_GC_ON_EXIT=0 overrides
426 | if (e && strcmp(e, "0") == 0) {
427 | ;
428 | } else {
429 | FreeEverything();
430 | }
431 | }
432 |
433 | // for the main binary
434 | void MarkSweepHeap::ProcessExit() {
435 | MaybePrintStats();
436 |
438 | FreeEverything();
439 | #else
440 | char* e = getenv("OILS_GC_ON_EXIT");
441 | // don't collect by default; OILS_GC_ON_EXIT=1 overrides
442 | if (e && strcmp(e, "1") == 0) {
443 | FreeEverything();
444 | }
445 | #endif
446 | }
447 |
448 | MarkSweepHeap gHeap;
449 |
450 | #endif // MARK_SWEEP