1 | ## oils_failures_allowed: 3
2 |
3 | #### source-guard is an old way of preventing redefinition - could remove it
4 | shopt --set ysh:upgrade
5 |
6 | source-guard 'main' || return 0
7 | source $REPO_ROOT/spec/testdata/module/common.ysh
8 | source $REPO_ROOT/spec/testdata/module/module1.ysh
9 | ## STDOUT:
10 | common
11 | module1
12 | ## END
13 |
14 | #### is-main
15 |
16 | # This sources lib.ysh
17 | $SH $REPO_ROOT/spec/testdata/module/main.ysh
18 |
19 | # Run it directly
20 | $SH $REPO_ROOT/spec/testdata/module/lib.ysh
21 |
22 | ## STDOUT:
23 | lib.ysh is not the main module
24 | hi from main.ysh
25 | hi from lib.ysh
26 | ## END
27 |
28 | #### is-main with -c and stdin
29 |
30 | $SH -c 'echo -c; is-main; echo status=$?'
31 |
32 | echo 'echo stdin; is-main; echo status=$?' | $SH
33 |
34 | ## STDOUT:
35 | -c
36 | status=0
37 | stdin
38 | status=0
39 | ## END
40 |
41 | #### is-main with use/modules
42 | shopt --set ysh:upgrade
43 |
44 | use $REPO_ROOT/spec/testdata/module2/main.ysh
45 | $SH $REPO_ROOT/spec/testdata/module2/main.ysh
46 |
47 | ## STDOUT:
48 | main.ysh is not the main module
49 | hi from main.ysh
50 | ## END
51 |
52 | #### use builtin usage
53 |
54 | use
55 | echo no-arg=$?
56 |
57 | use foo
58 | echo one-arg=$?
59 |
60 | use --extern foo
61 | echo extern=$?
62 |
63 | use --bad-flag
64 | echo bad-flag=$?
65 |
66 | use too many
67 | echo too-many=$?
68 |
69 | use ///no-builtin
70 | echo no-builtin=$?
71 |
72 | ## STDOUT:
73 | no-arg=2
74 | one-arg=1
75 | extern=0
76 | bad-flag=2
77 | too-many=2
78 | no-builtin=1
79 | ## END
80 |
81 | #### use usage with --pick etc.
82 | #shopt --set ysh:upgrade
83 |
84 | use foo --bad-flag
85 | echo bad-flag=$?
86 |
87 | use foo --all-provided zz
88 | echo all-provided=$?
89 |
90 | use foo --all-for-testing zz
91 | echo all-for-testing=$?
92 |
93 | echo
94 |
95 | use $REPO_ROOT/spec/testdata/module2/cycle1.ysh --pick
96 | echo no-picked=$?
97 |
98 | use $REPO_ROOT/spec/testdata/module2/cycle1.ysh --pick c1 c1
99 | echo picked=$?
100 |
101 |
102 | ## STDOUT:
103 | bad-flag=2
104 | all-provided=2
105 | all-for-testing=2
106 |
107 | no-picked=2
108 | picked=0
109 | ## END
110 |
111 | #### use --extern is a no-op, for static analysis
112 |
113 | use --extern grep sed awk
114 | echo status=$?
115 |
116 | use --extern zzz
117 | echo status=$?
118 |
119 | ## STDOUT:
120 | status=0
121 | status=0
122 | ## END
123 |
124 | #### use foo.ysh creates a value.Obj, and it's cached on later invocations
125 |
126 | shopt --set ysh:upgrade
127 |
128 | var caller_no_leak = 42
129 |
130 | use $REPO_ROOT/spec/testdata/module2/util.ysh
131 |
132 | # This is a value.Obj
133 | pp test_ (['util', util])
134 | var id1 = vm.id(util)
135 |
136 | var saved_util = util
137 |
138 | use $REPO_ROOT/spec/testdata/module2/util.ysh
139 | pp test_ (['repeated', util])
140 | var id2 = vm.id(util)
141 |
142 | # Create a symlink to test normalization
143 |
144 | ln -s $REPO_ROOT/spec/testdata/module2/util.ysh symlink.ysh
145 |
146 | use symlink.ysh
147 | pp test_ (['symlink', symlink])
148 | var id3 = vm.id(symlink)
149 |
150 | #pp test_ ([id1, id2, id3])
151 |
152 | # Make sure they are all the same object
153 | assert [id1 === id2]
154 | assert [id2 === id3]
155 |
156 | # Doesn't leak from util.ysh
157 | echo "setvar_noleak $[getVar('setvar_noleak')]"
158 | echo "setglobal_noleak $[getVar('setglobal_noleak')]"
159 |
160 | ## STDOUT:
161 | caller_no_leak = null
162 | (List) ["util",("MY_INTEGER":42,"log":<Proc>,"die":<Proc>,"setvar_noleak":"util.ysh","setglobal_noleak":"util.ysh","invokableObj":("x":3,"y":4) --> ("__invoke__":<Proc>)) --> ("__invoke__":<BuiltinProc>)]
163 | (List) ["repeated",("MY_INTEGER":42,"log":<Proc>,"die":<Proc>,"setvar_noleak":"util.ysh","setglobal_noleak":"util.ysh","invokableObj":("x":3,"y":4) --> ("__invoke__":<Proc>)) --> ("__invoke__":<BuiltinProc>)]
164 | (List) ["symlink",("MY_INTEGER":42,"log":<Proc>,"die":<Proc>,"setvar_noleak":"util.ysh","setglobal_noleak":"util.ysh","invokableObj":("x":3,"y":4) --> ("__invoke__":<Proc>)) --> ("__invoke__":<BuiltinProc>)]
165 | setvar_noleak null
166 | setglobal_noleak null
167 | ## END
168 |
169 | #### procs in a module can call setglobal on globals in that module
170 | shopt --set ysh:upgrade
171 |
172 | use $REPO_ROOT/spec/testdata/module2/globals.ysh
173 |
174 | # get() should work on Obj too. Possibly we should get rid of the default
175 | var myproc = get(propView(globals), 'mutate-g1', null)
176 | call setVar('mutate-g1', myproc)
177 |
178 | # you can mutate it internally, but the mutation isn't VISIBLE. GAH!
179 | # I wonder if you make Cell a value? or something
180 | mutate-g1
181 | echo
182 |
183 | # PROBLEM: This is a value.Obj COPY, not the fucking original!!!
184 | # immutable objects??
185 |
186 | #pp test_ ([vm.id(globals.d), globals.d])
187 |
188 | call globals.mutateG2()
189 | echo
190 |
191 | #= propView(globals)
192 |
193 | # these are not provided
194 | echo "globals.g1 = $[get(globals, 'g1', null)]"
195 | echo "globals.g2 = $[get(globals, 'g2', null)]"
196 | echo
197 |
198 | #pp frame_vars_
199 | # Shouldn't appear here
200 | echo "importer g1 = $[getVar('g1')]"
201 | echo "importer g2 = $[getVar('g2')]"
202 |
203 | ## STDOUT:
204 | g1 = g1
205 | g1 = proc mutated
206 |
207 | g2 = g2
208 | g2 = func mutated
209 |
210 | globals.g1 = null
211 | globals.g2 = null
212 |
213 | importer g1 = null
214 | importer g2 = null
215 | ## END
216 |
217 | #### no provided names
218 | shopt --set ysh:upgrade
219 |
220 | use $REPO_ROOT/spec/testdata/module2/no-provide.ysh
221 |
222 | ## status: 1
223 | ## STDOUT:
224 | ## END
225 |
226 | #### bad provide type
227 | shopt --set ysh:upgrade
228 |
229 | use $REPO_ROOT/spec/testdata/module2/bad-provide-type.ysh
230 |
231 | echo 'should not get here'
232 |
233 | ## status: 1
234 | ## STDOUT:
235 | ## END
236 |
237 | #### invalid provide entries
238 | shopt --set ysh:upgrade
239 |
240 | use $REPO_ROOT/spec/testdata/module2/bad-provide.ysh
241 |
242 | echo 'should not get here'
243 |
244 | ## status: 1
245 | ## STDOUT:
246 | ## END
247 |
248 | #### use foo.ysh creates a value.Obj with __invoke__
249 | shopt --set ysh:upgrade
250 |
251 | use $REPO_ROOT/spec/testdata/module2/util.ysh
252 |
253 | # This is a value.Obj
254 | #pp test_ (util)
255 |
256 | util log 'hello'
257 | util die 'hello there'
258 |
259 | ## STDOUT:
260 | caller_no_leak = null
261 | log hello
262 | die hello there
263 | ## END
264 |
265 | #### module itself is invokable Obj, which can contain invokable obj!
266 | shopt --set ysh:upgrade
267 |
268 | use $REPO_ROOT/spec/testdata/module2/util.ysh
269 |
270 | util invokableObj (1)
271 |
272 | # Usage error
273 | #util invokableObj
274 |
275 | ## STDOUT:
276 | caller_no_leak = null
277 | sum = 8
278 | ## END
279 |
280 | #### argument binding test
281 | shopt --set ysh:upgrade
282 |
283 | use $REPO_ROOT/spec/testdata/module2/util2.ysh
284 |
285 | util2 echo-args w1 w2 w3 w4 (3, 4, 5, 6, n1=7, n2=8, n3=9) {
286 | echo hi
287 | }
288 |
289 | echo ---
290 |
291 | util2 echo-args w1 w2 (3, 4, n3=9) {
292 | echo hi
293 | }
294 |
295 | ## STDOUT:
296 | (List) ["w1","w2"]
297 | (List) ["w3","w4"]
298 |
299 | (List) [3,4]
300 | (List) [5,6]
301 |
302 | (List) [7,8]
303 | (Dict) {"n3":9}
304 |
305 | <Command>
306 | ---
307 | (List) ["w1","w2"]
308 | (List) []
309 |
310 | (List) [3,4]
311 | (List) []
312 |
313 | (List) [42,43]
314 | (Dict) {"n3":9}
315 |
316 | <Command>
317 | ## END
318 |
319 | #### module-with-hyphens
320 | shopt --set ysh:upgrade
321 |
322 | use $REPO_ROOT/spec/testdata/module2/for-xtrace.ysh
323 |
324 | for-xtrace increment
325 |
326 | var mod = getVar('for-xtrace')
327 | pp test_ (mod.counter)
328 |
329 | ## STDOUT:
330 | [for-xtrace]
331 | counter = 5
332 | counter = 6
333 | (Int) 6
334 | ## END
335 |
336 |
337 | #### modules can access __builtins__ directly
338 | shopt --set ysh:upgrade
339 |
340 | use $REPO_ROOT/spec/testdata/module2/builtins.ysh
341 |
342 | var mylen = builtins.mylen
343 |
344 | pp test_ (mylen([3,4,5]))
345 |
346 | ## STDOUT:
347 | (Int) 3
348 | ## END
349 |
350 | #### use may only be used a TOP level, not within proc
351 | shopt --set ysh:upgrade
352 |
353 | proc use-it {
354 | use $REPO_ROOT/spec/testdata/module2/builtins.ysh
355 | }
356 |
357 | use-it
358 |
359 | ## status: 2
360 | ## STDOUT:
361 | ## END
362 |
363 | #### Mutable variables are frozen - beware!
364 |
365 | shopt --set ysh:upgrade
366 |
367 | use $REPO_ROOT/spec/testdata/module2/for-xtrace.ysh
368 |
369 | for-xtrace increment
370 |
371 | var mod = getVar('for-xtrace')
372 | pp test_ (mod.counter)
373 |
374 | for-xtrace increment
375 |
376 | pp test_ (mod.counter)
377 |
378 | for-xtrace increment
379 |
380 | ## STDOUT:
381 | [for-xtrace]
382 | counter = 5
383 | counter = 6
384 | (Int) 6
385 | counter = 7
386 | (Int) 6
387 | counter = 8
388 | ## END
389 |
390 | #### module invoked without any arguments is an error
391 | shopt --set ysh:upgrade
392 |
393 | use $REPO_ROOT/spec/testdata/module2/util.ysh
394 |
395 | util
396 |
397 | ## status: 2
398 | ## STDOUT:
399 | caller_no_leak = null
400 | ## END
401 |
402 | #### module invoked with nonexistent name is error
403 | shopt --set ysh:upgrade
404 |
405 | use $REPO_ROOT/spec/testdata/module2/util.ysh
406 |
407 | util zzz
408 |
409 | ## status: 2
410 | ## STDOUT:
411 | caller_no_leak = null
412 | ## END
413 |
414 | #### circular import doesn't result in infinite loop, or crash
415 |
416 | use $REPO_ROOT/spec/testdata/module2/cycle1.ysh
417 |
418 | # These use each other
419 | use $REPO_ROOT/spec/testdata/module2/cycle2.ysh
420 |
421 | pp test_ (cycle1)
422 | pp test_ (cycle2)
423 |
424 | echo hi
425 |
426 | ## STDOUT:
427 | (Obj) ("c1":"c1") --> ("__invoke__":<BuiltinProc>)
428 | (Obj) ("c2":"c2") --> ("__invoke__":<BuiltinProc>)
429 | hi
430 | ## END
431 |
432 | #### Module with parse error
433 |
434 | shopt --set ysh:upgrade
435 |
436 | use $REPO_ROOT/spec/testdata/module2/parse-error.ysh
437 |
438 | echo 'should not get here'
439 |
440 | ## status: 2
441 | ## STDOUT:
442 | ## END
443 |
444 | #### Module with runtime error
445 |
446 | shopt --set ysh:upgrade
447 |
448 | use $REPO_ROOT/spec/testdata/module2/runtime-error.ysh
449 |
450 | echo 'should not get here'
451 |
452 | ## status: 1
453 | ## STDOUT:
454 | runtime-error before
455 | ## END
456 |
457 | #### user can inspect __modules__ cache
458 |
459 | echo 'TODO: Dict view of realpath() string -> Obj instance'
460 |
461 | ## STDOUT:
462 | ## END
463 |
464 | #### use foo.ysh --pick a b
465 |
466 | use $REPO_ROOT/spec/testdata/module2/builtins.ysh --pick mylen mylen2
467 |
468 | pp test_ (mylen([3,4,5]))
469 |
470 | pp test_ (mylen2([4,5]))
471 |
472 | ## STDOUT:
473 | (Int) 3
474 | (Int) 2
475 | ## END
476 |
477 | #### use foo.ysh --pick nonexistent
478 | shopt --set ysh:upgrade
479 |
480 | use $REPO_ROOT/spec/testdata/module2/builtins.ysh --pick mylen nonexistent
481 |
482 | ## status: 1
483 | ## STDOUT:
484 | ## END
485 |
486 |
487 | #### use foo.ysh --all-provided
488 |
489 | echo TODO
490 |
491 | ## STDOUT:
492 | ## END
493 |
494 |
495 | #### use foo.ysh --all-for-testing
496 |
497 | echo TODO
498 |
499 | ## STDOUT:
500 | ## END