1 | #!/usr/bin/env bash
2 | #
3 | # Test the C++ translation of Oils.
4 | #
5 | # Usage:
6 | # test/spec-cpp.sh <function name>
7 | #
8 | # Examples:
9 | # test/spec-cpp.sh run-file smoke -r 0 -v
10 | # NUM_SPEC_TASKS=2 test/spec-cpp.sh osh-all
11 |
12 | : ${LIB_OSH=stdlib/osh}
13 | source $LIB_OSH/bash-strict.sh
14 | source $LIB_OSH/task-five.sh
15 |
16 | REPO_ROOT=$(cd "$(dirname $0)/.."; pwd)
17 |
18 | source build/dev-shell.sh # PYTHONPATH
19 | source test/common.sh # html-head
20 | source test/spec-common.sh
21 | source web/table/html.sh
22 |
23 | shopt -s failglob # to debug TSV expansion failure below
24 |
25 | OSH_PY=$REPO_ROOT/bin/osh
26 | YSH_PY=$REPO_ROOT/bin/ysh
27 |
28 | # Run with ASAN binary by default. Release overrides this
29 | OSH_CC=${OSH_CC:-$REPO_ROOT/_bin/cxx-asan/osh}
30 | YSH_CC=${YSH_CC:-$REPO_ROOT/_bin/cxx-asan/ysh}
31 |
32 | # Same variable in test/spec-runner.sh
34 |
35 | # So we can pass ASAN. Note that test/spec-common.sh has to pass this to
36 | # sh_spec.py.
37 | export OILS_GC_ON_EXIT=1
38 |
39 | #
40 | # For translation
41 | #
42 |
43 | run-file() {
44 | local spec_name=$1
45 | shift
46 |
47 | local spec_file=spec/$spec_name.test.sh
48 |
49 | local suite
50 | suite=$(test/sh_spec.py --print-spec-suite $spec_file)
51 |
52 | local spec_subdir
53 | case $suite in
54 | osh) spec_subdir='osh-cpp' ;;
55 | ysh) spec_subdir='ysh-cpp' ;;
56 | *) die "Invalid suite $suite" ;;
57 | esac
58 |
59 | local base_dir=_tmp/spec/$spec_subdir
60 | mkdir -v -p $base_dir
61 |
62 | # Compare Python and C++ shells by passing --oils-cpp-bin-dir
63 | sh-spec $spec_file \
64 | --timeout 10 \
65 | --oils-bin-dir $PWD/bin \
66 | --oils-cpp-bin-dir $REPO_ROOT/_bin/cxx-asan \
67 | --tsv-output $base_dir/${spec_name}.tsv \
68 | "$@"
69 | }
70 |
71 | osh-all() {
72 | # Like test/spec.sh {osh,ysh}-all, but it compares against different binaries
73 |
74 | # For debugging hangs
75 | #export MAX_PROCS=1
76 |
77 | ninja _bin/cxx-asan/{osh,ysh}
78 |
79 | test/spec-runner.sh shell-sanity-check $OSH_PY $OSH_CC
80 |
81 | local spec_subdir=osh-cpp
82 |
83 | local status
84 | set +o errexit
85 | # $suite $compare_mode
86 | test/spec-runner.sh all-parallel \
87 | osh compare-cpp $spec_subdir "$@"
88 | status=$?
89 | set -o errexit
90 |
91 | # Write comparison even if we failed
92 | write-compare-html $spec_subdir
93 |
94 | return $status
95 | }
96 |
97 | ysh-all() {
98 | ninja _bin/cxx-asan/{osh,ysh}
99 |
100 | local spec_subdir=ysh-cpp
101 |
102 | # $suite $compare_mode
103 | test/spec-runner.sh all-parallel \
104 | ysh compare-cpp $spec_subdir "$@"
105 |
106 | write-compare-html $spec_subdir
107 | }
108 |
109 | console-row() {
110 | ### Print out a histogram of results
111 |
112 | awk '
113 | FNR == 1 {
114 | #print FILENAME > "/dev/stderr"
115 | }
116 | FNR != 1 {
117 | case_num = $1
118 | sh = $2
119 | result = $3
120 |
121 | if (sh == "osh") {
122 | osh[result] += 1
123 | } else if (sh == "osh_cpp") { # bin/osh_cpp
124 | oe_py[result] += 1
125 | } else if (sh == "osh_ALT") { # _bin/*/osh
126 | oe_cpp[result] += 1
127 | }
128 | }
129 |
130 | function print_hist(sh, hist) {
131 | printf("%s\t", sh)
132 |
133 | k = "pass"
134 | printf("%s %4d\t", k, hist[k])
135 | k = "FAIL"
136 | printf("%s %4d\t", k, hist[k])
137 |
138 | print ""
139 |
140 | # This prints N-I, ok, bug, etc.
141 | #for (k in hist) {
142 | # printf("%s %s\t", k, hist[k])
143 | #}
144 |
145 | }
146 |
147 | END {
148 | print_hist("osh", osh)
149 | print_hist("osh_cpp", oe_py)
150 | print_hist("osh_ALT", oe_cpp)
151 | }
152 | ' "$@"
153 | }
154 |
155 | console-summary() {
156 | ### Report on our progress translating
157 |
158 | local spec_subdir=$1
159 |
160 | # Can't go at the top level because files won't exist!
161 | readonly TSV=(_tmp/spec/$spec_subdir/*.tsv)
162 |
163 | wc -l "${TSV[@]}"
164 |
165 | for file in "${TSV[@]}"; do
166 | echo
167 | echo "$file"
168 | console-row $file
169 | done
170 |
171 | echo
172 | echo "TOTAL"
173 | console-row "${TSV[@]}"
174 | }
175 |
176 | #
177 | # HTML
178 | #
179 |
180 | summary-csv-row() {
181 | ### Print one row or the last total row
182 |
183 | local spec_subdir=$1
184 | shift
185 |
186 | if test $# -eq 1; then
187 | local spec_name=$1
188 | local -a tsv_files=( _tmp/spec/$spec_subdir/$spec_name.tsv )
189 | else
190 | local spec_name='TOTAL'
191 | local -a tsv_files=( "$@" )
192 | fi
193 |
194 | awk -v spec_name=$spec_name '
195 | # skip the first row
196 | FNR != 1 {
197 | case_num = $1
198 | sh = $2
199 | result = $3
200 |
201 | if (sh == "osh" || sh == "ysh") {
202 | osh[result] += 1
203 | } else if (sh == "osh-cpp" || sh == "ysh-cpp") { # bin/osh
204 | osh_native[result] += 1
205 | }
206 | }
207 |
208 | END {
209 | num_py = osh["pass"]
210 | num_cpp = osh_native["pass"]
211 | if (spec_name == "TOTAL") {
212 | href = ""
213 | } else {
214 | href = sprintf("%s.html", spec_name)
215 | }
216 |
217 | if (num_py == num_cpp) {
218 | row_css_class = "cpp-good" # green
219 | }
220 |
221 | printf("%s,%s,%s,%d,%d,%d\n",
222 | row_css_class,
223 | spec_name, href,
224 | num_py,
225 | num_cpp,
226 | num_py - num_cpp)
227 | }
228 | ' "${tsv_files[@]}"
229 | }
230 |
231 | summary-csv() {
232 | local spec_subdir=$1
233 |
234 | local sh_label
235 | local manifest
236 |
237 | case $spec_subdir in
238 | osh-cpp)
239 | sh_label=osh
240 | manifest=_tmp/spec/SUITE-osh.txt
241 | ;;
242 | ysh-cpp)
243 | sh_label=ysh
244 | manifest=_tmp/spec/SUITE-ysh.txt
245 | ;;
246 | *)
247 | die "Invalid dir $spec_subdir"
248 | ;;
249 | esac
250 |
251 | # Can't go at the top level because files might not exist!
252 | cat <<EOF
253 | ROW_CSS_CLASS,name,name_HREF,${sh_label}_py,${sh_label}_cpp,delta
254 | EOF
255 |
256 | # total row rows goes at the TOP, so it's in <thead> and not sorted.
257 | summary-csv-row $spec_subdir _tmp/spec/$spec_subdir/*.tsv
258 |
259 | head -n $NUM_SPEC_TASKS $manifest | sort |
260 | while read spec_name; do
261 | summary-csv-row $spec_subdir $spec_name
262 | done
263 | }
264 |
265 | html-summary-header() {
266 | local prefix=../../..
267 | html-head --title 'Passing Spec Tests in C++' \
268 | $prefix/web/ajax.js \
269 | $prefix/web/table/table-sort.js $prefix/web/table/table-sort.css \
270 | $prefix/web/base.css \
271 | $prefix/web/spec-cpp.css
272 |
273 | table-sort-begin "width50"
274 |
275 | cat <<EOF
276 | <p id="home-link">
277 | <!-- The release index is two dirs up -->
278 | <a href="../..">Up</a> |
279 | <a href="/">oilshell.org</a>
280 | </p>
281 |
282 | <h1>Python vs C++</h1>
283 |
284 | <p>These numbers measure the progress of the C++ translation.
285 | Compare with <a href=".">index.html</a>.
286 | </p>
287 |
288 | EOF
289 | }
290 |
291 | html-summary-footer() {
292 | cat <<EOF
293 | <p>Generated by <code>test/spec-cpp.sh</code>.</p>
294 | EOF
295 | table-sort-end 'summary' # The table name
296 | }
297 |
298 | # TODO: Use here-schema-tsv in test/tsv-lib.sh
299 | here-schema() {
300 | ### Read a legible text format on stdin, and write CSV on stdout
301 |
302 | # This is a little like: https://wiki.xxiivv.com/site/tablatal.html
303 | # TODO: generalize this in stdlib/here.sh
304 | while read one two; do
305 | echo "$one,$two"
306 | done
307 | }
308 |
309 | write-compare-html() {
310 | local spec_subdir=$1
311 |
312 | local sh_label
313 | case $spec_subdir in
314 | osh-cpp)
315 | sh_label=osh
316 | ;;
317 | ysh-cpp)
318 | sh_label=ysh
319 | ;;
320 | *)
321 | die "Invalid dir $spec_subdir"
322 | ;;
323 | esac
324 |
325 | local dir=_tmp/spec/$spec_subdir
326 | local out=$dir/compare.html
327 |
328 | summary-csv $spec_subdir >$dir/summary.csv
329 |
330 | # The underscores are stripped when we don't want them to be!
331 | # Note: we could also put "pretty_heading" in the schema
332 |
333 | here-schema >$dir/summary.schema.csv <<EOF
334 | column_name type
335 | ROW_CSS_CLASS string
336 | name string
337 | name_HREF string
338 | ${sh_label}_py integer
339 | ${sh_label}_cpp integer
340 | delta integer
341 | EOF
342 |
343 | { html-summary-header
344 | # total row isn't sorted
345 | web/table/csv2html.py --thead-offset 1 $dir/summary.csv
346 | html-summary-footer
347 | } > $out
348 |
349 | log "Comparison: file://$REPO_ROOT/$out"
350 | }
351 |
352 | tsv-demo() {
353 | sh-spec spec/arith.test.sh --tsv-output _tmp/arith.tsv dash bash "$@"
354 | cat _tmp/arith.tsv
355 | }
356 |
357 | repro() {
358 | test/spec.sh alias -r 0 -p > _tmp/a
359 | ninja _bin/clang-dbg/osh
360 | _bin/clang-dbg/osh _tmp/a
361 | }
362 |
363 | repro-all() {
364 | OSH_CC=$REPO_ROOT/_bin/clang-dbg/osh $0 all
365 | }
366 |
367 | task-five "$@"