1 | #!/usr/bin/env python2
2 | from __future__ import print_function
3 |
4 | import cmark # Oils dev dependency
5 |
6 | import unittest
7 |
8 | from lazylex import html
9 | from doctools import ul_table
10 |
11 | # <ulcol> is a special annotation
12 | TEST1 = """\
13 | <table id="foo">
14 |
15 | - thead
16 | - <cell-attrs class="foo" /> name
17 | - <cell-attrs class="bar" /> [age](https://example.com/)
18 | - tr
19 | - alice *italic*
20 | - 30
21 | - tr
22 | - bob
23 | - 42
24 |
25 | </table>""" # no extra
26 |
27 | TD_ATTRS = """\
28 | <table>
29 |
30 | - thead
31 | - <cell-attrs class=unquoted /> name
32 | - <cell-attrs class=quoted /> age
33 | - role
34 | - tr
35 | - <cell-attrs class="cool" /> alice
36 | - 30
37 | - parent
38 | - tr
39 | - bob
40 | - 42
41 | - <cell-attrs class=child /> child
42 |
43 | </table>
44 | """
45 |
46 | TD_ATTRS_HTML = """\
47 | <table>
48 | <thead>
49 | <tr>
50 | <th> name</th>
51 | <th> age</th>
52 | <th>role</th>
53 | </tr>
54 | </thead>
55 | <tr>
56 | <td class="unquoted cool"> alice</td>
57 | <td class="quoted">30</td>
58 | <td>parent</td>
59 | </tr>
60 | <tr>
61 | <td class="unquoted">bob</td>
62 | <td class="quoted">42</td>
63 | <td class="child"> child</td>
64 | </tr>
65 | </table>
66 | """
67 |
68 | TR_ATTRS = """\
69 | <table>
70 |
71 | - thead
72 | - <cell-attrs class=unquoted /> name
73 | - <cell-attrs class=quoted /> age
74 | - role
75 | - tr <row-attrs class=totals />
76 | - alice
77 | - 30
78 | - parent
79 | - tr
80 | - bob
81 | - 42
82 | - <cell-attrs class=child /> child
83 |
84 | </table>
85 | """
86 |
87 | TR_ATTRS_HTML = """\
88 | <table>
89 | <thead>
90 | <tr>
91 | <th> name</th>
92 | <th> age</th>
93 | <th>role</th>
94 | </tr>
95 | </thead>
96 | <tr class="totals">
97 | <td class="unquoted">alice</td>
98 | <td class="quoted">30</td>
99 | <td>parent</td>
100 | </tr>
101 | <tr>
102 | <td class="unquoted">bob</td>
103 | <td class="quoted">42</td>
104 | <td class="child"> child</td>
105 | </tr>
106 | </table>
107 | """
108 |
109 | # Note CSS Grid can express colspan
110 | # https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/grid-column
111 |
112 | COLSPAN = """\
113 | <table>
114 |
115 | - thead
116 | - <cell-attrs class=foo /> name
117 | - age
118 | - tr
119 | - alice
120 | - 30
121 | - tr
122 | - <cell-attrs colspan=2 /> ... more ...
123 | - tr
124 | - bob
125 | - 42
126 |
127 | </table>
128 | """
129 |
130 | COLSPAN_HTML = """\
131 | <table>
132 | <thead>
133 | <tr>
134 | <th> name</th>
135 | <th>age</th>
136 | </tr>
137 | </thead>
138 | <tr>
139 | <td class="foo">alice</td>
140 | <td>30</td>
141 | </tr>
142 | <tr>
143 | <td class="foo" colspan="2"> ... more ...</td>
144 | </tr>
145 | <tr>
146 | <td class="foo">bob</td>
147 | <td>42</td>
148 | </tr>
149 | </table>
150 | """
151 |
152 | # UNUSED - not worth it now
153 | MIXED_TR = """\
154 | <table>
155 |
156 | - thead
157 | - name
158 | - age
159 | - tr
160 | - 30
161 | - parent
162 |
163 | <tr>
164 | <td colspan=2> - </td>
165 | </tr>
166 |
167 | - tr
168 | - bob
169 | - 42
170 | - <cell-attrs class=child /> child
171 |
172 | </table>
173 | """
174 |
175 |
176 | def MarkdownToTable(md):
177 | # markdown -> HTML
178 |
179 | h = cmark.md2html(md)
180 | # Markdown adds a newline
181 | if h.endswith('\n'):
182 | print('ENDS WITH NEWLINE %r' % h[-10:])
183 |
184 | if 1:
185 | print('---')
186 | print('ORIGINAL')
187 | print(h)
188 | print('')
189 |
190 | h2 = ul_table.ReplaceTables(h)
191 |
192 | if 1:
193 | print('---')
194 | print('REPLACED')
195 | print(h2)
196 | print('')
197 |
198 | return h2
199 |
200 |
201 | class UlTableTest(unittest.TestCase):
202 |
203 | def testOne(self):
204 | h = MarkdownToTable('hi\n' + TEST1 + '\n\n bye \n')
205 |
206 | def testNoHeader(self):
207 | # HTML looks like:
208 | #
209 | # <table>
210 | # <ul> # problem: we need to lookahead SPACE <li> (tr or thead)
211 | # <li>tr
212 | # <ul>
213 | # <li>one</li>
214 | # </ul>
215 | # </li>
216 | # </ul>
217 | # </table>
218 |
219 | h = MarkdownToTable('''\
220 | <table>
221 |
222 | - tr
223 | - one
224 | - two
225 |
226 | </table>
227 | ''')
228 | print(h)
229 |
230 | def testSimple(self):
231 | h = MarkdownToTable("""\
232 | <table>
233 |
234 | - thead
235 | - *name*
236 | - *age*
237 | - tr
238 | - alice
239 | - 30
240 | - tr
241 | - bob
242 | - 40
243 |
244 | <table>
245 | """)
246 | self.assertMultiLineEqual(
247 | """\
248 | <table>
249 | <thead>
250 | <tr>
251 | <th><em>name</em></th>
252 | <th><em>age</em></th>
253 | </tr>
254 | </thead>
255 | <tr>
256 | <td>alice</td>
257 | <td>30</td>
258 | </tr>
259 | <tr>
260 | <td>bob</td>
261 | <td>40</td>
262 | </tr>
263 | <table>
264 | """, h)
265 |
266 | def testMultipleTables(self):
267 | # They can be right next to each other
268 | html_one = MarkdownToTable(TEST1)
269 |
270 | self.assert_(not TEST1.endswith('\n'))
271 | # CommonMark added a newline
272 | self.assert_(html_one.endswith('\n'))
273 | html_one = html_one[:-1]
274 |
275 | html_two = MarkdownToTable(TEST1 + TEST1)
276 |
277 | # The output is just concatenated
278 | self.assertMultiLineEqual(html_one + html_one + '\n', html_two)
279 |
280 | def testMultipleTablesWithSpace(self):
281 | h = MarkdownToTable(TEST1 + '\n\n hi \n' + TEST1)
282 |
283 | def testTdAttrs(self):
284 | h = MarkdownToTable(TD_ATTRS)
285 | self.assertMultiLineEqual(TD_ATTRS_HTML, h)
286 |
287 | def testColspan(self):
288 | h = MarkdownToTable(COLSPAN)
289 | self.assertMultiLineEqual(COLSPAN_HTML, h)
290 |
291 | def testTrAttrs(self):
292 | h = MarkdownToTable(TR_ATTRS)
293 | self.assertMultiLineEqual(TR_ATTRS_HTML, h)
294 |
295 | def testMixedTr(self):
296 | # Not worth it
297 | return
298 | h = MarkdownToTable(MIXED_TR)
299 | #self.assertMultiLineEqual(MIXED_TR, h)
300 |
301 | def testSyntaxErrors(self):
302 | # Once we get <table><ul>, then we TAKE OVER, and start being STRICT
303 |
304 | try:
305 | h = MarkdownToTable("""
306 | <table>
307 |
308 | - should be thead
309 | - one
310 | - two
311 | """)
312 | except html.ParseError as e:
313 | print(e)
314 | else:
315 | self.fail('Expected parse error')
316 |
317 | try:
318 | h = MarkdownToTable("""
319 | <table>
320 |
321 | - thead
322 | - <span /> Not allowed
323 | - two
324 | - tr
325 | - 1
326 | - 2
327 | """)
328 | except html.ParseError as e:
329 | print(e)
330 | else:
331 | self.fail('Expected parse error')
332 |
333 | try:
334 | h = MarkdownToTable("""
335 | <table>
336 |
337 | - thead
338 | - one
339 | - two
340 | - tr <bad-attrs />
341 | - 1
342 | - 2
343 | """)
344 | except html.ParseError as e:
345 | print(e)
346 | else:
347 | self.fail('Expected parse error')
348 |
349 | def testColumnCheck(self):
350 | # Disabled because of colspan
351 | return
352 |
353 | try:
354 | h = MarkdownToTable("""
355 | <table>
356 |
357 | - thead
358 | - one
359 | - two
360 | - tr
361 | - 1
362 | - 2
363 | - tr
364 | - wrong number of cells
365 | - tr
366 | - 3
367 | - 4
368 |
369 | </table>
370 | """)
371 | except html.ParseError as e:
372 | print(e)
373 | else:
374 | self.fail('Expected parse error')
375 |
376 |
377 | if __name__ == '__main__':
378 | unittest.main()