1 | ---
2 | default_highlighter: oils-sh
3 | ---
4 |
5 | Guide to Procs and Funcs
6 | ========================
7 |
8 | YSH has two major units of code: shell-like `proc`, and Python-like `func`.
9 |
10 | - Roughly speaking, procs are for commands and **I/O**, while funcs are for
11 | pure **computation**.
12 | - Procs are often **big**, and may call **small** funcs. On the other hand,
13 | it's possible, but rarer, for funcs to call procs.
14 | - You can write shell scripts **mostly** with procs, and perhaps a few funcs.
15 |
16 | This doc compares the two mechanisms, and gives rough guidelines.
17 |
18 | <!--
19 | See the blog for more conceptual background: [Oils is
20 | Exterior-First](https://www.oilshell.org/blog/2023/06/ysh-design.html).
21 | -->
22 |
23 | <div id="toc">
24 | </div>
25 |
26 | ## Tip: Start Simple
27 |
28 | Before going into detail, here's a quick reminder that you don't have to use
29 | **either** procs or funcs. YSH is a language that scales both down and up.
30 |
31 | You can start with just a list of plain commands:
32 |
33 | mkdir -p /tmp/dest
34 | cp --verbose *.txt /tmp/dest
35 |
36 | Then copy those into procs as the script gets bigger:
37 |
38 | proc build-app {
39 | ninja --verbose
40 | }
41 |
42 | proc deploy {
43 | mkdir -p /tmp/dest
44 | cp --verbose *.txt /tmp/dest
45 | }
46 |
47 | build-app
48 | deploy
49 |
50 | Then add funcs if you need pure computation:
51 |
52 | func isTestFile(name) {
53 | return (name => endsWith('._test.py'))
54 | }
55 |
56 | if (isTestFile('my_test.py')) {
57 | echo 'yes'
58 | }
59 |
60 | ## At a Glance
61 |
62 | ### Procs vs. Funcs
63 |
64 | This table summarizes the difference between procs and funcs. The rest of the
65 | doc will elaborate on these issues.
66 |
67 | <style>
68 | thead {
69 | background-color: #eee;
70 | font-weight: bold;
71 | }
72 | table {
73 | font-family: sans-serif;
74 | border-collapse: collapse;
75 | }
76 |
77 | tr {
78 | border-bottom: solid 1px;
79 | border-color: #ddd;
80 | }
81 |
82 | td {
83 | padding: 8px; /* override default of 5px */
84 | }
85 | </style>
86 |
87 |
88 | <table>
89 | <thead>
90 | <tr>
91 | <td></td>
92 | <td>Proc</td>
93 | <td>Func</td>
94 | </tr>
95 | </thead>
96 |
97 | <tr>
98 | <td>Design Influence</td>
99 | <td>
100 |
101 | Shell-like.
102 |
103 | </td>
104 | <td>
105 |
106 | Python- and JavaScript-like, but **pure**.
107 |
108 | </td>
109 | </tr>
110 |
111 | <tr>
112 | <td>Shape</td>
113 |
114 | <td>
115 |
116 | Procs are shaped like Unix processes: with `argv`, an integer return code, and
117 | `stdin` / `stdout` streams.
118 |
119 | They're a generalization of Bourne shell "functions".
120 |
121 | </td>
122 | <td>
123 |
124 | Funcs are shaped like mathematical functions.
125 |
126 | </td>
127 | </tr>
128 |
129 | <tr>
130 | <td>
131 |
132 | Architectural Role ([Oils is Exterior First](https://www.oilshell.org/blog/2023/06/ysh-design.html))
133 |
134 | </td>
135 | <td>
136 |
137 | **Exterior**: processes and files.
138 |
139 | </td>
140 |
141 | <td>
142 |
143 | **Interior**: functions and garbage-collected data structures.
144 |
145 | </td>
146 | </tr>
147 |
148 | <tr>
149 | <td>I/O</td>
150 | <td>
151 |
152 | Procs may start external processes and pipelines. Can perform I/O anywhere.
153 |
154 | </td>
155 | <td>
156 |
157 | Funcs need an explicit `io` param to perform I/O.
158 |
159 | </td>
160 | </tr>
161 |
162 | <tr>
163 | <td>Example Definition</td>
164 | <td>
165 |
166 | proc print-max (; x, y) {
167 | echo $[x if x > y else y]
168 | }
169 |
170 | </td>
171 | <td>
172 |
173 | func computeMax(x, y) {
174 | return (x if x > y else y)
175 | }
176 |
177 | </td>
178 | </tr>
179 |
180 | <tr>
181 | <td>Example Call</td>
182 | <td>
183 |
184 | print-max (3, 4)
185 |
186 | Procs can be put in pipelines:
187 |
188 | print-max (3, 4) | tee out.txt
189 |
190 | </td>
191 | <td>
192 |
193 | var m = computeMax(3, 4)
194 |
195 | Or throw away the return value, which is useful for functions that mutate:
196 |
197 | call computeMax(3, 4)
198 |
199 | </td>
200 | </tr>
201 |
202 | <tr>
203 | <td>Naming Convention</td>
204 | <td>
205 |
206 | `kebab-case`
207 |
208 | </td>
209 | <td>
210 |
211 | `camelCase`
212 |
213 | </td>
214 | </tr>
215 |
216 | <tr>
217 | <td>
218 |
219 | [Syntax Mode](command-vs-expression-mode.html) of call site
220 |
221 | </td>
222 | <td>Command Mode</td>
223 | <td>Expression Mode</td>
224 | </tr>
225 |
226 | <tr>
227 | <td>Kinds of Parameters / Arguments</td>
228 | <td>
229 |
230 | 1. Word aka string
231 | 1. Typed and Positional
232 | 1. Typed and Named
233 | 1. Block
234 |
235 | Examples shown below.
236 |
237 | </td>
238 | <td>
239 |
240 | 1. Positional
241 | 1. Named
242 |
243 | (both typed)
244 |
245 | </td>
246 | </tr>
247 |
248 | <tr>
249 | <td>Return Value</td>
250 | <td>Integer status 0-255</td>
251 | <td>
252 |
253 | Any type of value, e.g.
254 |
255 | return ([42, {name: 'bob'}])
256 |
257 | </td>
258 | </tr>
259 | <tr>
260 | <td>Relation to Objects</td>
261 | <td>none</td>
262 | <td>
263 |
264 | May be bound to objects:
265 |
266 | var x = obj.myMethod()
267 | call obj->myMutatingMethod()
268 |
269 | </td>
270 | </tr>
271 |
272 | <tr>
273 | <td>Interface Evolution</td>
274 | <td>
275 |
276 | **Slower**: Procs exposed to the outside world may need to evolve in a compatible or "versionless" way.
277 |
278 | </td>
279 | <td>
280 |
281 | **Faster**: Funcs may be refactored internally.
282 |
283 | </td>
284 | </tr>
285 |
286 | <tr>
287 | <td>Parallelism?</td>
288 | <td>
289 |
290 | Procs can be parallel with:
291 |
292 | - shell constructs: pipelines, `&` aka `fork`
293 | - external tools and the [$0 Dispatch
294 | Pattern](https://www.oilshell.org/blog/2021/08/xargs.html): xargs, make,
295 | Ninja, etc.
296 |
297 | </td>
298 | <td>
299 |
300 | Funcs are inherently **serial**, unless wrapped in a proc.
301 |
302 | </td>
303 | </tr>
304 |
305 | <tr>
306 | <td colspan=3 style="text-align: center; padding: 3em">More <code>proc</code> features ...</td>
307 | </tr>
308 |
309 | <tr>
310 | <td>Kinds of Signature</td>
311 | <td>
312 |
313 | Open `proc p {` or <br/>
314 | Closed `proc p () {`
315 |
316 | </td>
317 | <td>-</td>
318 | </tr>
319 |
320 | <tr>
321 | <td>Lazy Args</td>
322 | <td>
323 |
324 | assert [42 === x]
325 |
326 | </td>
327 | <td>-</td>
328 | </tr>
329 |
330 | </table>
331 |
332 | ### Func Calls and Defs
333 |
334 | Now that we've compared procs and funcs, let's look more closely at funcs.
335 | They're inherently **simpler**: they have 2 types of args and params, rather
336 | than 4.
337 |
338 | YSH argument binding is based on Julia, which has all the power of Python, but
339 | without the "evolved warts" (e.g. `/` and `*`).
340 |
341 | In general, with all the bells and whistles, func definitions look like:
342 |
343 | # pos args and named args separated with ;
344 | func f(p1, p2, ...rest_pos; n1=42, n2='foo', ...rest_named) {
345 | return (len(rest_pos) + len(rest_named))
346 | }
347 |
348 | Func calls look like:
349 |
350 | # spread operator ... at call site
351 | var pos_args = [3, 4]
352 | var named_args = {foo: 'bar'}
353 | var x = f(1, 2, ...pos_args; n1=43, ...named_args)
354 |
355 | Note that positional args/params and named args/params can be thought of as two
356 | "separate worlds".
357 |
358 | This table shows simpler, more common cases.
359 |
360 |
361 | <table>
362 | <thead>
363 | <tr>
364 | <td>Args / Params</td>
365 | <td>Call Site</td>
366 | <td>Definition</td>
367 | </tr>
368 | </thead>
369 |
370 | <tr>
371 | <td>Positional Args</td>
372 | <td>
373 |
374 | var x = myMax(3, 4)
375 |
376 | </td>
377 | <td>
378 |
379 | func myMax(x, y) {
380 | return (x if x > y else y)
381 | }
382 |
383 | </td>
384 | </tr>
385 |
386 | <tr>
387 | <td>Spread Pos Args</td>
388 | <td>
389 |
390 | var args = [3, 4]
391 | var x = myMax(...args)
392 |
393 | </td>
394 | <td>
395 |
396 | (as above)
397 |
398 | </td>
399 | </tr>
400 |
401 | <tr>
402 | <td>Rest Pos Params</td>
403 | <td>
404 |
405 | var x = myPrintf("%s is %d", 'bob', 30)
406 |
407 | </td>
408 | <td>
409 |
410 | func myPrintf(fmt, ...args) {
411 | # ...
412 | }
413 |
414 | </td>
415 | </tr>
416 |
417 | <tr>
418 | <td colspan=3 style="text-align: center; padding: 3em">...</td>
419 | </tr>
420 |
421 | </td>
422 | </tr>
423 |
424 | <tr>
425 | <td>Named Args</td>
426 | <td>
427 |
428 | var x = mySum(3, 4, start=5)
429 |
430 | </td>
431 | <td>
432 |
433 | func mySum(x, y; start=0) {
434 | return (x + y + start)
435 | }
436 |
437 | </td>
438 | </tr>
439 |
440 | <tr>
441 | <td>Spread Named Args</td>
442 | <td>
443 |
444 | var opts = {start: 5}
445 | var x = mySum(3, 4, ...opts)
446 |
447 | </td>
448 | <td>
449 |
450 | (as above)
451 |
452 | </td>
453 | </tr>
454 |
455 | <tr>
456 | <td>Rest Named Params</td>
457 | <td>
458 |
459 | var x = f(start=5, end=7)
460 |
461 | </td>
462 | <td>
463 |
464 | func f(; ...opts) {
465 | if ('start' not in opts) {
466 | setvar opts.start = 0
467 | }
468 | # ...
469 | }
470 |
471 | </td>
472 | </tr>
473 |
474 | </table>
475 |
476 | ### Proc Calls and Defs
477 |
478 | Like funcs, procs have 2 kinds of typed args/params: positional and named.
479 |
480 | But they may also have **string aka word** args/params, and a **block**
481 | arg/param.
482 |
483 | In general, a proc signature has 4 sections, like this:
484 |
485 | proc p (
486 | w1, w2, ...rest_word; # word params
487 | p1, p2, ...rest_pos; # pos params
488 | n1, n2, ...rest_named; # named params
489 | block # block param
490 | ) {
491 | echo 'body'
492 | }
493 |
494 | In general, a proc call looks like this:
495 |
496 | var pos_args = [3, 4]
497 | var named_args = {foo: 'bar'}
498 |
499 | p /bin /tmp (1, 2, ...pos_args; n1=43, ...named_args) {
500 | echo 'block'
501 | }
502 |
503 | The block can also be passed as an expression after a second semicolon:
504 |
505 | p /bin /tmp (1, 2, ...pos_args; n1=43, ...named_args; block)
506 |
507 | <!--
508 | - Block is really last positional arg: `cd /tmp { echo $PWD }`
509 | -->
510 |
511 | Some simpler examples:
512 |
513 | <table>
514 | <thead>
515 | <tr>
516 | <td>Args / Params</td>
517 | <td>Call Site</td>
518 | <td>Definition</td>
519 | </tr>
520 | </thead>
521 |
522 | <tr>
523 | <td>Word args</td>
524 | <td>
525 |
526 | my-cd /tmp
527 |
528 | </td>
529 | <td>
530 |
531 | proc my-cd (dest) {
532 | cd $dest
533 | }
534 |
535 | </td>
536 | </tr>
537 |
538 | <tr>
539 | <td>Rest Word Params</td>
540 | <td>
541 |
542 | my-cd -L /tmp
543 |
544 | </td>
545 | <td>
546 |
547 | proc my-cd (...flags) {
548 | cd @flags
549 | }
550 |
551 | <tr>
552 | <td>Spread Word Args</td>
553 | <td>
554 |
555 | var flags = :| -L /tmp |
556 | my-cd @flags
557 |
558 | </td>
559 | <td>
560 |
561 | (as above)
562 |
563 | </td>
564 | </tr>
565 |
566 | </td>
567 | </tr>
568 |
569 | <tr>
570 | <td colspan=3 style="text-align: center; padding: 3em">...</td>
571 | </tr>
572 |
573 | <tr>
574 | <td>Typed Pos Arg</td>
575 | <td>
576 |
577 | print-max (3, 4)
578 |
579 | </td>
580 | <td>
581 |
582 | proc print-max ( ; x, y) {
583 | echo $[x if x > y else y]
584 | }
585 |
586 | </td>
587 | </tr>
588 |
589 | <tr>
590 | <td>Typed Named Arg</td>
591 | <td>
592 |
593 | print-max (3, 4, start=5)
594 |
595 | </td>
596 | <td>
597 |
598 | proc print-max ( ; x, y; start=0) {
599 | # ...
600 | }
601 |
602 | </td>
603 | </tr>
604 |
605 | <tr>
606 | <td colspan=3 style="text-align: center; padding: 3em">...</td>
607 | </tr>
608 |
609 |
610 |
611 | <tr>
612 | <td>Block Argument</td>
613 | <td>
614 |
615 | my-cd /tmp {
616 | echo $PWD
617 | echo hi
618 | }
619 |
620 | </td>
621 | <td>
622 |
623 | proc my-cd (dest; ; ; block) {
624 | cd $dest (; ; block)
625 | }
626 |
627 | </td>
628 | </tr>
629 |
630 | <tr>
631 | <td>All Four Kinds</td>
632 | <td>
633 |
634 | p 'word' (42, verbose=true) {
635 | echo $PWD
636 | echo hi
637 | }
638 |
639 | </td>
640 | <td>
641 |
642 | proc p (w; myint; verbose=false; block) {
643 | = w
644 | = myint
645 | = verbose
646 | = block
647 | }
648 |
649 | </td>
650 | </tr>
651 |
652 | </table>
653 |
654 | ## Common Features
655 |
656 | Let's recap the common features of procs and funcs.
657 |
658 | ### Spread Args, Rest Params
659 |
660 | - Spread arg list `...` at call site
661 | - Rest params `...` at definition
662 |
663 | ### The `error` builtin raises exceptions
664 |
665 | The `error` builtin is idiomatic in both funcs and procs:
666 |
667 | func f(x) {
668 | if (x <= 0) {
669 | error 'Should be positive' (status=99)
670 | }
671 | }
672 |
673 | Tip: reserve such errors for **exceptional** situations. For example, an input
674 | string being invalid may not be uncommon, while a disk full I/O error is more
675 | exceptional.
676 |
677 | (The `error` builtin is implemented with C++ exceptions, which are slow in the
678 | error case.)
679 |
680 | ### Out Params: `&myvar` is of type `value.Place`
681 |
682 | Out params are more common in procs, because they don't have a typed return
683 | value.
684 |
685 | proc p ( ; out) {
686 | call out->setValue(42)
687 | }
688 | var x
689 | p (&x)
690 | echo "x set to $x" # => x set to 42
691 |
692 | But they can also be used in funcs:
693 |
694 | func f (out) {
695 | call out->setValue(42)
696 | }
697 | var x
698 | call f(&x)
699 | echo "x set to $x" # => x set to 42
700 |
701 | Observation: procs can do everything funcs can. But you may want the purity
702 | and familiar syntax of a `func`.
703 |
704 | ---
705 |
706 | Design note: out params are a nicer way of doing what bash does with `declare
707 | -n` aka `nameref` variables. They don't rely on [dynamic
708 | scope]($xref:dynamic-scope).
709 |
710 | ## Proc-Only Features
711 |
712 | Procs have some features that funcs don't have.
713 |
714 | ### Lazy Arg Lists `where [x > 10]`
715 |
716 | A lazy arg list is implemented with `shopt --set parse_bracket`, and is syntax
717 | sugar for an unevaluated `value.Expr`.
718 |
719 | Longhand:
720 |
721 | var my_expr = ^[42 === x] # value of type Expr
722 | assert (myexpr)
723 |
724 | Shorthand:
725 |
726 | assert [42 === x] # equivalent to the above
727 |
728 | ### Open Proc Signatures bind `argv`
729 |
730 | TODO: Implement new `ARGV` semantics.
731 |
732 | When a proc signature omits `()`, it's called **"open"** because the caller can
733 | pass "extra" arguments:
734 |
735 | proc my-open {
736 | write 'args are' @ARGV
737 | }
738 | # All valid:
739 | my-open
740 | my-open 1
741 | my-open 1 2
742 |
743 | Stricter closed procs:
744 |
745 | proc my-closed (x) {
746 | write 'arg is' $x
747 | }
748 | my-closed # runtime error: missing argument
749 | my-closed 1 # valid
750 | my-closed 1 2 # runtime error: too many arguments
751 |
752 |
753 | An "open" proc is nearly is nearly identical to a shell function:
754 |
755 | shfunc() {
756 | write 'args are' @ARGV
757 | }
758 |
759 | ## Methods are Funcs Bound to Objects
760 |
761 | Values of type `Obj` have an ordered set of name-value bindings, as well as a
762 | prototype chain of more `Obj` instances ("parents"). They support these
763 | operators:
764 |
765 | - dot (`.`) looks for attributes or methods with a given name.
766 | - Reference: [ysh-attr](ref/chap-expr-lang.html#ysh-attr)
767 | - Attributes may be in the object, or up the chain. They are returned
768 | literally.
769 | - Methods live up the chain. They are returned as `BoundFunc`, so that the
770 | first `self` argument of a method call is the object itself.
771 | - Thin arrow (`->`) looks for mutating methods, which have an `M/` prefix.
772 | - Reference: [thin-arrow](ref/chap-expr-lang.html#thin-arrow)
773 |
774 | ## The `__invoke__` method makes an Object "Proc-like"
775 |
776 | First, define a proc, with the first typed arg named `self`:
777 |
778 | proc myInvoke (word_param; self, int_param) {
779 | echo "sum = $[self.x + self.y + int_param]"
780 | }
781 |
782 | Make it the `__invoke__` method of an `Obj`:
783 |
784 | var methods = Object(null, {__invoke__: myInvoke})
785 | var invokable_obj = Object(methods, {x: 1, y: 2})
786 |
787 | Then invoke it like a proc:
788 |
789 | invokable_obj myword (3)
790 | # sum => 6
791 |
792 | ## Usage Notes
793 |
794 | ### 3 Ways to Return a Value
795 |
796 | Let's review the recommended ways to "return" a value:
797 |
798 | 1. `return (x)` in a `func`.
799 | - The parentheses are required because expressions like `(x + 1)` should
800 | look different than words.
801 | 1. Pass a `value.Place` instance to a proc or func.
802 | - That is, out param `&out`.
803 | 1. Print to stdout in a `proc`
804 | - Capture it with command sub: `$(myproc)`
805 | - Or with `read`: `myproc | read --all; echo $_reply`
806 |
807 | Obsolete ways of "returning":
808 |
809 | 1. Using `declare -n` aka `nameref` variables in bash.
810 | 1. Relying on [dynamic scope]($xref:dynamic-scope) in POSIX shell.
811 |
812 | ### Procs Compose in Pipelines / "Bernstein Chaining"
813 |
814 | Some YSH users may tend toward funcs because they're more familiar. But shell
815 | composition with procs is very powerful!
816 |
817 | They have at least two kinds of composition that funcs don't have.
818 |
819 | See #[shell-the-good-parts]($blog-tag):
820 |
821 | 1. [Shell Has a Forth-Like
822 | Quality](https://www.oilshell.org/blog/2017/01/13.html) - Bernstein
823 | chaining.
824 | 1. [Pipelines Support Vectorized, Point-Free, and Imperative
825 | Style](https://www.oilshell.org/blog/2017/01/15.html) - the shell can
826 | transparently run procs as elements of pipelines.
827 |
828 | <!--
829 |
830 | In summary:
831 |
832 | * func signatures look like JavaScript, Julia, and Go.
833 | * named and positional are separated with `;` in the signature.
834 | * The prefix `...` "spread" operator takes the place of Python's `*args` and `**kwargs`.
835 | * There are optional type annotations
836 | * procs are like shell functions
837 | * but they also allow you to name parameters, and throw errors if the arity
838 | is wrong.
839 | * and they take blocks.
840 |
841 | -->
842 |
843 | ## Summary
844 |
845 | YSH is influenced by both shell and Python, so it has both procs and funcs.
846 |
847 | Many programmers will gravitate towards funcs because they're familiar, but
848 | procs are more powerful and shell-like.
849 |
850 | Make your YSH programs by learning to use procs!
851 |
852 | ## Appendix
853 |
854 | ### Implementation Details
855 |
856 | procs vs. funcs both have these concerns:
857 |
858 | 1. Evaluation of default args at definition time.
859 | 1. Evaluation of actual args at the call site.
860 | 1. Arg-Param binding for builtin functions, e.g. with `typed_args.Reader`.
861 | 1. Arg-Param binding for user-defined functions.
862 |
863 | So the implementation can be thought of as a **2 × 4 matrix**, with some
864 | code shared. This code is mostly in [ysh/func_proc.py]($oils-src).
865 |
866 | ### Related
867 |
868 | - [Variable Declaration, Mutation, and Scope](variables.html) - in particular,
869 | procs don't have [dynamic scope]($xref:dynamic-scope).
870 | - [Block Literals](block-literals.html) (in progress)
871 |
872 | <!--
873 | TODO: any reference topics?
874 | -->
875 |
876 | <!--
877 | OK we're getting close here -- #**language-design>Unifying Proc and Func Params**
878 |
879 | I think we need to write a quick guide first, not a reference
880 |
881 |
882 | It might have some **tables**
883 |
884 | It might mention concerete use cases like the **flag parser** -- #**oil-dev>Progress on argparse**
885 |
886 |
887 | ### Diff-based explanation
888 |
889 | - why not Python -- because of `/` and `*` special cases
890 | - Julia influence
891 | - lazy args for procs `where` filters and `awk`
892 | - out Ref parameters are for "returning" without printing to stdout
893 |
894 | #**language-design>N ways to "return" a value**
895 |
896 |
897 | - What does shell have?
898 | - it has blocks, e.g. with redirects
899 | - it has functions without params -- only named params
900 |
901 |
902 | - Ruby influence -- rich DSLs
903 |
904 |
905 | So I think you can say we're a mix of
906 |
907 | - shell
908 | - Python
909 | - Julia (mostly subsumes Python?)
910 | - Ruby
911 |
912 |
913 | ### Implemented-based explanation
914 |
915 | - ASDL schemas -- #**oil-dev>Good Proc/Func refactoring**
916 |
917 |
918 | ### Big Idea: procs are for I/O, funcs are for computation
919 |
920 | We may want to go full in on this idea with #**language-design>func evaluator without redirects and $?**
921 |
922 |
923 | ### Very Basic Advice, Up Front
924 |
925 |
926 | Done with #**language-design>value.Place, & operator, read builtin**
927 |
928 | Place works with both func and proc
929 |
930 |
931 | ### Bump
932 |
933 | I think this might go in the backlog - #**blog-ideas**
934 |
935 |
936 | #**language-design>Simplify proc param passing?**
937 |
938 | -->
939 |
940 |
941 |
942 | <!-- vim sw=2 -->
943 |
944 | ## ul-table Draft
945 |
946 | <table>
947 |
948 | - thead
949 | - <!-- empty -->
950 | - Proc
951 | - Func
952 | - tr
953 | - Design Influence
954 | - Shell-like.
955 | - Python- and JavaScript-like, but **pure**.
956 | - tr
957 | - Shape
958 | - Procs are shaped like Unix processes: with `argv`, an integer return code,
959 | and `stdin` / `stdout` streams.
960 |
961 | They're a generalization of Bourne shell "functions".
962 | - Funcs are shaped like mathematical functions.
963 | - tr
964 | - Architectural Role ([Oils is Exterior First](https://www.oilshell.org/blog/2023/06/ysh-design.html))
965 | - **Exterior**: processes and files.
966 | - **Interior**: functions and garbage-collected data structures.
967 | - tr
968 | - I/O
969 | - Procs may start external processes and pipelines. Can perform I/O
970 | anywhere.
971 | - Funcs need an explicit `io` param to perform I/O.
972 | - tr
973 | - Example Definition
974 | - ```
975 | proc print-max (; x, y) {
976 | echo $[x if x > y else y]
977 | }
978 | ```
979 | - ```
980 | func computeMax(x, y) {
981 | return (x if x > y else y)
982 | }
983 | ```
984 | - tr
985 | - Example Call
986 | - ```
987 | print-max (3, 4)
988 | ```
989 |
990 | Procs can be put in pipelines:
991 |
992 | ```
993 | print-max (3, 4) | tee out.txt
994 | ```
995 | - ```
996 | var m = computeMax(3, 4)
997 | ```
998 |
999 | Or throw away the return value, which is useful for functions that mutate:
1000 |
1001 | ```
1002 | call computeMax(3, 4)
1003 | ```
1004 | - tr
1005 | - Naming Convention
1006 | - `kebab-case`
1007 | - `camelCase`
1008 | - tr
1009 | - [Syntax Mode](command-vs-expression-mode.html) of call site
1010 | - Command Mode</td>
1011 | - Expression Mode</td>
1012 | - tr
1013 | - Kinds of Parameters / Arguments
1014 | - <!-- empty -->
1015 | 1. Word aka string
1016 | 1. Typed and Positional
1017 | 1. Typed and Named
1018 | 1. Block
1019 |
1020 | Examples shown below.
1021 | - <!-- empty -->
1022 | 1. Positional
1023 | 1. Named
1024 |
1025 | (both typed)
1026 | - tr
1027 | - Return Value
1028 | - Integer status 0-255
1029 | - Any type of value, e.g.
1030 |
1031 | ```
1032 | return ([42, {name: 'bob'}])
1033 | ```
1034 | - tr
1035 | - Can it be a method on an object?
1036 | - No
1037 | - Yes, funcs may be bound to objects:
1038 |
1039 | ```
1040 | var x = obj.myMethod()
1041 | call obj->myMutatingMethod()
1042 | ```
1043 | - tr
1044 | - Interface Evolution
1045 | - **Slower**: Procs exposed to the outside world may need to evolve in a compatible or "versionless" way.
1046 | - **Faster**: Funcs may be refactored internally.
1047 | - tr
1048 | - Parallelism?
1049 | - Procs can be parallel with:
1050 | - shell constructs: pipelines, `&` aka `fork`
1051 | - external tools and the [$0 Dispatch
1052 | Pattern](https://www.oilshell.org/blog/2021/08/xargs.html): xargs, make,
1053 | Ninja, etc.
1054 | - Funcs are inherently **serial**, unless wrapped in a proc.
1055 | - tr
1056 | - <cell-attrs colspan=3 style="text-align: center; padding: 3em" />
1057 | More `proc` Features ...
1058 | - tr
1059 | - Kinds of Signature
1060 | - Open `proc p {` or <br/>
1061 | Closed `proc p () {`
1062 | - <!-- dash --> -
1063 | - tr
1064 | - Lazy Args
1065 | - ```
1066 | assert [42 === x]
1067 | ```
1068 | - <!-- dash --> -
1069 |
1070 | </table>
1071 |