1 | """
2 | format.py -- Pretty print an ASDL data structure.
3 | """
4 | from _devbuild.gen.hnode_asdl import hnode, hnode_e, hnode_t
5 | from _devbuild.gen.pretty_asdl import (doc, doc_e, doc_t, MeasuredDoc,
6 | List_Measured)
7 | from display import pp_hnode
8 | from display import pretty
9 | from mycpp import mylib
10 | from mycpp.mylib import log, tagswitch
11 |
12 | from typing import Any, Optional, cast
13 |
14 | _ = log
15 |
16 | if mylib.PYTHON:
17 |
18 | def PrettyPrint(obj, f=None):
19 | # type: (Any, Optional[mylib.Writer]) -> None
20 | """Print abbreviated tree in color. For unit tests."""
21 | f = f if f else mylib.Stdout()
22 | tree = obj.PrettyTree(True)
23 | HNodePrettyPrint(tree, f)
24 |
25 |
26 | def _HNodeCount(h):
27 | # type: (hnode_t) -> int
28 | """
29 | Return the size of the tree
30 | """
31 | UP_h = h
32 | with tagswitch(h) as case:
33 | if case(hnode_e.AlreadySeen):
34 | return 1
35 |
36 | elif case(hnode_e.Leaf):
37 | return 1
38 |
39 | elif case(hnode_e.Array):
40 | h = cast(hnode.Array, UP_h)
41 | n = 1 # 1 for this node
42 | for child in h.children:
43 | n += _HNodeCount(child)
44 | return n
45 |
46 | elif case(hnode_e.Record):
47 | h = cast(hnode.Record, UP_h)
48 | n = 1 # 1 for this node
49 | for field in h.fields:
50 | n += _HNodeCount(field.val)
51 |
52 | if h.unnamed_fields is not None:
53 | for child in h.unnamed_fields:
54 | n += _HNodeCount(child)
55 | return n
56 |
57 | else:
58 | raise AssertionError()
59 |
60 |
61 | def _DocCount(d):
62 | # type: (doc_t) -> int
63 | """
64 | Return the size of the tree
65 | """
66 | UP_d = d
67 | with tagswitch(d) as case:
68 | if case(doc_e.Break):
69 | return 1
70 |
71 | elif case(doc_e.Text):
72 | return 1
73 |
74 | elif case(doc_e.Indent):
75 | d = cast(doc.Indent, UP_d)
76 | return 1 + _DocCount(d.mdoc.doc)
77 |
78 | elif case(doc_e.Group):
79 | d = cast(MeasuredDoc, UP_d)
80 | return 1 + _DocCount(d.doc)
81 |
82 | elif case(doc_e.Flat):
83 | d = cast(doc.Flat, UP_d)
84 | return 1 + _DocCount(d.mdoc.doc)
85 |
86 | elif case(doc_e.IfFlat):
87 | d = cast(doc.IfFlat, UP_d)
88 | return 1 + _DocCount(d.flat_mdoc.doc) + _DocCount(
89 | d.nonflat_mdoc.doc)
90 |
91 | elif case(doc_e.Concat):
92 | d = cast(List_Measured, UP_d)
93 | n = 1 # 1 for this node
94 | for mdoc in d:
95 | n += _DocCount(mdoc.doc)
96 | return n
97 |
98 | else:
99 | raise AssertionError()
100 |
101 |
102 | def _HNodePrettyPrint(perf_stats, doc_debug, node, f, max_width=80):
103 | # type: (bool, bool, hnode_t, mylib.Writer, int) -> None
104 |
105 | mylib.MaybeCollect()
106 | if perf_stats:
107 | log('___ HNODE COUNT %d', _HNodeCount(node))
108 | log('')
109 |
110 | if 0:
111 | log('___ GC: after hnode_t conversion')
112 | mylib.PrintGcStats()
113 | log('')
114 |
115 | enc = pp_hnode.HNodeEncoder()
116 | enc.SetUseStyles(f.isatty())
117 | enc.SetIndent(2) # save space, compared to 4 spaces
118 |
119 | d = enc.HNode(node)
120 |
121 | mylib.MaybeCollect()
122 | if perf_stats:
123 | if doc_debug:
124 | #if 0:
125 | # Pretty print the doc tree itself!
126 | p = d.PrettyTree(False)
127 | _HNodePrettyPrint(perf_stats, False, p, f)
128 |
129 | log('___ DOC COUNT %d', _DocCount(d))
130 | log('')
131 |
132 | if 0:
133 | log('___ GC: after doc_t conversion')
134 | mylib.PrintGcStats()
135 | log('')
136 |
137 | printer = pretty.PrettyPrinter(max_width) # max columns
138 |
139 | buf = mylib.BufWriter()
140 | printer.PrintDoc(d, buf)
141 |
142 | f.write(buf.getvalue())
143 | f.write('\n')
144 |
145 | mylib.MaybeCollect()
146 | if perf_stats:
147 | log('___ GC: after printing')
148 | mylib.PrintGcStats()
149 | log('')
150 |
151 |
152 | def HNodePrettyPrint(node, f, max_width=80):
153 | # type: (hnode_t, mylib.Writer, int) -> None
154 | """
155 | Make sure dependencies aren't a problem
156 | """
157 | _HNodePrettyPrint(False, True, node, f, max_width=max_width)