ul-table: Markdown Tables Without New Syntax

Our ul-table plugin allows you to write HTML tables as bulleted lists.


That is, this way of writing tables involves no new syntax. It's not a Markdown language extension.

Table of Contents
Simple Example
Pure Markdown Requires Tedious HTML
The Untranslated Markdown
More Complex Example
Real Examples in Oils
ul-table Features
Works Well with both Markdown and inline HTML
Attributes for Cells, Columns, and Rows
Related Docs
Our Style is Nicer Than Github's

Simple Example

Suppose you want to make this table:

Shell Version
bash 5.2
OSH 0.25.0

With ul-table, you type a two-level Markdown list, inside <table> tags:


- thead
  - Shell
  - Version
- tr
  - [bash]($xref)
  - 5.2
- tr
  - [OSH]($xref)
  - 0.25.0


(This format looks similar to tables in reStructuredText).

The conversion takes two steps:

  1. Any Markdown translator will produce a <table> <ul> <li> ... </li> </ul> </table> structure.
  2. Our ul-table plugin transforms that into a <table> <tr> <td> </td> </tr> </table> structure, which is a normal HTML table.

Pure Markdown Requires Tedious HTML

The bulleted lists are easier to read and write! Here's the equivalent in CommonMark:







It uses the rule where you can embed HTML inside markdown, and then markdown inside HTML.

With ul-table, we remove this kind of mutual nesting (at least, one level of it.)

Note that HTML inside CommonMark results in an extra <p> element:


In contrast, ul-table can produce:



To make the table look nice, I use <style> tags inside Markdown:

table {
  margin: 0 auto;
td {
  padding: 5px;

The Untranslated Markdown

By the way, if you omit the <table> tags, then the bulleted list looks like this:

This is how your tables will appear on sourcehut or Github — the contents are still readable. Remember, ul-table is not an extension to Markdown syntax.

More Complex Example

View the source code of this table: doc/ul-table.md

Shell Version Example Code
bash 5.2
echo sh=$bash
ls /tmp | wc -l
dash 1.5 Inline HTML
mksh 4.0
HTML table inside
this table no way to re-enter inline markdown though?
zsh 3.6 Unordered List
  • one
  • two
yash 1.0 Ordered List
  1. one
  2. two


This is paragraph one.

This is paragraph two

Another cell with ...

... multiple paragraphs.

Real Examples in Oils


ul-table Features

Works Well with both Markdown and inline HTML

Attributes for Cells, Columns, and Rows

Note: should have a custom rule of aligning numbers to right, and text to left? I think web/table/ has that rule.



(1) CommonMark doesn't seem to allow empty list items:

- thead
  - above is not rendered as a list item

A workaround is to use a comment or invisible character:

- tr
  - <!-- empty -->
  - above is OK
- tr
  - &nbsp;
  - also OK

As similar issue is that line breaks affect backtick expansion to <code>:

- tr
  - <td-attrs /> <!-- we need something on this line -->
    ... More `proc` features ...

I think this is also because <td-attrs /> doesn't "count" as text, so the list item is considered empty.

(2) Likewise, a cell with a literal hyphen may need a comment in front of it:

- tr
  - <!-- hyphen --> -
  - <!-- hyphen --> -



(1) Why do row with attributes look like tr <tr-attrs />? The first tr looks redundant.

This is because of the CommonMark quirk above: a list item without text is treated as empty. So we require the extra tr text.

It's also consistent with plain rows, without attributes.


Related Docs

Our Style is Nicer Than Github's

Github-flavored Markdown has an non-standard extension for tables:

This style is hard to read and write, especially with large tables:

| Command | Description |
| --- | --- |
| git status | List all new or modified files |
| git diff | Show file differences that haven't been staged |

Our style is less noisy and more easily editable:

- thead
  - Command
  - Description
- tr
  - git status
  - List all new or modified files
- tr
  - git diff
  - Show file differences that haven't been staged




Generated on Wed, 25 Dec 2024 12:19:27 +0000