category | total lines | num files |
mycpp Python Runtime | 948 | 4 |
mycpp Translator | 6,156 | 12 |
mycpp Test Data | 4,582 | 50 |
Zephyr ASDL | 3,196 | 11 |
pgen2 Parser Generator | 1,854 | 8 |
Other Code Generators | 3,053 | 11 |
Yaks | 507 | 4 |
Hand-written C++ Code | 3,353 | 29 |
Garbage-Collected Runtime | 5,368 | 26 |
Unit tests in C++ | 7,828 | 27 |
Incremental C++ Build | 3,708 | 20 |
OSH (and common libraries) | 45,433 | 86 |
YSH | 10,850 | 26 |
Data Languages | 2,171 | 9 |
Tools | 1,330 | 5 |
Spec Tests | 58,730 | 191 |
Gold Tests | 2,775 | 27 |
Generated C++ Code | 63,239 | 39 |
The README for oilshell/oil has another overview of the repository.
Stubs that are re-implemented in C++
mycpp/ 165 mycpp/ 285 mycpp/ 498 948 lines in 4 files
This prototype uses the MyPy frontend to translate statically-typed Python to C++. The generated code calls a small runtime which implements things like List[T], Dict[K, V], and Python's len().
mycpp/ 234 mycpp/ 548 mycpp/ 367 mycpp/ 2,823 mycpp/ 38 mycpp/ 120 mycpp/ 261 mycpp/ 611 mycpp/ 218 mycpp/ 200 mycpp/ 736 6,156 lines in 12 files
Small Python examples that translate to C++, compile, and run.
mycpp/examples/ 0 mycpp/examples/ 65 mycpp/examples/ 78 mycpp/examples/ 62 mycpp/examples/ 296 mycpp/examples/ 289 mycpp/examples/ 113 mycpp/examples/ 70 mycpp/examples/ 53 mycpp/examples/ 49 mycpp/examples/ 64 mycpp/examples/ 188 mycpp/examples/ 31 mycpp/examples/ 44 mycpp/examples/ 38 mycpp/examples/ 15 mycpp/examples/ 20 mycpp/examples/ 18 mycpp/examples/ 63 mycpp/examples/ 13 mycpp/examples/ 61 mycpp/examples/ 84 mycpp/examples/ 38 mycpp/examples/ 31 mycpp/examples/ 31 mycpp/examples/ 109 mycpp/examples/ 47 mycpp/examples/ 229 mycpp/examples/ 81 mycpp/examples/ 344 mycpp/examples/ 10 mycpp/examples/ 106 mycpp/examples/ 221 mycpp/examples/ 45 mycpp/examples/ 211 mycpp/examples/ 212 mycpp/examples/ 66 mycpp/examples/ 65 mycpp/examples/ 75 mycpp/examples/ 62 mycpp/examples/ 61 mycpp/examples/ 75 mycpp/examples/ 131 mycpp/examples/ 101 mycpp/examples/ 33 mycpp/examples/ 277 mycpp/examples/ 80 mycpp/examples/ 83 mycpp/examples/ 44 4,582 lines in 50 files
A DSL for algebraic data types, borrowed from Python. Oils is the most strongly typed Bourne shell implementation!
asdl/ 344 asdl/ 270 asdl/ 157 asdl/ 590 asdl/ 892 asdl/ 649 asdl/ 42 asdl/ 68 asdl/ 11 asdl/ 173 3,196 lines in 11 files
An LL(1) parser generator used to parse YSH expressions. Also borrowed from CPython.
pgen2/ 101 pgen2/ 303 pgen2/ 225 pgen2/ 430 pgen2/ 67 pgen2/ 149 pgen2/ 579 1,854 lines in 8 files
In order to make Oils statically typed, we had to abandon Python reflection and use C++ source code generation instead. The lexer, flag definitions, and constants can be easily compiled to C++.
core/ 94 cpp/ 66 doctools/ 659 frontend/ 651 frontend/ 540 frontend/ 500 frontend/ 94 frontend/ 105 osh/ 99 ysh/ 245 3,053 lines in 11 files
Experimental replacement for mycpp
yaks/ 104 yaks/ 250 yaks/ 153 507 lines in 4 files
Includes OS bindings. Small C++ files like cpp/osh_arith_parse.{cc,h} correspond to larger Python files like osh/
cpp/ 398 cpp/core.h 126 cpp/ 273 cpp/data_lang.h 34 cpp/embedded_file.h 18 cpp/ 57 cpp/fanos.h 18 cpp/fanos_shared.h 49 cpp/ 231 cpp/frontend_flag_spec.h 151 cpp/ 155 cpp/frontend_match.h 92 cpp/ 386 cpp/frontend_pyreadline.h 86 cpp/ 240 cpp/libc.h 38 cpp/ 161 cpp/osh.h 50 cpp/ 16 cpp/osh_tdop.h 52 cpp/ 44 cpp/pgen2.h 86 cpp/preamble.h 66 cpp/ 58 cpp/pylib.h 22 cpp/ 258 cpp/stdlib.h 177 cpp/translation_stubs.h 11 3,353 lines in 29 files
Uses a fork-friendly Mark-Sweep collector.
mycpp/common.h 92 mycpp/comparators.h 90 mycpp/gc_alloc.h 258 mycpp/ 461 mycpp/gc_builtins.h 175 mycpp/gc_dict.h 471 mycpp/ 46 mycpp/gc_iolib.h 175 mycpp/gc_list.h 540 mycpp/ 79 mycpp/gc_mops.h 120 mycpp/ 311 mycpp/gc_mylib.h 385 mycpp/gc_obj.h 185 mycpp/gc_slab.h 58 mycpp/ 645 mycpp/gc_str.h 219 mycpp/gc_tuple.h 151 mycpp/ 45 mycpp/hash.h 22 mycpp/ 450 mycpp/mark_sweep_heap.h 302 mycpp/probes.h 39 mycpp/runtime.h 25 mycpp/test_common.h 24 5,368 lines in 26 files
The goal is to make the spec tests pass, but unit tests are helpful too.
cpp/ 361 cpp/ 178 cpp/ 206 cpp/ 154 cpp/ 87 cpp/ 403 cpp/ 215 cpp/ 50 cpp/ 32 cpp/ 52 cpp/ 158 cpp/ 71 mycpp/ 62 mycpp/ 150 mycpp/ 447 mycpp/ 745 mycpp/ 479 mycpp/ 109 mycpp/ 569 mycpp/ 182 mycpp/ 327 mycpp/ 1,558 mycpp/ 222 mycpp/ 139 mycpp/ 370 mycpp/ 502 7,828 lines in 27 files 137 asdl/ 56 bin/ 146 build/ 420 build/ 390 build/ 568 build/ 255 build/ 445 core/ 58 cpp/ 227 data_lang/ 66 display/ 16 frontend/ 177 mycpp/ 482 osh/ 32 pea/ 19 prebuilt/ 79 yaks/ 96 ysh/ 39 3,708 lines in 20 files
This is the input to the translators, written in statically-typed Python. Note that bash is at least 140K lines of code, and OSH implements a large part of bash and more.
bin/ 202 builtin/ 558 builtin/ 292 builtin/ 507 builtin/ 348 builtin/ 182 builtin/ 127 builtin/ 552 builtin/ 617 builtin/ 588 builtin/ 525 builtin/ 280 builtin/ 322 core/ 320 core/ 486 core/ 576 core/ 1,517 core/ 762 core/ 345 core/ 858 core/ 413 core/ 24 core/ 58 core/ 1,972 core/ 290 core/ 225 core/runtime.asdl 191 core/ 293 core/ 1,225 core/ 2,805 core/ 168 core/value.asdl 226 core/ 342 display/ 15 display/ 311 display/ 349 display/pretty.asdl 44 display/ 333 display/ 602 frontend/ 681 frontend/ 166 frontend/ 399 frontend/ 564 frontend/ 351 frontend/ 69 frontend/ 810 frontend/ 455 frontend/ 1,138 frontend/ 577 frontend/ 310 frontend/ 419 frontend/ 405 frontend/ 161 frontend/ 280 frontend/ 94 frontend/syntax.asdl 655 frontend/ 146 frontend/ 684 frontend/types.asdl 61 osh/ 197 osh/ 272 osh/ 135 osh/ 539 osh/ 2,330 osh/ 2,865 osh/ 508 osh/ 193 osh/ 357 osh/ 1,298 osh/ 320 osh/ 545 osh/ 342 osh/ 805 osh/ 309 osh/ 2,544 osh/ 2,218 pyext/fanos.c 119 pyext/fastfunc.c 133 pyext/fastfunc.pyi 11 pyext/fastlex.c 389 pyext/fastlex.pyi 21 pyext/libc.c 422 pyext/libc.pyi 19 pyext/line_input.pyi 57 pyext/posix_.pyi 210 45,433 lines in 86 files
Expression grammar, parser, evaluator, etc.
builtin/ 69 builtin/ 307 builtin/ 186 builtin/ 157 builtin/ 794 builtin/ 216 builtin/ 429 builtin/ 298 builtin/ 139 builtin/ 855 builtin/ 95 builtin/ 253 builtin/ 138 builtin/ 32 builtin/ 587 builtin/ 141 builtin/ 141 builtin/ 229 ysh/ 1,591 ysh/ 389 ysh/ 1,721 ysh/ 597 ysh/grammar.pgen2 541 ysh/ 393 ysh/ 552 10,850 lines in 26 files
JSON, J8 Notation, ...
data_lang/nil8.asdl 31 data_lang/ 1,326 data_lang/ 54 data_lang/ 27 data_lang/j8.h 314 data_lang/j8_libc.c 221 data_lang/j8_libc.h 28 data_lang/utf8.h 170 2,171 lines in 9 files
tools/ 149 tools/ 25 tools/ 31 tools/ 1,125 1,330 lines in 5 files
A comprehensive test suite that compares OSH against other shells. If OSH passes these tests in BOTH Python and C++, it means that the translation works.
spec/ 571 spec/ 303 spec/ 216 spec/ 95 spec/ 998 spec/ 45 spec/ 189 spec/ 1,010 spec/ 107 spec/ 61 spec/ 881 spec/ 674 spec/ 59 spec/ 835 spec/ 184 spec/ 645 spec/ 1,064 spec/ 57 spec/ 95 spec/ 60 spec/ 502 spec/ 418 spec/ 192 spec/ 101 spec/ 767 spec/ 333 spec/ 596 spec/ 241 spec/ 248 spec/ 345 spec/ 347 spec/ 198 spec/ 620 spec/ 161 spec/ 1,284 spec/ 588 spec/ 769 spec/ 141 spec/ 16 spec/ 657 spec/ 647 spec/ 366 spec/ 326 spec/ 117 spec/ 707 spec/ 244 spec/ 64 spec/ 285 spec/ 194 spec/ 11 spec/ 467 spec/ 205 spec/ 24 spec/ 814 spec/ 532 spec/ 280 spec/ 42 spec/ 384 spec/ 400 spec/ 186 spec/ 173 spec/ 106 spec/ 388 spec/ 162 spec/ 97 spec/ 169 spec/ 257 spec/ 655 spec/ 370 spec/ 55 spec/ 37 spec/ 343 spec/ 287 spec/ 23 spec/ 474 spec/ 637 spec/ 196 spec/ 71 spec/ 159 spec/ 31 spec/ 226 spec/ 234 spec/ 153 spec/ 204 spec/ 253 spec/ 231 spec/ 306 spec/ 308 spec/ 485 spec/ 631 spec/ 230 spec/ 152 spec/ 879 spec/ 94 spec/ 206 spec/ 126 spec/ 277 spec/ 23 spec/ 184 spec/ 344 spec/ 143 spec/ 159 spec/ 196 spec/ 43 spec/ 430 spec/ 220 spec/ 413 spec/ 400 spec/ 357 spec/ 520 spec/ 509 spec/ 312 spec/ 60 spec/ 30 spec/ 788 spec/ 114 spec/ 62 spec/ 458 spec/ 394 spec/ 144 spec/ 423 spec/ 245 spec/ 20 spec/ 339 spec/ 347 spec/ 168 spec/ 436 spec/ 699 spec/ 124 spec/ 351 spec/ 489 spec/ 85 spec/ 183 spec/ 676 spec/ 245 spec/ 179 spec/ 54 spec/ 147 spec/ 204 spec/ 182 spec/ 190 spec/ 59 spec/ 163 spec/ 120 spec/ 309 spec/ 614 spec/ 185 spec/ 427 spec/ 42 spec/ 442 spec/ 192 spec/ 250 spec/ 496 spec/ 86 spec/ 220 spec/ 41 spec/ 1,251 spec/ 37 spec/ 179 spec/ 86 spec/ 624 spec/ 179 spec/ 107 spec/ 296 spec/ 106 spec/ 764 spec/ 136 spec/ 391 spec/ 241 spec/ 814 spec/ 147 spec/ 939 spec/ 711 spec/ 48 spec/ 768 spec/ 278 spec/ 29 spec/ 50 spec/ 37 spec/ 25 spec/ 593 spec/ 28 spec/ 184 spec/ 107 spec/ 141 spec/ 45 spec/ 221 spec/ 144 spec/ 591 spec/ 45 58,730 lines in 191 files
Another suite that tests shells "from the outside". Instead of making explicit assertions, we verify that OSH behaves like bash.
test/gold/ 9 test/gold/ 27 test/gold/ 50 test/gold/ 1,531 test/gold/ 37 test/gold/ 33 test/gold/ 12 test/gold/ 39 test/gold/ 22 test/gold/ 192 test/gold/ 13 test/gold/ 24 test/gold/ 28 test/gold/ 42 test/gold/ 36 test/gold/ 139 test/gold/ 121 test/gold/ 65 test/gold/ 26 test/gold/ 23 test/gold/ 32 test/gold/ 61 test/gold/ 24 test/gold/ 126 test/gold/ 6 test/gold/ 57 2,775 lines in 27 files
mycpp generates the big file _gen/bin/ Other programs like Zephyr ASDL and re2c generate other files.
_gen/_tmp/match.re2c-input.h 1,323 _gen/asdl/hnode.asdl.h 173 _gen/bin/ 2,001 _gen/core/optview.h 132 _gen/core/ 1,340 _gen/core/runtime.asdl.h 1,045 _gen/core/ 1,477 _gen/core/value.asdl.h 1,129 _gen/cpp/ 1 _gen/cpp/build_stamp.h 1 _gen/data_lang/ 262 _gen/data_lang/nil8.asdl.h 227 _gen/display/ 263 _gen/display/pretty.asdl.h 263 _gen/frontend/ 652 _gen/frontend/arg_types.h 884 _gen/frontend/ 1,844 _gen/frontend/consts.h 57 _gen/frontend/ 499 _gen/frontend/help_meta.h 6 _gen/frontend/ 937 _gen/frontend/id_kind.asdl.h 481 _gen/frontend/id_kind.asdl_c.h 412 _gen/frontend/match.re2c.h 24,784 _gen/frontend/option.asdl.h 217 _gen/frontend/ 205 _gen/frontend/signal.h 16 _gen/frontend/ 6,442 _gen/frontend/syntax.asdl.h 5,392 _gen/frontend/types.asdl.h 86 _gen/frontend/types.asdl_c.h 46 _gen/osh/ 129 _gen/yaks/ 1,228 _gen/yaks/yaks.asdl.h 1,032 _gen/yaks/ 3,618 _gen/yaks/yaks_main.mycpp.h 5 _gen/ysh/grammar_nt.h 76 _gen/ysh/ 4,554 63,239 lines in 39 files