ul-table: Markdown Tables Without New Syntax

Our ul-table plugin allows you to write HTML tables as bulleted lists.


That is, this way of writing tables involves no new syntax. It's not a Markdown language extension.

Table of Contents
Simple Example
Pure Markdown Requires Tedious HTML
The Untranslated Markdown
More Complex Example
Real Examples in Oils
ul-table Features
Related Docs
Our Style is Nicer Than Github's

Simple Example

Suppose you want to make this table:

Shell Version
bash 5.2
OSH 0.25.0

With ul-table, you type a two-level Markdown list, inside <table> tags:


- thead
  - Shell
  - Version
- tr
  - [bash]($xref)
  - 5.2
- tr
  - [OSH]($xref)
  - 0.25.0


(This format looks similar to tables in reStructuredText).

The conversion takes two steps:

  1. Any Markdown translator will produce a <table> <ul> <li> ... </li> </ul> </table> structure.
  2. Our ul-table plugin transforms that into a <table> <tr> <td> </td> </tr> </table> structure, which is a normal HTML table.

Pure Markdown Requires Tedious HTML

The bulleted lists are easier to read and write! Here's the equivalent in CommonMark:







It uses the rule where you can embed HTML inside markdown, and then markdown inside HTML.

With ul-table, we remove this kind of mutual nesting (at least, one level of it.)

Note that HTML inside CommonMark results in an extra <p> element:


In contrast, ul-table can produce:



To make the table look nice, I use <style> tags inside Markdown:

table {
  margin: 0 auto;
thead {
  font-weight: bold;
td {
  padding: 5px;

The Untranslated Markdown

By the way, if you omit the <table> tags, then the bulleted list looks like this:

This is how your tables will appear on sourcehut or Github — the contents are still readable. Remember, ul-table is not an extension to Markdown syntax.

More Complex Example

View the source code of this table: doc/ul-table.md

Shell Version Example Code
bash 5.2
echo sh=$bash
ls /tmp | wc -l
dash 1.5 Inline HTML
mksh 4.0
HTML table inside
this table no way to re-enter inline markdown though?
zsh 3.6 Unordered List
  • one
  • two
yash 1.0 Ordered List
  1. one
  2. two


This is paragraph one.

This is paragraph two

Another cell with ...

... multiple paragraphs.

Real Examples in Oils


ul-table Features

Note: should have a custom rule of aligning numbers to right, and text to left? I think web/table/ has that rule.


(1) CommonMark doesn't seem to allow empty list items:

- thead
  - above is not rendered as a list item

A workaround is to use a comment:

- tr
  - <!-- empty -->
  - above is OK

(2) Likewise, a cell containing a hyphen may need a comment in front of it:

- tr
  - <!-- hyphen --> -
  - <!-- hyphen --> -

(3) I ran into an issue where line breaks affect backtick expansion to <code>:

- tr
  - <ul-td /> <!-- we need something on this line -->
    ... More `proc` features ...

This is probably the same as case (1), because the <ul-td /> is considered empty.


Related Docs

Our Style is Nicer Than Github's

Github-flavored Markdown has an non-standard extension for tables:

This style is hard to read and write, especially with large tables:

| Command | Description |
| --- | --- |
| git status | List all new or modified files |
| git diff | Show file differences that haven't been staged |

Our style is less noisy and more easily editable:

- thead
  - Command
  - Description
- tr
  - git status
  - List all new or modified files
- tr
  - git diff
  - Show file differences that haven't been staged




Generated on Mon, 23 Dec 2024 17:53:29 +0000