1 | #!/usr/bin/env python3
2 | """
3 | State Machine style tests with pexpect, e.g. for interactive mode.
4 |
5 | To invoke this file, run the shell wrapper:
6 |
7 | test/stateful.sh all
8 | """
9 | from __future__ import print_function
10 |
11 | import optparse
12 | import os
13 | import pexpect
14 | import signal
15 | import sys
16 |
17 | from display import ansi
18 | from test import spec_lib # Using this for a common interface
19 |
20 | log = spec_lib.log
21 |
22 |
23 | def expect_prompt(sh):
24 | sh.expect(r'.*\$')
25 |
26 |
27 | def get_pid_by_name(name):
28 | """Return the pid of the process matching `name`."""
29 | # XXX: make sure this is restricted to subprocesses under us.
30 | # This could be problematic on the continuous build if many tests are running
31 | # in parallel.
32 | output = pexpect.run('pgrep --exact --newest %s' % name)
33 | #log('pgrep output %r' % output)
34 | return int(output.split()[-1])
35 |
36 |
37 | def stop_process__hack(name, sig_num=signal.SIGSTOP):
38 | """Send SIGSTOP to the most recent process matching `name`
39 |
40 | Hack in place of sh.sendcontrol('z'), which sends SIGTSTP. Why doesn't OSH
41 | respond to this, or why don't the child processes respond?
42 |
43 | TODO: Fix OSH and get rid of this hack.
44 | """
45 | os.kill(get_pid_by_name(name), sig_num)
46 |
47 |
48 | # Mutated by each test file.
49 | CASES = []
50 |
51 |
52 | def register(skip_shells=None, not_impl_shells=None):
53 | skip_shells = skip_shells or []
54 | not_impl_shells = not_impl_shells or []
55 |
56 | def decorator(func):
57 | CASES.append((func.__doc__, func, skip_shells, not_impl_shells))
58 | return func
59 |
60 | return decorator
61 |
62 |
63 | class Result(object):
64 | SKIP = 1
65 | NI = 2
66 | OK = 3
67 | FAIL = 4
68 |
69 |
70 | class TestRunner(object):
71 |
72 | def __init__(self, num_retries, pexpect_timeout, verbose):
73 | self.num_retries = num_retries
74 | self.pexpect_timeout = pexpect_timeout
75 | self.verbose = verbose
76 |
77 | def RunOnce(self, shell_path, shell_label, func):
78 | sh_argv = []
79 | if shell_label in ('bash', 'osh'):
80 | sh_argv.extend(['--rcfile', '/dev/null'])
81 | # Why the heck is --norc different from --rcfile /dev/null in bash??? This
82 | # makes it so the prompt of the parent shell doesn't leak. Very annoying.
83 | if shell_label == 'bash':
84 | sh_argv.append('--norc')
85 | #print(sh_argv)
86 |
87 | # Python 3: encoding required
88 | sh = pexpect.spawn(shell_path,
89 | sh_argv,
90 | encoding='utf-8',
91 | timeout=self.pexpect_timeout)
92 |
93 | sh.shell_label = shell_label # for tests to use
94 |
95 | # Generally don't want local echo, it gets confusing fast.
96 | sh.setecho(False)
97 |
98 | if self.verbose:
99 | sh.logfile = sys.stdout
100 |
101 | ok = True
102 | try:
103 | func(sh)
104 | except Exception as e:
105 | import traceback
106 | traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stderr)
107 | return Result.FAIL
108 | ok = False
109 |
110 | finally:
111 | sh.close()
112 |
113 | if ok:
114 | return Result.OK
115 |
116 | def RunCase(self, shell_path, shell_label, func):
117 | result = self.RunOnce(shell_path, shell_label, func)
118 |
119 | if result == Result.OK:
120 | return result, -1 # short circuit for speed
121 |
122 | elif result == Result.FAIL:
123 | num_success = 0
124 | if self.num_retries:
125 | log('\tFAILED first time: Retrying 4 times')
126 | for i in range(self.num_retries):
127 | log('\tRetry %d of %d', i + 1, self.num_retries)
128 | result = self.RunOnce(shell_path, shell_label, func)
129 | if result == Result.OK:
130 | num_success += 1
131 | else:
132 | log('\tFAILED')
133 |
134 | if num_success >= 2:
135 | return Result.OK, num_success
136 | else:
137 | return Result.FAIL, num_success
138 |
139 | else:
140 | raise AssertionError(result)
141 |
142 | def RunCases(self, cases, case_predicate, shell_pairs, result_table,
143 | flaky):
144 | for case_num, (desc, func, skip_shells,
145 | not_impl_shells) in enumerate(cases):
146 | if not case_predicate(case_num, desc):
147 | continue
148 |
149 | result_row = [case_num]
150 |
151 | for shell_label, shell_path in shell_pairs:
152 | skip_str = ''
153 | if shell_label in skip_shells:
154 | skip_str = 'SKIP'
155 | if shell_label in not_impl_shells:
156 | skip_str = 'N-I'
157 |
158 | print()
159 | print('%s\t%d\t%s\t%s' %
160 | (skip_str, case_num, shell_label, desc))
161 | print()
162 | sys.stdout.flush() # prevent interleaving
163 |
164 | if shell_label in skip_shells:
165 | result_row.append(Result.SKIP)
166 | flaky[case_num, shell_label] = -1
167 | continue
168 |
169 | # N-I is just like SKIP, but it's displayed differently
170 | if shell_label in not_impl_shells:
171 | result_row.append(Result.NI)
172 | flaky[case_num, shell_label] = -1
173 | continue
174 |
175 | result, retries = self.RunCase(shell_path, shell_label, func)
176 | flaky[case_num, shell_label] = retries
177 |
178 | result_row.append(result)
179 |
180 | result_row.append(desc)
181 | result_table.append(result_row)
182 |
183 |
184 | def PrintResults(shell_pairs, result_table, flaky, num_retries, f):
185 |
186 | # Note: In retrospect, it would be better if every process writes a "long"
187 | # TSV file of results.
188 | # And then we concatenate them and write the "wide" summary here.
189 |
190 | if f.isatty():
191 | fail_color = ansi.BOLD + ansi.RED
192 | ok_color = ansi.BOLD + ansi.GREEN
193 | bold = ansi.BOLD
194 | reset = ansi.RESET
195 | else:
196 | fail_color = ''
197 | ok_color = ''
198 | bold = ''
199 | reset = ''
200 |
201 | f.write('\n')
202 |
203 | # TODO: Might want an HTML version too
204 | sh_labels = [shell_label for shell_label, _ in shell_pairs]
205 |
206 | f.write(bold)
207 | f.write('case\t') # case number
208 | for sh_label in sh_labels:
209 | f.write(sh_label)
210 | f.write('\t')
211 | f.write(reset)
212 | f.write('\n')
213 |
214 | num_failures = 0
215 |
216 | for row in result_table:
217 |
218 | case_num = row[0]
219 | desc = row[-1]
220 |
221 | f.write('%d\t' % case_num)
222 |
223 | num_shells = len(row) - 2
224 | extra_row = [''] * num_shells
225 |
226 | for j, cell in enumerate(row[1:-1]):
227 | shell_label = sh_labels[j]
228 |
229 | num_success = flaky[case_num, shell_label]
230 | if num_success != -1:
231 | # the first of 5 failed
232 | extra_row[j] = '%d/%d ok' % (num_success, num_retries + 1)
233 |
234 | if cell == Result.SKIP:
235 | f.write('SKIP\t')
236 |
237 | elif cell == Result.NI:
238 | f.write('N-I\t')
239 |
240 | elif cell == Result.FAIL:
241 | # Don't count C++ failures right now
242 | if shell_label != 'osh-cpp':
243 | log('Ignoring osh-cpp failure: %d %s', case_num, desc)
244 | num_failures += 1
245 | f.write('%sFAIL%s\t' % (fail_color, reset))
246 |
247 | elif cell == Result.OK:
248 | f.write('%sok%s\t' % (ok_color, reset))
249 |
250 | else:
251 | raise AssertionError(cell)
252 |
253 | f.write(desc)
254 | f.write('\n')
255 |
256 | if any(extra_row):
257 | for cell in extra_row:
258 | f.write('\t%s' % cell)
259 | f.write('\n')
260 |
261 | return num_failures
262 |
263 |
264 | def TestStop(exe):
265 | if 0:
266 | p = pexpect.spawn('/bin/dash', encoding='utf-8', timeout=2.0)
267 |
268 | # Show output
269 | p.logfile = sys.stdout
270 | #p.setecho(True)
271 |
272 | p.expect(r'.*\$')
273 | p.sendline('sleep 2')
274 |
275 | import time
276 | time.sleep(0.1)
277 |
278 | # Ctrl-C works for the child here
279 | p.sendcontrol('c')
280 | p.sendline('echo status=$?')
281 | p.expect('status=130')
282 |
283 | p.close()
284 |
285 | return
286 |
287 | # Note: pty.fork() calls os.setsid()
288 | # How does that affect signaling and the process group?
289 |
290 | p = pexpect.spawn(exe, encoding='utf-8', timeout=2.0)
291 |
292 | # Show output
293 | p.logfile = sys.stdout
294 | #p.setecho(True)
295 |
296 | p.sendline('sleep 2')
297 | p.expect('in child')
298 |
299 | import time
300 | time.sleep(0.1)
301 |
302 | log('Harness PID %d', os.getpid())
303 |
304 | #input()
305 |
306 | # Stop it
307 |
308 | if 1:
309 | # Main process gets KeyboardInterrupt
310 | # hm but child process doesn't get interrupted? why not?
311 | p.sendcontrol('c')
312 | if 0: # does NOT work -- why?
313 | p.sendcontrol('z')
314 | if 0: # does NOT work
315 | stop_process__hack('sleep', sig_num=signal.SIGTSTP)
316 | if 0:
317 | # WORKS
318 | stop_process__hack('sleep', sig_num=signal.SIGSTOP)
319 |
320 | # These will kill the parent, not the sleep child
321 | #p.kill(signal.SIGTSTP)
322 | #p.kill(signal.SIGSTOP)
323 |
324 | p.expect('wait =>')
325 | p.close()
326 |
327 |
328 | def main(argv):
329 | p = optparse.OptionParser('%s [options] TEST_FILE shell...' % sys.argv[0])
330 | spec_lib.DefineCommon(p)
331 | spec_lib.DefineStateful(p)
332 | opts, argv = p.parse_args(argv)
333 |
334 | if len(argv) >= 2 and argv[1] == 'test-stop': # Hack for testing
335 | TestStop(argv[2])
336 | return
337 |
338 | # List test cases and return
339 | if opts.do_list:
340 | for i, (desc, _, _, _) in enumerate(CASES):
341 | print('%d\t%s' % (i, desc))
342 | return
343 |
344 | shells = argv[1:]
345 | if not shells:
346 | raise RuntimeError('Expected shells to run')
347 |
348 | shell_pairs = spec_lib.MakeShellPairs(shells)
349 |
350 | if opts.range:
351 | begin, end = spec_lib.ParseRange(opts.range)
352 | case_predicate = spec_lib.RangePredicate(begin, end)
353 | elif opts.regex:
354 | desc_re = re.compile(opts.regex, re.IGNORECASE)
355 | case_predicate = spec_lib.RegexPredicate(desc_re)
356 | else:
357 | case_predicate = lambda i, case: True
358 |
359 | if 0:
360 | print(shell_pairs)
361 | print(CASES)
362 |
363 | result_table = [] # each row is a list
364 | flaky = {} # (case_num, shell) -> (succeeded, attempted)
365 |
366 | r = TestRunner(opts.num_retries, opts.pexpect_timeout, opts.verbose)
367 | r.RunCases(CASES, case_predicate, shell_pairs, result_table, flaky)
368 |
369 | if opts.results_file:
370 | results_f = open(opts.results_file, 'w')
371 | else:
372 | results_f = sys.stdout
373 | num_failures = PrintResults(shell_pairs, result_table, flaky,
374 | opts.num_retries, results_f)
375 |
376 | results_f.close()
377 |
378 | if opts.oils_failures_allowed != num_failures:
379 | log('%s: Expected %d failures, got %d', sys.argv[0],
380 | opts.oils_failures_allowed, num_failures)
381 | return 1
382 |
383 | return 0
384 |
385 |
386 | if __name__ == '__main__':
387 | try:
388 | sys.exit(main(sys.argv))
389 | except RuntimeError as e:
390 | print('FATAL: %s' % e, file=sys.stderr)
391 | sys.exit(1)
392 |
393 | # vim: sw=2