1 | #!/usr/bin/env python2
2 | """
3 | asdl_main.py - Generate Python and C from ASDL schemas.
4 | """
5 | from __future__ import print_function
6 |
7 | import optparse
8 | import os
9 | import sys
10 |
11 | from asdl import ast
12 | from asdl import front_end
13 | from asdl import gen_cpp
14 | from asdl import gen_python
15 | #from asdl.util import log
16 |
17 | ARG_0 = os.path.basename(sys.argv[0])
18 |
19 |
20 | def Options():
21 | """Returns an option parser instance."""
22 |
23 | p = optparse.OptionParser()
24 | p.add_option('--no-pretty-print-methods',
25 | dest='pretty_print_methods',
26 | action='store_false',
27 | default=True,
28 | help='Whether to generate pretty printing methods')
29 |
30 | # Control Python constructors
31 |
32 | # for hnode.asdl
33 | p.add_option('--py-init-N',
34 | dest='py_init_n',
35 | action='store_true',
36 | default=False,
37 | help='Generate Python __init__ that requires every field')
38 |
39 | # The default, which matches C++
40 | p.add_option(
41 | '--init-zero-N',
42 | dest='init_zero_n',
43 | action='store_true',
44 | default=True,
45 | help='Generate 0 arg and N arg constructors, in Python and C++')
46 |
47 | return p
48 |
49 |
50 | class UserType(object):
51 | """TODO: Delete this class after we have modules with 'use'?"""
52 |
53 | def __init__(self, mod_name, type_name):
54 | self.mod_name = mod_name
55 | self.type_name = type_name
56 |
57 | def __repr__(self):
58 | return '<UserType %s %s>' % (self.mod_name, self.type_name)
59 |
60 |
61 | def main(argv):
62 | o = Options()
63 | opts, argv = o.parse_args(argv)
64 |
65 | try:
66 | action = argv[1]
67 | except IndexError:
68 | raise RuntimeError('Action required')
69 |
70 | try:
71 | schema_path = argv[2]
72 | except IndexError:
73 | raise RuntimeError('Schema path required')
74 |
75 | schema_filename = os.path.basename(schema_path)
76 | if schema_filename in ('syntax.asdl', 'runtime.asdl'):
77 | app_types = {'id': UserType('id_kind_asdl', 'Id_t')}
78 | else:
79 | app_types = {}
80 |
81 | if action == 'c': # Generate C code for the lexer
82 | with open(schema_path) as f:
83 | schema_ast = front_end.LoadSchema(f, app_types)
84 |
85 | v = gen_cpp.CEnumVisitor(sys.stdout)
86 | v.VisitModule(schema_ast)
87 |
88 | elif action == 'cpp': # Generate C++ code for ASDL schemas
89 | out_prefix = argv[3]
90 |
91 | with open(schema_path) as f:
92 | schema_ast = front_end.LoadSchema(f, app_types)
93 |
94 | # asdl/typed_arith.asdl -> typed_arith_asdl
95 | ns = os.path.basename(schema_path).replace('.', '_')
96 |
97 | with open(out_prefix + '.h', 'w') as f:
98 | guard = ns.upper()
99 | f.write("""\
100 | // %s.h is generated by %s
101 |
102 | #ifndef %s
103 | #define %s
104 |
105 | """ % (out_prefix, ARG_0, guard, guard))
106 |
107 | f.write("""\
108 | #include <cstdint>
109 | """)
110 | f.write("""
111 | #include "mycpp/runtime.h"
112 | """)
113 | if opts.pretty_print_methods:
114 | if 0:
115 | # TODO: gradually migrate to this templated code, reducing code gen
116 | f.write('#include "asdl/cpp_runtime.h"\n')
117 | else:
118 | f.write("""\
119 | #include "_gen/asdl/hnode.asdl.h"
120 | using hnode_asdl::hnode_t;
121 |
122 | """)
123 |
124 | if app_types:
125 | f.write("""\
126 | #include "_gen/frontend/id_kind.asdl.h"
127 | using id_kind_asdl::Id_t;
128 |
129 | """)
130 |
131 | for use in schema_ast.uses:
132 | # Forward declarations in the header, like
133 | # namespace syntax_asdl { class command_t; }
134 | # must come BEFORE namespace, so it can't be in the visitor.
135 |
136 | # assume sum type for now!
137 | cpp_names = [
138 | 'class %s;' % ast.TypeNameHeuristic(n)
139 | for n in use.type_names
140 | ]
141 | f.write('namespace %s_asdl { %s }\n' %
142 | (use.module_parts[-1], ' '.join(cpp_names)))
143 | f.write('\n')
144 |
145 | f.write("""\
146 | namespace %s {
147 |
148 | // use struct instead of namespace so 'using' works consistently
149 | #define ASDL_NAMES struct
150 |
151 | """ % ns)
152 |
153 | v = gen_cpp.ForwardDeclareVisitor(f)
154 | v.VisitModule(schema_ast)
155 |
156 | debug_info = {}
157 | v2 = gen_cpp.ClassDefVisitor(
158 | f,
159 | pretty_print_methods=opts.pretty_print_methods,
160 | debug_info=debug_info)
161 | v2.VisitModule(schema_ast)
162 |
163 | f.write("""
164 | } // namespace %s
165 |
166 | #endif // %s
167 | """ % (ns, guard))
168 |
169 | try:
170 | debug_info_path = argv[4]
171 | except IndexError:
172 | pass
173 | else:
174 | with open(debug_info_path, 'w') as f:
175 | from pprint import pformat
176 | f.write('''\
177 | cpp_namespace = %r
178 | tags_to_types = \\
179 | %s
180 | ''' % (ns, pformat(debug_info)))
181 |
182 | if not opts.pretty_print_methods:
183 | return
184 |
185 | with open(out_prefix + '.cc', 'w') as f:
186 | f.write("""\
187 | // %s.cc is generated by %s
188 |
189 | #include "%s.h"
190 | #include <assert.h>
191 | """ % (out_prefix, ARG_0, out_prefix))
192 |
193 | f.write("""\
194 | #include "prebuilt/asdl/runtime.mycpp.h" // generated code uses wrappers here
195 | """)
196 |
197 | # To call pretty-printing methods
198 | for use in schema_ast.uses:
199 | f.write('#include "_gen/%s.asdl.h" // "use" in ASDL \n' %
200 | '/'.join(use.module_parts))
201 |
202 | f.write("""\
203 |
204 | // Generated code uses these types
205 | using hnode_asdl::hnode;
206 | using hnode_asdl::Field;
207 | using hnode_asdl::color_e;
208 |
209 | """)
210 |
211 | if app_types:
212 | f.write('using id_kind_asdl::Id_str;\n')
213 |
214 | f.write("""
215 | namespace %s {
216 |
217 | """ % ns)
218 |
219 | v3 = gen_cpp.MethodDefVisitor(f)
220 | v3.VisitModule(schema_ast)
221 |
222 | f.write("""
223 | } // namespace %s
224 | """ % ns)
225 |
226 | elif action == 'mypy': # Generated typed MyPy code
227 | with open(schema_path) as f:
228 | schema_ast = front_end.LoadSchema(f, app_types)
229 |
230 | try:
231 | abbrev_module_name = argv[3]
232 | except IndexError:
233 | abbrev_mod = None
234 | else:
235 | # Weird Python rule for importing: fromlist needs to be non-empty.
236 | abbrev_mod = __import__(abbrev_module_name, fromlist=['.'])
237 |
238 | f = sys.stdout
239 |
240 | # TODO: Remove Any once we stop using it
241 | f.write("""\
242 | from asdl import pybase
243 | from mycpp import mops
244 | from typing import Optional, List, Tuple, Dict, Any, cast, TYPE_CHECKING
245 | """)
246 |
247 | if schema_ast.uses:
248 | f.write('\n')
249 | f.write('if TYPE_CHECKING:\n')
250 | for use in schema_ast.uses:
251 | py_names = [ast.TypeNameHeuristic(n) for n in use.type_names]
252 | # indented
253 | f.write(' from _devbuild.gen.%s_asdl import %s\n' %
254 | (use.module_parts[-1], ', '.join(py_names)))
255 | f.write('\n')
256 |
257 | for typ in app_types.itervalues():
258 | if isinstance(typ, UserType):
259 | f.write('from _devbuild.gen.%s import %s\n' %
260 | (typ.mod_name, typ.type_name))
261 | # HACK
262 | f.write('from _devbuild.gen.%s import Id_str\n' % typ.mod_name)
263 | f.write('\n')
264 |
265 | if opts.pretty_print_methods:
266 | f.write("""
267 | from asdl import runtime # For runtime.NO_SPID
268 | from asdl.runtime import NewRecord, NewLeaf, TraversalState
269 | from _devbuild.gen.hnode_asdl import color_e, hnode, hnode_e, hnode_t, Field
270 |
271 | """)
272 |
273 | abbrev_mod_entries = dir(abbrev_mod) if abbrev_mod else []
274 | v = gen_python.GenMyPyVisitor(
275 | f,
276 | abbrev_mod_entries,
277 | pretty_print_methods=opts.pretty_print_methods,
278 | py_init_n=opts.py_init_n)
279 | v.VisitModule(schema_ast)
280 |
281 | if abbrev_mod:
282 | f.write("""\
283 | #
285 | #
286 |
287 | """)
288 | first, module = abbrev_module_name.rsplit('.', 1)
289 | dir_name = first.replace('.', '/')
290 | path = os.path.join(dir_name, module + '.py')
291 | with open(path) as in_f:
292 | f.write(in_f.read())
293 |
294 | else:
295 | raise RuntimeError('Invalid action %r' % action)
296 |
297 |
298 | if __name__ == '__main__':
299 | try:
300 | main(sys.argv)
301 | except RuntimeError as e:
302 | print('%s: FATAL: %s' % (ARG_0, e), file=sys.stderr)
303 | sys.exit(1)