1 | """
2 | gen_cpp.py - Generate C++ classes from an ASDL schema.
3 |
4 | TODO:
5 |
6 | - Integrate some of the lessons here:
7 | - https://github.com/oilshell/blog-code/tree/master/asdl
8 | - And maybe mycpp/target_lang.cc
9 |
10 | - pretty printing methods
11 | - so asdl/format.py get translated?
12 |
13 | - NoOp needs to be instantiated without args?
14 | - dict becomes Dict[str, str] ?
15 | - how to handle UserType(id) ?
16 |
17 | - How do optional ASDL values like int? work? Use C++ default values?
18 | - This means that all the optionals have to be on the end. That seems OK.
19 | - I guess that's how Python does it.
20 | """
21 | from __future__ import print_function
22 |
23 | import sys
24 |
25 | from collections import defaultdict
26 |
27 | from asdl import ast
28 | from asdl import visitor
29 | from asdl.util import log
30 |
31 | _ = log
32 |
33 | # Not supporting concise syntax tree like Python
34 | ABBREV = False
35 |
36 | if ABBREV:
37 | PRETTY_METHODS = ['PrettyTree', '_AbbreviatedTree', 'AbbreviatedTree']
38 | else:
39 | PRETTY_METHODS = ['PrettyTree']
40 |
41 |
42 | # Used by core/asdl_gen.py to generate _devbuild/gen/osh-types.h, with
43 | # lex_mode__*
44 | class CEnumVisitor(visitor.AsdlVisitor):
45 |
46 | def VisitSimpleSum(self, sum, name, depth):
47 | # Just use #define, since enums aren't namespaced.
48 | for i, variant in enumerate(sum.types):
49 | self.Emit('#define %s__%s %d' % (name, variant.name, i + 1), depth)
50 | self.Emit("", depth)
51 |
52 |
53 | _PRIMITIVES = {
54 | 'string': 'BigStr*', # declared in containers.h
55 | 'int': 'int',
56 | 'uint16': 'uint16_t',
57 | 'BigInt': 'mops::BigInt',
58 | 'float': 'double',
59 | 'bool': 'bool',
60 | 'any': 'void*',
61 | # TODO: frontend/syntax.asdl should properly import id enum instead of
62 | # hard-coding it here.
63 | 'id': 'Id_t',
64 | }
65 |
66 |
67 | class ForwardDeclareVisitor(visitor.AsdlVisitor):
68 | """Print forward declarations.
69 |
70 | ASDL allows forward references of types, but C++ doesn't.
71 | """
72 |
73 | def VisitCompoundSum(self, sum, name, depth):
74 | self.Emit("class %(name)s_t;" % locals(), depth)
75 |
76 | def VisitProduct(self, product, name, depth):
77 | self.Emit("class %(name)s;" % locals(), depth)
78 |
79 | def EmitFooter(self):
80 | self.Emit("", 0) # blank line
81 |
82 |
83 | def _GetCppType(typ):
84 | if isinstance(typ, ast.ParameterizedType):
85 | type_name = typ.type_name
86 |
87 | if type_name == 'Dict':
88 | k_type = _GetCppType(typ.children[0])
89 | v_type = _GetCppType(typ.children[1])
90 | return 'Dict<%s, %s>*' % (k_type, v_type)
91 |
92 | elif type_name == 'List':
93 | c_type = _GetCppType(typ.children[0])
94 | return 'List<%s>*' % (c_type)
95 |
96 | elif type_name == 'Optional':
97 | c_type = _GetCppType(typ.children[0])
98 | return c_type
99 |
100 | elif isinstance(typ, ast.NamedType):
101 |
102 | if typ.resolved:
103 | if isinstance(typ.resolved, ast.SimpleSum):
104 | return '%s_t' % typ.name
105 | if isinstance(typ.resolved, ast.Sum):
106 | return '%s_t*' % typ.name
107 | if isinstance(typ.resolved, ast.Product):
108 | return '%s*' % typ.name
109 | if isinstance(typ.resolved, ast.Use):
110 | return '%s_asdl::%s*' % (typ.resolved.module_parts[-1],
111 | ast.TypeNameHeuristic(typ.name))
112 |
113 | # 'id' falls through here
114 | return _PRIMITIVES[typ.name]
115 |
116 | else:
117 | raise AssertionError()
118 |
119 |
120 | def _IsManagedType(typ):
121 | # This is a little cheesy, but works
122 | return _GetCppType(typ).endswith('*')
123 |
124 |
125 | def _DefaultValue(typ, conditional=True):
126 | """Values that the ::CreateNull() constructor passes."""
127 |
128 | if isinstance(typ, ast.ParameterizedType):
129 | type_name = typ.type_name
130 |
131 | if type_name == 'Dict': # TODO: can respect alloc_dicts=True
132 | return 'nullptr'
133 |
134 | elif type_name == 'List':
135 | c_type = _GetCppType(typ.children[0])
136 |
137 | d = 'Alloc<List<%s>>()' % (c_type)
138 | if conditional:
139 | return 'alloc_lists ? %s : nullptr' % d
140 | else:
141 | return d
142 |
143 | elif type_name == 'Optional':
144 | return 'nullptr'
145 |
146 | else:
147 | raise AssertionError(type_name)
148 |
149 | elif isinstance(typ, ast.NamedType):
150 | type_name = typ.name
151 |
152 | if type_name in ('int', 'uint16', 'BigInt'):
153 | default = '-1'
154 | elif type_name == 'id': # hard-coded HACK
155 | default = '-1'
156 | elif type_name == 'bool':
157 | default = 'false'
158 | elif type_name == 'float':
159 | default = '0.0' # or should it be NaN?
160 | elif type_name == 'string':
161 | default = 'kEmptyString'
162 |
163 | elif typ.resolved and isinstance(typ.resolved, ast.SimpleSum):
164 | sum_type = typ.resolved
165 | # Just make it the first variant. We could define "Undef" for
166 | # each enum, but it doesn't seem worth it.
167 | default = '%s_e::%s' % (type_name, sum_type.types[0].name)
168 |
169 | else:
170 | default = 'nullptr' # Sum or Product
171 | return default
172 |
173 | else:
174 | raise AssertionError()
175 |
176 |
177 | def _HNodeExpr(abbrev, typ, var_name):
178 | # type: (str, ast.TypeExpr, str) -> str
179 | none_guard = False
180 |
181 | if typ.IsOptional():
182 | typ = typ.children[0] # descend one level
183 |
184 | if isinstance(typ, ast.ParameterizedType):
185 | code_str = '%s->%s()' % (var_name, abbrev)
186 | none_guard = True
187 |
188 | elif isinstance(typ, ast.NamedType):
189 |
190 | type_name = typ.name
191 |
192 | if type_name == 'bool':
193 | code_str = "Alloc<hnode::Leaf>(%s ? runtime::TRUE_STR : runtime::FALSE_STR, color_e::OtherConst)" % var_name
194 |
195 | elif type_name in ('int', 'uint16'):
196 | code_str = 'Alloc<hnode::Leaf>(str(%s), color_e::OtherConst)' % var_name
197 |
198 | elif type_name == 'BigInt':
199 | code_str = 'Alloc<hnode::Leaf>(mops::ToStr(%s), color_e::OtherConst)' % var_name
200 |
201 | elif type_name == 'float':
202 | code_str = 'Alloc<hnode::Leaf>(str(%s), color_e::OtherConst)' % var_name
203 |
204 | elif type_name == 'string':
205 | code_str = 'runtime::NewLeaf(%s, color_e::StringConst)' % var_name
206 |
207 | elif type_name == 'any': # TODO: Remove this. Used for value.Builtin{Func,Proc}
208 | code_str = 'Alloc<hnode::External>(%s)' % var_name
209 |
210 | elif type_name == 'id': # was meta.UserType
211 | code_str = 'Alloc<hnode::Leaf>(Id_str(%s), color_e::UserType)' % var_name
212 |
213 | elif typ.resolved and isinstance(typ.resolved, ast.SimpleSum):
214 | code_str = 'Alloc<hnode::Leaf>(%s_str(%s), color_e::TypeName)' % (
215 | type_name, var_name)
216 |
217 | else:
218 | code_str = '%s->%s(seen)' % (var_name, abbrev)
219 | none_guard = True
220 |
221 | else:
222 | raise AssertionError()
223 |
224 | return code_str, none_guard
225 |
226 |
227 | class ClassDefVisitor(visitor.AsdlVisitor):
228 | """Generate C++ declarations and type-safe enums."""
229 |
230 | def __init__(self, f, pretty_print_methods=True, debug_info=None):
231 | """
232 | Args:
233 | f: file to write to
234 | debug_info: dictionary fill in with info for GDB
235 | """
236 | visitor.AsdlVisitor.__init__(self, f)
237 | self.pretty_print_methods = pretty_print_methods
238 | self.debug_info = debug_info if debug_info is not None else {}
239 |
240 | self._shared_type_tags = {}
241 | self._product_counter = 64 # start halfway through the range 0-127
242 |
243 | self._products = []
244 | self._base_classes = defaultdict(list)
245 |
246 | self._subtypes = []
247 |
248 | def _EmitEnum(self, sum, sum_name, depth, strong=False, is_simple=False):
249 | enum = []
250 | int_to_type = {}
251 | add_suffix = not ('no_namespace_suffix' in sum.generate)
252 | for i, variant in enumerate(sum.types):
253 | if variant.shared_type: # Copied from gen_python.py
254 | tag_num = self._shared_type_tags[variant.shared_type]
255 | # e.g. DoubleQuoted may have base types expr_t, word_part_t
256 | base_class = sum_name + '_t'
257 | bases = self._base_classes[variant.shared_type]
258 | if base_class in bases:
259 | raise RuntimeError(
260 | "Two tags in sum %r refer to product type %r" %
261 | (sum_name, variant.shared_type))
262 | else:
263 | bases.append(base_class)
264 | type_str = variant.shared_type
265 | else:
266 | tag_num = i + 1
267 | type_str = '%s__%s' % (sum_name, variant.name)
268 | int_to_type[tag_num] = type_str
269 | enum.append((variant.name, tag_num)) # zero is reserved
270 |
271 | if strong:
272 | enum_name = '%s_e' % sum_name if add_suffix else sum_name
273 |
274 | # Simple sum types can be STRONG since there's no possibility of multiple
275 | # inheritance!
276 |
277 | self.Emit('enum class %s {' % enum_name, depth)
278 | for name, tag_num in enum:
279 | self.Emit('%s = %d,' % (name, tag_num), depth + 1)
280 | self.Emit('};', depth)
281 |
282 | # type alias to match Python code
283 | self.Emit('typedef %s %s_t;' % (enum_name, sum_name), depth)
284 | self.Emit('', depth)
285 |
286 | if self.pretty_print_methods:
287 | self.Emit(
288 | 'BigStr* %s_str(%s tag, bool dot = true);' %
289 | (sum_name, enum_name), depth)
290 | self.Emit('', depth)
291 |
292 | else:
293 | if is_simple:
294 | enum_name = '%s_i' % sum_name if add_suffix else sum_name
295 | else:
296 | enum_name = '%s_e' % sum_name if add_suffix else sum_name
297 |
298 | # Awkward struct/enum C++ idiom because:
299 |
300 | # 1. namespace can't be "imported" with 'using'
301 | # 2. plain enum pollutes outer namespace
302 | # 3. C++ 11 'enum class' does not allow conversion to int
303 | # 4. namespace and 'static const int' or 'static constexpr int' gives
304 | # weird link errors
305 | # https://quuxplusone.github.io/blog/2020/09/19/value-or-pitfall/
306 |
307 | self.Emit('ASDL_NAMES %s {' % enum_name, depth)
308 | self.Emit(' enum no_name {', depth)
309 | for name, tag_num in enum:
310 | self.Emit('%s = %d,' % (name, tag_num), depth + 1)
311 |
312 | if is_simple:
313 | # Help in sizing array. Note that we're 1-based.
314 | self.Emit('ARRAY_SIZE = %d,' % (len(enum) + 1), depth + 1)
315 |
316 | self.Emit(' };', depth)
317 | self.Emit('};', depth)
318 |
319 | self.Emit('', depth)
320 |
321 | if self.pretty_print_methods:
322 | self.Emit(
323 | 'BigStr* %s_str(int tag, bool dot = true);' % sum_name,
324 | depth)
325 | self.Emit('', depth)
326 |
327 | return int_to_type
328 |
329 | def VisitSimpleSum(self, sum, name, depth):
330 | # Note: there can be more than 128 variants in a simple sum, because it's an
331 | # integer and doesn't have an object header.
332 |
333 | if 'integers' in sum.generate:
334 | self._EmitEnum(sum, name, depth, strong=False, is_simple=True)
335 | self.Emit('typedef int %s_t;' % name)
336 | self.Emit('')
337 | elif 'uint16' in sum.generate:
338 | self._EmitEnum(sum, name, depth, strong=False, is_simple=True)
339 | self.Emit('typedef uint16_t %s_t;' % name)
340 | self.Emit('')
341 | else:
342 | self._EmitEnum(sum, name, depth, strong=True)
343 |
344 | def VisitCompoundSum(self, sum, sum_name, depth):
345 | #log('%d variants in %s', len(sum.types), sum_name)
346 |
347 | # Must fit in 7 bit Obj::type_tag
348 | assert len(
349 | sum.types) < 64, 'sum type %r has too many variants' % sum_name
350 |
351 | # This is a sign that Python needs string interpolation!!!
352 | def Emit(s, depth=depth):
353 | self.Emit(s % sys._getframe(1).f_locals, depth)
354 |
355 | int_to_type = self._EmitEnum(sum, sum_name, depth)
356 |
357 | # Only add debug info for compound sums.
358 | self.debug_info['%s_t' % sum_name] = int_to_type
359 |
360 | # This is the base class.
361 | Emit('class %(sum_name)s_t {')
362 | # Can't be constructed directly. Note: this shows up in uftrace in debug
363 | # mode, e.g. when we instantiate Token. Do we need it?
364 | Emit(' protected:')
365 | Emit(' %s_t() {' % sum_name)
366 | Emit(' }')
367 | Emit(' public:')
368 | Emit(' int tag() const {')
369 | # There's no inheritance relationship, so we have to reinterpret_cast.
370 | Emit(' return ObjHeader::FromObject(this)->type_tag;')
371 | Emit(' }')
372 |
373 | if self.pretty_print_methods:
374 | for abbrev in PRETTY_METHODS:
375 | self.Emit(' hnode_t* %s(Dict<int, bool>* seen = nullptr);' %
376 | abbrev)
377 |
378 | Emit(' DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(%(sum_name)s_t)')
379 | Emit('};')
380 | Emit('')
381 |
382 | for variant in sum.types:
383 | if variant.shared_type:
384 | # Don't generate a class.
385 | pass
386 | else:
387 | super_name = '%s_t' % sum_name
388 | tag = 'static_cast<uint16_t>(%s_e::%s)' % (sum_name,
389 | variant.name)
390 | class_name = '%s__%s' % (sum_name, variant.name)
391 | self._GenClass(variant.fields, class_name, [super_name], depth,
392 | tag)
393 |
394 | # Generate 'extern' declarations for zero arg singleton globals
395 | for variant in sum.types:
396 | if not variant.shared_type and len(variant.fields) == 0:
397 | variant_name = variant.name
398 | Emit(
399 | 'extern GcGlobal<%(sum_name)s__%(variant_name)s> g%(sum_name)s__%(variant_name)s;'
400 | )
401 |
402 | # Allow expr::Const in addition to expr.Const.
403 | Emit('ASDL_NAMES %(sum_name)s {')
404 | for variant in sum.types:
405 | if variant.shared_type:
406 | continue
407 |
408 | # TODO: This produces a lint error, but IS USED via % reflection
409 | variant_name = variant.name
410 |
411 | if len(variant.fields) == 0:
412 | Emit(
413 | ' static %(sum_name)s__%(variant_name)s* %(variant_name)s;'
414 | )
415 | else:
416 | Emit(
417 | ' typedef %(sum_name)s__%(variant_name)s %(variant_name)s;'
418 | )
419 | Emit('};')
420 | Emit('')
421 |
422 | def _GenClass(self, fields, class_name, base_classes, depth, tag):
423 | """For Product and Constructor."""
424 | if base_classes:
425 | bases = ', '.join('public %s' % b for b in base_classes)
426 | self.Emit("class %s : %s {" % (class_name, bases), depth)
427 | else:
428 | self.Emit("class %s {" % class_name, depth)
429 | self.Emit(" public:", depth)
430 |
431 | # Ensure that the member variables are ordered such that GC managed objects
432 | # come before any unmanaged ones because we use `HeapTag::Scanned`.
433 | managed_fields, unmanaged_fields = [], []
434 | for f in fields:
435 | if _IsManagedType(f.typ):
436 | managed_fields.append(f)
437 | else:
438 | unmanaged_fields.append(f)
439 | all_fields = managed_fields + unmanaged_fields
440 |
441 | def FieldInitJoin(strs):
442 | # reflow doesn't work well here, so do it manually
443 | return ',\n '.join(strs)
444 |
445 | # Ensure that the constructor params are listed in the same order as the
446 | # equivalent python constructors for compatibility in translated code.
447 | params = []
448 | for f in fields:
449 | params.append('%s %s' % (_GetCppType(f.typ), f.name))
450 |
451 | # Member initializers are in the same order as the member variables to
452 | # avoid compiler warnings (the order doesn't affect the semantics).
453 | inits = []
454 | for f in all_fields:
455 | inits.append('%s(%s)' % (f.name, f.name))
456 |
457 | # Define constructor with N args
458 | if len(inits):
459 | self.Emit(' %s(%s)' % (class_name, ', '.join(params)), depth)
460 | self.Emit(' : %s {' % FieldInitJoin(inits),
461 | depth,
462 | reflow=False)
463 | self.Emit(' }')
464 | else:
465 | self.Emit(' %s(%s) {}' % (class_name, ', '.join(params)), depth)
466 | self.Emit('')
467 |
468 | # Define static constructor with ZERO args. Don't emit for types with no
469 | # fields.
470 | if fields:
471 | init_args = []
472 | for field in fields:
473 | init_args.append(_DefaultValue(field.typ))
474 |
475 | self.Emit(
476 | ' static %s* CreateNull(bool alloc_lists = false) { ' %
477 | class_name, depth)
478 | self.Emit(
479 | ' return Alloc<%s>(%s);' %
480 | (class_name, ', '.join(init_args)), depth)
481 | self.Emit(' }')
482 | self.Emit('')
483 |
484 | if self.pretty_print_methods:
485 | for abbrev in PRETTY_METHODS:
486 | self.Emit(
487 | ' hnode_t* %s(Dict<int, bool>* seen = nullptr);' % abbrev,
488 | depth)
489 | self.Emit('')
490 |
491 | self.Emit(' static constexpr ObjHeader obj_header() {')
492 | self.Emit(' return ObjHeader::AsdlClass(%s, %d);' %
493 | (tag, len(managed_fields)))
494 | self.Emit(' }')
495 | self.Emit('')
496 |
497 | #
498 | # Members
499 | #
500 | for field in all_fields:
501 | self.Emit(" %s %s;" % (_GetCppType(field.typ), field.name))
502 |
503 | self.Emit('')
504 | self.Emit(' DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(%s)' % class_name)
505 | self.Emit('};', depth)
506 | self.Emit('', depth)
507 |
508 | def VisitSubType(self, subtype):
509 | self._shared_type_tags[subtype.name] = self._product_counter
510 |
511 | # Also create these last. They may inherit from sum types that have yet
512 | # to be defined.
513 | self._subtypes.append((subtype, self._product_counter))
514 | self._product_counter += 1
515 |
516 | def VisitProduct(self, product, name, depth):
517 | self._shared_type_tags[name] = self._product_counter
518 | # Create a tuple of _GenClass args to create LAST. They may inherit from
519 | # sum types that have yet to be defined.
520 | self._products.append((product, name, depth, self._product_counter))
521 | self._product_counter += 1
522 |
523 | def EmitFooter(self):
524 | # Now generate all the product types we deferred.
525 | for args in self._products:
526 | ast_node, name, depth, tag_num = args
527 | # Figure out base classes AFTERWARD.
528 | bases = self._base_classes[name]
529 | self._GenClass(ast_node.fields, name, bases, depth, tag_num)
530 |
531 | for args in self._subtypes:
532 | subtype, tag_num = args
533 | # Figure out base classes AFTERWARD.
534 | bases = self._base_classes[subtype.name]
535 |
536 | cpp_type = _GetCppType(subtype.base_class)
537 | assert cpp_type.endswith('*') # hack
538 | bases.append(cpp_type[:-1])
539 |
540 | # TODO:
541 | # - Change ObjHeader
542 | # - Change pretty printing to be like a List
543 | self._GenClass([], subtype.name, bases, 0, tag_num)
544 |
545 |
546 | class MethodDefVisitor(visitor.AsdlVisitor):
547 | """Generate the body of pretty printing methods.
548 |
549 | We have to do this in another pass because types and schemas have
550 | circular dependencies.
551 | """
552 |
553 | def __init__(self, f, pretty_print_methods=True):
554 | visitor.AsdlVisitor.__init__(self, f)
555 |
556 | def _EmitListPrettyPrint(self, abbrev, field, out_val_name, iter_name):
557 | typ = field.typ
558 | if typ.type_name == 'Optional': # descend one level
559 | typ = typ.children[0]
560 | item_type = typ.children[0]
561 |
562 | # used in format strings
563 | c_item_type = _GetCppType(item_type)
564 | field_name = field.name
565 |
566 | def _Emit(s, depth=0):
567 | self.Emit(s % sys._getframe(1).f_locals, depth)
568 |
569 | _Emit('if (this->%(field_name)s != nullptr) { // List')
570 | _Emit(
571 | ' hnode::Array* %(out_val_name)s = Alloc<hnode::Array>(Alloc<List<hnode_t*>>());'
572 | )
573 | _Emit(
574 | ' for (ListIter<%(c_item_type)s> it(this->%(field_name)s); !it.Done(); it.Next()) {'
575 | )
576 | _Emit(' %(c_item_type)s %(iter_name)s = it.Value();')
577 |
578 | child_code_str, none_guard = _HNodeExpr(abbrev, item_type, iter_name)
579 | if none_guard: # e.g. for List[Optional[value_t]]
580 | # TODO: could consolidate this logic with asdl/runtime.py NewLeaf(), which is prebuilt/
581 | child_code_str = (
582 | '(%s == nullptr) ? Alloc<hnode::Leaf>(StrFromC("_"), color_e::OtherConst) : %s'
583 | % (iter_name, child_code_str))
584 | _Emit(' hnode_t* h = %(child_code_str)s;')
585 | _Emit(' %(out_val_name)s->children->append(h);')
586 |
587 | _Emit(' }')
588 | _Emit(
589 | ' L->append(Alloc<Field>(StrFromC("%(field_name)s"), %(out_val_name)s));'
590 | )
591 | _Emit('}')
592 |
593 | def _EmitDictPrettyPrint(self, abbrev, field, out_val_name, counter):
594 | k = 'k%d' % counter
595 | v = 'v%d' % counter
596 |
597 | typ = field.typ
598 | if typ.type_name == 'Optional': # descend one level
599 | typ = typ.children[0]
600 |
601 | k_typ = typ.children[0]
602 | v_typ = typ.children[1]
603 |
604 | k_c_type = _GetCppType(k_typ)
605 | v_c_type = _GetCppType(v_typ)
606 |
607 | k_code_str, _ = _HNodeExpr(abbrev, k_typ, k)
608 | v_code_str, _ = _HNodeExpr(abbrev, v_typ, v)
609 |
610 | self.Emit('if (this->%s) { // Dict' % field.name)
611 | # TODO: m can be a global constant!
612 | self.Emit(
613 | ' auto m = Alloc<hnode::Leaf>(StrFromC("Dict"), color_e::OtherConst);'
614 | )
615 | self.Emit(
616 | ' hnode::Array* %s = Alloc<hnode::Array>(NewList<hnode_t*>({m}));'
617 | % out_val_name)
618 | self.Emit(
619 | ' for (DictIter<%s, %s> it(this->%s); !it.Done(); it.Next()) {' %
620 | (k_c_type, v_c_type, field.name))
621 | self.Emit(' auto %s = it.Key();' % k)
622 | self.Emit(' auto %s = it.Value();' % v)
623 | self.Emit(' %s->children->append(%s);' % (out_val_name, k_code_str))
624 | self.Emit(' %s->children->append(%s);' % (out_val_name, v_code_str))
625 | self.Emit(' }')
626 | self.Emit(' L->append(Alloc<Field>(StrFromC ("%s"), %s));' %
627 | (field.name, out_val_name))
628 | self.Emit('}')
629 |
630 | def _EmitCodeForField(self, abbrev, field, counter):
631 | """Generate code that returns an hnode for a field."""
632 | out_val_name = 'x%d' % counter
633 |
634 | if field.typ.IsList():
635 | iter_name = 'i%d' % counter
636 | self._EmitListPrettyPrint(abbrev, field, out_val_name, iter_name)
637 |
638 | elif field.typ.IsDict():
639 | self._EmitDictPrettyPrint(abbrev, field, out_val_name, counter)
640 |
641 | elif field.typ.IsOptional():
642 | typ = field.typ.children[0]
643 |
644 | self.Emit('if (this->%s) { // Optional' % field.name)
645 | child_code_str, _ = _HNodeExpr(abbrev, typ,
646 | 'this->%s' % field.name)
647 | self.Emit(' hnode_t* %s = %s;' % (out_val_name, child_code_str))
648 | self.Emit(' L->append(Alloc<Field>(StrFromC("%s"), %s));' %
649 | (field.name, out_val_name))
650 | self.Emit('}')
651 |
652 | else:
653 | var_name = 'this->%s' % field.name
654 | code_str, obj_none_guard = _HNodeExpr(abbrev, field.typ, var_name)
655 |
656 | depth = self.current_depth
657 | if obj_none_guard: # to satisfy MyPy type system
658 | pass
659 | self.Emit('hnode_t* %s = %s;' % (out_val_name, code_str), depth)
660 |
661 | self.Emit(
662 | 'L->append(Alloc<Field>(StrFromC("%s"), %s));' %
663 | (field.name, out_val_name), depth)
664 |
665 | def _EmitPrettyPrintMethods(self,
666 | class_name,
667 | all_fields,
668 | sum_name=None,
669 | is_list=False):
670 |
671 | #
672 | # PrettyTree
673 | #
674 |
675 | if sum_name is not None:
676 | n = '%s_str(this->tag())' % sum_name
677 | else:
678 | n = 'StrFromC("%s")' % class_name
679 |
680 | self.Emit('')
681 | self.Emit('hnode_t* %s::PrettyTree(Dict<int, bool>* seen) {' %
682 | class_name)
683 |
684 | # Similar to j8::HeapValueId()
685 | self.Emit(' seen = seen ? seen : Alloc<Dict<int, bool>>();')
686 | self.Emit(' int heap_id = ObjectId(this);')
687 | self.Emit(' if (dict_contains(seen, heap_id)) {')
688 | self.Emit(' return Alloc<hnode::AlreadySeen>(heap_id);')
689 | self.Emit(' }')
690 | self.Emit(' seen->set(heap_id, true);')
691 |
692 | if is_list:
693 | # TODO: I want to share IsList()
694 | self.Emit(
695 | ' hnode::Array* out_node = Alloc<hnode::Array>(Alloc<List<hnode_t*>>());'
696 | )
697 | else:
698 | self.Emit(' hnode::Record* out_node = runtime::NewRecord(%s);' %
699 | n)
700 | if all_fields:
701 | self.Emit(' List<Field*>* L = out_node->fields;')
702 | self.Emit('')
703 |
704 | # Use the runtime type to be more like asdl/format.py
705 | for local_id, field in enumerate(all_fields):
706 | #log('%s :: %s', field_name, field_desc)
707 | self.Indent()
708 | self._EmitCodeForField('PrettyTree', field, local_id)
709 | self.Dedent()
710 | self.Emit('')
711 | self.Emit(' return out_node;')
712 | self.Emit('}')
713 | self.Emit('')
714 |
715 | #
716 | # _AbbreviatedTree
717 | #
718 |
719 | if not ABBREV:
720 | return
721 |
722 | self.Emit('')
723 | self.Emit('hnode_t* %s::_AbbreviatedTree() {' % class_name)
724 | if is_list:
725 | raise AssertionError()
726 | else:
727 | self.Emit(' hnode::Record* out_node = runtime::NewRecord("%s");' %
728 | n)
729 | if all_fields:
730 | self.Emit(' List<Field*>* L = out_node->fields;')
731 |
732 | for local_id, field in enumerate(all_fields):
733 | self.Indent()
734 | self._EmitCodeForField('AbbreviatedTree', field, local_id)
735 | self.Dedent()
736 | self.Emit('')
737 | self.Emit(' return out_node;')
738 | self.Emit('}')
739 | self.Emit('')
740 |
741 | self.Emit('hnode_t* %s::AbbreviatedTree() {' % class_name)
742 | abbrev_name = '_%s' % class_name
743 |
744 | # STUB
745 | self.abbrev_mod_entries = []
746 |
747 | if abbrev_name in self.abbrev_mod_entries:
748 | self.Emit(' hnode_t* p = %s();' % abbrev_name)
749 | # If the user function didn't return anything, fall back.
750 | self.Emit(' return p ? p : _AbbreviatedTree();')
751 | else:
752 | self.Emit(' return _AbbreviatedTree();')
753 | self.Emit('}')
754 |
755 | def _EmitStrFunction(self,
756 | sum,
757 | sum_name,
758 | depth,
759 | strong=False,
760 | simple=False):
761 | add_suffix = not ('no_namespace_suffix' in sum.generate)
762 | if add_suffix:
763 | if simple:
764 | enum_name = '%s_i' % sum_name
765 | else:
766 | enum_name = '%s_e' % sum_name
767 | else:
768 | enum_name = sum_name
769 |
770 | if strong:
771 | self.Emit(
772 | 'BigStr* %s_str(%s tag, bool dot) {' % (sum_name, enum_name),
773 | depth)
774 | else:
775 | self.Emit('BigStr* %s_str(int tag, bool dot) {' % sum_name, depth)
776 |
777 | buf_size = 32
778 | v_max = max(len(variant.name) for variant in sum.types)
779 | s_max = v_max + 1 + len(sum_name) + 1 # for . and NUL
780 | if s_max > buf_size:
781 | raise RuntimeError('Sum name %r + variant name is too long' %
782 | sum_name)
783 |
784 | self.Emit(' char buf[%d];' % buf_size, depth)
785 | self.Emit(' const char* v = nullptr;', depth)
786 | self.Emit(' switch (tag) {', depth)
787 | for variant in sum.types:
788 | self.Emit('case %s::%s:' % (enum_name, variant.name), depth + 1)
789 | self.Emit(' v = "%s"; break;' % variant.name, depth + 1)
790 |
791 | self.Emit('default:', depth + 1)
792 | self.Emit(' assert(0);', depth + 1)
793 |
794 | self.Emit(' }', depth)
795 | self.Emit(' if (dot) {', depth)
796 | self.Emit(' snprintf(buf, %d, "%s.%%s", v);' % (buf_size, sum_name),
797 | depth)
798 | self.Emit(' return StrFromC(buf);', depth)
799 | self.Emit(' } else {', depth)
800 | self.Emit(' return StrFromC(v);', depth)
801 | self.Emit(' }', depth)
802 | self.Emit('}', depth)
803 |
804 | def VisitSimpleSum(self, sum, name, depth):
805 | if 'integers' in sum.generate or 'uint16' in sum.generate:
806 | self._EmitStrFunction(sum, name, depth, strong=False, simple=True)
807 | else:
808 | self._EmitStrFunction(sum, name, depth, strong=True)
809 |
810 | def VisitCompoundSum(self, sum, sum_name, depth):
811 | self._EmitStrFunction(sum, sum_name, depth)
812 |
813 | # Generate definitions for the for zero arg singleton globals
814 | for variant in sum.types:
815 | if variant.shared_type:
816 | continue
817 | if len(variant.fields) == 0:
818 | variant_name = variant.name
819 | self.Emit('')
820 | self.Emit('%s__%s* %s::%s = &g%s__%s.obj;' %
821 | (sum_name, variant_name, sum_name, variant_name,
822 | sum_name, variant_name))
823 | self.Emit('')
824 | self.Emit('GcGlobal<%s__%s> g%s__%s = ' %
825 | (sum_name, variant_name, sum_name, variant_name))
826 | self.Emit(' { ObjHeader::Global(%s_e::%s) };' %
827 | (sum_name, variant_name))
828 |
829 | for variant in sum.types:
830 | if variant.shared_type:
831 | continue
832 | all_fields = variant.fields
833 | class_name = '%s__%s' % (sum_name, variant.name)
834 | self._EmitPrettyPrintMethods(class_name,
835 | all_fields,
836 | sum_name=sum_name)
837 |
838 | # Emit dispatch WITHOUT using 'virtual'
839 | for func_name in PRETTY_METHODS:
840 | self.Emit('')
841 | self.Emit('hnode_t* %s_t::%s(Dict<int, bool>* seen) {' %
842 | (sum_name, func_name))
843 | self.Emit(' switch (this->tag()) {', depth)
844 |
845 | for variant in sum.types:
846 | if variant.shared_type:
847 | subtype_name = variant.shared_type
848 | else:
849 | subtype_name = '%s__%s' % (sum_name, variant.name)
850 |
851 | self.Emit(' case %s_e::%s: {' % (sum_name, variant.name),
852 | depth)
853 | self.Emit(
854 | ' %s* obj = static_cast<%s*>(this);' %
855 | (subtype_name, subtype_name), depth)
856 | self.Emit(' return obj->%s(seen);' % func_name, depth)
857 | self.Emit(' }', depth)
858 |
859 | self.Emit(' default:', depth)
860 | self.Emit(' assert(0);', depth)
861 |
862 | self.Emit(' }')
863 | self.Emit('}')
864 |
865 | def VisitProduct(self, product, name, depth):
866 | self._EmitPrettyPrintMethods(name, product.fields)
867 |
868 | def VisitSubType(self, subtype):
869 | is_list = subtype.base_class.IsList()
870 | self._EmitPrettyPrintMethods(subtype.name, [], is_list=is_list)