1 | ---
2 | title: Front End (Oils Reference)
3 | all_docs_url: ..
4 | body_css_class: width40
5 | default_highlighter: oils-sh
6 | preserve_anchor_case: yes
7 | ---
8 |
9 | <div class="doc-ref-header">
10 |
11 | [Oils Reference](index.html) —
12 | Chapter **Front End**
13 |
14 | </div>
15 |
16 | This chapter describes command line usage and lexing.
17 |
18 | <span class="in-progress">(in progress)</span>
19 |
20 | <div id="dense-toc">
21 | </div>
22 |
23 | <h2 id="usage">Command Line Usage</h2>
24 |
25 | <h3 id="oils-usage" class="osh-ysh-topic" oils-embed="1">
26 | oils-usage
27 | </h3>
28 |
29 | <!-- pre-formatted for help builtin -->
30 |
31 | ```
32 | bin/oils-for-unix is an executable that contains OSH, YSH, and more.
33 |
34 | Usage: oils-for-unix MAIN_NAME ARG*
36 |
37 | It behaves like busybox. The command name can be passed as the first argument:
38 |
39 | oils-for-unix ysh -c 'echo hi'
40 |
41 | More commonly, it's invoked through a symlink like 'ysh', which causes it to
42 | behave like that command:
43 |
44 | ysh -c 'echo hi'
45 |
46 | ```
47 |
48 | <h3 id="osh-usage" class="osh-topic" oils-embed="1">
49 | osh-usage
50 | </h3>
51 |
52 | <!-- pre-formatted for help builtin -->
53 |
54 | ```
55 | bin/osh is compatible with POSIX shell, bash, and other shells.
56 |
57 | Usage: osh FLAG* SCRIPT ARG*
58 | osh FLAG* -c COMMAND ARG*
59 | osh FLAG*
60 |
61 | The command line accepted by `bin/osh` is compatible with /bin/sh and bash.
62 |
63 | osh -c 'echo hi'
64 | osh myscript.sh
65 | echo 'echo hi' | osh
66 |
67 | It also has a few enhancements:
68 |
69 | osh -n -c 'hello' # pretty-print the AST
70 | osh --ast-format text -n -c 'hello' # print it full
71 |
72 | osh accepts POSIX sh flags, with these additions:
73 |
74 | -n parse the program but don't execute it. Print the AST.
75 | --ast-format what format the AST should be in
76 | ```
77 |
78 | <h3 id="ysh-usage" class="ysh-topic" oils-embed="1">
79 | ysh-usage
80 | </h3>
81 |
82 | <!-- pre-formatted for help builtin -->
83 |
84 | ```
85 | bin/ysh is the shell with data tYpes, influenced by pYthon, JavaScript, ...
86 |
87 | Usage: ysh FLAG* SCRIPT ARG*
88 | ysh FLAG* -c COMMAND ARG*
89 | ysh FLAG*
90 |
91 | Examples:
92 |
93 | ysh -c 'echo hi'
94 | ysh myscript.ysh
95 | echo 'echo hi' | ysh
96 |
97 | bin/ysh is the same as bin/osh with a the ysh:all option group set. So bin/ysh
98 | also accepts shell flags. Examples:
99 |
100 | bin/ysh -n myfile.ysh
101 | bin/ysh +o errexit -c 'false; echo ok'
102 | ```
103 |
104 |
105 | <h3 id="config" class="osh-ysh-topic">config</h3>
106 |
107 | If the --rcfile flag is specified, that file will be executed on startup.
108 | Otherwise:
109 |
110 | - `bin/osh` runs `~/.config/oils/oshrc`
111 | - `bin/ysh` runs `~/.config/oils/yshrc`
112 |
113 | Pass --rcfile /dev/null or --norc to disable the startup file.
114 |
115 | If the --rcdir flag is specified, files in that folder will be executed on
116 | startup.
117 | Otherwise:
118 |
119 | - `bin/osh` runs everything in `~/.config/oils/oshrc.d/`
120 | - `bin/ysh` runs everything in `~/.config/oils/yshrc.d/`
121 |
122 | Pass --norc to disable the startup directory.
123 |
124 | <h3 id="startup" class="osh-ysh-topic">startup</h3>
125 |
126 | History is read?
127 |
128 | <h3 id="line-editing" class="osh-ysh-topic">line-editing</h3>
129 |
130 | Oils is often built with GNU readline, which recognizes many terminal commands
131 | for editing input.
132 |
133 | A useful option is `set -o vi`, which tells GNU readline to accept vi keys.
134 |
135 | <h3 id="exit-codes" class="osh-ysh-topic">exit-codes</h3>
136 |
137 | The meaning of exit codes is a convention, and generally follows one of two
138 | paradigms.
139 |
140 | #### The Success / Failure Paradigm
141 |
142 | - `0` for **success**.
143 | - `1` for **runtime error**
144 | - Example: `echo foo > out.txt` and `out.txt` can't be opened.
145 | - Example: `fg` and there's not job to put in the foreground.
146 | - `2` for **parse error**. This means that we didn't *attempt* to do
147 | anything, rather than doing something, then it fails.
148 | - Example: A language parse error, like `echo $(`.
149 | - Example: Builtin usage error, like `read -z`.
150 | - `3` for runtime **expression errors**. The expression language is new to
151 | Oils, so its errors have a new exit code.
152 | - Example: divide by zero `42 / 0`
153 | - Example: index out of range `a[1000]`
154 |
155 | POSIX exit codes:
156 |
157 | - `126` for permission denied when running a command (`errno EACCES`)
158 | - `127` for command not found
159 |
160 | Hint: Error checking often looks like this:
161 |
162 | try {
163 | ls /bad
164 | }
165 | if (_error.code !== 0) {
166 | echo 'failed'
167 | }
168 |
169 | #### The Boolean Paradigm
170 |
171 | - `0` for **true**
172 | - `1` for **false**.
173 | - Example: `test -f foo` and `foo` isn't a file.
174 | - `2` for **error** (usage error, parse error, etc.)
175 | - Example: `test -q`: the flag isn't accepted.
176 |
177 | Hint: The `boolstatus` builtin ensures that false and error aren't confused:
178 |
179 | if boolstatus test -f foo {
180 | echo 'foo exists'
181 | }
182 |
183 | See [YSH Fixes Shell's Error Handling](../error-handling.html) for more detail.
184 |
185 | ## Lexing
186 |
187 | <h3 id="comment" class="osh-ysh-topic">comment</h3>
188 |
189 | A comment starts with `#` and goes until the end of the line.
190 |
191 | echo hi # print a greeting
192 |
193 | <h3 id="line-continuation" class="osh-ysh-topic">line-continuation</h3>
194 |
195 | A backslash `\` at the end of a line continues the line without executing it:
196 |
197 | ls /usr/bin \
198 | /usr/lib \
199 | ~/src # A single command split over three lines
200 |
201 | <h3 id="ascii-whitespace" class="osh-ysh-topic">ascii-whitespace</h3>
202 |
203 | In most places, Oils uses the same definition of ASCII whitespace as JSON.
204 | That is, any of these 4 bytes are considered whitespace:
205 |
206 | [ \t\r\n] # space, tab, carriage return, newline
207 |
208 | Sometimes newlines are significant, e.g. after shell commands. Then the set of
209 | whitespace characters is:
210 |
211 | [ \t\r]
212 |
213 | (We don't handle the Windows `\r\n` sequence in a special way. Instead, `\r`
214 | is often treated like space and tab.)
215 |
216 | Examples:
217 |
218 | - Inside shell arithmetic `$(( 1 + 2 ))`, ASCII whitespace is ignored.
219 | - Inside YSH expressions `42 + a[i] * f(x)`, ASCII whitespace is ignored.
220 |
221 | Exceptions:
222 |
223 | - Carriage return `\r` may not always be whitespace.
224 | - It can appear in an unquoted shell words, a rule that all POSIX shells
225 | follow.
226 | - The default `$IFS` doesn't include `\r`.
227 | - YSH `trim()` functions also respect Unicode space.
228 |
229 | <h3 id="ascii-control-chars" class="osh-ysh-topic">ascii-control-chars</h3>
230 |
231 | The ASCII control chars have byte values `0x00` to `0x1F`. This set includes 3
232 | whitespace chars:
233 |
234 | - tab - `\t` aka `0x09`
235 | - newline - `\n` aka `0x0a`
236 | - carriage return - `\r` aka `0x0d`
237 |
238 | (It doesn't include the space - `0x20`.)
239 |
240 | General rules:
241 |
242 | - In J8 **data** languages, control chars other than whitespace are illegal.
243 | This is consistent with the JSON spec.
244 | - In **source code**, control chars are allowed (but discouraged).
245 | - For example, in OSH, we don't check for control chars unquoted words
246 | words or string literals. They are treated like printable chars.
247 | - TODO: YSH should only allow printable characters, which implies valid
248 | UTF-8.
249 |
250 | Note about `NUL` aka `0x00`:
251 |
252 | - The NUL byte is often used to terminate buffers, i.e. as a sentinel for
253 | [re2c](https://re2c.org) lexing. This means that data after the NUL will be
254 | ignored.
255 | - J8 **data** input is read all at once, i.e. **not** split into lines. So
256 | everything after the first NUL may be ignored.
257 | - Shell **source code** is split into lines.
258 |
259 | <h3 id="doc-comment" class="ysh-topic">doc-comment</h3>
260 |
261 | Doc comments look like this:
262 |
263 | proc deploy {
264 | ### Deploy the app
265 | echo hi
266 | }
267 |
268 | <h3 id="multiline-command" class="ysh-topic">multiline-command</h3>
269 |
270 | The ... prefix starts a single command over multiple lines. It allows writing
271 | long commands without \ continuation lines, and the resulting limitations on
272 | where you can put comments.
273 |
274 | Single command example:
275 |
276 | ... chromium-browser
277 | # comment on its own line
278 | --no-proxy-server
279 | --incognito # comment to the right
280 | ;
281 |
282 | Long pipelines and and-or chains:
283 |
284 | ... find .
285 | # exclude tests
286 | | grep -v '_test.py'
287 | | xargs wc -l
288 | | sort -n
289 | ;
290 |
291 | ... ls /
292 | && ls /bin
293 | && ls /lib
294 | || error "oops"
295 | ;
296 |
297 | ## Tools
298 |
299 | ### cat-em
300 |
301 | Print files embedded in the `oils-for-unix` binary to stdout. Example:
302 |
303 | osh --tool cat-em stdlib/math.ysh stdlib/other.ysh
304 |
305 |
306 | ## Help Chapters
307 |
308 | <h3 id="osh-chapters" class="osh-topic" oils-embed="1">
309 | osh-chapters
310 | </h3>
311 |
312 | <!-- shown at the bottom of 'help' -->
313 |
314 | ```
315 | The reference is divided in to "chapters", each of which has its own table of
316 | contents. Type:
317 |
318 | help osh-$CHAPTER
319 |
320 | Where $CHAPTER is one of:
321 |
322 | type-method
323 | builtin-cmd
324 | stdlib
325 | front-end
326 | cmd-lang
327 | osh-assign
328 | word-lang
329 | mini-lang
330 | option
331 | special-var
332 | plugin
333 |
334 | Example:
335 |
336 | help osh-word-lang
337 | ```
338 |
339 |
340 | <h3 id="ysh-chapters" class="ysh-topic" oils-embed="1">
341 | ysh-chapters
342 | </h3>
343 |
344 | <!-- shown at the bottom of 'help' -->
345 |
346 | ```
347 | The reference is divided in to "chapters", each of which has its own table of
348 | contents. Type:
349 |
350 | help ysh-$CHAPTER
351 |
352 | Where $CHAPTER is one of:
353 |
354 | type-method
355 | builtin-func
356 | builtin-cmd
357 | stdlib
358 | front-end
359 | cmd-lang
360 | ysh-cmd
361 | expr-lang
362 | word-lang
363 | option
364 | special-var
365 | plugin
366 |
367 | Example:
368 |
369 | help ysh-expr-lang
370 | help ysh-ysh-cmd # may change
371 | ```
372 |
373 | <!-- h4 needed to end last card: ysh-chapters -->
374 | <h4></h4>