1 | ---
2 | default_highlighter: oils-sh
3 | ---
4 |
5 | A Tour of YSH
6 | =============
7 |
8 | <!-- author's note about example names
9 |
10 | - people: alice, bob
11 | - nouns: ale, bean
12 | - peanut, coconut
13 | - 42 for integers
14 | -->
15 |
16 | This doc describes the [YSH]($xref) language from **clean slate**
17 | perspective. We don't assume you know Unix shell, or the compatible
18 | [OSH]($xref). But shell users will see the similarity, with simplifications
19 | and upgrades.
20 |
21 | Remember, YSH is for Python and JavaScript users who avoid shell! See the
22 | [project FAQ][FAQ] for more color on that.
23 |
24 | [FAQ]: https://www.oilshell.org/blog/2021/01/why-a-new-shell.html
25 |
26 | This document is **long** because it demonstrates nearly every feature of the
27 | language. You may want to read it in multiple sittings, or read [The Simplest
28 | Explanation of
29 | Oil](https://www.oilshell.org/blog/2020/01/simplest-explanation.html) first.
30 | (Until 2023, YSH was called the "Oil language".)
31 |
32 |
33 | Here's a summary of what follows:
34 |
35 | 1. YSH has interleaved *word*, *command*, and *expression* languages.
36 | - The command language has Ruby-like *blocks*, and the expression language
37 | has Python-like *data types*.
38 | 2. YSH has both builtin *commands* like `cd /tmp`, and builtin *functions* like
39 | `join()`.
40 | 3. Languages for *data*, like [JSON][], are complementary to YSH code.
41 | 4. OSH and YSH share both an *interpreter data model* and a *process model*
42 | (provided by the Unix kernel). Understanding these common models will make
43 | you both a better shell user and YSH user.
44 |
45 | Keep these points in mind as you read the details below.
46 |
47 | [JSON]: https://json.org
48 |
49 | <div id="toc">
50 | </div>
51 |
52 | ## Preliminaries
53 |
54 | Start YSH just like you start bash or Python:
55 |
56 | <!-- oils-sh below skips code block extraction, since it doesn't run -->
57 |
58 | ```sh-prompt
59 | bash$ ysh # assuming it's installed
60 |
61 | ysh$ echo 'hello world' # command typed into YSH
62 | hello world
63 | ```
64 |
65 | In the sections below, we'll save space by showing output **in comments**, with
66 | `=>`:
67 |
68 | echo 'hello world' # => hello world
69 |
70 | Multi-line output is shown like this:
71 |
72 | echo one
73 | echo two
74 | # =>
75 | # one
76 | # two
77 |
78 | ## Examples
79 |
80 | ### Hello World Script
81 |
82 | You can also type commands into a file like `hello.ysh`. This is a complete
83 | YSH program, which is identical to a shell program:
84 |
85 | echo 'hello world' # => hello world
86 |
87 | ### A Taste of YSH
88 |
89 | Unlike shell, YSH has `var` and `const` keywords:
90 |
91 | const name = 'world' # const is rarer, used the top-level
92 | echo "hello $name" # => hello world
93 |
94 | They take rich Python-like expressions on the right:
95 |
96 | var x = 42 # an integer, not a string
97 | setvar x = x * 2 + 1 # mutate with the 'setvar' keyword
98 |
99 | setvar x += 5 # Increment by 5
100 | echo $x # => 6
101 |
102 | var mylist = [x, 7] # two integers [6, 7]
103 |
104 | Expressions are often surrounded by `()`:
105 |
106 | if (x > 0) {
107 | echo 'positive'
108 | } # => positive
109 |
110 | for i, item in (mylist) { # 'mylist' is a variable, not a string
111 | echo "[$i] item $item"
112 | }
113 | # =>
114 | # [0] item 6
115 | # [1] item 7
116 |
117 | YSH has Ruby-like blocks:
118 |
119 | cd /tmp {
120 | echo hi > greeting.txt # file created inside /tmp
121 | echo $PWD # => /tmp
122 | }
123 | echo $PWD # prints the original directory
124 |
125 | And utilities to read and write JSON:
126 |
127 | var person = {name: 'bob', age: 42}
128 | json write (person)
129 | # =>
130 | # {
131 | # "name": "bob",
132 | # "age": 42,
133 | # }
134 |
135 | echo '["str", 42]' | json read # sets '_reply' variable by default
136 |
137 | The `=` keyword evaluates and prints an expression:
138 |
139 | = _reply
140 | # => (List) ["str", 42]
141 |
142 | (Think of it like `var x = _reply`, without the `var`.)
143 |
144 | ## Word Language: Expressions for Strings (and Arrays)
145 |
146 | Let's describe the word language first, and then talk about commands and
147 | expressions. Words are a rich language because **strings** are a central
148 | concept in shell.
149 |
150 | ### Unquoted Words
151 |
152 | Words denote strings, but you often don't need to quote them:
153 |
154 | echo hi # => hi
155 |
156 | Quotes are useful when a string has spaces, or punctuation characters like `( )
157 | ;`.
158 |
159 | ### Three Kinds of String Literals
160 |
161 | You can choose the style that's most convenient to write a given string.
162 |
163 | #### Double-Quoted, Single-Quoted, and J8 strings (like JSON)
164 |
165 | Double-quoted strings allow **interpolation**, with `$`:
166 |
167 | var person = 'alice'
168 | echo "hi $person, $(echo bye)" # => hi alice, bye
169 |
170 | Write operators by escaping them with `\`:
171 |
172 | echo "\$ \" \\ " # => $ " \
173 |
174 | In single-quoted strings, all characters are **literal** (except `'`, which
175 | can't be expressed):
176 |
177 | echo 'c:\Program Files\' # => c:\Program Files\
178 |
179 | If you want C-style backslash **character escapes**, use a J8 string, which is
180 | like JSON, but with single quotes:
181 |
182 | echo u' A is \u{41} \n line two, with backslash \\'
183 | # =>
184 | # A is A
185 | # line two, with backslash \
186 |
187 | The `u''` strings are guaranteed to be valid Unicode (unlike JSON). You can
188 | also use `b''` strings:
189 |
190 | echo b'byte \yff' # Byte that's not valid unicode, like \xff in C.
191 | # Don't confuse it with \u{ff}.
192 |
193 | #### Multi-line Strings
194 |
195 | Multi-line strings are surrounded with triple quotes. They come in the same
196 | three varieties, and leading whitespace is stripped in a convenient way.
197 |
198 | sort <<< """
199 | var sub: $x
200 | command sub: $(echo hi)
201 | expression sub: $[x + 3]
202 | """
203 | # =>
204 | # command sub: hi
205 | # expression sub: 9
206 | # var sub: 6
207 |
208 | sort <<< '''
209 | $2.00 # literal $, no interpolation
210 | $1.99
211 | '''
212 | # =>
213 | # $1.99
214 | # $2.00
215 |
216 | sort <<< u'''
217 | C\tD
218 | A\tB
219 | ''' # b''' strings also supported
220 | # =>
221 | # A B
222 | # C D
223 |
224 | (Use multiline strings instead of shell's [here docs]($xref:here-doc).)
225 |
226 | ### Three Kinds of Substitution
227 |
228 | YSH has syntax for 3 types of substitution, all of which start with `$`. That
229 | is, you can convert any of these things to a **string**:
230 |
231 | 1. Variables
232 | 2. The output of commands
233 | 3. The value of expressions
234 |
235 | #### Variable Sub
236 |
237 | The syntax `$a` or `${a}` converts a variable to a string:
238 |
239 | var a = 'ale'
240 | echo $a # => ale
241 | echo _${a}_ # => _ale_
242 | echo "_ $a _" # => _ ale _
243 |
244 | The shell operator `:-` is occasionally useful in YSH:
245 |
246 | echo ${not_defined:-'default'} # => default
247 |
248 | #### Command Sub
249 |
250 | The `$(echo hi)` syntax runs a command and captures its `stdout`:
251 |
252 | echo $(hostname) # => example.com
253 | echo "_ $(hostname) _" # => _ example.com _
254 |
255 | #### Expression Sub
256 |
257 | The `$[myexpr]` syntax evaluates an expression and converts it to a string:
258 |
259 | echo $[a] # => ale
260 | echo $[1 + 2 * 3] # => 7
261 | echo "_ $[1 + 2 * 3] _" # => _ 7 _
262 |
263 | <!-- TODO: safe substitution with "$[a]"html -->
264 |
265 | ### Arrays of Strings: Globs, Brace Expansion, Splicing, and Splitting
266 |
267 | There are four constructs that evaluate to a **list of strings**, rather than a
268 | single string.
269 |
270 | #### Globs
271 |
272 | Globs like `*.py` evaluate to a list of files.
273 |
274 | touch foo.py bar.py # create the files
275 | write *.py
276 | # =>
277 | # foo.py
278 | # bar.py
279 |
280 | If no files match, it evaluates to an empty list (`[]`).
281 |
282 | #### Brace Expansion
283 |
284 | The brace expansion mini-language lets you write strings without duplication:
285 |
286 | write {alice,bob}@example.com
287 | # =>
288 | # alice@example.com
289 | # bob@example.com
290 |
291 | #### Splicing
292 |
293 | The `@` operator splices an array into a command:
294 |
295 | var myarray = :| ale bean |
296 | write S @myarray E
297 | # =>
298 | # S
299 | # ale
300 | # bean
301 | # E
302 |
303 | You also have `@[]` to splice an expression that evaluates to a list:
304 |
305 | write -- @[split('ale bean')]
306 | # =>
307 | # ale
308 | # bean
309 |
310 | Each item will be converted to a string.
311 |
312 | #### Split Command Sub / Split Builtin Sub
313 |
314 | There's also a variant of *command sub* that decodes J8 lines into a sequence
315 | of strings:
316 |
317 | write @(seq 3) # write is passed 3 args
318 | # =>
319 | # 1
320 | # 2
321 | # 3
322 |
323 | ## Command Language: I/O, Control Flow, Abstraction
324 |
325 | ### Simple Commands
326 |
327 | A simple command is a space-separated list of words. YSH looks up the first
328 | word to determine if it's a builtin command, or a user-defined `proc`.
329 |
330 | echo 'hello world' # The shell builtin 'echo'
331 |
332 | proc greet (name) { # Define a unit of code
333 | echo "hello $name"
334 | }
335 |
336 | # The first word now resolves to the proc you defined
337 | greet alice # => hello alice
338 |
339 | If it's neither, then it's assumed to be an external command:
340 |
341 | ls -l /tmp # The external 'ls' command
342 |
343 | Commands accept traditional string arguments, as well as typed arguments in
344 | parentheses:
345 |
346 | # 'write' is a string arg; 'x' is a typed expression arg
347 | json write (x)
348 |
349 | <!--
350 | Block args are a special kind of typed arg:
351 |
352 | cd /tmp {
353 | echo $PWD
354 | }
355 | -->
356 |
357 | ### Redirects
358 |
359 | You can **redirect** `stdin` and `stdout` of simple commands:
360 |
361 | echo hi > tmp.txt # write to a file
362 | sort < tmp.txt
363 |
364 | Here are the most common idioms for using `stderr` (identical to shell):
365 |
366 | ls /tmp 2>errors.txt
367 | echo 'fatal error' >&2
368 |
369 | ### ARGV and ENV
370 |
371 | The `ARGV` list holds the arguments passed to the shell:
372 |
373 | var num_args = len(ARGV)
374 | ls /tmp @ARGV # pass shell's arguments through
375 |
376 | ---
377 |
378 | You can add to the environment of a new process with a *prefix binding*:
379 |
380 | PYTHONPATH=vendor ./demo.py
381 |
382 | The `ENV` object reflects the current environment:
383 |
384 | echo $[ENV.PYTHONPATH] # => vendor
385 |
386 | ### Pipelines
387 |
388 | Pipelines are a powerful method manipulating data streams:
389 |
390 | ls | wc -l # count files in this directory
391 | find /bin -type f | xargs wc -l # count files in a subtree
392 |
393 | The stream may contain (lines of) text, binary data, JSON, TSV, and more.
394 | Details below.
395 |
396 | ### Multi-line Commands
397 |
398 | The `...` prefix lets you write long commands, pipelines, and `&&` chains
399 | without `\` line continuations.
400 |
401 | ... find /bin # traverse this directory and
402 | -type f -a -executable # print executable files
403 | | sort -r # reverse sort
404 | | head -n 30 # limit to 30 files
405 | ;
406 |
407 | When this mode is active:
408 |
409 | - A single newline behaves like a space
410 | - A blank line (two newlines in a row) is illegal, but a line that has only a
411 | comment is allowed. This prevents confusion if you forget the `;`
412 | terminator.
413 |
414 | ### `var`, `setvar`, `const` to Declare and Mutate
415 |
416 | Constants can't be modified:
417 |
418 | const myconst = 'mystr'
419 | # setvar myconst = 'foo' would be an error
420 |
421 | Modify variables with the `setvar` keyword:
422 |
423 | var num_beans = 12
424 | setvar num_beans = 13
425 |
426 | A more complex example:
427 |
428 | var d = {name: 'bob', age: 42} # dict literal
429 | setvar d.name = 'alice' # d.name is a synonym for d['name']
430 | echo $[d.name] # => alice
431 |
432 | That's most of what you need to know about assignments. Advanced users may
433 | want to use `setglobal` or `call myplace->setValue(42)` in certain situations.
434 |
435 | <!--
436 | var g = 1
437 | var h = 2
438 | proc demo(:out) {
439 | setglobal g = 42
440 | setref out = 43
441 | }
442 | demo :h # pass a reference to h
443 | echo "$g $h" # => 42 43
444 | -->
445 |
446 | More info: [Variable Declaration and Mutation](variables.html).
447 |
448 | ### `for` Loop
449 |
450 | #### Words
451 |
452 | Shell-style for loops iterate over **words**:
453 |
454 | for word in 'oils' $num_beans {pea,coco}nut {
455 | echo $word
456 | }
457 | # =>
458 | # oils
459 | # 13
460 | # peanut
461 | # coconut
462 |
463 | You can also request the loop index:
464 |
465 | for i, word in README.md *.py {
466 | echo "$i - $word"
467 | }
468 | # =>
469 | # 0 - README.md
470 | # 1 - __init__.py
471 |
472 | #### Typed Data
473 |
474 | To iterate over a typed data, use parentheses around an **expression**. The
475 | expression should evaluate to an integer `Range`, `List`, `Dict`, or `Stdin`.
476 |
477 | Range:
478 |
479 | for i in (3 ..< 5) { # range operator ..<
480 | echo "i = $i"
481 | }
482 | # =>
483 | # i = 3
484 | # i = 4
485 |
486 | List:
487 |
488 | var foods = ['ale', 'bean']
489 | for item in (foods) {
490 | echo $item
491 | }
492 | # =>
493 | # ale
494 | # bean
495 |
496 | Again, you can request the index with `for i, item in ...`.
497 |
498 | ---
499 |
500 | Here's the most general form of the loop over `Dict`:
501 |
502 | var mydict = {pea: 42, nut: 10}
503 | for i, k, v in (mydict) {
504 | echo "$i - $k - $v"
505 | }
506 | # =>
507 | # 0 - pea - 42
508 | # 1 - nut - 10
509 |
510 | There are two simpler forms:
511 |
512 | - One variable gives you the key: `for k in (mydict)`
513 | - Two variables gives you the key and value: `for k, v in (mydict)`
514 |
515 | (One way to think of it: `for` loops in YSH have the functionality Python's
516 | `enumerate()`, `items()`, `keys()`, and `values()`.)
517 |
518 | ---
519 |
520 | The `io.stdin` object iterates over lines:
521 |
522 | for line in (io.stdin) {
523 | echo $line
524 | }
525 | # lines are buffered, so it's much faster than `while read --raw-line`
526 |
527 | <!--
528 | TODO: Str loop should give you the (UTF-8 offset, rune)
529 | Or maybe just UTF-8 offset? Decoding errors could be exceptions, or Unicode
530 | replacement.
531 | -->
532 |
533 | ### `while` Loop
534 |
535 | While loops can use a **command** as the termination condition:
536 |
537 | while test --file lock {
538 | sleep 1
539 | }
540 |
541 | Or an **expression**, which is surrounded in `()`:
542 |
543 | var i = 3
544 | while (i < 6) {
545 | echo "i = $i"
546 | setvar i += 1
547 | }
548 | # =>
549 | # i = 3
550 | # i = 4
551 | # i = 5
552 |
553 | ### Conditionals
554 |
555 | #### `if elif`
556 |
557 | If statements test the exit code of a command, and have optional `elif` and
558 | `else` clauses:
559 |
560 | if test --file foo {
561 | echo 'foo is a file'
562 | rm --verbose foo # delete it
563 | } elif test --dir foo {
564 | echo 'foo is a directory'
565 | } else {
566 | echo 'neither'
567 | }
568 |
569 | Invert the exit code with `!`:
570 |
571 | if ! grep alice /etc/passwd {
572 | echo 'alice is not a user'
573 | }
574 |
575 | As with `while` loops, the condition can also be an **expression** wrapped in
576 | `()`:
577 |
578 | if (num_beans > 0) {
579 | echo 'so many beans'
580 | }
581 |
582 | var done = false
583 | if (not done) { # negate with 'not' operator (contrast with !)
584 | echo "we aren't done"
585 | }
586 |
587 | #### `case`
588 |
589 | The case statement is a series of conditionals and executable blocks. The
590 | condition can be either an unquoted glob pattern like `*.py`, an eggex pattern
591 | like `/d+/`, or a typed expression like `(42)`:
592 |
593 | var s = 'README.md'
594 | case (s) {
595 | *.py { echo 'Python' }
596 | *.cc | *.h { echo 'C++' }
597 | * { echo 'Other' }
598 | }
599 | # => Other
600 |
601 | case (s) {
602 | / dot* '.md' / { echo 'Markdown' }
603 | (30 + 12) { echo 'the integer 42' }
604 | (else) { echo 'neither' }
605 | }
606 | # => Markdown
607 |
608 |
609 | <!--
610 | (Shell style like `if foo; then ... fi` and `case $x in ... esac` is also
611 | legal, but discouraged in YSH code.)
612 | -->
613 |
614 | ### Error Handling
615 |
616 | If statements are also used for **error handling**. Builtins and external
617 | commands use this style:
618 |
619 | if ! test -d /bin {
620 | echo 'not a directory'
621 | }
622 |
623 | if ! cp foo /tmp {
624 | echo 'error copying' # any non-zero status
625 | }
626 |
627 | Procs use this style (because of shell's *disabled `errexit` quirk*):
628 |
629 | try {
630 | myproc
631 | }
632 | if failed {
633 | echo 'failed'
634 | }
635 |
636 | For a complete list of examples, see [YSH Error
637 | Handling](ysh-error.html). For design goals and a reference, see [YSH
638 | Fixes Shell's Error Handling](error-handling.html).
639 |
640 | #### exit, break, continue, return
641 |
642 | The `exit` **keyword** exits a process. (It's not a shell builtin.)
643 |
644 | The other 3 control flow keywords behave like they do in Python and JavaScript.
645 |
646 | ### Shell-like `proc`
647 |
648 | You can define units of code with the `proc` keyword. A `proc` is like a
649 | *procedure* or *process*.
650 |
651 | proc mycopy (src, dest) {
652 | ### Copy verbosely
653 |
654 | mkdir -p $dest
655 | cp --verbose $src $dest
656 | }
657 |
658 | The `###` line is a "doc comment". Simple procs like this are invoked like a
659 | shell command:
660 |
661 | touch log.txt
662 | mycopy log.txt /tmp # first word 'mycopy' is a proc
663 |
664 | Procs have many features, including **four** kinds of arguments:
665 |
666 | 1. Word args (which are always strings)
667 | 1. Typed, positional args
668 | 1. Typed, named args
669 | 1. A final block argument, which may be written with `{ }`.
670 |
671 | At the call site, they can look like any of these forms:
672 |
673 | ls /tmp # word arg
674 |
675 | json write (d) # word arg, then positional arg
676 |
677 | try {
678 | error 'failed' (status=9) # word arg, then named arg
679 | }
680 |
681 | cd /tmp { echo $PWD } # word arg, then block arg
682 |
683 | pp value ([1, 2]) # positional, typed arg
684 |
685 | <!-- TODO: lazy arg list: ls8 | where [age > 10] -->
686 |
687 | At the definition site, the kinds of parameters are separated with `;`, similar
688 | to the Julia language:
689 |
690 | proc p2 (word1, word2; pos1, pos2, ...rest_pos) {
691 | echo "$word1 $word2 $[pos1 + pos2]"
692 | json write (rest_pos)
693 | }
694 |
695 | proc p3 (w ; ; named1, named2, ...rest_named; block) {
696 | echo "$w $[named1 + named2]"
697 | call io->eval(block)
698 | json write (rest_named)
699 | }
700 |
701 | proc p4 (; ; ; block) {
702 | call io->eval(block)
703 | }
704 |
705 | YSH also has Python-like functions defined with `func`. These are part of the
706 | expression language, which we'll see later.
707 |
708 | For more info, see the [Guide to Procs and Funcs](proc-func.html).
709 |
710 | ### Ruby-like Block Arguments
711 |
712 | A block is a value of type `Command`. For example, `shopt` is a builtin
713 | command that takes a block argument:
714 |
715 | shopt --unset errexit { # ignore errors
716 | cp ale /tmp
717 | cp bean /bin
718 | }
719 |
720 | In this case, the block doesn't form a new scope.
721 |
722 | #### Block Scope / Closures
723 |
724 | However, by default, block arguments capture the frame they're defined in.
725 | This means they obey *lexical scope*.
726 |
727 | Consider this proc, which accepts a block, and runs it:
728 |
729 | proc do-it (; ; ; block) {
730 | call io->eval(block)
731 | }
732 |
733 | When the block arg is passed, the enclosing stack frame is captured. This
734 | means that code inside the block can use variables in the captured frame:
735 |
736 | var x = 42
737 | do-it {
738 | echo "x = $x" # outer x is visible LATER, when the block is run
739 | }
740 |
741 | - [Feature Index: Closures](ref/feature-index.html#Closures)
742 |
743 | ### Builtin Commands
744 |
745 | **Shell builtins** like `cd` and `read` are the "standard library" of the
746 | command language. Each one takes various flags:
747 |
748 | cd -L . # follow symlinks
749 |
750 | echo foo | read --all # read all of stdin
751 |
752 | Here are some categories of builtin:
753 |
754 | - I/O: `echo write read`
755 | - File system: `cd test`
756 | - Processes: `fork wait forkwait exec`
757 | - Interpreter settings: `shopt shvar`
758 | - Meta: `command builtin runproc type eval`
759 |
760 | <!-- TODO: Link to a comprehensive list of builtins -->
761 |
762 | ## Expression Language: Python-like Types
763 |
764 | YSH expressions look and behave more like Python or JavaScript than shell. For
765 | example, we write `if (x < y)` instead of `if [ $x -lt $y ]`. Expressions are
766 | usually surrounded by `( )`.
767 |
768 | At runtime, variables like `x` and `y` are bounded to **typed data**, like
769 | integers, floats, strings, lists, and dicts.
770 |
771 | <!--
772 | [Command vs. Expression Mode](command-vs-expression-mode.html) may help you
773 | understand how YSH is parsed.
774 | -->
775 |
776 | ### Python-like `func`
777 |
778 | At the end of the *Command Language*, we saw that procs are shell-like units of
779 | code. YSH also has Python-like **functions**, which are different than
780 | `procs`:
781 |
782 | - They're defined with the `func` keyword.
783 | - They're called in expressions, not in commands.
784 | - They're **pure**, and live in the **interior** of a process.
785 | - In contrast, procs usually perform I/O, and have **exterior** boundaries.
786 |
787 | The simplest function is:
788 |
789 | func identity(x) {
790 | return (x) # parens required for typed return
791 | }
792 |
793 | A more complex pure function:
794 |
795 | func myRepeat(s, n; special=false) { # positional; named params
796 | var parts = []
797 | for i in (0 ..< n) {
798 | append $s (parts)
799 | }
800 | var result = join(parts)
801 |
802 | if (special) {
803 | return ("$result !!")
804 | } else {
805 | return (result)
806 | }
807 | }
808 |
809 | echo $[myRepeat('z', 3)] # => zzz
810 |
811 | echo $[myRepeat('z', 3, special=true)] # => zzz !!
812 |
813 | A function that mutates its argument:
814 |
815 | func popTwice(mylist) {
816 | call mylist->pop()
817 | call mylist->pop()
818 | }
819 |
820 | var mylist = [3, 4]
821 |
822 | # The call keyword is an "adapter" between commands and expressions,
823 | # like the = keyword.
824 | call popTwice(mylist)
825 |
826 |
827 | Funcs are named using `camelCase`, while procs use `kebab-case`. See the
828 | [Style Guide](style-guide.html) for more conventions.
829 |
830 | #### Builtin Functions
831 |
832 | In addition, to builtin commands, YSH has Python-like builtin **functions**.
833 | These are like the "standard library" for the expression language. Examples:
834 |
835 | - Functions that take multiple types: `len() type()`
836 | - Conversions: `bool() int() float() str() list() ...`
837 | - Explicit word evaluation: `split() join() glob() maybe()`
838 |
839 | <!-- TODO: Make a comprehensive list of func builtins. -->
840 |
841 |
842 | ### Data Types: `Int`, `Str`, `List`, `Dict`, `Obj`, ...
843 |
844 | YSH has data types, each with an expression syntax and associated methods.
845 |
846 | ### Methods
847 |
848 | Non-mutating methods are looked up with the `.` operator:
849 |
850 | var line = ' ale bean '
851 | var caps = line.trim().upper() # 'ALE BEAN'
852 |
853 | Mutating methods are looked up with a thin arrow `->`:
854 |
855 | var foods = ['ale', 'bean']
856 | var last = foods->pop() # bean
857 | write @foods # => ale
858 |
859 | You can ignore the return value with the `call` keyword:
860 |
861 | call foods->pop()
862 |
863 | That is, YSH adds mutable data structures to shell, so we have a special syntax
864 | for mutation.
865 |
866 | ---
867 |
868 | You can also chain functions with a fat arrow `=>`:
869 |
870 | var trimmed = line.trim() => upper() # 'ALE BEAN'
871 |
872 | The `=>` operator allows functions to appear in a natural left-to-right order,
873 | like methods.
874 |
875 | # list() is a free function taking one arg
876 | # join() is a free function taking two args
877 | var x = {k1: 42, k2: 43} => list() => join('/') # 'K1/K2'
878 |
879 | ---
880 |
881 | Now let's go through the data types in YSH. We'll show the syntax for
882 | literals, and what **methods** they have.
883 |
884 | #### Null and Bool
885 |
886 | YSH uses JavaScript-like spellings these three "atoms":
887 |
888 | var x = null
889 |
890 | var b1, b2 = true, false
891 |
892 | if (b1) {
893 | echo 'yes'
894 | } # => yes
895 |
896 |
897 | #### Int
898 |
899 | There are many ways to write integers:
900 |
901 | var small, big = 42, 65_536
902 | echo "$small $big" # => 42 65536
903 |
904 | var hex, octal, binary = 0x0001_0000, 0o755, 0b0001_0101
905 | echo "$hex $octal $binary" # => 65536 493 21
906 |
907 | <!--
908 | "Runes" are integers that represent Unicode code points. They're not common in
909 | YSH code, but can make certain string algorithms more readable.
910 |
911 | # Pound rune literals are similar to ord('A')
912 | const a = #'A'
913 |
914 | # Backslash rune literals can appear outside of quotes
915 | const newline = \n # Remember this is an integer
916 | const backslash = \\ # ditto
917 |
918 | # Unicode rune literal is syntactic sugar for 0x3bc
919 | const mu = \u{3bc}
920 |
921 | echo "chars $a $newline $backslash $mu" # => chars 65 10 92 956
922 | -->
923 |
924 | #### Float
925 |
926 | Floats are written with a decimal point:
927 |
928 | var big = 3.14
929 |
930 | You can use scientific notation, as in Python:
931 |
932 | var small = 1.5e-10
933 |
934 | #### Str
935 |
936 | See the section above on *Three Kinds of String Literals*. It described
937 | `'single quoted'`, `"double ${quoted}"`, and `u'J8-style\n'` strings; as well
938 | as their multiline variants.
939 |
940 | Strings are UTF-8 encoded in memory, like strings in the [Go
941 | language](https://golang.org). There isn't a separate string and unicode type,
942 | as in Python.
943 |
944 | Strings are **immutable**, as in Python and JavaScript. This means they only
945 | have **transforming** methods:
946 |
947 | var x = s.trim()
948 |
949 | Other methods:
950 |
951 | - `trimLeft() trimRight()`
952 | - `trimPrefix() trimSuffix()`
953 | - `upper() lower()`
954 | - `search() leftMatch()` - pattern matching
955 | - `replace() split()`
956 |
957 | #### List (and Arrays)
958 |
959 | All lists can be expressed with Python-like literals:
960 |
961 | var foods = ['ale', 'bean', 'corn']
962 | var recursive = [1, [2, 3]]
963 |
964 | As a special case, list of strings are called **arrays**. It's often more
965 | convenient to write them with shell-like literals:
966 |
967 | # No quotes or commas
968 | var foods = :| ale bean corn |
969 |
970 | # You can use the word language here
971 | var other = :| foo $s *.py {alice,bob}@example.com |
972 |
973 | Lists are **mutable**, as in Python and JavaScript. So they mainly have
974 | mutating methods:
975 |
976 | call foods->reverse()
977 | write -- @foods
978 | # =>
979 | # corn
980 | # bean
981 | # ale
982 |
983 | #### Dict
984 |
985 | Dicts use syntax that's like JavaScript. Here's a dict literal:
986 |
987 | var d = {
988 | name: 'bob', # unquoted keys are allowed
989 | age: 42,
990 | 'key with spaces': 'val'
991 | }
992 |
993 | You can use either `[]` or `.` to retrieve a value, given a key:
994 |
995 | var v1 = d['name']
996 | var v2 = d.name # shorthand for the above
997 | var v3 = d['key with spaces'] # no shorthand for this
998 |
999 | (If the key doesn't exist, an error is raised.)
1000 |
1001 | You can change Dict values with the same 2 syntaxes:
1002 |
1003 | set d['name'] = 'other'
1004 | set d.name = 'fun'
1005 |
1006 | ---
1007 |
1008 | If you want to compute a key name, use an expression inside `[]`:
1009 |
1010 | var key = 'alice'
1011 | var d2 = {[key ++ '_z']: 'ZZZ'} # Computed key name
1012 | echo $[d2.alice_z] # => ZZZ
1013 |
1014 | If you omit the value, its taken from a variable of the same name:
1015 |
1016 | var d3 = {key} # like {key: key}
1017 | echo "name is $[d3.key]" # => name is alice
1018 |
1019 | More examples:
1020 |
1021 | var empty = {}
1022 | echo $[len(empty)] # => 0
1023 |
1024 | The `keys()` and `values()` methods return new `List` objects:
1025 |
1026 | var keys = keys(d2) # => alice_z
1027 | var vals = values(d3) # => alice
1028 |
1029 | #### Obj
1030 |
1031 | YSH has an `Obj` type that bundles **code** and **data**. (In contrast, JSON
1032 | messages are pure data, not objects.)
1033 |
1034 | The main purpose of objects is **polymorphism**:
1035 |
1036 | var obj = makeMyObject(42) # I don't know what it looks like inside
1037 |
1038 | echo $[obj.myMethod()] # But I can perform abstract operations
1039 |
1040 | call obj->mutatingMethod() # Mutation is considered special, with ->
1041 |
1042 | YSH objects are similar to Lua and JavaScript objects. They can be thought of
1043 | as a linked list of `Dict` instances.
1044 |
1045 | Or you can say they have a `Dict` of properties, and a recursive "prototype
1046 | chain" that is also an `Obj`.
1047 |
1048 | - [Feature Index: Objects](ref/feature-index.html#Objects)
1049 |
1050 | ### `Place` type / "out params"
1051 |
1052 | The `read` builtin can set an implicit variable `_reply`:
1053 |
1054 | whoami | read --all # sets _reply
1055 |
1056 | Or you can pass a `value.Place`, created with `&`
1057 |
1058 | var x # implicitly initialized to null
1059 | whoami | read --all (&x) # mutate this "place"
1060 | echo who=$x # => who=andy
1061 |
1062 | <!--
1063 | #### Quotation Types: value.Command (Block) and value.Expr
1064 |
1065 | These types are for reflection on YSH code. Most YSH programs won't use them
1066 | directly.
1067 |
1068 | - `Command`: an unevaluated code block.
1069 | - rarely-used literal: `^(ls | wc -l)`
1070 | - `Expr`: an unevaluated expression.
1071 | - rarely-used literal: `^[42 + a[i]]`
1072 | -->
1073 |
1074 | ### Operators
1075 |
1076 | YSH operators are generally the same as in Python:
1077 |
1078 | if (10 <= num_beans and num_beans < 20) {
1079 | echo 'enough'
1080 | } # => enough
1081 |
1082 | YSH has a few operators that aren't in Python. Equality can be approximate or
1083 | exact:
1084 |
1085 | var n = ' 42 '
1086 | if (n ~== 42) {
1087 | echo 'equal after stripping whitespace and type conversion'
1088 | } # => equal after stripping whitespace type conversion
1089 |
1090 | if (n === 42) {
1091 | echo "not reached because strings and ints aren't equal"
1092 | }
1093 |
1094 | <!-- TODO: is n === 42 a type error? -->
1095 |
1096 | Pattern matching can be done with globs (`~~` and `!~~`)
1097 |
1098 | const filename = 'foo.py'
1099 | if (filename ~~ '*.py') {
1100 | echo 'Python'
1101 | } # => Python
1102 |
1103 | if (filename !~~ '*.sh') {
1104 | echo 'not shell'
1105 | } # => not shell
1106 |
1107 | or regular expressions (`~` and `!~`). See the Eggex section below for an
1108 | example of the latter.
1109 |
1110 | Concatenation is `++` rather than `+` because it avoids confusion in the
1111 | presence of type conversion:
1112 |
1113 | var n = 42 + 1 # string plus int does implicit conversion
1114 | echo $n # => 43
1115 |
1116 | var y = 'ale ' ++ "bean $n" # concatenation
1117 | echo $y # => ale bean 43
1118 |
1119 | <!--
1120 | TODO: change example above
1121 | var n = '42' + 1 # string plus int does implicit conversion
1122 | -->
1123 |
1124 | <!--
1125 |
1126 | #### Summary of Operators
1127 |
1128 | - Arithmetic: `+ - * / // %` and `**` for exponentatiation
1129 | - `/` always yields a float, and `//` is integer division
1130 | - Bitwise: `& | ^ ~`
1131 | - Logical: `and or not`
1132 | - Comparison: `== < > <= >= in 'not in'`
1133 | - Approximate equality: `~==`
1134 | - Eggex and glob match: `~ !~ ~~ !~~`
1135 | - Ternary: `1 if x else 0`
1136 | - Index and slice: `mylist[3]` and `mylist[1:3]`
1137 | - `mydict->key` is a shortcut for `mydict['key']`
1138 | - Function calls
1139 | - free: `f(x, y)`
1140 | - transformations and chaining: `s => startWith('prefix')`
1141 | - mutating methods: `mylist->pop()`
1142 | - String and List: `++` for concatenation
1143 | - This is a separate operator because the addition operator `+` does
1144 | string-to-int conversion
1145 |
1146 | TODO: What about list comprehensions?
1147 | -->
1148 |
1149 | ### Egg Expressions (YSH Regexes)
1150 |
1151 | An *Eggex* is a YSH expression that denotes a regular expression. Eggexes
1152 | translate to POSIX ERE syntax, for use with tools like `egrep`, `awk`, and `sed
1153 | --regexp-extended` (GNU only).
1154 |
1155 | They're designed to be readable and composable. Example:
1156 |
1157 | var D = / digit{1,3} /
1158 | var ip_pattern = / D '.' D '.' D '.' D'.' /
1159 |
1160 | var z = ''
1161 | if (z ~ ip_pattern) { # Use the ~ operator to match
1162 | echo "$z looks like an IP address"
1163 | } # => looks like an IP address
1164 |
1165 | if (z !~ / '.255' %end /) {
1166 | echo "doesn't end with .255"
1167 | } # => doesn't end with .255"
1168 |
1169 | See the [Egg Expressions doc](eggex.html) for details.
1170 |
1171 | ## Interlude
1172 |
1173 | Before moving onto other YSH features, let's review what we've seen.
1174 |
1175 | ### Three Interleaved Languages
1176 |
1177 | Here are the languages we saw in the last 3 sections:
1178 |
1179 | 1. **Words** evaluate to a string, or list of strings. This includes:
1180 | - literals like `'mystr'`
1181 | - substitutions like `${x}` and `$(hostname)`
1182 | - globs like `*.sh`
1183 | 2. **Commands** are used for
1184 | - I/O: pipelines, builtins like `read`
1185 | - control flow: `if`, `for`
1186 | - abstraction: `proc`
1187 | 3. **Expressions** on typed data are borrowed from Python, with influence from
1188 | JavaScript:
1189 | - Lists: `['ale', 'bean']` or `:| ale bean |`
1190 | - Dicts: `{name: 'bob', age: 42}`
1191 | - Functions: `split('ale bean')` and `join(['pea', 'nut'])`
1192 |
1193 | ### How Do They Work Together?
1194 |
1195 | Here are two examples:
1196 |
1197 | (1) In this this *command*, there are **four** *words*. The fourth word is an
1198 | *expression sub* `$[]`.
1199 |
1200 | write hello $name $[d['age'] + 1]
1201 | # =>
1202 | # hello
1203 | # world
1204 | # 43
1205 |
1206 | (2) In this assignment, the *expression* on the right hand side of `=`
1207 | concatenates two strings. The first string is a literal, and the second is a
1208 | *command sub*.
1209 |
1210 | var food = 'ale ' ++ $(echo bean | tr a-z A-Z)
1211 | write $food # => ale BEAN
1212 |
1213 | So words, commands, and expressions are **mutually recursive**. If you're a
1214 | conceptual person, skimming [Syntactic Concepts](syntactic-concepts.html) may
1215 | help you understand this on a deeper level.
1216 |
1217 | <!--
1218 | One way to think about these sublanguages is to note that the `|` character
1219 | means something different in each context:
1220 |
1221 | - In the command language, it's the pipeline operator, as in `ls | wc -l`
1222 | - In the word language, it's only valid in a literal string like `'|'`, `"|"`,
1223 | or `\|`. (It's also used in `${x|html}`, which formats a string.)
1224 | - In the expression language, it's the bitwise OR operator, as in Python and
1225 | JavaScript.
1226 | -->
1227 |
1228 | ---
1229 |
1230 | Let's move on from talking about **code**, and talk about **data**.
1231 |
1232 | ## Data Notation / Interchange Formats
1233 |
1234 | In YSH, you can read and write data languages based on [JSON]($xref). This is
1235 | a primary way to exchange messages between Unix processes.
1236 |
1237 | Instead of being **executed**, like our command/word/expression languages,
1238 | these languages **parsed** as data structures.
1239 |
1240 | <!-- TODO: Link to slogans, fallacies, and concepts -->
1241 |
1242 | ### UTF-8
1243 |
1244 | UTF-8 is the foundation of our data notation. It's the most common Unicode
1245 | encoding, and the most consistent:
1246 |
1247 | var x = u'hello \u{1f642}' # store a UTF-8 string in memory
1248 | echo $x # send UTF-8 to stdout
1249 |
1250 | hello 🙂
1251 |
1252 | <!-- TODO: there's a runes() iterator which gives integer offsets, usable for
1253 | slicing -->
1254 |
1255 | ### JSON
1256 |
1257 | JSON messages are UTF-8 text. You can encode and decode JSON with functions
1258 | (`func` style):
1259 |
1260 | var message = toJson({x: 42}) # => (Str) '{"x": 42}'
1261 | var mydict = fromJson('{"x": 42}') # => (Dict) {x: 42}
1262 |
1263 | Or with commands (`proc` style):
1264 |
1265 | json write ({x: 42}) > foo.json # writes '{"x": 42}'
1266 |
1267 | json read (&mydict) < foo.json # create var
1268 | = mydict # => (Dict) {x: 42}
1269 |
1270 | ### J8 Notation
1271 |
1272 | But JSON isn't quite enough for a principled shell.
1273 |
1274 | - Traditional Unix tools like `grep` and `awk` operate on streams of **lines**.
1275 | In YSH, to avoid data-dependent bugs, we want a reliable way of **quoting**
1276 | lines.
1277 | - In YSH, we also want to represent **binary** data, not just text. When you
1278 | read a Unix file, it may or may not be text.
1279 |
1280 | So we borrow JSON-style strings, and create [J8 Notation][]. Slogans:
1281 |
1282 | - *Deconstructing and Augmenting JSON*
1283 | - *Fixing the JSON-Unix Mismatch*
1284 |
1285 | [J8 Notation]: $xref:j8-notation
1286 |
1287 | #### J8 Lines
1288 |
1289 | *J8 Lines* are a building block of J8 Notation. If you have a file
1290 | `lines.txt`:
1291 |
1292 | <pre>
1293 | doc/hello.md
1294 | "doc/with spaces.md"
1295 | b'doc/with byte \yff.md'
1296 | </pre>
1297 |
1298 | Then you can decode it with *split command sub* (mentioned above):
1299 |
1300 | var decoded = @(cat lines.txt)
1301 |
1302 | This file has:
1303 |
1304 | 1. An unquoted string
1305 | 1. A JSON string with `"double quotes"`
1306 | 1. A J8-style string: `u'unicode'` or `b'bytes'`
1307 |
1308 | <!--
1309 | TODO: fromJ8Line() toJ8Line()
1310 | -->
1311 |
1312 | #### JSON8 is Tree-Shaped
1313 |
1314 | JSON8 is just like JSON, but it allows J8-style strings:
1315 |
1316 | <pre>
1317 | { "foo": "hi \uD83D\uDE42"} # valid JSON, and valid JSON8
1318 | {u'foo': u'hi \u{1F642}' } # valid JSON8, with J8-style strings
1319 | </pre>
1320 |
1321 | <!--
1322 | In addition to strings and lines, you can write and read **tree-shaped** data
1323 | as [JSON][]:
1324 |
1325 | var d = {key: 'value'}
1326 | json write (d) # dump variable d as JSON
1327 | # =>
1328 | # {
1329 | # "key": "value"
1330 | # }
1331 |
1332 | echo '["ale", 42]' > example.json
1333 |
1334 | json read (&d2) < example.json # parse JSON into var d2
1335 | pp (d2) # pretty print it
1336 | # => (List) ['ale', 42]
1337 |
1338 | [JSON][] will lose information when strings have binary data, but the slight
1339 | [JSON8]($xref) upgrade won't:
1340 |
1341 | var b = {binary: $'\xff'}
1342 | json8 write (b)
1343 | # =>
1344 | # {
1345 | # "binary": b'\yff'
1346 | # }
1347 | -->
1348 |
1349 | [JSON]: $xref
1350 |
1351 | #### TSV8 is Table-Shaped
1352 |
1353 | (TODO: not yet implemented.)
1354 |
1355 | YSH supports data notation for tables:
1356 |
1357 | 1. Plain TSV files, which are untyped. Every column has string data.
1358 | - Cells with tabs, newlines, and binary data are a problem.
1359 | 2. Our extension [TSV8]($xref), which supports typed data.
1360 | - It uses JSON notation for booleans, integers, and floats.
1361 | - It uses J8 strings, which can represent any string.
1362 |
1363 | <!-- Figure out the API. Does it work like JSON?
1364 |
1365 | Or I think we just implement
1366 | - rows: 'where' or 'filter' (dplyr)
1367 | - cols: 'select' conflicts with shell builtin; call it 'cols'?
1368 | - sort: 'sort-by' or 'arrange' (dplyr)
1369 | - TSV8 <=> sqlite conversion. Are these drivers or what?
1370 | - and then let you pipe output?
1371 |
1372 | Do we also need TSV8 space2tab or something? For writing TSV8 inline.
1373 |
1374 | More later:
1375 | - MessagePack (e.g. for shared library extension modules)
1376 | - msgpack read, write? I think user-defined function could be like this?
1377 | - SASH: Simple and Strict HTML? For easy processing
1378 | -->
1379 |
1380 | ## YSH Modules are Files
1381 |
1382 | A module is a **file** of source code, like `lib/myargs.ysh`. The `use`
1383 | builtin turns it into an `Obj` that can be invoked and inspected:
1384 |
1385 | use myargs.ysh
1386 |
1387 | myargs proc1 --flag val # module name becomes a prefix, via __invoke__
1388 | var alias = myargs.proc1 # module has attributes
1389 |
1390 | You can import specific names with the `--pick` flag:
1391 |
1392 | use myargs.ysh --pick p2 p3
1393 |
1394 | p2
1395 | p3
1396 |
1397 | - [Feature Index: Modules](ref/feature-index.html#Modules)
1398 |
1399 | ## The Runtime Shared by OSH and YSH
1400 |
1401 | Although we describe OSH and YSH as different languages, they use the **same**
1402 | interpreter under the hood.
1403 |
1404 | This interpreter has many `shopt` booleans to control behavior, like `shopt
1405 | --set parse_paren`. The group `shopt --set ysh:all` flips all booleans to make
1406 | `bin/osh` behave like `bin/ysh`.
1407 |
1408 | Understanding this common runtime, and its interface to the Unix kernel, will
1409 | help you understand **both** languages!
1410 |
1411 | ### Interpreter Data Model
1412 |
1413 | The [Interpreter State](interpreter-state.html) doc is under construction. It
1414 | will cover:
1415 |
1416 | - The **call stack** for OSH and YSH
1417 | - Each *stack frame* is a `{name -> cell}` mapping.
1418 | - Each cell has a **value**, with boolean flags
1419 | - OSH has types `Str BashArray BashAssoc`, and flags `readonly export
1420 | nameref`.
1421 | - YSH has types `Bool Int Float Str List Dict Obj ...`, and the `readonly`
1422 | flag.
1423 | - YSH **namespaces**
1424 | - Modules with `use`
1425 | - Builtin functions and commands
1426 | - ENV
1427 | - Shell **options**
1428 | - Boolean options with `shopt`: `parse_paren`, `simple_word_eval`, etc.
1429 | - String options with `shvar`: `IFS`, `PATH`
1430 | - **Registers** that store interpreter state
1431 | - `$?` and `_error`
1432 | - `$!` for the last PID
1433 | - `_this_dir`
1434 | - `_reply`
1435 |
1436 | ### Process Model (the kernel)
1437 |
1438 | The [Process Model](process-model.html) doc is **under construction**. It will cover:
1439 |
1440 | - Simple Commands, `exec`
1441 | - Pipelines. #[shell-the-good-parts](#blog-tag)
1442 | - `fork`, `forkwait`
1443 | - Command and process substitution
1444 | - Related:
1445 | - [Tracing execution in Oils](xtrace.html) (xtrace), which divides
1446 | process-based concurrency into **synchronous** and **async** constructs.
1447 | - [Three Comics For Understanding Unix
1448 | Shell](http://www.oilshell.org/blog/2020/04/comics.html) (blog)
1449 |
1450 | <!--
1451 | Process model additions: Capers, Headless shell
1452 |
1453 | some optimizations: See YSH starts fewer processes than other shells.
1454 | -->
1455 |
1456 | ### Advanced: Reflecting on the Interpreter
1457 |
1458 | You can reflect on the interpreter with APIs like `io->eval()` and
1459 | `vm.getFrame()`.
1460 |
1461 | - [Feature Index: Reflection](ref/feature-index.html#Reflection)
1462 |
1463 | This allows YSH to be a language for creating other languages. (Ruby, Tcl, and
1464 | Racket also have this flavor.)
1465 |
1466 | <!--
1467 |
1468 | TODO: Hay and Awk examples
1469 | -->
1470 |
1471 | ## Summary
1472 |
1473 | What have we described in this tour?
1474 |
1475 | YSH is a programming language that evolved from Unix shell. But you can
1476 | "forget" the bad parts of shell like `[ $x -lt $y ]`.
1477 |
1478 | <!--
1479 | Instead, we've shown you shell-like commands, Python-like expressions on typed
1480 | data, and Ruby-like command blocks.
1481 | -->
1482 |
1483 | Instead, focus on these central concepts:
1484 |
1485 | 1. Interleaved *word*, *command*, and *expression* languages.
1486 | 2. A standard library of *builtin commands*, as well as *builtin functions*
1487 | 3. Languages for *data*: J8 Notation, including JSON8 and TSV8
1488 | 4. A *runtime* shared by OSH and YSH
1489 |
1490 | ## Appendix
1491 |
1492 | ### Related Docs
1493 |
1494 | - [YSH vs. Shell Idioms](idioms.html) - YSH side-by-side with shell.
1495 | - [YSH Language Influences](language-influences.html) - In addition to shell,
1496 | Python, and JavaScript, YSH is influenced by Ruby, Perl, Awk, PHP, and more.
1497 | - [A Feel For YSH Syntax](syntax-feelings.html) - Some thoughts that may help
1498 | you remember the syntax.
1499 | - [YSH Language Warts](warts.html) documents syntax that may be surprising.
1500 |
1501 |
1502 | ### YSH Script Template
1503 |
1504 | YSH can be used to write simple "shell scripts" or longer programs. It has
1505 | *procs* and *modules* to help with the latter.
1506 |
1507 | A module is just a file, like this:
1508 |
1509 | ```
1510 | #!/usr/bin/env ysh
1511 | ### Deploy script
1512 |
1513 | use $_this_dir/lib/util.ysh --pick log
1514 |
1515 | const DEST = '/tmp/ysh-tour'
1516 |
1517 | proc my-sync(...files) {
1518 | ### Sync files and show which ones
1519 |
1520 | cp --verbose @files $DEST
1521 | }
1522 |
1523 | proc main {
1524 | mkdir -p $DEST
1525 |
1526 | touch {foo,bar}.py {build,test}.sh
1527 |
1528 | log "Copying source files"
1529 | my-sync *.py *.sh
1530 |
1531 | if test --dir /tmp/logs {
1532 | cd /tmp/logs
1533 |
1534 | log "Copying logs"
1535 | my-sync *.log
1536 | }
1537 | }
1538 |
1539 | if is-main { # The only top-level statement
1540 | main @ARGV
1541 | }
1542 | ```
1543 |
1544 | <!--
1545 | TODO:
1546 | - Also show flags parsing?
1547 | - Show longer examples where it isn't boilerplate
1548 | -->
1549 |
1550 | You wouldn't bother with the boilerplate for something this small. But this
1551 | example illustrates the basic idea: the top level often contains these words:
1552 | `use`, `const`, `proc`, and `func`.
1553 |
1554 |
1555 | <!--
1556 | TODO: not mentioning __provide__, since it should be optional in the most basic usage?
1557 | -->
1558 |
1559 | ### YSH Features Not Shown
1560 |
1561 | #### Advanced
1562 |
1563 | These shell features are part of YSH, but aren't shown above:
1564 |
1565 | - The `fork` and `forkwait` builtins, for concurrent execution and subshells.
1566 | - Process Substitution: `diff <(sort left.txt) <(sort right.txt)`
1567 |
1568 | #### Deprecated Shell Constructs
1569 |
1570 | The shared interpreter supports many shell constructs that are deprecated:
1571 |
1572 | - YSH code uses shell's `||` and `&&` in limited circumstances, since `errexit`
1573 | is on by default.
1574 | - Assignment builtins like `local` and `declare`. Use YSH keywords.
1575 | - Boolean expressions like `[[ x =~ $pat ]]`. Use YSH expressions.
1576 | - Shell arithmetic like `$(( x + 1 ))` and `(( y = x ))`. Use YSH expressions.
1577 | - The `until` loop can always be replaced with a `while` loop
1578 | - Most of what's in `${}` can be written in other ways. For example
1579 | `${s#/tmp}` could be `s => removePrefix('/tmp')` (TODO).
1580 |
1581 | #### Not Yet Implemented
1582 |
1583 | This document mentions a few constructs that aren't yet implemented. Here's a
1584 | summary:
1585 |
1586 | ```none
1587 | # Unimplemented syntax:
1588 |
1589 | echo ${x|html} # formatters
1590 |
1591 | echo ${x %.2f} # statically-parsed printf
1592 |
1593 | var x = "<p>$x</p>"html
1594 | echo "<p>$x</p>"html # tagged string
1595 |
1596 | var x = 15 Mi # units suffix
1597 | ```
1598 |
1599 | <!--
1600 | - To implement: Capers: stateless coprocesses
1601 | -->
1602 |