1 | ## our_shell: ysh
2 | ## oils_failures_allowed: 1
3 |
4 | #### Object() creates prototype chain
5 |
6 | func Rect_area(this) {
7 | return (this.x * this.y)
8 | }
9 |
10 | var Rect = Object(null, {area: Rect_area})
11 |
12 | var rect1 = Object(Rect, {x: 3, y: 4})
13 | var rect2 = Object(Rect, {x: 10, y: 20})
14 |
15 | # This could change to show the object?
16 | # pp test_ (rect)
17 |
18 | # TODO: This should be a bound function
19 | #pp asdl_ (rect)
20 | #pp (rect.area)
21 | #pp (rect->area)
22 |
23 | var area1 = rect1.area()
24 | var area2 = rect2.area()
25 |
26 | pp test_ ([rect1.x, rect1.y])
27 | echo "area1 = $area1"
28 |
29 | pp test_ ([rect2.x, rect2.y])
30 | echo "area2 = $area2"
31 |
32 | #pp test_ (rect1.nonexistent)
33 |
34 | ## STDOUT:
35 | (List) [3,4]
36 | area1 = 12
37 | (List) [10,20]
38 | area2 = 200
39 | ## END
40 |
41 | #### prototype()
42 |
43 | func Rect_area(this) {
44 | return (this.x * this.y)
45 | }
46 |
47 | var Rect = Object(null, {area: Rect_area})
48 |
49 | var obj = Object(Rect, {x: 3, y: 4})
50 |
51 | pp test_ (prototype(Rect))
52 | pp test_ (prototype(obj))
53 |
54 | ## STDOUT:
55 | (Null) null
56 | (Obj) ("area":<Func>)
57 | ## END
58 |
59 | #### propView()
60 |
61 | var obj = Object(null, {x: 3, y: 4})
62 | var props = propView(obj)
63 |
64 | pp test_ (props)
65 |
66 | # object can be mutated
67 | setvar props.x = 99
68 |
69 | pp test_ (props)
70 |
71 | var e = propView(null) # error
72 |
73 | ## status: 3
74 | ## STDOUT:
75 | (Dict) {"x":3,"y":4}
76 | (Dict) {"x":99,"y":4}
77 | ## END
78 |
79 | #### Mutating method lookup with ->
80 |
81 | func inc(self, n) {
82 | setvar self.i += n
83 | }
84 | var Counter_methods = Object(null, {'M/inc': inc})
85 |
86 | var c = Object(Counter_methods, {i: 5})
87 |
88 | echo $[c.i]
89 | call c->inc(3)
90 | echo $[c.i]
91 |
92 | ## STDOUT:
93 | 5
94 | 8
95 | ## END
96 |
97 | #### Mutating method must be up the prototype chain, not on the object
98 |
99 | func inc(self, n) {
100 | setvar self.i += n
101 | }
102 | var c = Object(null, {'M/inc': inc, i: 0})
103 |
104 | call c->inc(3)
105 |
106 | ## status: 3
107 | ## STDOUT:
108 | ## END
109 |
110 |
111 | #### Copy to Dict with dict(), and mutate
112 |
113 | var rect = Object(null, {x: 3, y: 4})
114 | var d = dict(rect)
115 |
116 | pp test_ (rect)
117 | pp test_ (d)
118 |
119 | setvar rect.x = 99
120 | setvar d.x = 100
121 |
122 | pp test_ (rect)
123 | pp test_ (d)
124 | ## STDOUT:
125 | (Obj) ("x":3,"y":4)
126 | (Dict) {"x":3,"y":4}
127 | (Obj) ("x":99,"y":4)
128 | (Dict) {"x":100,"y":4}
129 | ## END
130 |
131 | #### setvar obj.attr = and += and ...
132 |
133 | var rect = Object(null, {x: 3, y: 4})
134 | pp test_ (rect)
135 |
136 | setvar rect.y = 99
137 | pp test_ (rect)
138 |
139 | setvar rect.y += 3
140 | pp test_ (rect)
141 |
142 | setvar rect.x *= 5
143 | pp test_ (rect)
144 |
145 | ## STDOUT:
146 | (Obj) ("x":3,"y":4)
147 | (Obj) ("x":3,"y":99)
148 | (Obj) ("x":3,"y":102)
149 | (Obj) ("x":15,"y":102)
150 | ## END
151 |
152 | #### obj['attr'] not allowed (for now)
153 |
154 | var rect = Object(null, {x: 3, y: 4})
155 |
156 | pp test_ ([rect['x'], rect['y']])
157 |
158 | ## status: 3
159 | ## STDOUT:
160 | ## END
161 |
162 | #### setvar obj['attr'] = 3 ?
163 |
164 | var rect = Object(null, {x: 3, y: 4})
165 |
166 | setvar rect['x'] = 99
167 |
168 | pp test_ (rect)
169 |
170 | # The reason this is allowed is because setvar does EvalLhsExpr(), which
171 | # handles:
172 | #
173 | # - y_lhs.SubScript -> y_lvalue.Container
174 | # - y_lhs.Attribute -> y_lvalue.Container
175 | #
176 | # So that means obj['x'] is allowed too?
177 | # We could possible add y_lvalue.Container(is_subscript)
178 |
179 | ## status: 3
180 | ## STDOUT:
181 | ## END
182 |
183 | #### can't encode objects as JSON
184 |
185 | var Rect = Object(null, {})
186 |
187 | json write (Rect)
188 | echo 'nope'
189 |
190 | ## status: 1
191 | ## STDOUT:
192 | ## END
193 |
194 | #### Can all builtin methods with s.upper()
195 |
196 | var s = 'foo'
197 | var x = s.upper()
198 | var y = "--$[x.lower()]"
199 |
200 | pp test_ (x)
201 | pp test_ (y)
202 |
203 | ## STDOUT:
204 | (Str) "FOO"
205 | (Str) "--foo"
206 | ## END
207 |
208 | #### invokable Obj must be have prototype containing __invoke__ of value.Proc - type -t
209 |
210 | proc p (w; self) {
211 | pp test_ ([w, self])
212 | }
213 | p a ({x: 5, y: 6})
214 | echo
215 |
216 | var methods = Object(null, {__invoke__: p})
217 |
218 | var o1 = Object(methods, {})
219 | type -t o1
220 | echo
221 |
222 | # errors
223 |
224 | var o2 = Object(null, {})
225 | if ! type -t o2 {
226 | echo 'no prototype'
227 | }
228 |
229 | var o3 = Object(Object(null, {}), {})
230 | if ! type -t o3 {
231 | echo 'no __invoke__ method in prototype'
232 | }
233 |
234 | var bad_methods = Object(null, {__invoke__: 42})
235 | var o4 = Object(bad_methods, {})
236 | if ! type -t o4 {
237 | echo '__invoke__ of wrong type'
238 | }
239 |
240 | ## STDOUT:
241 | (List) ["a",{"x":5,"y":6}]
242 |
243 | invokable
244 |
245 | no prototype
246 | no __invoke__ method in prototype
247 | __invoke__ of wrong type
248 | ## END
249 |
250 | #### Object with longer prototype chain
251 |
252 | # prototypal inheritance pattern
253 | var superClassMethods = Object(null, {foo: 'zz'})
254 | var methods = Object(superClassMethods, {foo: 42, bar: [1,2]})
255 | var instance = Object(methods, {foo: 1, bar: 2, x: 3})
256 |
257 | pp test_ (instance)
258 | pp value (instance)
259 |
260 | ## STDOUT:
261 | (Obj) ("foo":1,"bar":2,"x":3) --> ("foo":42,"bar":[1,2]) --> ("foo":"zz")
262 | (Obj) (foo: 1, bar: 2, x: 3) --> (foo: 42, bar: [1, 2]) --> (foo: 'zz')
263 | ## END