1 | ---
2 | title: YSH and OSH Topics by Feature
3 | all_docs_url: ..
4 | default_highlighter: oils-sh
5 | preserve_anchor_case: yes
6 | ---
7 |
8 | YSH and OSH Topics by Feature
9 | ====
10 |
11 | <span class="in-progress">(in progress)</span>
12 |
13 | This page links to topics in the [Oils Reference](index.html). It's organized
14 | differently than the [YSH Table of Contents](toc-ysh.html) or [OSH Table of
15 | Contents](toc-osh.html).
16 |
17 | <div id="toc">
18 | </div>
19 |
20 | ## Errors
21 |
22 | - [try](chap-builtin-cmd.html#try)
23 | - `_error`
24 |
25 | Status:
26 |
27 | - `_pipeline_status`
28 | - `_process_sub_status`
29 |
30 | OSH:
31 |
32 | - `$?` - not idiomatic in YSH
33 |
34 | ## Environment Variables
35 |
36 | YSH:
37 |
38 | - `ENV`
39 | - `simple-command` - for `FOO=bar` bindings
40 | - TODO: should we have a `envFromDict()` function that goes with `env -i`?
41 |
42 | OSH:
43 |
44 | - `export`
45 |
46 | ## I/O
47 |
48 | YSH:
49 |
50 | - `write`
51 | - `echo` is a shortcut for `write`
52 | - `ysh-read` -- covers `read --all`
53 | - `redir`
54 | - the `io` Object
55 |
56 |
57 | ## Modules
58 |
59 | - use
60 | - `is-main`
61 | - provide
62 | - `__provide__`
63 | - A module becomes an `Obj` with `__invoke__`
64 |
65 | OSH:
66 |
67 | - `source`
68 | - `source-guard`
69 |
70 | ## Objects
71 |
72 | - `Obj`
73 | - `first() rest()`
74 | - operator `.`
75 | - operator `->`
76 |
77 | ## Closures
78 |
79 | - blocks
80 | - procs and funcs?
81 |
82 | ## Procs
83 |
84 | - `proc-def`
85 | - `__invoke__` and `Obj`
86 | - simple-command invokes procs
87 |
88 | ## Funcs
89 |
90 | - `func-def`
91 | - `__call__` and `Obj`
92 | - call expression
93 |
94 | ## Reflection
95 |
96 | - `io` object has `eval` etc.
97 | - the `vm` object
98 |
99 | ## Unicode
100 |
101 | - TODO: which functions respect Unicode?
102 |
103 | ## Interactive Shell
104 |
105 | - `renderPrompt()`
106 |
107 | OSH:
108 |
109 | - `complete`
110 | - Oils enhancements: `compexport` `compadjust`