1 | ## oils_failures_allowed: 2
2 |
3 | #### Type objects Bool, Int, Float, etc.
4 |
5 | pp test_ (Bool)
6 | pp test_ (Int)
7 | pp test_ (Float)
8 | pp test_ (Str)
9 |
10 | pp test_ (List)
11 | pp test_ (Dict)
12 | pp test_ (Obj)
13 | echo
14 |
15 | var b = Bool
16 |
17 | pp test_ (b is Bool)
18 |
19 | # Objects don't have equality, only identity
20 | #pp test_ (b === Bool)
21 |
22 | pp test_ (id(b) === id(Bool))
23 |
24 | ## STDOUT:
25 | (Obj) ("name":"Bool") --> ("__index__":<BuiltinFunc>)
26 | (Obj) ("name":"Int") --> ("__index__":<BuiltinFunc>)
27 | (Obj) ("name":"Float") --> ("__index__":<BuiltinFunc>)
28 | (Obj) ("name":"Str") --> ("__index__":<BuiltinFunc>)
29 | (Obj) ("name":"List") --> ("__index__":<BuiltinFunc>)
30 | (Obj) ("name":"Dict") --> ("__index__":<BuiltinFunc>)
31 | (Obj) ("name":"Obj") --> ("__index__":<BuiltinFunc>)
32 |
33 | (Bool) true
34 | (Bool) true
35 | ## END
36 |
37 | #### List[Int], Dict[Str, Int]
38 |
39 | pp test_ (List[Int])
40 | pp test_ (Dict[Str, Int])
41 |
42 | ## STDOUT:
43 | ## END
44 |
45 | #### runproc
46 | shopt --set parse_proc parse_at
47 |
48 | f() {
49 | write -- f "$@"
50 | }
51 | proc p {
52 | write -- p @ARGV
53 | }
54 | runproc f 1 2
55 | echo status=$?
56 |
57 | runproc p 3 4
58 | echo status=$?
59 |
60 | runproc invalid 5 6
61 | echo status=$?
62 |
63 | runproc
64 | echo status=$?
65 |
66 | ## STDOUT:
67 | f
68 | 1
69 | 2
70 | status=0
71 | p
72 | 3
73 | 4
74 | status=0
75 | status=1
76 | status=2
77 | ## END
78 |
79 |
80 | #### runproc typed args
81 | shopt --set parse_brace parse_proc
82 |
83 | proc p {
84 | echo 'hi from p'
85 | }
86 |
87 | # The block is ignored for now
88 | runproc p {
89 | echo myblock
90 | }
91 | echo
92 |
93 | proc ty (w; t; n; block) {
94 | echo 'ty'
95 | pp test_ (w)
96 | pp test_ (t)
97 | pp test_ (n)
98 | echo $[type(block)]
99 | }
100 |
101 | ty a (42; n=99; ^(echo ty))
102 | echo
103 |
104 | runproc ty a (42; n=99; ^(echo ty))
105 | echo
106 |
107 | runproc ty a (42; n=99) {
108 | echo 'ty gets literal'
109 | }
110 |
111 | # TODO: Command vs. Block vs. Literal Block should be unified
112 |
113 | ## STDOUT:
114 | hi from p
115 |
116 | ty
117 | (Str) "a"
118 | (Int) 42
119 | (Int) 99
120 | Command
121 |
122 | ty
123 | (Str) "a"
124 | (Int) 42
125 | (Int) 99
126 | Command
127 |
128 | ty
129 | (Str) "a"
130 | (Int) 42
131 | (Int) 99
132 | Command
133 | ## END
134 |
135 |
136 | #### pp asdl_
137 |
138 | shopt -s ysh:upgrade
139 |
140 | redir >out.txt {
141 | x=42
142 | setvar y = {foo: x}
143 |
144 | pp asdl_ (x)
145 | pp asdl_ (y)
146 |
147 | # TODO, this might be nice?
148 | # pp asdl_ (x, y)
149 | }
150 |
151 | # Two lines with value.Str
152 | grep -n -o value.Str out.txt
153 |
154 | # Dict should have an address
155 | #grep -n -o 'Dict 0x' out.txt
156 |
157 | #cat out.txt
158 |
159 | ## STDOUT:
160 | 1:value.Str
161 | 2:value.Str
162 | ## END
163 |
164 | #### pp asdl_ can handle an object cycle
165 |
166 | shopt -s ysh:upgrade
167 |
168 | var d = {}
169 | setvar d.cycle = d
170 |
171 | pp test_ (d) | fgrep -o '{"cycle":'
172 |
173 | pp asdl_ (d) | fgrep -o 'cycle ...'
174 |
175 | ## STDOUT:
176 | {"cycle":
177 | cycle ...
178 | ## END
179 |
180 |
181 | #### pp gc-stats_
182 |
183 | pp gc-stats_
184 |
185 | ## STDOUT:
186 | ## END
187 |
188 |
189 | #### pp cell_
190 | x=42
191 |
192 | pp cell_ x
193 | echo status=$?
194 |
195 | pp -- cell_ x
196 | echo status=$?
197 |
198 | pp cell_ nonexistent
199 | echo status=$?
200 | ## STDOUT:
201 | x = (Cell exported:F readonly:F nameref:F val:(value.Str s:42))
202 | status=0
203 | x = (Cell exported:F readonly:F nameref:F val:(value.Str s:42))
204 | status=0
205 | status=1
206 | ## END
207 |
208 | #### pp cell_ on indexed array with hole
209 | declare -a array
210 | array[3]=42
211 | pp cell_ array
212 | ## STDOUT:
213 | array = (Cell exported:F readonly:F nameref:F val:(value.BashArray strs:[_ _ _ 42]))
214 | ## END
215 |
216 |
217 | #### pp proc
218 | shopt --set ysh:upgrade
219 |
220 | # This has to be a separate file because sh_spec.py strips comments!
221 | . $REPO_ROOT/spec/testdata/doc-comments.sh
222 |
223 | pp proc
224 | echo ---
225 |
226 | # print one
227 | pp proc f
228 |
229 | ## STDOUT:
230 | proc_name doc_comment
231 | f "doc ' comment with \" quotes"
232 | g ""
233 | myproc "YSH-style proc"
234 | "true" "Special quoting rule"
235 | ---
236 | proc_name doc_comment
237 | f "doc ' comment with \" quotes"
238 | ## END
239 |
240 | #### pp (x) and pp [x] quote code
241 |
242 | pp (42)
243 |
244 | shopt --set ysh:upgrade
245 |
246 | pp [42] | sed 's/0x[a-f0-9]\+/[replaced]/'
247 |
248 | ## STDOUT:
249 |
250 | pp (42)
251 | ^
252 | [ stdin ]:1: (Int) 42
253 |
254 | pp [42] | sed 's/0x[a-f0-9]\+/[replaced]/'
255 | ^
256 | [ stdin ]:5: <Expr [replaced]>
257 | ## END
258 |
259 | #### pp test_ supports BashArray, BashAssoc
260 |
261 | declare -a array=(a b c)
262 | pp test_ (array)
263 |
264 | array[5]=z
265 | pp test_ (array)
266 |
267 | declare -A assoc=([k]=v [k2]=v2)
268 | pp test_ (assoc)
269 |
270 | # I think assoc arrays can never null / unset
271 |
272 | assoc['k3']=
273 | pp test_ (assoc)
274 |
275 | ## STDOUT:
276 | {"type":"BashArray","data":{"0":"a","1":"b","2":"c"}}
277 | {"type":"BashArray","data":{"0":"a","1":"b","2":"c","5":"z"}}
278 | {"type":"BashAssoc","data":{"k":"v","k2":"v2"}}
279 | {"type":"BashAssoc","data":{"k":"v","k2":"v2","k3":""}}
280 | ## END
281 |
282 | #### pp value (x) is like = keyword
283 |
284 | shopt --set ysh:upgrade
285 | source $LIB_YSH/list.ysh
286 |
287 | # It can be piped!
288 |
289 | pp value ('foo') | cat
290 |
291 | pp value ("isn't this sq") | cat
292 |
293 | pp value ('"dq $myvar"') | cat
294 |
295 | pp value (r'\ backslash \\') | cat
296 |
297 | pp value (u'one \t two \n') | cat
298 |
299 | # Without a terminal, default width is 80
300 | pp value (repeat([123], 40)) | cat
301 |
302 | ## STDOUT:
303 | (Str) 'foo'
304 | (Str) b'isn\'t this sq'
305 | (Str) '"dq $myvar"'
306 | (Str) b'\\ backslash \\\\'
307 | (Str) b'one \t two \n'
308 | (List)
309 | [
310 | 123, 123, 123, 123, 123, 123, 123, 123, 123, 123, 123, 123, 123, 123, 123,
311 | 123, 123, 123, 123, 123, 123, 123, 123, 123, 123, 123, 123, 123, 123, 123,
312 | 123, 123, 123, 123, 123, 123, 123, 123, 123, 123
313 | ]
314 | ## END
315 |