OILS / _devbuild / help / ysh-builtin-cmd View on Github | oilshell.org

32 lines, 29 significant
2 Builtin Commands <a class="group-link" href="chap-builtin-cmd.html">builtin-cmd</a>
5 [Memory] cmd/append Add elements to end of array
6 pp value proc test_
7 asdl_ cell_ X gc-stats_
8 [Handle Errors] error error 'failed' (status=2)
9 try Run with errexit, set _error
10 failed Test if _error.code !== 0
11 boolstatus Enforce 0 or 1 exit status
12 assert assert [42 === f(x)]
13 [Shell State] ysh-cd ysh-shopt compatible, and takes a block
14 shvar Temporary modify global settings
15 ctx Share and update a temporary "context"
16 push-registers Save registers like $?, PIPESTATUS
17 [Introspection] runproc Run a proc; use as main entry point
18 X extern Run an external command, with an ENV
19 X invoke Control which "invokables" are run
20 [Modules]
21 source-guard guard against duplicate 'source'
22 is-main false when sourcing a file
23 use create a module Obj from a source file
24 [I/O] ysh-read flags --all, -0
25 ysh-echo no -e -n with simple_echo
26 write Like echo, with --, --sep, --end
27 fork forkwait Replace & and (), and takes a block
28 fopen Open multiple streams, takes a block
29 [Hay Config] hay haynode For DSLs and config files
30 [Completion] compadjust compexport
31 [Data Formats] json read write
32 json8 read write