Guide to YSH Error Handling

There are just a few concepts to know:

Table of Contents
Handle command and expression errors with try
The failed builtin is a shortcut
Use a case statement if it's not just pass/fail
Error may have more attributes, like _error.message
The error builtin throws custom errors


Handle command and expression errors with try

Here's the most basic form:

try {
  ls /zz
if (_error.code !== 0) {
  echo "ls failed with $[_error.code]"
# => ls failed with error 2

The failed builtin is a shortcut

Instead of writing if (_error.code !== 0), you can write if failed:

if failed {
  echo "ls failed with $[_error.code]"

This saves you 7 punctuation characters: ( _ . !== )

Use a case statement if it's not just pass/fail

Sometimes it's nicer to use case rather than if:

try {
  grep '[0-9]+' foo.txt
case (_error.code) {
  (0)    { echo 'found' }
  (1)    { echo 'not found' }
  (else) { echo 'error invoking grep' }

Error may have more attributes, like _error.message

try {
  var x = fromJson('{')
if failed {
  echo "JSON failure: $[_error.message]"
# => JSON failure: expected string, got EOF

The error builtin throws custom errors

A non-zero exit code results in a simple shell-style error:

proc simple-failure {
  return 2

try {
echo "status is $[_error.code]"
# => status is 2

The error builtin is more informative:

proc better-failure {
  error 'Custom message' (code=99, foo='zz')

try {
echo "$[_error.code] $[_error.message] foo=$[]"
# => 99 Custom message foo=zz"


Generated on Thu, 03 Oct 2024 18:10:13 +0000